This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I research proposal will demonstrate a family of high efficiency and high power density actuators utilizing Parallel Magnetic Circuit (PMC) technology. This magnetic force control technology will be applicable to any electromagnetic device. Unlike "conventional" electro-magnetic motors and actuators, which use series magnetic circuits limited by the force of the most powerful single magnet element, PMC moves flux from multiple permanent magnets and field coils into a coherent and additive geometry, dramatically increasing both efficiency and power density. <br/><br/>The broader impact will be that in addition to being four to six times as efficient and producing a minimum of four times as much torque as an equivalent standard motor, PMC actuators also allow greater continuous torque, are lighter to comparable actuators, require no active liquid cooling, and are highly reliable with reduced maintenance costs. This actuator technology has the potential to have a significant impact in robotics, conventional vehicles, and hybrid-electric, or electric vehicles.