9861091<br/> This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will develop higher energy storage and lower cost electrode materials for rechargeable lithium ion batteries. Tin based oxide materials have exhibited very attractive reversible charge storage capacities but high irreversible capacities. A related new material is proposed that should significantly reduce the irreversible capacity and circumvent existing Japanese intellectual property barriers associated with the tin based oxide electrodes. Precursor chemistries and reactive conditions will be varied to produce new candidate electrode materials. The composition and microstructure of these materials will be determined. Test cells will be prepared and subjected to standard battery performance evaluations to determine the reversible and irreversible capacity and cyclability of the new electrode materials.<br/> This project will develop advanced electrode materials to increase the energy delivered by rechargeable lithium ion batteries. There is a very rapidly growing market for lithium ion batteries for consumer applications (wireless communications, laptop PC's, camcorders) as well as for electric and hybrid vehicle propulsion.