This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I program will develop a rapid cure, high strength epoxy adhesive that can be disbonded by application of low amperage direct current, is proposed. This adhesive will allow both the rapid assembly and disassembly of manufactured goods. Used as a replacement for conventional fasteners, nuts and bolts or welds, this adhesive will provide reduced machining costs and increased production rates. In addition, the disbonding feature of the epoxy will permit repair and refurbishment of these manufactured items and will allow the rapid end of life disassembly of the items greatly facilitating recycling procedures. The disbonding feature will also allow manufacturing errors to be corrected. Currently, the use of aluminum in automobile manufacturing is limited by the fact that aluminum cannot be easily stretched or bent to compensate for misjoining during welding or other fastening operations. The proposed research will involve the development of rapid cure chemistries for the electrically disbonding adhesives. Chemical and microstructural analyses will be used to gain insight into the disbonding mechanism and allow advancement of the technology. Formulations suitable for high volume manufacturing will be developed.<br/><br/>The commercial opportunities are wide ranging in manufacturing applications involving automotive, electronics