This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project is intended to investigate the feasibility of enhanced magneto-optic thin garnet films, capable of converting magnetic field intensity to optical data using Faraday polarization rotation, and fabrication of such films using a novel method of manufacturing all-dielectric metal oxides. This type of thin film is known as an "in-plane" film because the magnetization vector lies in the plane of the substrate and must be distinguished from the "out-of-plane" thick films that are used in large quantities in optical communications (e.g. for isolators and circulators), and in some electrical current sensors. With the projected film properties and proposed system design, it is estimated that magneto-optical imagers (MOIs) can resolve spatial magnetic features of less than 200 nm and magnetic field strengths of less than 100 nanotesla (which corresponds to electrical currents of less than 10 µA). The MOI films are also capable of frequency responses extending into the GHz range, making optical signal processing applications possible. <br/><br/>The broader impact/commercial potential of this project originates from potential applications in imaging systems which can image damaged magnetic data storage devices, tools for imaging electrical currents in semiconductor wafers, and magnetic current sensors for the electrical power industry, among others. Several applications of MOI films have been commercialized previously, but commercial efforts have been hampered by an uncertain supply of the films. Societal and educational benefits will include an additional tool for classroom instruction in electromagnetics, a new method for conducting research into high temperature superconductors, and the potential for devices which will make the nation's electrical grid and power infrastructure safer and more reliable.