This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will build and test a lithium cell that will be integrated with an all-solid-state modulator to produce an efficient, 13.5 nm, EUV source, for next generation, sub-70 nm, lithography. To date, a reliable, long-lived, lithium-based discharge cell has not been developed, despite the considerable advantages such a development would engender. These advantages are: (1) lithium will be four times as efficient as xenon; (2) increased efficiency will greatly alleviate waste heat removal; (3) a thin coating of liquid lithium will protect discharge electrodes and result in longer-lived electrodes and; (4) lithium heat pipes which can very effectively remove heat from the electrodes can be easily incorporated into the design. This project aims to complete a design of a lithium cell that will be fabricated and tested in Phase II.<br/><br/>EUV sources have a significant market in the semiconductor industry for next generation lithography with annual sales of $200 million, starting in CY 2006. The estimate is based on the market for excimer lasers used in current generation DUV lithography.