This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project develops sustainable materials for use in<br/>injection molding. The technical problem addressed is the development of novel biobased polymer nanocomposites that are suitable for injection molding. The research objective is to exploit a novel polymer nanostructure known as a stereocomplex to make superior materials suitable for high temperature applications. However, the material must be engineered so that it can still be molded using conventional manufacturing equipment. Carefully controlled experimentation, guided by quantitative calculations, is used to address the relevant technical issues. <br/><br/>The broader impact/commercial potential of this project has many aspects. The biorenewable nature of the materials reduces enhances sustainability. Fundamental scientific issues regarding the hierarchical structure of sterocomplex containing nanocomposites will be addressed and dissemination of results through the patent and open literature is expected. The expected impact is the development of a superior material that enables a greener, more sustainable, plastics products. Target markets include both commodity durable goods applications as well as specialty materials suitable for high temperature capable application such as steam sterilizable bone screws used in medical applications where their biodegradability is essential.