This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project proposes the development of an entirely new MEMS (Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems) pressure sensor architecture that is capable of providing a combination of sensitivity and dynamic range much beyond the state-of-the-art. The sensor structure is made small and light enough to be able to move under the influence of the pressure bombardment in a manner that can be recorded by phase sensitive electronics. The differential pressure is eliminated so that there is no net average force on the transducer membrane and hence no DC term in the output. A purely electrical measurement technique that exploits the change in the structure's capacitance as the membrane moves will be used. The proposed detection approach is a phase measurement technique; promising very high sensitivity and noise immunity. <br/><br/>The worldwide market for compact pressure sensors is in excess of $2.5B and extends from low-cost consumer products to high-end scientific and military systems. For all applications, low-cost, small-size, and especially low power dissipation are essential.