This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will address the feasibility of a next-generation machine designed for flexible fabrication in vacuum processes and other micromachining applications. It is a novel machine tool based on parallel platform robotics technology and is coupled with a standardized machine tool interface for existing integrated manufacturing applications. The positioning system will have full six-axis motion, plus a redundant seventh axis permitting operation as either the tool or workpiece holder for numerous advanced manufacturing applications. The technology is expected to benefit vacuum- and micropositioning-related industries by enabling affordable, precision components to be produced in small lots. Phase I objectives include specification of the positioning system, development of a fully articulated laboratory model in a 3-D solid modeling environment, preliminary integration of manufacturing software into the virtual machine environment, performance assessment, laboratory model demonstration, and engineering model design. A standardized, multi-faceted seven-axis positioning system, designed for vacuum use, will find numerous flexible manufacturing applications in electronic materials, metallurgy, optical coatings, thick-film coatings, instrumentation, tooling, forming, shaping, precision cutting, grinding, and drilling, as well as laser processing of advanced materials.