This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will develop an optical instrument that measures velocity distribution in a flame species by species---and on multiple scale sizes---with an accuracy of 1%. This novel velocimeter is nonintrusive and passive, relying completely on light emitted by the flame itself. The instrument will be developed with experts in commercial combustion chemical-vapor deposition, a process that inexpensively produces thin-film coatings for a variety of applications, including electronics, glass, anti-corrosives, superconductors, catalytics, polymers, and nanopowders. The velocimeter will monitor species mixing and velocity in the flame, facilitating "smart" deposition that can streamline real-time process control and increase the reliability of the coating process. The instrument will map the velocity of the flame as a whole. Phase 1 will prove the feasibility of species-specific, variable-scale-size velocimetry. Phase II will perform a proof-of-principle demonstration with a prototype instrument. <br/><br/>The principal commercial application is smart deposition that monitors real-time species-specific velocity distribution in a flame to maintain flame consistency and maximize deposition efficiency. Other potential applications include plasma-based manufacturing and plasma thruster control.