This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project focuses on the development of integrated, high performance thin film batteries for portable devices and stand-alone sensors. The rapid development of high performance Li-Mn-O integrated micro-batteries for sensors/communication devices/electronics devices will require significant advancements in charge/discharge rate capability, increased cycle life and low<br/>temperature integration capability. To address these issues, the fabrication of<br/>novel solid state micro-batteries based on embedded nanostructured cathodes of defective<br/>lithium manganospinels using non-equilibrium techniques is proposed. Low temperature fabrication of high performance Li-Mn-O embedded cathodes will be demonstrated while the final goal is an integrated battery based on such electrodes.<br/>.<br/>Companies are closely working with academic and industry leaders to develop powerful<br/>RFID solutions and sensor networks. This research will help demonstrate the potential<br/>for this new technology to enhance public safety, reduce the cost of doing business, and<br/>bring a host of other benefits to business and society.