This Small Business Innovative Research Phase I Project will produce a narrow linewidth, single frequency, tunable Yb laser having a TEMoo mode. Such a laser would be an extremely useful tool for a number of important applications, such as a pump source for optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) and fiber amplifiers. Our preliminary analysis indicates that the best way to meet the requirements for this laser is through a novel technique based on the spatial structure of the intra-cavity electromagnetic fields. This method allows for scalability and versatility, while still achieving excellent performance in a relatively simple and stable configuration. The proposed system should produce hundreds of mW of power in a single longitudinal mode, with a wide tuning range and excellent frequency stability in a narrow bandwidth. <br/><br/>The developed system will radically improve the characteristics of tunable lasers and will be an ideal source for high data transfer rate communication system between moving 'parties' for spectroscopy, parametric oscillators, clocks and others.