This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will provide low-cost atmospheric temperature measurements from the surface to the lower stratosphere with sufficient accuracy for climatological science. Feasibility will be determined by two factors: the magnitude of the potential accuracy improvements of the proposed innovation compared to existing operational radiosonde technologies and the expected cost of the proposed innovation relative to the cost entry point for potential markets. Existing meteorological radiosonde systems provide insufficient atmospheric temperature measurement accuracy for climatological studies. The proposed research will yield a detailed mechanical and electrical design of the proposed innovation. The accuracy of the design for atmospheric temperature measurements will be evaluated. The expected outcome of the proposed research is a new low-cost radiosonde design that will provide atmospheric temperature measurements of sufficient accuracy for climatology studies.<br/><br/>The proposed innovation is significant because its low-cost design enables upper-air temperature measurements with sufficient accuracy for climatological science objectives at costs suitable for in-situ observing system budgets. Measurements made by suspending the proposed radiosonde systems beneath meteorological weather balloons for twice-daily flights will, over time, build a climate record whose raw data will enable scientists to answer significant questions regarding global warming: in particular, why does the surface and lower atmosphere appear to be warming at a faster rate than the upper atmosphere; and why are there discrepancies between satellite and in-situ upper-atmospheric temperature measurements?