This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project proposes to evaluate the use of Brassica juncea as a low cost source of human therapeutic proteins. The proposed research would utilize a newly developed floral transformation method to introduce the gene encoding human alpha-interferon, together with a regulated plant promoter and an optimized translation initiation sequence for high level expression in Brassica juncea. Floral transformation produces large numbers (25%) of transgenic Brassica seedlings within 3 weeks. Transformed plants will be selected by herbicide resistance and expression of interferon after induction of the promoter measured by immunoblotting. The anticipated outcome of this project will be a well regulated, high level expression system for a rapidly growing, inexpensive, hydroponically cultivated crop plant as a source of therapeutically valuable proteins.<br/><br/>The commercial application of this project will be the low cost manufacture of human therapeutics using plant biotechnology.