This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I research proposal targets technical innovations that will advance the implementation of micro-scale bioassays, lab-on-a-chip applications, and electrospray mass spectrometry approaches to proteomics. It is proposed to design and fabricate miniature, stand-alone non-mechanical pumps with a diversity of shapes. Each micropump will have a footprint of less than 1 in2 and be capable of controlled, precise flow rates from nL/min to microL/min. The non-mechanical nature and operating principles that govern the ePump afford an unusual degree of freedom in pump design, extending to include a wide range of pump shapes and sizes. Delivering pulse-free flow, this new type of pump will be compatible with a broad range of assay solvents and solutions. The target is a miniature pump that can be implemented in a range of shapes that can be readily adapted to the constrained spaces within OEM assay systems. <br/><br/>Market opportunities for the proposed stand-alone pumps exist in research and commercial chromatography, microfluidics, proteomics, and sample introduction. Additional opportunities are represented for drug delivery and IV therapy. The unique miniature pumps will advance biotechnology on a number of fronts including lab-on-a-chip, micro-total analysis systems, and point-of-care devices. A direct impact on public health will be realized by increased portability and general accessibility of diagnostic and measurement systems.