This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project will demonstrate that a spectral imaging device with high spatial, spectral, and temporal resolution can be created by combining a charge-coupled device (CCD) array with an integrated array of volume holographic micro-mirrors. In POC's Spectral Imaging Micro-Mirror Array Sensor (SIMMAS) device, the micro-mirror array will filter the scene imaged onto the detector array, allowing the spectral characteristics of the scene to be determined after simple numerical post processing. Since the filter array is passive, the speed of the system will be limited only by the detector and post processing system, which will operate at video frame rates. The band-rejection nature of the device will result in high signal throughput, yielding a large signal-to-noise ratio and allowing its use low light levels. The specific innovations in the project are the creation of an integrated holographic micro-mirror array and the application of this array to spectral imaging. The SIMMAS device can be broadly applied to those commercial scenarios where compact and low-cost spectral imaging is advantageous. such as hand-held field inspection systems, robust industrial inspection systems. plasma engine diagnostic systems (for NASA applications), medical biosensors. and remote sensing (satellite) systems.