This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project will enable the manufacture of Sharklet patterns on metallic surfaces. A Sharklet pattern is an engineered micro-surface texture that mimics the texture of shark skin and inhibits bacterial biofilm growth without the use of anti-microbial agents. The Sharklet surface texture technology has been successfully produced in soft materials using photolithographic methods but its extension to metals-based applications has been inhibited by the absence of a suitable manufacturing process. This project will demonstrate feasibility of a micro-grooving process. The efficacy of the micro-grooving process will be proved by machining the Sharklet pattern in steel dies, thereby facilitating the transfer of the Sharklet pattern to metal surfaces for testing. <br/><br/>The commercial potential of this project is a significant reduction in hospital-borne infections, the 4th leading cause of death in United States. The estimated market size of such patterned metallic surfaces in the healthcare sector alone is $8.6 billion. Additional markets benefiting from this technology include energy, marine (exceeding $450 million/year), and space exploration. In addition, the presence of a micro-grooving process capability at the micron size scale will enable high-performance cooling solutions for defense and electronics industries that are experiencing a strong need for making smaller and more tightly spaced channels in their cooling devices to significantly enhance their thermal performance. Additionally, many micro-machining centers are machining 3D channels with 50-100 micron channel widths for micro-fluidics research. The ability to make channels and grooves below or near 1 micron in width will enable cutting-edge micro-fluidics researchers to explore additional fundamental fluidics phenomena at 3D micro-/nano-scales at a reduced cost footprint, compared to using conventional (2D geometry-limited) and expensive MEMS-based etching processes.