This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I research project aims to explore the technique of combining feature matching methods with hand gesture recognition technologies to reliably identify typing fingers. This is a novel, unique technical approach that can lead to more robust solutions for gesture recognition in many applications, such as improved human computer interface (HCI) for gaming or mobile computing. For example, it provides a natural and better way for interacting with computer games or some virtual applications by allowing users to grab objects or execute commands using various fingers. Furthermore, this could enable users to input text by 'typing on air'.<br/><br/>The broader impacts of this research lie in its potential to overcome the barrier of efficient and productive text entry on mobile devices. With mobile devices becoming more pervasive, it is important that Inputting text to small devices not be burden to the user. Efficient mobile input could translate into greater mobile application usage and new, differentiated offerings from OEMs and carriers that result in significant improvements in revenues. In summary, improved text entry capabilities will lead to a greater adoption of mobile computing in general.