This Small Business Innovation Research Phase I project aims to develop a revolutionary catalytic system for the production of Maleic Anhydride using shaped reticulated ceramic substrates. Butane oxidation to Maleic Anhydride is a fast, exothermic reaction. Conventional extrudate catalysts suffer from severe diffusional limitations and poor bed heat-transfer leading to low product yields. The major objective of Phase I research is to demonstrate the benefits of oxidation catalyst synthesized using this new substrate over conventional extrudate catalyst. Other objectives of the Phase I research include quantifying the transport properties of the new substrate over packed-beds. Catalysts for both conventional and novel systems will be synthesized and performance data obtained for a range of operating conditions. A combination of ultra-low pressure drop, high inter-phase transport rates and an extremely high effectiveness factor will allow this novel catalytic system to enhance catalyst activity and product selectivity over traditional packed-bed catalysts. This will<br/>lead to lower operating temperature and reduction in CO and CO2 formation.<br/><br/>Potential Commercial Applications: It is expected that this new class of catalyst substrate will also enhance performance of other gas-phase selective oxidation reactions to produce important intermediates such as<br/>Ethylene Oxide, Phthalic Anhydride and Acrylonitrile.<br/><br/>Key Words: Selective Oxidation, Reticulated Ceramic, Maleic Anhydride, Diffusional Limitations