This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase I project addresses the manufacturing of very-large-area flexible displays. It is critical to develop a low-cost manufacturing process that enables very-large-area flexible displays to be manufactured for the military as well as the consumer. Recent technical innovations in the area of very-large-area lithography and fluidic self-assembly offer a unique process for low-cost high-volume flexible display manufacturing. Anvik Corporation has developed a breakthrough lithography technology that enables high-throughput, cost-effective production of very large displays (20 to 120 inches diagonal) on flexible substrates, which may be either loaded as discrete sheets or fed continuously in a roll-to-roll configuration. Anvil's very-large-area lithography technology represents a significant breakthrough in display manufacturing. In this proposal, we present a program for developing a production-worthy lithography system for high-throughput, low-cost fabrication of flexible, high-resolution displays of sizes up to 60-inch diagonal.<br/><br/>This lithography process are that it is compatible with fluidic self-assembly manufacturing techniques will potentially result in higher performance and lower cost displays.