This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II research project will construct a detector with the capabilities of broadband imaging in the far infrared to terahertz band. The far infrared (FIR) to terahertz (THz) band of the electromagnetic spectrum has recently opened up with the proliferation of sources in this regime. However, the detector systems available on the market for this spectral region are currently expensive and inflexible. The research is centered on the study of a specific material that will convert the thermal imprint of incoming THz radiation into a visible, wavelength dependent signature that is analyzable by a detector and specialized software. A scanning system based on this detector combined with a tunable source will be designed for use as a security/inspection system. The research will incorporate this detector, capable of imaging a wide spectrum of FIR-THz radiation sources with sensitivities better than current technologies at a fraction of the cost, into a scanner system that can scan small parcels, bags and humans to identify hazardous materials or contraband.<br/><br/>As researchers and industries increasingly exploit this previously inaccessible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum, the need for a better imaging diagnostic tool becomes ever more important. A less-expensive, more sensitive imaging detector of FIR-THz sources is necessary before real-world applications, such as in medicine, become widespread. The realization of this particular application will impact the security and non-destructive testing markets.