This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop advanced carbon electrode materials for ultracapacitors. Presently, ultracapacitor voltages are limited to 2.3 - 2.7 V/cell. New carbonaceous electrode materials are expected to increase cell potential limits to >3.6 V. Given the quadratic dependence of energy density on cell potential, these materials will increase ultracapacitor energy storage by >100%. The increased cell potential will reduce device size and cost by reducing the number of cells required to attain a given voltage rating. Phase II will demonstrate that these materials can withstand extended charge/discharge cycling to high voltage. A scalable process will be developed to produce the new carbon electrode materials. Prototype ultracapacitors will be produced to support customer demonstrations.<br/><br/>The commercial potential of this project is for ultracapacitors that are used in portable electronic devices, power conditioning (UPS), and electromechanical actuators. Additional applications include hybrid electric and conventional vehicles to service intermittent high power loads (e.g. regenerative braking, engine start, electromechanical valves, and electric power steering).