This Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase II project involves the development of a catalyst to control NOx emissions from combined cycle power plants using natural gas fired turbines (natural gas fired power plants). During the Phase I effort, Guild Associates developed an environmental catalyst for the control of NOx emissions using NH3. Operating in the presence of excess (about 20-33%) NH3, the catalyst was able to achieve greater than 95% NOx reduction without NH3 slip. NH3 slip is avoided because the catalyst is able to simultaneously reduce the excess NH3 to N2 and H2O. The objective of this project is to modify the catalyst developed during the Phase I effort in order to enhance its commercial viability. Enhancing the commercial viability will involve increasing the reactivity of the catalyst and eliminating platinum metals from the formulation. Enhancing the reactivity will allow the catalyst to operate at higher space velocities. Eliminating platinum metals from the formulation will greatly reduce the cost of the catalyst. Successful completion of this effort will result in a simple, low cost technology for control of NOx emissions from natural gas fired power plants without NH3 slip.<br/><br/>Potential Commercial Applications include the control of NOx emissions from natural gas fired power plants. Other commercial applications include controlling NOx emissions from semiconductor manufacturing, fine and specialty chemical manufacturing and nitric acid manufacturing processes.