This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will use readily available plant protein and innovative, environmentally friendly processes to develop bio-based plastic prototypes such as packaging products. The resulting formulation and production processes for each prototype will meet the needs of large manufacturing companies and consumers who seek biobased and biodegradable products. The prototypes will be designed to meet production requirements, product characteristics and costs that compete with incumbent petroleum-based plastics. Phase II goals are to refine the formulations and processes from Phase I to produce acceptable prototypes for our potential customers, particularly in the packaging industry. The results of a defined formulation and process for each product will enable R&D Green Materials to develop, in Phase III, a scalable pilot process to produce the bio-based products and show that economic implementation can be achieved by our industrial partners.<br/><br/>The project will result in unique processes and technologies to produce biobased, biodegradable plastic products that are functionally equivalent to nonbiodegradable petroleum-based plastics. R&D Green Materials will develop environmentally friendly, cost-effective alternatives to plastic products through technologies that utilize plant-based materials that remain non-toxic from manufacture to disposal. The results will allow industrial partners the freedom to utilize bio-based plastic products without the current problems of high cost and inappropriate characteristics of the process and/or product. As use of the biobased plastics becomes widespread, the general environmental benefits and reduction of plastic pollution is likely to exert a positive effect on human health through reduced exposure to carcinogens and endocrine disruptors. Compared with synthetic polymers, the unique biobased polymers used in the Phase II prototypes can reduce environmental impact, minimize pollution, and conserve resources.