9413017 Serio This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) is to support continued research on development of a flue gas monitoring system for determination of the potential air contaminants in emissions of gases from combustion processes. The system is based on the application of principles derived from the use Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy in monitoring nitrogen, sulfur and chlorine in an on-line, diagnostic instrument that can be used for the determination of the composition of effluent gas streams. The proposal leading to this recommendation results from successful completion of a Phase I, Small Business Innovation Research project in which the technical feasibility of the concept proposed was demonstrated. In Phase II, the investigator plans on assembling a working field prototype and to validate its precision, accuracy and stability during operation in full-scale combustion systems as a step toward determination of the concept's commercial feasibility. Exhaust gases from combustion of fossil fuels and from combustion of solid wastes results in the production of byproduct gases that pollute air into which they are discharged. Results of this project are expected to determine the commercial feasibility of producing an instrument that could be used to monitor nitrogen and sulfur oxides and potentially toxic gases in the exhausts from combustion processes.