This Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Phase II project will employ a new phenomena, high pressure electrokinetic (HPEK) pumping, for the development of high specific force precision actuators. This research effort will demonstrate the utility of this new phenomena in both microscopic as well as acroscopic regimes, by combining HPEK pumps with slave devices such as micro-machined bellows and cm-scale diaphragms, to effectively translate the high pressure hydraulic flow into usable work. Specific applications are targeted for the development of HPEK prototype devices. As part of this effort, the key actuator components employed in such devices will be systematically tested in order to assess optimurn designs, with subsequent integration into complete kinematic manipulation systems.<br/> These electrokinetic-based liquid pumps open the door to an entirely new class of devices for numerous high specific force applications. Applications include micropositioning systems, robotics components, supercritical chemical separations systems, and drug delivery systems.