This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will complete the development of a prototype, cost effective high temperature pressure sensing device that can be integrated into diesel and turbine engines. Phase I results show that it is feasible to use the proposed novel metal alloy as a sensing element in a high temperature pressure transducer. However, further work needs to be performed to optimize the fabrication process of the sensing element, improve the design of the transducer, and to establish the manufacturing process for future production. The project will address five major aspects of developing a novel, high temperature pressure transducer and present a final packaged prototype at the end of the project. These are to develop the sensing element fabrication process, develop the manufacturing process for a 400 degrees C sensor, fabricate the sensor diaphragm, design and fabricate a substrate heater, and to package the sensing element. <br/><br/>The firm has already received significant interest from potential manufacturing and commercial partners in the diesel engine and aircraft turbine engine industries.