This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project, ITAL-2 (Interactive Tools for Active Learning) will develop comprehensive e-Learning solution for conventional academic Science, Mathematics, and Educational Technology (SMET) education and for corporate training. The project product, 'Active Learning Suites' (ALS), is a highly interactive online learning content delivery and management system. It includes an Active Shell, Simulations and Virtual Experiments interactive lessons, a Problem Solving Tutor, a scriptable Instructor's Agent, an Assessment system, Authoring tools, and more. ALS uses real-life objects and situations, such as those related to home, telecommunications and sports, as the context for science investigations. Immersion in these contexts that are populated with appropriate sets of objects enables learners to discover the connections between the scientific theory and its practical applications in technology. Authoring tools helps instructors to easily assemble a single e-learning environment from heterogeneous educational resources and the WWW. ALS can facilitate both problem-based learning and more conventional learning strategies. It can be used on a campus or in a school equipped with either stand-alone computers or a local network, at home (self-learning), in a corporate setting, or via distance learning over the Intranet and Internet. <br/><br/> Active Learning Suites (ALS) offer a wide variety of lessons that can be designed to address many different audiences: (1) two-year college students enrolled in science, technology and engineering programs; (2) non-science majors; (3) high school students taking science and technology courses; and (4) instructors and technicians of telecommunications companies. The approach of immersing students or technicians in practical problems has great potential for facilitating understanding of science.