This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop a seismic processing system that enables the delivery of leading-edge seismic services over the Internet and Intranets. Internet-based seismic processing (INSP) enables exploration companies to directly control their critical seismic imaging projects, without the need of purchasing and maintaining expensive hardware and software. INSP is a complete processing system that includes a client-based Java GUI, and server-based processing and database modules. The computationally intensive modules run on shared-memory parallel computers and Linux clusters. Phase I implemented the essential functionalities for a useful product, demonstrated concept feasibility, and laid the groundwork for the Phase II project. Phase II will add functionality to the product, and implement all security and data management aspects necessary for Internet deployment. <br/><br/>INSP ushers in a paradigm shift for the upstream oil and gas industry. Commercial potential is significant because INSP makes digital information and compute-intensive technology accessible to a large client base that wishes to outsource its non-core competencies to an application service provider, while maintaining control of projects. INSP greatly increases interaction between the client and contractor, thereby increasing the quality of the final seismic image, and reducing exploration and development cost.