This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project seeks to reduce the levels of styrene in commercial vinyl ester-styrene resin formulations and other polymers by replacing all or a portion of the high VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) toxic monomer with a biomass-derived material. Prior results have shown that the styrene content can be reduced from 45% to 35% or lower without increase in cost or the loss of polymer physical properties. Phase II work will entail commercial development with three customers, scale-up process engineering to commercial levels and expansion of the technology into the broader thermoset market. <br/><br/>The commercial application for this technology is in polymer and resin markets where styrene and other petroleum based, high VOC monomers are used. These are huge markets, and the products are used in hundreds of applications. Successful introduction of these replacements will reduce our dependence on imported oil, promote the use of domestic, crop-based resources, and reduce the use of high VOC pollutants.