This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop an economically competitive, novel, catalytic process for low temperature hydrocarbon partial oxidation. An innovative process for ethylene epoxidation will be developed as a commercially significant application. Most heterogeneous hydrocarbon partial oxidation reactions utilize engineered catalysts, which incorporate novel promoters to enhance selectivity. However, reactor heat management significantly impacts process energy efficiency, catalyst selectivity, and ultimately, process profitability. The Phase II project will develop an innovative process for hydrocarbon partial oxidation which addresses these issues. In Phase I, technical and economic viability of the novel process was demonstrated. The Phase II project will focus on the intrinsic reaction kinetics, heat transfer, and mass transport. A continuous ethylene epoxidation process will be demonstrated at the bench-scale and small pilot-scale in novel, three-phase reactors. In addition, an engineering process design and cost analysis will be developed.<br/><br/>The commercial application from this project will be the heterogeneous hydrocarbon partial oxidation, if successful would greatly increase raw material and energy efficiency as well as increase process profitability in the chemical and petrochemical industries.