94-23777 Zang This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project investigates a novel 2-Dimensional Spatial Light Modulator (2DSLM) utilizing a photochromic protein. Two-dimensional light modulators are key elements in many optical signal processing architectures. Phase I showed the feasibility of using bacteriorhodopson (BR) as a nonlinear Fabry-Perot modulator in a new 2DSLM. BR is an organic molecule that exhibits a large optical nonlinearity, can be inexpensively produced, and can be cast as a thin film polymer. Phase II will examine an asymetrical reflection-mode Fabry-Perot design, produce mutated BR with optimized properties, and construct an integrated device. Design specifications are expected greatly to exceed those of currently available spatial light modulators. Results of these studies will be used in design of a large-scale process to be demonstrated in Phase III under private sector support. Commercial applications of this BRSLM technolgy are expected in optical pattern recognition, e.g., fingerprint identification, in optical information processing, in neural networks, in incoherent/coherent image conversion, and in holographic interconnections.