The mission of this Small Business Innovation Research Phase II program is to commercialize the world's first scalable all-optical free space terabit/second interconnect technology. There is no other viable low latency, ultrahigh bandwidth all-optical interconnect technology that can scale up in the number of I/O ports at low additional cost in response to the ever increasing worldwide bandwidth demand. Indeed, a viable all-optical interconnect has been identified as the critical enabling technology for a true All-Optical Network. Within this Phase II project Reveo will develop hardware and software that will configure and manage Reveo's novel interconnect technology in order to provide a commercially successful, low cost, ultrahigh bandwidth interconnect system. In this project, Reveo will build a storage area network test bed, developing both the software drivers and the interconnect hardware controllers. This work will culminate in the testing and evaluation of an all-optical eight-port interconnect demonstrating the unprecedented elegance and simplicity of this technology (as few as 10 switching elements for an 8x8 interconnect, scaling as O(Nlog2N)). The required optical hardware for the 8x8 interconnect will be simultaneously fabricated as part of the parallel synergistic Phase II project, but assembled as a complete interconnect system herein.<br/> This revolutionary all optical interconnect technology will provide high speed, high bandwidth interconnects that find applications in both the circuit-switched and packet switched markets of all-optical telecommunications, optical computing and networking, and military and aerospace applications.