*** 9801248 Zamansky This Phase II SBIR project continues research on utilizing the Photo-catalytic Reactor-Filters (PRF) for effective VOC (volatile organic compounds) and PM (particulate material) removal from gas streams before discharging them to the atmosphere. An economic analysis and testing in a small catalytic reactor were performed in the Phase I study. Phase I confirmed that the PRF system is economically and technically feasible and can achieve high efficiency VOC control. The overall objective of the Phase II program is to develop information and know how to move the technology to the full scale demonstration, Phase III. The Phase II program will be conducted over a two year period and will culminate in development of a conceptual full scale design. The first year Phase II technical goal will be to design and construct a research prototype, prepare and characterize the catalysts, and start the test program. Two potential applications were selected for optimization: removal of VOC/PM emissions from pulp and paper and dry cleaning industries. The second year goal will be to complete the test program and engineering design and economic studies. Phase II will demonstrate that above 90% VOC control levels can be achieved with effective removal of fine particles in an environmentally safe manner for sigificantly lower cost when compared to commercial VOC control technologies. Potential applications of' the PRF system include chemical manufacturing, organic chemicals processes, semi-conductor manufacturing, petroleum refining, combustion systems, pulp and paper industry, dry cleaning, treatment of VOCs stripped from industrial waste waters, etc., all of which have off-gas streams that contain chlorinated or non-chlorinated VOCs. The process has the potential to be widely used for VOC and particulate removal from air and industrial gases. ***