This Small Business Innovation Research Phase II project will develop a portable automated biosensor for detection of proteins, viruses and/or pathogens in liquid and air samples. This technology is based on the integration of highly-specific immunodiagnostics with ultra-sensitive electrochemical sensors in a multiplexed microfluidic format that allows the measurement of up to three proteins, two viruses and two bacteria simultaneously . The biosensor is expected to have low detection limits (that is, of less than 0.5 ng/ml for proteins, 1000 PFU/ml for viruses and 700 CFU/ml for bacteria), with an overall assay time of less than 30 minutes. This system will be tested for detection of potential biological threat agents such as Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B (protein/toxin), Influenza (virus) and Bacillus anthracis (bacteria).<br/> The commercial application of this project will be in the areas of homeland security, clinical diagnostics, food quality control and general environmental monitoring.