This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will continue the development of an anti-counterfeiting solution for the brand security market, built around a series of covert, nanoscale taggants, called SERS nanotags. Three technical hurdles remain for the innovative tags to be accepted by customers: (1) ability for to develop cost-effective, commercial scale manufacture; (2) the demonstration of a handheld reader; and, (3) seamless integration into printed products. <br/><br/>Because of its mushrooming growth and profound economic impact, the FBI has called counterfeiting "the crime of the 21st century". Part of the problem is that current anticounterfeiting technologies offer extremely limited performance and are themselves easy to counterfeit. SERS nanotags embody all of the features of the, much needed, next generation of anti-counterfeiting technologies. Therefore, if successful, this technology will have an impact across many commercial and government sectors.