This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project aims to develop cost-effective and commercializable anode materials exhibiting large lithium storage capacity, high rate capability, and long cycle life for next generation lithium-ion batteries. Silicon-based anode materials hold great potential to meet the high energy density requirements for advanced lithium ion batteries. However, the intrinsic low electrical conductivity and huge volume change of silicon during lithium insertion and extraction lead to quick electrode failure, and thus hindering their practical applications. The proposed Si nanocomposites are expected to effectively prevent the crumbling of Si particles, maintain the integrity of the electron-conducting network, and allow the electrolyte solution to easily access the active sites. This phase II project will develop and optimize the nanocomposite compositions and related synthesis and processing procedure to accelerate industrial scale manufacturing of anode materials in the US.<br/><br/>The broader impact/commercial potential of this project is the development of a new anode technology capable of exploiting a dramatic improvement in lithium ion battery performance, which will speed the deployment of advanced lithium ion batteries for plug-in hybrid electric vehicles and all electric vehicles.