This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop giant-magnetoresistive (GMR) sensing devices that yield superior hysteresis performance over existing bridge sensors and GMR signal isolators and provide intrinsic self-biasing without using affixed magnets or power consuming coils. Phase I demonstrated that edge pinning techniques can be used to fabricate low hysteresis push-pull and shielded bridge sensors with designed bias points. Before the technology can be commercialized, Phase II research must: (1) develop hard edge resistor elements that minimize hysteresis and maximize signal; (2) optimize hard edge processing and implementation; (3) determine the viability of alternate pinning strategies; (4) develop specification, architecture, and physical designs for prototype sensor or isolator products; (5) fabricate target devices; and (6) characterize devices for magnetic and electrical responses. A fully developed magnetic field sensor and/or signal isolator is expected, one that is ready for commercialization.<br/><br/>Potential commercial applications are discrete low hysteresis bridge sensors and isolators, improved digital magnetic switches, and ultra-low field sensors employing integrated circuit (IC) based feedback amplifiers.