This Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase II project will develop and commercialize an ultra fast block data retrieval method for the company's patented chiral film-based optical data storage system. The technology will combine ultrahigh storage capacity with ultra fast retrieval speed. The current retrieval rates of CD-ROM, DVD-ROM and MO technology is inherently limited for applications such as image retrieval for medical diagnosis or target recognition. The company's block retrieval technique is a new method for solving the bottleneck of data retrieval. Using imaging and pattern recognition techniques, data is retrieved in 2D blocks. This retrieval method will result in orders-of-magnitude increases in throughput and increases in storage density.<br/><br/>Since the need for high density, high-speed storage is continuing to escalate, there will be a ready market from storage system vendors who supply products to the myriad of industries whose business depends upon volumes of storage and quick retrieval.