The present invention pertains generally to Positron Emission Tomography (PET), and more particularly to a unique, scalable, economical system for long half-life PET radioisotope production. This invention embodies a special form factor, or configuration per se of the system, which is modular, flexible, and upgradeable for rapid scalability, as well as a number of unique features to achieve extremely high-power acceptance in isotope production target stations.
Longer lived PET radioisotopes are widely recognized to play a growingly significant role in radioimmunoimaging protocols. Such protocols are needed for patient selection and assessment of response to immunotherapies, which are poised to become the backbone of all cancer treatment regimens. Such radioimmunoimaging protocols, also called “immuno-PET,” have eluded translation into clinical practice due to the mismatch in pharmacokinetics of routine PET isotopes such as fluorine-18 with immunotherapies, such as antibodies. Large-scale, economical, reliable production of the longer-lived PET radioisotopes zirconium-89, iodine-124, and copper-64 is a long-standing problem. For many years, various researchers at different laboratories have employed compact cyclotrons using solid phase targets in the quest to supply clinically significant quantities of these isotopes. Such small-scale production is not economically attractive. The high costs of these methods are reflected in the scarcity and high prices. These are widely recognized barriers for clinical translation of immuno-PET into the standard of care.
Centralized, economical, large-scale production is cited as a critical need by the National Cancer Institute in a review article by T. Nayak and M. W. Brechbiel (“Radioimmunoimaging with Longer-Lived Positron-Emitting Radionuclides: Potentials and Challenges,” Bioconj. Chem., 20(5): 825-841, May 20, 2009). In an authoritative review publication by sixteen radioisotope production experts for the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), the reason given for the limited support for such large-scale production by the radiopharmaceutical industry is its being viewed as technically not achievable (“Cyclotron Produced Radionuclides: Emerging Positron Emitters for Medical Applications: 64Cu and 124I,” IAEA Radioisotopes and Radiopharmaceuticals Report No. 1, March 2016). The IAEA report's authors call for the development of high-current, high-power acceptance targets. By accelerator physics convention, the term high-current refers to multi-milliampere beam current (A. W. Chao, et al. “Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering,” World Scientific, 2013). This convention applies to all references herein.
Commercial cyclotrons presently available for production of longer-lived isotopes push the limits of current, up to ˜1 mA, according to A. W. Chao, et al. (“Handbook of Accelerator Physics and Engineering,” World Scientific, 2013). The azimuthally varying field (AVF) cyclotron, with magnetic field on hills and valleys—the industrial “deep valley” design—is the present state-of-the-art for PET and single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) isotope production. The deep valley field provides the necessary strong focusing and small beam size.
The resonant family of particle accelerators is comprised of cyclotrons, linacs, and synchrotrons. As multi-pass accelerators, cyclotrons achieve their final energy by circulating the charged particle beam in isochronous orbits several hundred times through an accelerating gradient generated by a single radio-frequency (RF) cavity in resonance. Operationally, RF amplifier power faults are one of the most common failure modes for resonant accelerators. Having just one RF cavity for acceleration, cyclotrons cannot be made fault-tolerant.
Cyclotrons are limited to simultaneous irradiation of dual targets, a significant restriction on scalability. Cyclotron target power acceptance has a ceiling of ˜2 kW. Beam windows, typically titanium or gridded aluminum, deliver a multiply-scattered, Gaussian beam profile to the dual targets. The use of non-linear focusing, i.e., octupole magnetic fields, to “flat-top” the Gaussian beam is an intractable problem, as existing cyclotron facilities have been built in such a manner as to preclude proper placement of the octupoles. Irradiation of solid phase targets is performed by “rastering” the Gaussian beam-sweeping the beam back-and-forth and up-and-down the face of the target plate using active beamline elements (magnets). This limits the time the peak power density is incident of any portion of the target substrate material to minimize the potential for damage due to melting.
High-brightness H− ion source development solved many of the thermal, mechanical, and radio-activation problems associated with cyclotron dual beam extraction. Most compact cyclotron designs use an internal ion source, suited only for low to moderate beam currents-150 to 300 μA. Internal ion sources place many constraints on the design of a new cyclotron central region, making beam matching, bunching, and manipulation impossible. An internal ion source places a gas leak directly into the cyclotron, which is bad for negative ions such as H− and raises vacuum requirements.
An external ion source is required for multi-milliampere beam currents. These are incorporated into the higher-energy cyclotrons used for production of longer-lived isotopes referenced by A. W. Chao. External ion sources are used in the industry's flagship cyclotrons, e.g., the Advanced Cyclotron Systems, Inc. (ACSI) TR-30, making 90% of the thallium-201, iodine-123, gallium-67, and indium-111 supplied in North America, with its 1.2 mA rating, and the Ion Beam Applications (IBA), S. A., Cyclone 30 VHC cyclotron, also rated at 1.2 mA.
Recent data support the inference that cyclotrons are not a viable technology platform for true high-current targets as they have reached their technology limit at 3 mA. Study data compiled by R. A. Baartman of H− cyclotron design at TRIUMF using the ACSI TR30/CRM model determined that fundamental limits on beam current exist due to space charge effects, both transverse and longitudinal (“Intensity Limits in Compact H− Cyclotrons,” Proc. 14th Intl. Conf. on Cyclotrons and their Applications, Cape Town, South Africa, 2013). Space charge reduces vertical focusing, placing an upper limit on instantaneous current. Longitudinal space charge reduces acceptance as well as average current per the author. These limits cannot be economically overcome. The author's data and derived relation predict an upper limit on beam current extracted (Iextr) from the TR30 cyclotron of 3.3 mA for an injected current (Iinj) of 30 mA:
The current record of 3 mA is held by the TR30/CRM at TRIUMF. Due to the unavoidable losses of 20% of extractable beam current on each of the cyclotron's two target beamline collimators, multi-millampere target currents are not obtainable. The engineering solution is an uneconomical dramatic increase (>44%) in cyclotron size, driving a further need for more heavy concrete for the machine vault, and a corresponding increase in decommissioning costs. Even with external ion sources, cyclotron technology has fundamental limits on beam current due to space charge, which have hampered the development of high-current targets for large-scale iodine-124, copper-64, and zirconium-89 production.
The capability to accelerate H− ions at higher intensities, at low emittance, than is presently available will contribute to isotope production. For high beam currents in the range of 10-200 mA, a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) is one of the required accelerating structures. Linear accelerators (linacs), employing RFQs in their design, represent one of the main technologies for the acceleration of charged particles (atomic ions) from a source (ion source) to the desired final energy. A 14 MeV proton beam is optimal for production of zirconium-89, copper-64, and iodine-124 via their respective high-purity, proton-neutron exchange nuclear reactions:
The needs of the first two target materials are quite different from the third: yttrium-89 and nickel-64 are representative metallic target substrates, while the tellurium-124 enriched TeO2 is a low thermal conductivity oxide. Tellurium-124 enriched oxide is preferred over metallic tellurium-124 for iodine-124 manufacture. The former requires only thermo-chromatographic separation (“dry distillation”) of the iodide oxidation species, while the latter involves arduous wet chemical processing. Both metallic and low thermal conductivity target variants benefit from a constant proton fluence rate on the target plate. It is essential for the latter target variant to avoid thermal shocks and consequent losses of expensive enriched material (e.g., tellurium-124) during irradiations at high power acceptance. Thus, two high power target station variants are warranted for longer-lived PET isotope production, and a constant proton fluence rate is highly advantageous for low production costs.
A high-duty-factor linac is necessary to avoid the high peak currents associated with the Alvarez drift-tube linac (DTL). For a high-duty-factor-here 100%, or continuous-wave (CW)—linac, the cooling of the RFQs and downstream accelerating structures' copper cavities becomes an important engineering constraint. This reflects one of the disadvantages of normal conducting (or room temperature) copper-cavity linacs: the large radio frequency (RF) power required due to ohmic dissipation in the cavity walls. As a result, both RF power amplification and AC power for operations are major costs for a copper cavity CW ion linac.
New linac designs are evaluated for application of superconducting RF cavities for their advantages over normal conducting copper cavities. The use of superconducting niobium cavities allows for a reduction in RF surface resistance on the order of 105 when compared with room temperature copper. Therefore, application of superconducting RF cavities (SCRF) as linac accelerating structures is recognized as offering better performance and lower AC power and RF power costs. Some of this gain in reduced surface resistance is offset by the inefficiency of cryogenic refrigeration for liquid helium at 4 K or below with superconducting RF cavities of niobium. Another disadvantage is the significantly increased cost and complexity of a superconducting linac, with less advantage in lower RF power costs for low-β (0.1-0.2 in units of the velocity of light) applications.
U.S. Pat. No. 6,777,893, entitled “Radio Frequency Focused Interdigital Linear Accelerator,” to Swenson, introduced an RF focused interdigital linac, or “RFI” accelerating structure as the basis for a normal conducting copper cavity linac. This structure incorporates RF focusing into the drift tubes of an interdigital linac structure which is more compact and energy efficient. It has been used, also by Swenson, to extend the performance of a proton RFQ linac structure to 2.5 MeV for the Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) application. For the application of longer lived PET radioisotope production, it is useful to extend the performance of the RFQ to 14 MeV. The RFI linac is ten times more efficient than the RFQ in the 6-14 MeV energy range. Furthermore, it is desirable to scale the RF power amplification in modular fashion. Since the linac is a single-pass accelerator, fault-tolerance for reliability in operations may be engineered into a PET radioisotope system based on the CW ion linac.
Economical scalability requires the simultaneous delivery of high current proton beams to multiple high-power acceptance isotope production targets from a single particle accelerator. However, splitting a high current proton beam between multiple targets to deliver a constant proton fluence rate on the target plate while preserving parent beam parameters is an intractable problem. This requires negative ions for extraction of target current by charge-exchange reactions. Thus, a high-brightness H− ion source must undergo matching of the injected beam ellipse to the focusing system of the RFQ. The RFI linac structure of Swenson can accommodate acceleration and focusing of negative ions by shifting the phase of all fields by one half cycle. The subsequent beam splitting operation should preserve the parameters of the parent beam, including size, divergence, energy, energy spread, and phase spread. Y. Liu (“Laser Wire Beam Profile Monitor in the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Superconducting Linac,” Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. A612, 241-153, 2010) describes a laser-photo-detachment (“laser-wire”) method that has been put in practice at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory's Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) for beam diagnostics applications on the 1 GeV superconducting H− linac to parasitically monitor beam parameters. In units of the velocity of light, the SNS H− linac has β=0.875. A CW ion linac for long-lived PET radioisotope production of iodine-124 and zirconium-89 has β=0.1734 for 14 MeV protons.
Following this, beam manipulation by a non-linear focusing magnet in a lattice arrangement could reduce the peak power density for achieving higher power acceptances. This would result in “flat-topping” the Gaussian beam profile to deliver a constant proton fluence rate on the target plate. This delivers the so-called Waterbag beam profile. Beam uniformization to the Waterbag profile substantially reduces the peak power density, allowing much higher beam currents and higher power acceptance without risk of target damage by approaching any of the melting points of the target plate or deposited substrate undergoing irradiation, the latter often comprised of expensive enriched stable isotopes.
As a beam window between the incident proton beam and target plate results in a multiply-scattered, Gaussian beam profile, high-power acceptance targets must be present in a “windowless” configuration to use the Waterbag beam distribution. This configuration eliminates the typical grid-supported aluminum foil which provides both a vacuum boundary and a seal for chilled helium gas cooling on the face of the target plate common to solid phase cyclotron targets.
For high-power acceptance, target cooling systems must handle high incident heat fluxes, exceeding 1 kW/cm2, to achieve large-scale production capacity. This heat flux represents the practical limit of water cooling technology. The use of high-velocity water jets for cooling targets at 1 kW/cm2 is suited only for small targets. For the large metallic targets of the present invention, conditions will exceed the critical heat flux (CHF) limit for water cooling (500 W/cm2). Beyond this limit, heat flow is unstable, vapor blankets the heated surface of the back of the target plate, and temperatures jump to very large values. This heat flow regime is governed by film boiling and radiative transfer, called burnout.
The replacement of water as the coolant working fluid with a eutectic Ga—Sn alloy offers substantial heat transfer benefits with few drawbacks. Eutectic Ga—Sn alloy offers fifty times better thermal conductivity than water with linear heat removal all the way up to its boiling point of 1200° C. However, gallium is compatible with target materials such as stainless-steel, titanium, and elastomers, but corrodes aluminum. The target plate irradiation capsule, or “rabbit,” must be an aluminum exclusion zone. Above 300° C., desirable metals are limited to cobalt, chromium, titanium, tantalum, niobium, molybdenum, rhenium, and tungsten. With appropriate materials selection, the high-power acceptance target provides sufficient cooling margin to protect against reaching any target material melting points. Together, beam uniformization and cooling capacity margin of safety prevent unacceptable losses of the aforementioned enriched target materials.
The invention relates to various exemplary embodiments, including systems and apparatus for Positron Emission Tomography (PET) radioisotope production. These and other features and advantages of the invention are described below with reference to the accompanying drawings.
The following description is merely exemplary in nature and is not intended to limit the present disclosure, application, or uses. It should be understood that throughout the drawings, corresponding reference numerals indicate like or corresponding parts and features.
Before the present invention is described in further detail, it is to be understood that the invention is not limited to the particular embodiments described, and as such may, of course, vary. It is also to be understood that the terminology used herein is for the purpose of describing particular embodiments only, and is not intended to be limiting, since the scope of the present invention will be limited only by the appended claims.
A number of materials are identified as suitable for various aspects of the invention. These materials are to be treated as exemplary and are not intended to limit the scope of the claims. Although any methods and materials similar or equivalent to those described herein can also be used in the practice or testing of the present invention, a limited number of the exemplary methods and materials are described herein.
It must be noted that as used herein and in the appended claims, the singular forms “a,” “an,” and “the” include plural referents unless the context clearly dictates otherwise.
In general, the meaning of the various terms and abbreviations as used herein is as they are generally used and accepted in the art, unless otherwise specified. In order to aid in the understanding of the invention, specific meanings of several terms are provided.
As used herein, “large scale production” when applied to longer lived PET isotopes zirconium-89, iodine-124, and copper-64 means the provision of sufficient radioactivity to meet the demand of one million or more patient doses per annum.
The term “high current” as applied to beam current means a beam current of two milliamperes or greater. Similarly, the term “multi-milliampere” refers to currents of at least about two milliamperes. High power acceptance when applied to target stations requires managing the heat fluxes associated with high beam currents. The term “high power” is used to refer to power acceptance ranging from ten to many tens of kilowatts (kW).
Brightness applied to ion source output is a figure of merit defined as the number given by output beam current divided by the square of the beam emittance. Emittance means the two dimensional area in ion beam phase space that is enclosed by an equal intensity contour line enclosing 90% of the total beam current, βγ normalized. The term “high brightness” as applied to ion source output means a brightness figure of three or greater.
As used herein, the term “low emittance” refers to a normalized total emittance of about 1.0 π mm-mrad.
A “continuous-wave (CW) linac” refers to the continuous in time beam current pulse repetition rate for a 100% beam duty factor.
A beam having a “Waterbag beam profile” refers to a beam having a two-dimensional transverse beam profile with an rms uniformity of 5% or better.
Several types of beam transports are described and used herein. A “low-energy beam transport (LEBT)” permits high acceptance (95%) of the injected H− beam at an ion energy of a few tens of keV. A “medium-energy beam transport (MEBT)” refers to beam having an ion energy of about 1 MeV. A modular “high-energy beam transport (HEBT)” refers to a transport at the final ion energy of about 14 MeV.
The term “low thermal conductivity” refers to a thermal conductivity of less than about 3 W−m−1−K−1.
In general terms, the invention is a continuous wave ion linear accelerator PET radioisotope system that includes a high brightness H− ion source that produces a multi-miliampere beam of H− ions. A continuous wave radio frequency quadrupole structure accelerates the H− ion beam to about 1 MeV. One or more continuous wave radio frequency interdigital structures further accelerate the beam to about 14 MeV. A high energy beam transport system transforms the accelerated beam to a uniform transverse profile proton beam. The uniform proton beam is incident on one or more high power target stations that include a target capsule where the PET radioisotopes are produced. The radioisotopes are recovered in a target capsule transfer system. The invention also includes a method of producing PET radioisotopes.
The high energy beam transport system includes one or more photo-detachment beam splitters that transform at least a portion of the accelerated H− ion beam into a Gaussian profile proton beam. One or more non-linear focusing magnet lattices defocus the Gaussian profile proton beam.
The high power target station is windowless with axially symmetric cooling inlet and outlet connections. The cooling system working fluid is typically water or eutectic gallium tin alloy. The target station includes a face having a substrate upon which the proton beam is incident. When the target station includes a metallic target plate, the plate is oriented at a glancing angle of about 10 degrees relative to the proton beam. In several exemplary embodiments, when the target plate is copper, the substrate is yttrium; when the target plate is silver, the substrate is nickel.
As an alternative to the metallic target plate, the plate can be a low thermal conductivity plate, which would then be oriented at a glancing angle of about 35 degrees relative to the proton beam. In an exemplary embodiment, when the target plate is iridium, the substrate is tellurium oxide or copper selenide.
Examples of PET radioisotopes that can be produced by the system and method of the present invention include the following: Zirconium 89 (89Zr) when the target substrate is yttrium 89 (89Y); Iodine 124 (124I) when the target substrate is tellurium 124 enriched oxide (124TeO2); Bromine 76 (76Br) when the target substrate is selenium 76 enriched copper selenide (Cu276Se); and Copper 64 (64Cu) when the target substrate is nickel 64 (64Ni).
The present invention is a continuous-wave, fault-tolerant RF negative ion linac deployed in a scalable configuration with laser-photo-detachment beam splitter and non-linear focusing magnet arrangement with field strengths to provide for beam uniformization to the Waterbag beam profile. In this context, and as will be seen, in addition to utilitarian uniqueness which is expressed in this invention through the capability for economically advantageous scalability for large-scale production of PET radioisotopes previously envisioned as technically not achievable, by its high-energy CW ion linac and particle-beam-transport components which make up portions of the system of the invention, this special “nature” leads to a uniquely flexible, high-reliability configuration simultaneously accommodating multiple high-power acceptance target stations.
These characteristics provide the system with the ability to be: (a) rapidly and economically scalable for centralized supply of longer-lived PET radioisotopes for widespread availability to support translation of radio-immunoimaging protocols (“immuno-PET”) into the clinical standard of care; (b) highly reliable in CW ion linac operations due to modularity of design in RF power amplification which grants fault-tolerance, and allows faulty modules to be “hot-swappable,” further minimizing down-time; (c) capable of delivering high beam currents simultaneously to multiple target stations; (d) capable of uniformization of Gaussian beam to a Waterbag beam profile to maximize power acceptance; (e) capable of withstanding extreme thermal stress on target plates during irradiation; (f) able to minimize personnel exposure by highly reliable transfer of irradiated target plates to hot cells for radiochemical processing; and (g) adopted to the limitations of master/slave remote manipulators for isotope recovery in hot cells to meet As Low as Reasonably Achievable (ALARA) exposure guidelines for handling of radioactive materials. Some or all of these may be achieved through implementation of the present invention.
The radioisotope production components of the proposed system are arranged initially in a straight-linear fashion, progressing through the system from the low-energy end to the high-energy end. The components of the system of the invention include: (a) a DC volume-cusp ion injector source capable of high-brightness H− ion beams; (b) a low-energy beam transport (LEBT) permitting high acceptance (95%) of the injected H− beam; (c) a radio frequency quadrupole (RFQ) structure; (d) an RF coupler for medium-energy beam transport (MEBT); (e) a series of radio frequency interdigital (RFI) linac structures; (f) in an arc fashion, a modular high-energy beam transport (HEBT) incorporating a laser-photo-detachment (“laser-wire”) beam splitter and non-linear focusing magnet lattice; (g) a high-power acceptance, sandwich-type metallic target station; (h) a high-power acceptance, low thermal conductivity (e.g., oxides) target station; and (i) target capsule transfer components, terminating in the radioisotope processing hot cell with target capsule opening/closing device adapted for master/slave remote manipulation of the irradiated target plate.
To aid in appreciating certain technical background information, the contents of U.S. Pat. No. 6,777,893, which may be helpful in understanding the nature of the present invention, is hereby incorporated by reference into this disclosure.
The present invention utilizes an RFQ linac structure for high-current (10-200 mA) operations. RFQ structures have small ion beam diameters, and because the transverse focusing of the RFI linac structure is electric, similar to that of the RFQ structure, the RFI will have the same small diameter ion beam. Consequently, matching the ion beam from an RFQ into the RFI linac is straightforward. The RFI linac structure offers improved capabilities to capture and accelerate low-energy ion beams. With its improved beam quality and higher RF power efficiency for high-duty-cycle operations, such as continuous-wave (CW), the RFI linac can accelerate much higher currents than achievable with cyclotron technology.
The CW ion linac PET radioisotope system of the present invention provides acceleration to ion energies in the range of 10 MeV to 15 MeV of high-intensity CW negative ion beams, with beam currents on the order of 10 mA readily obtainable. By melding electric focusing-long recognized as the best method for focusing low-energy ion and proton beams—and acceleration of a high-current, CW, negative ion beam, this leads to an important advance in longer-lived PET radioisotope production. This performance advance enables the system of the present invention to provide the multi-milliampere proton beam currents for the irradiation of high-power acceptance targets that are essential for clinical translation of medical applications using longer-lived PET isotopes, such as immuno-PET with zirconium-89 and iodine-124.
The CW ion linac PET radioisotope system of the present invention combines a high-brightness negative ion (H−) ion source with the strong RF focusing of the RFQ linac and the efficient acceleration of the RFI linac to provide compact, commercially-viable, linear acceleration of a multi-milliampere CW H− beam at a relatively low cost.
The CW ion linac PET radioisotope system of the present invention includes modularity in the design of the CW ion linac and high-energy beam transport system (HEBT) for a highly reliable platform technology for medical isotope production. This design provides longer-lived PET radioisotopes requiring protons in the 0.1 to 0.2 times the velocity of light. With radioactive half-lives between 16 hours and 4.18 days, these longer-lived isotopes and their radiopharmaceuticals are suited to centralized production and distribution. The CW ion linac radioisotope system provides for high reliability in its operations by its modular, fault-tolerant RF power architecture, and its axially-symmetric target capsule, which eliminates the frequent failures associated with axial positioning systems in target capsule transfer.
The CW ion linac PET radioisotope system of the present invention may provide for the simultaneous irradiation of up to six high-power acceptance targets. This feature enables the scalability required for centralized supply of late-stage clinical trials involving large patient cohorts, as well as post-approval unit dose manufacturing for millions of PET scans annually. The modular HEBT system incorporates laser-photo-detachment beam splitters which preserve the parent H− beam parameters, and dipole bending magnets to separate the parent H− and proton beams for transport to the subsequent optical interaction cavity for the former, and a non-linear focusing magnet system for the latter.
The CW ion linac PET radioisotope system of the present invention may provide for the uniformization of the proton fluence rate incident on the target plate by incorporation of a non-linear magnet focusing system. The multiply-scattered, Gaussian beam profile undergoes “flat-topping” to the uniform Waterbag beam distribution for effective management of peak heat fluxes by the high-power acceptance target stations.
The CW ion linac PET radioisotope system of the present invention may also provide the high-power target station with the capability to manage extremely high heat fluxes (exceeding 1 kw/cm2). The use of eutectic Ga—Sn alloy as the cooling system working fluid for the high-power metallic target plate results in linear heat removal all the way up to its boiling point of 1200° C., permitting multi-milliampere target currents and power acceptance in excess of 50 kW. This is achieved while operating far from the melting points of the target metals.
The CW ion linac PET radioisotope system of the present invention may provide high-power acceptance for the low thermal conductivity target station, with no beam window (“windowless”) to result in a multiply-scattered, Gaussian, beam profile requiring “rastering” of the beam by x-y steering magnets. Rather, high-power acceptance in excess of 10 kW is achieved through the non-linear focusing magnet system's flat-topped (“Waterbag”) beam profile which mitigates peak heat fluxes for the low thermal conductivity (3 W−m−1−K−1) tellurium-124 enriched tellurium oxide. Tellurium oxide also possesses a relatively low melting point at 733° C., and the crystalline form used is brittle, cracking easily due to thermal stresses. Tellurium oxide is preferentially used for iodine-124 production due to the simplicity of thermo-chromatographic recovery.
The CW ion linac PET radioisotope system of the present invention may also provide axially-symmetric target capsules common to both the high-power metallic target and low thermal conductivity target. Axial symmetry (about beam axis 1B) of the coolant inlet and outlet channels obviates the need for an axial positioning system for such inlet and outlet. These axial positioning systems provide a frequent mode of failure in target capsule transfer systems.
The CW ion linac PET radioisotope system of the present invention includes targets that may be shielded in all directions. As is well known to those generally skilled in this art, it is important that an overall device like that which is disclosed herein be adequately shielded to prevent exposure to radiation with respect to people who work near and around such a system. In one implementation of the present invention, only the incoming beam pipe is a source of neutron leakage, so there is a substantial reduction in decommissioning costs and environmental impacts due to radio-activation of concrete and other nearby structural materials.
The CW ion linac PET radioisotope system is rapidly scalable, comprised of CW H− linac, high-energy beam transport (HEBT)—laser photo-detachment (aka “laser wire”) beam splitter, non-linear focusing magnets—for up to six targets. For incident heat flux of up to 1 kW/cm2 on the target plate, we use eutectic Ga—Sn alloy cooling with Ar gas overpressure (to prevent Ga oxidation). The extreme-power metallic target incorporates a unique high-power eight-sector collimator and elongated octagonal target plate into a titanium capsule (“rabbit”) for transfer to the target processing hot cell by pneumatic transfer system. The axially-symmetric rabbit needs no axial positioning, the most common failure mode of such systems. The target's large surface area, low critical angle, explosion welded yttrium cladding, and finned back offer the optimum combination for eutectic Ga—Sn alloy coolant. It is believed that this is the first system to successfully use the Waterbag beam profile-since our HEBT uses octupole/dodecapole magnets for “flat-topping” the Gaussian beam.
As will be seen from the description of the invention set forth below, the system of the present invention directly and effectively addresses various performance, scalability, economic, and reliability issues.
As will be seen, the present invention offers a long-lived PET radioisotope production system which is rapidly scalable, highly reliable by its fault-tolerant modular design, and provides for economical, widespread availability of these isotopes.
The characteristics of the system of the present invention are directed to (a) the invention's proposed unique continuous-wave (CW) negative ion linear accelerator with optimal 14 MeV final energy; (b) the invention's fault-tolerant accelerator design, lending high reliability to its operation; (c) the invention's capability to accelerate multi-milliampere total beam currents to such optimal final energy; (d) such invention's unique HEBT design capability for simultaneous delivery of proton beam to up to six target stations, while it also preserves all desirable parent beam parameters using laser photo-detachment as the beam splitter mechanism; (e) such invention's unique uniformization of the transverse proton beam profile incident on the target plates; (f) such invention's two target capsule designs provide for uniquely high power acceptance for both iodine-124 and for zirconium-89 radioisotope production; and (g) such invention's target capsules incorporate axial symmetry of cooling channels, obviating the need for an axial positioning system, and affording high reliability in post-irradiation capsule transfer from target station to hot cell for radioisotope processing.
The two radioisotopes which are most commonly used in immuno-positron emission tomography, or immuno-PET, are iodine-124 and zirconium-89, with half-lives of 4.18 days and 3.27 days, respectively. A widely-recognized, longstanding technological barrier has precluded their reliable, economical, widespread availability. The present invention for a CW ion linac PET radioisotope system provides for their highly scalable, reliable, and economical supply.
Various objects, advantages and novel features, and further scope of applicability of the CW ion linac PET radioisotope system will be set forth in part in the detailed description to follow, taken in conjunction with the accompanying drawings, and in part will become apparent to those skilled in the art upon examination of the following, or may be learned by practice of the invention. Other objects and advantages of the invention may be realized and attained by means of the instrumentalities and combinations particularly pointed out in the appended claims.
The CW ion linac PET radioisotope system comprises a high-brightness DC volume-cusp H− ion source as the injector for the LEBT, which focusing the H− beam for acceleration by the RFQ. The RFQ structure has been proven capable of accelerating up to 30 mA of beam current at high-duty-factor. An RF coupler, or MEBT, between the RFQ and RFI accelerating structures performs matching of the beam ellipses. The RFQ and RFI linac tanks receive their RF power for acceleration of ions from modular RF amplifier (RFA) power blocks, which are fault-tolerant: each RFA power block can deliver its full rated power with up to 10% failed modules. The number of RFA power blocks may be increased to provide power for acceleration of still higher beam currents. The system, though initially configured to accelerate 6 mA of H− beam, may be rapidly and economically scaled to accelerate 10 mA, or more, to the final energy of 14 MeV.
Modularity of design and fault-tolerance are highly-desired advantages in scaling production capacity to meet demand for production of medically urgent isotopes for cancer diagnosis and therapy. Scalability in isotope production capacity is further enabled by the modular nature of the HEBT portion of the system of the invention. Highly efficient beam splitting, while maintaining beam parameters that are key figures of merit for beam quality, i.e., size, divergence, energy, energy spread, and phase spread, is an important process which is incorporated in the HEBT design of the present invention. HEBT modules may be added to support up to six high-power target stations. Optimizing target yields for the long-lived PET radioisotopes identified as critical needs by the National Cancer Institute and IAEA is addressed in the present invention by the non-linear focusing magnet lattice and high-power target station portions of the system of the invention.
Turning attention now to the drawings, referencing first of all
Completing a description of what is shown in
Shown in
The full CW ion linac PET radioisotope system, as shown in
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where v is the vibrational quantum number. Whereas the first reaction peaks for energetic electrons (˜100 eV), the yield of H− in the second reaction of the process is maximized for lower energy, “cold,” electrons (˜1 eV). A bias voltage applied to the plasma lens 68 increases production of secondary electrons. This necessitates a magnetic filter to eliminate the energetic electrons from the “cold” region. In the extraction region, a permanent magnet filter in the extraction lens 69 removes any electrons from the beam before being brought to its final energy of 25-30 keV by the ground lens 70. The permanent magnet filter obviates the need for an electron trap in the LEBT 29 to prevent these electrons from being accelerated along with the H− ion beam by the RFQ 30. The beam waist 71 is created in the vicinity of the ground lens 70. The vacuum box 72 incorporates a small x-y steering magnet to ensure the beam ellipse is properly centered for acceptance by the LEBT 29.
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As an example it can be shown that this technique is effective for low energy (˜10-15 MeV) beams because the yield is inversely proportional to β, the particle velocity in units of the velocity of light. Here, we have β=0.17 for H− ions at 14 Mev. The detachment cross-section is 3.5×10−17 cm2 at 1.17 eV (1064 nm). In the H− rest frame, the relativistic shifted, or “Lorentz boosted,” laser photon energy is ECM=γEL [1−β cos(θL)], with β and γ the Lorentz parameters of the H− beam and θL is the laboratory angle of the laser beam relative to the H− beam. For a Gaussian laser beam with NL photons intercepting a Gaussian H− beam of current Ib at angle θL, the yield Y1, the number of neutral hydrogen atoms produced per laser-H− beam crossing, is given by the following approximation:
where σb and σL are the transverse rms sizes of the H− and laser beams normal to the plane of incidence, and σN(ECM) is the photo-detachment cross-section at photon energy ECM in the H− rest frame. For illustration, in one embodiment using a 10 mA, 14 MeV H− beam, NL=2.68×1017, θL=85°, βc=5×109 cm/s, σN (ECM)=3.5×10−17 cm2, σb=σL=0.2 cm. Yield is enhanced above the fractional yield F1 of a single crossing by reflecting the laser beam through the H− beam a number of times, N, to give the approximate fractional yield,
with Y1 at 1.5×108 H0 atoms per 10 ns CW mode-locked laser 39 pulse, ˜0.5 mA, for N=8 mirror reflections, the total H0 current is ˜5 mA, effectively splitting the beam. The neutral H0 beam maintains nearly identical parameters as the parent H− beam, including size, divergence, energy, energy spread, and phase spread.
The remaining electron is stripped by a long-lifetime hybrid boron-carbon (HBC) foil in foil holder 41 with an efficiency of nearly 100% given by the fractional yield as a function of H0 beam velocity in units of the speed of light, parametrized as follows:
a=0.479×10−18 cm2/β2
b=0.0085×10−18 cm2/β2
c=0.187×10−18 cm2/β2
d=foil density in atoms/g
t=foil thickness in μg/cm2
β=relativistic factor (0.17 at 14 MeV)
The remainder of the neutral beam (<100 W) is directed to a beam dump 42. As shown in
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Multiphysics simulations can predict how target plate 60 performs under real-world conditions. Here, finite element analysis (FEA) utilized a 3D mesh for high-power metallic target plate 60 with 1×106 nodes and 5.7×106 elements. Eutectic Ga—Sn coolant at 15 dm3 min−1 across the back of the target plate 60 as shown in
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Multiphysics simulations predict how target plate 63 performs under real-world conditions. Here, finite element analysis used a 3D mesh having 1×106 nodes and 5.6×106 elements for low thermal conductivity target plate 63. The back side of target plate 63 is cooled using 20 dm3 min−1 of water at 20° C. inlet temperature. The pressure drop through the target capsule under these conditions is 3.5 bar. With inlet water pressure at 10 bar, a pressure drop of 3.5 bar, the pressure of the water behind the target plate 63 is 6.5 bar. The boiling point of water at this pressure is 162° C. Multiphysics simulations with 14 MeV proton beam at 1 mA beam current yield a maximum water temperature of 157° C. The maximum tellurium oxide temperature is 410° C., much less than the 550° C. limit, where the vapor pressure of the tellurium oxide is only 5×10−4 mbar, ensuring enriched tellurium-124 losses are less than 0.1%. Cyclotron technology has not provided a low thermal conductivity target capable of more than 150 μA with dual beam. The CW ion linac PET radioisotope system can deliver up to 6 mA total beam current to six low thermal conductivity target stations, a 20-fold increase in power acceptance.
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While the invention has been described in conjunction with specific exemplary implementations, it is evident to those skilled in the art that many alternatives, modifications, and variations will be apparent in light of the foregoing description. Accordingly, the invention is intended to embrace all such alternatives, modifications, and variations that fall within the scope and spirit of the appended claims.
This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provisional Application No. 62/639,576, filed Mar. 7, 2018, the contents of which are incorporated by reference.
Number | Date | Country | |
62639576 | Mar 2018 | US |