Scanner with battery

Power is provided to a scanning device. Power supplied by an attached bus is used to power the scanning device when power requirements for the scanning device can be met by the power supplied by the attached bus. Power is drawn from a rechargeable battery to supply power to the scanning device when power requirements for the scanning device cannot be met by the power from the attached bus. When the scanning device is in a stand-by mode, the power from the attached bus is used to recharge the rechargeable battery.

Optical scanners with a Universal Serial Bus (USB) interface can be roughly classified into two categories; those that are completely powered from their USB interface (USB powered), and those that operate on power from an external power source. The major advantage of USB powered scanners is that of portability. USB powered scanners do not require external power and so can be used practically anywhere that a portable computer (which has a USB port) can be set up. Compact optical card scanners, for example, are typically USB powered as portability is an important feature since the card scanners are used in a wide variety of field applications where external power is not readily available.

As the power available from the USB is limited, card scanners that are USB powered usually incorporate small motors that supply limited torque, which results in lower performance in terms of scanning speed. The advance of imaging technology and storage has fuelled the need for higher performance card scanners which require more power to operate. One example is the duplex card scanner that is capable of scanning front and back sides of a card in a single pass. Another example is a card scanner that uses a high energy stepper motor to propel thick rigid cards through the scanning path.


FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of a conventional USB powered scanning device.

FIG. 2 shows a block diagram of an embodiment of a USB powered scanning device that operates on power drawn from a USB interface and from a rechargeable battery source in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.

FIG. 3 shows a block diagram of an embodiment of a USB powered scanning device incorporating a voltage step up unit, and that operates on power drawn from a USB interface and from a rechargeable battery source in accordance with an embodiment of the invention.


FIG. 1 shows a block diagram of a typical conventional scanning device 90. Scanning device 90, through a Universal Serial Bus (USB) cable 91 is connected to a USB host 92. For example, USB host 92 is a host computer or some other device capable of hosting USB. Scanning device 90 operates on electrical power drawn from USB host 92 and provided through USB cable 91.

Scanning device 90 includes a USB connector 100 that links scanning device 90 externally to USB host 92 through USB cable 91. USB connector 100 is linked via a data bus 110 to USB interface processing circuitry 200. USB interface processing circuitry 200 manages various aspects of the USB interface between scanning device 90 and USB host 92. Power for scanning device 90 is drawn through USB connector 100 via a bus 120 which supplies a 5 volt (V) source with a maximum allowable current of 500 milliamps (mA), as specified according to USB standards. USB interface processing circuitry 200 is connected via a power bus 210 and a data bus 220 to scanner and control processing circuitry 300. Scanner and control processing circuitry 300 controls the different components of scanning device 90, and includes circuits to drive a motor 400, ROM and SRAM control (not shown), memory buffer (not shown) an analog to digital converter (not shown), clock signals (not shown), and communication with an image sensor 500.

Image sensor 500 is used to scan media 95. For duplex scanners, image sensor 500 typically includes two image sensor units that allows for scanning both sides of media 95. In some implementations (such as the National Semiconductor LM9833 scanner control chip or the Service & Quality SQ113 chipset), USB interface processing circuitry 200 and much of the scanner and control processing circuitry 300 are tightly integrated and form a single processing unit on a single chip.

Scanner and control processing circuitry 300 delivers power to motor 400 via a bus 310. Scanner and control processing circuitry 300 also delivers power and control signals via a bus 320 to image sensor 500, and retrieves scanned data via bus 510. Image sensor 500 typically includes a contact image sensor unit, which is an array of image sensor devices with an illumination source and focusing lens housed in a compact enclosure. For duplex scanning devices, image sensor 500 typically contains two contact image sensor units.

In operation, the conventional scanning device shown in FIG. 1 draws power from USB cable 91 when scanning device 90 is plugged into a USB port of USB host 92. The power supplied to scanning device 90 by USB host 92 is a 5V voltage source with a maximum allowable current of 500 mA, which is equivalent to a maximum power of 2.5 watts (W). During a scan operation in a typical scanning device, USB interface processing circuitry 200 and scanner and control processing circuitry 300 consume approximately 1.2 W of power, and image sensor module 500 when including only a single image sensor unit consumes approximately 0.5 W. This leaves a remainder allowable power of 0.8 W to drive motor 400. In a duplex scanning device which has two image sensor units, each consuming 0.5 W, the remaining power available to drive motor 400 is further reduced, which results in a significant limitation in the torque output of motor 400. In a sheet-fed scanner, this limits the ability of motor 400 to propel an input media through scanning device 90. The input media moves through a scanning path only at a low speed, or it may easily jam in scanning device 90 due to insufficient motor torque.

FIG. 2 shows a block diagram of scanning device 90 shown in FIG. 1 after modification in accordance with an embodiment of the present invention. Scanning device 190 of FIG. 2 operates on power drawn from USB cable 91 and from a rechargeable battery 700. Battery 700 can be located, for example, within the main scanner housing or as an external attachment to scanning device 190.

As shown in FIG. 2, power is drawn from USB cable 91 via bus 120 which is connected through a low voltage diode 124 to a bus 128. Charging circuitry 600 draws power from bus 120. In one embodiment, charging circuitry 600 is a current limiting circuit which continuously charges battery 700, via an output bus 610. Output bus 610 is connected to a positive terminal 710 of battery 700. In another embodiment, charging circuitry 600 is a current limiting circuit that can be selectively enabled/disabled by a control signal on bus 330 from scanner and control circuitry 300. Charging circuit 600 is disabled whenever power consumption has to be restricted in order to maximize power to other components such as the motor 400, and/or image sensor 500. Positive terminal 710 of battery 700 is connected to a switch 800, which is controlled by an input signal from bus 120. The output of switch 800 is connected through a low voltage diode 810 to bus 128. The primary function of switch 800 is to electrically isolate terminal 710 from bus 128 whenever scanning device 190 is physically disconnected from USB host 92.

In operation, scanning device 190 is linked to USB host 92 through USB cable 91 attached to USB connector 100. Power is supplied from USB cable 91 as a 5V source to scanning device 190 at bus 120. An output 610 of charging circuitry 600 supplies power to positive terminal 710 of battery 700, and charges battery 700 to a maximum voltage of approximately 4.8V. Bus 120 is connected through diode 124 to bus 128. Bus 128 supplies power to USB interface processing circuitry 200. The voltage on bus 120 is ‘high’ (5V) and turns on switch 800 which electrically connects positive terminal 710 of battery 700 to bus 128 through diode 810. When scanning device 190 is physically disconnected from USB host 92, bus 120 goes ‘low’ (0V) and switch 800 turns off, disconnecting positive terminal 710 of battery 700 from bus 128.

When scanning device 190 is connected to USB host 92, power is available on bus 120, and scanning device 190 goes into a standby mode. In the standby mode, scanning device 190 is operational, communicating with USB host 92, and ready to scan an input document when the appropriate scan command is sent from USB host 92 to scanning device 190. In standby mode, motor 400 and image sensor 500 are both off, consuming minimal power. In standby mode, power is consumed primarily by charging circuitry 600 (approximately 0.5 W), USB interface processing circuitry 200 and scanner and control processing circuitry 300 (approximately 1.2 W). The total power consumed in standby mode is relatively low, about 1.7 W, which is less than the USB maximum allowable of 2.5 W. Thus, in standby mode, the voltage at bus 120 is constant at 5V, and diode 124 is forward biased (on); bus 128 is held at approximately 4.5V, and power for the scanning device 190 is fully supplied from USB cable 91 through bus 120. The relatively high voltage (4.5V) at bus 128 shuts off any current flow from battery 700 through diode 810.

When a scan command is sent from USB host 92, scanning device 190 enters into scan mode. In scan mode, motor 400 and the image sensor module 500 are both energized for the scan operation. Image sensor 500 typically consumes about 0.5 W of power for a single sided scanning device, and about 1.0 W for a duplex device. Motor 400 may consume from 0.3 W to 1.0 W or more of power. Thus, the total power consumed by scanning device 190 in scan mode may exceed the maximum of 2.5 W available from USB cable 91. Scanning devices which use high torque motors and/or multiple image sensors for duplex scanning consume higher power in excess of 2.5 W.

When scanning device 190 is in scan mode, and the power consumption of scanning device 190 exceeds the 2.5 W limit available from USB cable 91, the voltage decreases from 5V at bus 120 and hence also at bus 128. This causes diode 810 to become forward biased and to turn on, which allows current to flow from battery 700 to supply power to bus 128. This power flow from battery 700 will maintain the voltage of bus 128 at approximately 4.2 V-4.5V. Battery 700 thus supplies power to scanning device 190 when power consumption exceeds the maximum 2.5 W allowable limit of the USB interface. In one embodiment, charging circuitry 600 continuously charges battery 700 to the maximum level of approximately 4.8V whenever scanning device 190 is connected to USB host 92. In another embodiment, charging circuitry 600 is selectively enabled (via a signal on bus 330) to charge battery 700 only when scanning device 190 is in standby mode; charging circuitry 600 is disabled when scanning device 190 is in scan mode.

In an alternate embodiment of the invention, scanning device 190 is modified to produce a scanning device 290, shown in FIG. 3. Scanning device 290 interfaces to USB host 92 through USB cable 91. Scanning device 290 operates on power drawn either from an external 12V power supply, or from USB cable 91 and a rechargeable battery 707. Scanning device 290 includes a voltage step up unit 900. The higher operating voltage of scanning device 290 allows scanning device 290 to incorporate the use of a more efficient and higher torque motor 400, and also use a higher voltage (7V) for rechargeable battery 707.

As shown by FIG. 3, the input to voltage step up unit 900 is the power source with the highest voltage at bus 128. In operation, when an external 12V power source is plugged in at an input jack 150, bus 128 is driven high to approximately 11.5V. This causes diodes 124 and 810 to be reversed biased, and effectively shuts out input power to bus 128 from USB cable 91, and from the battery 707. In this case, scanning device 290 operates on power drawn exclusively from the 12V external source connected at input jack 150.

When an external 12V power source is not available, scanning device 290 operates on power drawn from USB cable 91 and from battery 707. Voltage step up unit 900 draws from a 4.5V to 12V variable input voltage on bus 128 and steps up the voltage to a fixed 12V output to diode 910. Charging circuitry 607 is a current limiting circuit that supplies current to charge battery 707 to a maximum voltage of approximately 7V at a positive terminal 717. Charging circuitry 607 is selectively enabled by means of a control signal on bus 330 from the scanner and control circuitry 300. Battery 707 is connected to switch 800. Switch 800 is controlled by an input control signal on bus 340 from scanner control circuitry 300. In one embodiment, switch 800 is enabled only when motor 400 or the image sensor 500, or both are turned on. Otherwise, switch 800 is disabled.

In operation, when scanning device 290 is plugged into USB host 92, scanning device 290 is energized by 5V power from USB cable 91 on bus 120. This 5V input voltage is increased to 12V at voltage step up unit 900, and supplies power to the rest of scanning device 290 through bus 920. When scanning device 290 is in standby mode, scanner and control circuitry 300 turns off switch 800 (via control signal 340), and scanning device 290 runs entirely on power supplied by USB cable 91. In this standby mode, charging circuitry 607 is enabled and battery 707 is charged to the maximum preset voltage of 7V. The preset voltage is a design choice and depends on the number of battery cells used in battery 707, and the output voltage of voltage step up unit 900.

When USB host 92 sends a signal to scanning device 290 to scan a document, scanning device 290 transitions from standby mode to scan mode. First, scanner and control circuitry 300 turns off charging circuitry 607 via the control signal on bus 330 and turns on switch 800 to enable battery 707 to provide power to scanning device 290. Next, motor 400 and image sensor 500 are energized, and scanning device 290 scans an input document placed on scanning device 290. After the scan operation is completed, motor 400 and image sensor 500 are turned off. Then switch 800 is turned off to disconnect the battery power from scanning device 290, and charging circuitry 607 is enabled. In this way scanning device 290 returns to standby mode.

The foregoing discussion discloses and describes merely exemplary methods and embodiments. As will be understood by those familiar with the art, the disclosed subject matter may be embodied in other specific forms without departing from the spirit or characteristics thereof. Accordingly, the present disclosure is intended to be illustrative, but not limiting, of the scope of the invention, which is set forth in the following claims.

  • 1. A scanning device, comprising: a bus interface for connection to a bus, the bus providing a power source for the scanning device;a motor used for moving media with respect to the scanning device;an image sensor used to scan the media;a rechargeable battery; anda charging circuitry;wherein the charging circuitry draws power from the bus and charges the rechargeable battery, the rechargeable battery supplying power to the motor and the image sensor whenever the scanning device requires power which exceeds a maximum power provided by the bus.
  • 2. A scanning device as in claim 1 wherein the bus is a Universal Serial Bus (USB).
  • 3. A scanning device as claim 1, additionally comprising: an input for an external power source, the input allowing the external power source to supply power for operation of the motor and the image sensor.
  • 4. A scanning device as claim 1, additionally comprising: a switch coupled to the rechargeable battery, the switch electrically isolating the rechargeable battery whenever the bus interface is not connected to the bus.
  • 5. A scanning device as claim 1, additionally comprising: a switch coupled to the rechargeable battery, the switch electrically isolating the rechargeable battery whenever the scanning device consumes less power than is available from the bus.
  • 6. A scanning device as claim 1, additionally comprising: a switch coupled to the rechargeable battery, the switch electrically isolating the rechargeable battery whenever the motor is not energized.
  • 7. A scanning device as claim 1, additionally comprising: a switch coupled to the rechargeable battery, the switch electrically isolating the rechargeable battery whenever the image sensor is not energized.
  • 8. A scanning device as claim 1, wherein the charging circuitry is enabled when the motor is not energized, and disabled when the motor is energized.
  • 9. A scanning device as in claim 1 additionally comprising: a step up voltage unit that increases signal voltage before a signal is applied to at least one of the motor and the image sensor.
  • 10. A scanning device as in claim 1 wherein the image sensor is capable of scanning both sides of the media.
  • 11. A method for providing power to a scanning device, the method comprising: using power supplied by an attached bus to power the scanning device when power requirements for the scanning device can be met by the power supplied by the attached bus;drawing power from a rechargeable battery to supply power to the scanning device when power requirements for the scanning device cannot be met by the power from the attached bus; and,using the power from the attached bus to recharge the rechargeable battery.
  • 12. A method as in claim 11, wherein the bus is a Universal Serial Bus (USB).
  • 13. A method as in claim 11, additionally comprising: using power from an additional external power source to operate the scanning device.
  • 14. A method as in claim 11 additionally comprising: stepping up voltage of a power signal received from the attached bus; and,stepping up voltage of a power signal received from the rechargeable battery.
  • 15. A scanning device, comprising: a rechargeable battery;means for receiving a power signal from a bus;means for scanning an image from media;means for selecting the power signal from the bus to provide power to the scanning device when the power requirements for the scanning device can be met by the power signal from the bus;means for selecting the rechargeable battery to provide power to the scanning device when the power requirements for the scanning device cannot be met by the power signal from the bus; and,means for recharging the battery from the power signal from the bus.
  • 16. A scanning device as in claim 15 wherein the bus is a Universal Serial Bus (USB).
  • 17. A scanning device as claim 15, additionally comprising: means for allowing an additional external power source to supply power for operation of the scanning device.
  • 18. A scanning device as in claim 15 additionally comprising: means for stepping up signal voltage within the scanning device.
  • 19. A scanning device as in claim 15 wherein the means for scanning includes means for scanning both sides of the media.