Alber, "The Creation Of Text and Graphic Displays," Videotext/Teletext: Principals and Practices, 1985, pp. 193-231. |
Armbruster, "Systems For Information Retrieval Over Videoband Network", undated (1983 or later), 6 pp. |
Ball, et al., "Encoded Captioning of Television for the Deaf", presented at the International Television Symposium-Montreaux, Switzerland, May 24, 1973. |
Bennion et al., "Interactive Videodisc Systems for Education," Journal of the SMPTE, vol. 84, No. 12, Dec. 1975, pp. 949-953. |
Carne, "The wired household: Teletext services pave the way for a variety of useful monitoring and control features in the home," IEEE Spectrum, Oct. 1979, pp. 61-66. |
Ciciora, "Teletext Systems: Considering the Prospective User," SMPTE Journal, vol. 89, No. 11, Nov. 1980, pp. 846-849. |
Clifford, et al., "Microprocessor Based, Software Defined Television Controller", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. CE-24, No. 3, Aug. 1978, pp. 436-442. |
Crowther, et al., "Adaptation of U.K. Teletext System for 525/60 Operation", IEEE Transactions of Consumer Electronics, vol. CE-26, Aug. 1980, pp. 587-599. |
Edwardson, et al., "CEEFAX: A Proposed New Broadcasting Service", Journal of the SMPTE, vol. 83, Jan. 1974, pp. 14-19. |
Fretts, "VLSI Video Sub-System For Consumer Videotex And Teletext Applications", NORPAK Corporation, undated, 11 pp. |
Gosch, "Code Accompanying TV Program Turns on Video Cassette Recorder in Proposed Scheme", Electronics, Feb. 10, 1981, pp. 80, 82. |
Goyal, et al., "Reception of Teletext Under Multipath Conditions", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. CE-25, No. 3, Jul. 1979, pp. 378-391. |
Hofmann, et al., "Videotext Programmiert Videorecorder," Rundfunktech Mitteilugen, vol. 26, No. 6, Nov.-Dec. 1982, pp. 254-257 (with translation). |
Hutt, "A System of Data Transmission in the Field Blanking Period of the Television Signal," IBA Technical Review, Jun. 1973, pp. 37-44. |
Ishigaki, et al., "Television Design Aspects for Better Teletext Reception", IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. CE-25, Aug. 1980, pp. 622-628. |
Jackson, "Services and Architecture for Network Information Systems", Data Communications and Computer Networks, 1981, pp. 17-30. |
James, "ORACLE-Broadcasting the Written Word", Wireless World, Jul. 1973, pp. 314-316. |
King, "A Novel Television Add-On Data Communication System", Journal of the SMPTE, vol. 83, Jan. 1974, p. 10. |
Kokado, et al., "A Programmable TV Receiver," IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, vol. 22, No. 1, Feb. 1976, pp. 70-83. |
Magara, et al., "Advanced Video Response System-Phase III", Japan Telecommunications Review, Jul. 1981, pp. 243-249. |
McKenzie, "ORACLE-An Information Broadcasting Service Using Data Transmission in the Vertical Interval", Journal of the SMPTE, vol. 83, No. 1, Jan. 1974, pp. 6-9. |
Money, Teletext and Viewdata, (Butterworth & Co. Ltd.), 1979, pp. 1-3, 54-55, 130-131. |
Neal, et al., "A Frequency-Domain Interpretation of Echoes and Their Effect on Teletext Data Reception", IEEE Transactions of Consumer Electronics, vol. CE-25, No. 3, Jul. 1979, pp. 362-377. |
Roizen, "Teletext in the USA", SMPTE Journal, vol. 90, No. 7, Jul. 1981, pp. 602-610. |
Russell, "Teletext remote control-2: Interfacing the remote control receiver with the original decoder", Wireless World, vol. 85; No. 1521, May 1979, pp. 83-86. |
Sigel, et al., The Future of Videotext, Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc., White Plains, NY, 1983, Figures 6.2 and 6.3, pp. 28-29, 120-121. |
Tydeman, et al., Teletext and Videotex in the United States, McGraw--Hill, 1982, pp. 4, 67, 144-145. |
Veith, Television's Teletext, Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Inc., 1983, pp. 3-6, 9, 12, 17, 19, 32, 43-44, 46, 47, 136, 137, 139. |
Woolfe, Videotex, The New Television/Telephone Information Services, Heydon & Son, Ltd., 1980, pp. v-viii, 24, 42, 101, 131, 159. |
"Control Arrangement and Method for Video Tape Recorder", Research Disclosure, No. 243, Jul. 1984, 7 pp. |
"Western Show '81", Cablevision, Dec. 14, 1981, p. 39. |
"Oracle-Broadcasting the Written Word," IBA Technical Review, Jun. 1973, pp. 61-64. |
"TV Information Service: Signal Format for B.B.C. system", Wireless World, May 1973, p. 222. |
Typical Decoder Systems, pp. 130-131, undated, no author. |
Viewdata and Videotext, 1980-1981: A Worldwide Report, 1980, Knowledge Industry Publications, Inc., White Plains, NY, 1980, pp. 13, 32-33. |
"Vom ZPS-Vorschlag Zur ACT-Realitat: Blaupunkt bietet Strichode-Programmierung Fur Videorecorder", pp. 1-3, no author, undated. |
Compulog advertisement, Editor & Publisher, Feb. 21, 1981 (one page). |
Deposition of Leventer with selected exhibits. |
Deposition of Clupper with selected exhibits. |