Spread Spectrum Pulse Modulation and its Asynchronous CDMA Performance-A Simple Approach for Shanno's Limit_. Isao Okazaki, and Takaaki Hasegawa, I.E.E.E. 1992, pp. 325-328.* |
1-Sixty-Phase Barker Sequences, Ning Zhang, and S. w. Golomb, I.E.E.E. 1989, pp. 911-912.* |
2-A Limit Theorem for n-Phase Barker Sequence, Ning Zhang, and S.W. Golomb, I.E.E.E. 1990, pp. 863-866.* |
1-A Class of Pseudonoise-Like Pulse Compression Codes, Stephen R. Gottesman, Philip G. Grieve, and Solomon W. Golomb, I.E.E.E. 1992, pp. 355-362.* |
2-Two-Valued sequences with Perfect Periodic Autocorrelation, Solomon W. Golomb, i.E.E.E. 1992, pp. 383-. |