Botanical classification: Schizachyrium scoparium.
Varietal denomination: ‘Brush Strokes’.
No plants of Schizachyrium ‘Brush Strokes’ have been sold or offered for sale anywhere in the world more than one year prior to the filing of this application. The first information about the new plant was displayed on Dec. 1, 2022, as a brief description and photograph, on the website managed by Walters Gardens, Inc. Walters Gardens, Inc. obtained the new plant and all information about the new plant from the inventor.
The present invention relates to a new and distinct cultivar of Schizachyrium scoparium and will be referred to hereafter by its cultivar name, ‘Brush Strokes’, the “new cultivar” and “the new plant.” ‘Brush Strokes’ represents a new cultivar of little bluestem, an ornamental grass grown for landscape use.
The new plant was a selection of a single seedling from a cross made in the summer of 2018 between ‘Blue Paradise’ U.S. Plant Pat. No. 28,145 as the female or seed parent and the proprietary unreleased and unnamed hybrid known only by the breeder code 11-7-x. The seedling was selected among several thousand other seedlings collected from other crosses and others of which were open pollinations of numerous cultivars and selections. Prior to planting in the open field, the seedlings were greenhouse-grown in plugs in the same nursery in Zeeland, MI in 2019. Preliminary evaluation was in the autumn of 2019 using the breeder code 18-4-12, and final evaluation and selection of the new plant was performed in the autumn of 2020.
Schizachyrium ‘Brush Strokes’ has been successfully propagated by culm division at the same nursery in Zeeland, Michigan since the fall of 2020 and since 2021 by sterile plant tissue culture shoot division. The resulting asexually propagated plants have remained stable and true to type for all traits of the original plant in successive generations.
The following traits have been repeatedly observed and represent the characteristics of the new cultivar which in combination distinguish Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Brush Strokes’ from all other little bluestem plants known to the inventor:
Schizachyrium ‘Brush Strokes’ compares most closely with the Little Bluestem cultivars: ‘Blue Paradise’ U.S. Plant Pat. No. 28,145, ‘Carousel’ U.S. Plant Pat. 20,948, ‘Smoke Signal’ U.S. Plant Pat. No. 27,433, ‘Twilight Zone’ U.S. Plant Pat. No. 27,432 and ‘MinnblueA’ U.S. Plant Pat. No. 17,310.
‘Blue Paradise’ has a slightly shorter habit and develops a deep wine color to the foliage in autumn. ‘Carousel’ has a shorter habit and the foliage develops an orangish-brown coloration. ‘Smoke Signal’ has a narrower slower growing habit and the foliage becomes scarlet reddish in autumn. ‘Twilight Zone’ has a shorter habit, the foliage begins turning purplish earlier, and it also flowers later than either of the nearest comparison cultivars. ‘MinnblueA’ is much taller and spreading in habit, and more purple with less blue-green in the foliage earlier in the season.
The male parent was taller with deeper purple foliage coloration in autumn.
The comparison below in Table 1 shows a more succinct differentiation between other known little bluestem cultivars.
The photographs of the new plant demonstrate the overall appearance of the plant, including the unique traits. The colors are as accurate as reasonably possible with color reproductions. Ambient light spectrum, intensity, source, and direction may cause the appearance of minor variations in color. The plant in the photographs is a three-year-old plant grown in a full-sun trial garden in Zeeland, Michigan, USA with supplemental water and minimal fertilizer when needed.
The following detailed description of Schizachyrium scoparium ‘Brush Strokes’ is of a three-year-old plant grown in a full-sun trial field with supplemental water and fertilizer in Zeeland, Michigan. The color references are in accordance with the 2001 edition of The Royal Horticultural Society Colour Chart except where common color terms of ordinary dictionary reference are used. The phenotype may vary slightly with different environmental conditions, such as temperature, light, fertility, moisture, and maturity levels, but without any change in the genotype.
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