Not applicable
Not applicable
I. Field of the Invention
This invention relates generally to a home screening method of assessing whether a person is a candidate for a full sleep study or for immediate treatment using a CPAP device.
II. Discussion of the Prior Art
Humans spend almost 30% of their lives sleeping. Since the 1970's, physicians have begun to recognize many of the detrimental consequences of sleep disturbances produced by abnormal breathing patterns, or sleep-disordered breathing (SDB). Sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing disorders constitute the greatest number of sleep disorders seen by sleep medicine, pulmonary, and general practitioners in the outpatient setting. SDB has been associated with considerable morbidity.
SDB comprises a wide spectrum of sleep-related breathing abnormalities; those related to increased upper airway resistance include snoring, upper airway resistance syndrome (UARS), and obstructive sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (OSAHS). Many clinicians regard SDB as a spectrum of diseases. This concept suggests that a person who snores may be exhibiting the first manifestation of SDB and that snoring should not be viewed as normal. A patient can move gradually through the continuum, for example, with weight gain and eventual development of Pickwickian syndrome or with alcohol or sedative use, which can cause a person who snores to turn into a snorer with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). This concept has support from experimental studies showing increasing airway collapsibility during sleep with progression from normal, snoring, UARS, and OSA. Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) can effectively treat apnea, but the patient may be left with continued residual UARS or snoring. Therefore, the clinician must recognize that this disease entity represents a continuum and that patients can continue to suffer from symptoms caused by one aspect of SDB while being treated for another aspect.
Snoring is one of the most common aspects of SDB and has been described throughout history. In the past, snoring generally had been considered a social nuisance with no consequences for the snorer, only for the suffering bed partner. After sleep apnea syndrome was recognized, snoring began to be viewed as an important clinical symptom. Although it is by far the most common symptom of sleep apnea and is usually the main reason for a patient visit, patients by themselves are generally not disturbed by the snoring. Instead, it is at the prompting of the bed partner, whose sleep is disrupted due to snoring that the patient sees a physician. Of course, not all patients who snore have sleep apnea.
Snoring is a result of the changes in the configuration and properties of the upper airway (from the nasopharynx to the laryngopharynx) that occurs during sleep. Any membranous portion of the airway that lacks cartilaginous support, including the soft palate, uvula, and the pharyngeal walls, can produce this sound. Snoring is usually an inspiratory sound, but it can also occur in expiration. Snoring can occur during any stage of sleep but is more common during stages 2, 3, and 4. This is because airway elasticity and muscle tone due to sympathetic activity and neural output to the upper airway walls are different during rapid eye movement (REM) and non-REM sleep. Multiple predisposing factors can lead to a snoring abnormality, including age (middle or advanced), obesity, weight gain, body posture, use of alcohol and muscle relaxants, retrognathia, nasal blockage, development of asthma, and smoking.
A primary snorer is usually asymptomatic and does not suffer from cardiovascular disease. Snoring in this population is usually an annoyance to the bed partner, and the snorer might deny any symptoms of daytime somnolence or difficulty with concentration. In contrast, snoring also can occur in conjunction with a disordered sleep pattern and may be associated with a range of symptoms, including overt OSAHS.
A complete history and careful physical examination are paramount in assessing whether sleep apnea is present in a patient with snoring symptoms. The history and examination results also guide the clinician in deciding whether a nocturnal polysomnogram is necessary and in determining appropriate treatment.
The two main studies usually used to evaluate snoring are nocturnal polysomnography and an airway assessment. In a position statement, the American College of Chest Physicians and the Association of Sleep Disorders Centers have declared that only snorers suspected of having sleep apnea syndrome should undergo polysomnography. The American Thoracic Society has declared in its position statement that snoring alone is not an indication for a sleep study.
In symptomatic snorers with daytime somnolence, reduced performance, reduced attention, drowsy driving and tiredness, a full nocturnal polysomnogram are needed to establish a diagnosis of sleep apnea or UARS. Nocturnal polysomnography with a recording of sleep architecture and arousals is necessary.
Polysomnography remains the gold standard for diagnosing SDB. A complete polysomnography is often termed a full sleep study. Sleep is recorded from a number of electrophysiologic signals, as well as from breathing and limb movement electrodes. This includes an electroencephalogram (EEG) with two leads, electromyography, electro-oculography, respiratory signals from airflow measurements from nasal pressure, nasal temperature, expired carbon dioxide, ventilation from thoracoabdominal movements or nasal pressure, oxygenation levels, and possibly esophageal balloon pressures. Other signals include an electrocardiogram tracing during sleep, pulse rate, position, esophageal pH, and video recording. A detailed airway assessment of upper airway volume and area is not performed routinely because it does not predict a successful surgical outcome in a non-apneic snorer. If surgery is being considered, further radiographic imaging can provide an airway assessment and may include cephalometric measurements, computed tomography, or magnetic resonance imaging.
Upper airway resistance syndrome or UARS can cause symptoms similar to those found in obstructive sleep apnea or OSA, yet this syndrome is considerably different due to the absence of oxygen desaturation found during sleep studies. UARS was a term first applied to patients who were found to have excessive daytime sleepiness without a clear cause on a multiple sleep latency test, which was further documented by an overnight polysomnogram. These patients were often said to have idiopathic hypersomnia. After many of these patients were further tested with invasive polysomnography, they were found to have increased upper airway resistance. Resistance manifested as increased negative esophageal inspiratory pressure.
UARS is characterized by repeated arousals, due to resistance to airflow in the upper airway, that lead to excessive daytime sleepiness and fatigue. Snoring has been noted to be present in association with these brief arousals, but snoring is not necessary for identification of UARS. UARS events are noted to be typically short; 1 to 3 breaths in duration. These events have been termed respiratory effort-related arousals (RERAs). In UARS, unlike in obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome or OSAHS, there is no evidence of oxygen desaturation. For the measurement criteria to be classified as a RERA, there must be a pattern of progressively increased negative esophageal pressure that is terminated by a sudden change in the pressure to a less-negative level and a sleep arousal. Furthermore, the event must last 10 seconds or longer.
It has been demonstrated that many non-apneic patients show a reduction in cross-sectional area of the pharynx during sleep. Reduction in airway area is sufficient to avoid hypopnea and apnea but enough to increase upper airway resistance. These patients also have increased airway collapsibility due to abnormal anatomy. Patients with UARS suffer from increased airway resistance, which leads to arousal episodes and ultimately to excessive daytime sleepiness. Nasal airway anatomic issues (i.e., deviated septum, inferior turbinate hypertrophy, nasal valve collapse, or any combination of these) have been associated with UARS.
Clinical presentation of UARS can be varied. The cardinal symptoms of UARS are fatigue and excessive daytime sleepiness. Some patients also complain of difficulty with concentration, morning headaches, impotence, and difficulty with sleep onset and sleep maintenance (insomnia). Snoring is not a necessary feature of this syndrome because the upper airway resistance is due to a partial decrease in airway cross-sectional area and the airway walls do not have to vibrate to produce a snoring sound. It is now increasingly recognized that the clinical features seen in UARS overlap with functional somatic syndromes such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), chronic headache, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome. Based on the signs and symptoms alone, it can be difficult to distinguish the patients with UARS from those with mild OSAHS.
The diagnosis of UARS requires a high degree of clinical suspicion. Diagnosis of UARS requires symptoms (excessive daytime somnolence, fragmented sleep, fatigue), anatomic features consistent with upper airway narrowing, and supportive PSG findings.
UARS is present only if there are documented elevations in upper airway resistance, sleep fragmentation, and daytime dysfunction or excessive daytime sleepiness. A low respiratory disturbance index (RDI) is also needed to distinguish UARS from OSAHS. The elevated EEG arousal index related to increased respiratory efforts is the specific measurement that distinguishes UARS from idiopathic hypersomnolence. The clinical complaint of snoring (including crescendo snoring), increase in snoring intensity before EEG arousals, and clinical improvement with a short-term trial of nasal CPAP can be regarded as supporting a diagnosis of UARS.
The diagnosis of UARS requires full polysomnography. Although measurements of upper airway resistance were first used, based on the original definition of UARS, substitute measurements of effort and ventilation may be used as long as there is no evidence of hypopnea or apnea. A normal apnea-hypopnea index (AHI) of less than 5 events per hour of sleep should be seen on the polysomnograph. Additionally, EEG arousals should occur at a rate of more than 10 per hour of sleep and must be associated with increased respiratory effort (usually made by nocturnal esophageal pressure monitoring). Studies have shown an association of alpha-delta sleep pattern in the EEG of patients with UARS. Alpha-delta pattern is a nonspecific EEG finding in which there is intrusion of wake alpha pattern into the deep, slow-wave sleep. This is also seen in some functional somatic syndromes listed above, but is not a feature of OSAHS.
The measurement of esophageal pressure is the gold standard for measuring respiratory effort and is the only consistent measurement reported for the diagnosis of UARS. Current literature supports that esophageal pressures more negative than 10 cm H2O are abnormal. Substitute measurements can include inductive plethysmography, strain gauges, oronasal temperature measurements, nasal pressures, and the carbon monoxide levels in exhaled gas. Arousals are documented from the EEG tracings and electromyography.
OSAHS was identified as a distinct entity only in 1999, despite being present for many years. Evolving from the historical accounts of sleep apnea to the present day, the most significant development in the diagnosis of sleep-disordered breathing was the publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) report on recommendations for syndrome definition and measurement techniques in clinical research. Within this report, the older term obstructive sleep apnea was appropriately changed to the newer term obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome. The complications and potential consequences of OSAHS include increased risks of hypertension, cardiovascular events, as well as cerebrovascular events. OSAHS is also associated with an increase in the rate and severity of motor vehicle accidents, increased healthcare utilization, reduction of work performance, and occupational injuries. OSAHS affects not only the health of the sufferer, but also the bed partner's sleep state.
OSAHS is characterized by recurrent episodes of partial or complete airway obstruction during sleep due to repetitive obstruction of the upper airway, necessitating recurrent awakenings or arousals to re-establish airway patency, often with oxygen desaturation. This airway obstruction or partial obstruction manifests in a reduction in airflow, termed hypopnea, or in a complete cessation of airflow, terms apnea, despite ongoing inspiratory efforts. Hypopnea is defined in adults as a 10-second event during which there is continued breathing, but in which ventilation during sleep is reduced by at least 50% from baseline. Apnea is total cessation of airflow for at least 10 seconds. Apnea can be obstructive, central, or mixed. Obstructive apnea is more common and is defined as cessation of airflow, but with continued respiratory effort, whereas central apnea is a state in which airflow and respiratory effort are both absent. Mixed apnea is recognized by a lack of respiratory effort during initial apnea period followed by gradually increasing effort against an obstructed upper airway. These events are thought to be related pathophysiologically to obstructive apnea. Hypopnea can produce clinical sequelae similar to those of apnea, but in general, apnea is associated with a greater fall in oxygen saturation.
For sleep-disordered breathing to be diagnosed as OSAHS, the patient must have at least 5 obstructed breathing events per hour (or 30 events per 6 hours of sleep) on an overnight polysomnogram. These events can be a combination of obstructive apnea and hypopnea (for the determination of an apnea-hypopnea index or AHI) and additional inclusion of the respiratory effort-related arousals (for the determination of the respiratory disturbance index or RDI). The patient must also have either excessive daytime sleepiness or at least two of choking or gasping from sleep, recurrent awakenings from sleep, feeling unrefreshed after sleep, daytime fatigue, or poor concentration. This second group of signs and symptoms must not be better explained by other factors.
The AHI is the number of apneas plus hypopneas per hour of sleep. This index has now become the standard by which to define and quantify the severity of OSAHS. An AHI of more than 5 events per hour indicates possible OSAHS. As the AHI increases, the severity of apnea increases.
OSAHS occurs due to a narrowing of the upper airway during sleep. The site of the narrowing is usually at the level of the pharynx. Airway occlusion is noted to be limited to inspiration, which exerts negative pharyngeal pressure and reduces the tone of the pharyngeal dilator muscles. This theory remains the cornerstone of understanding OSAHS. During REM sleep, there is a further decrease in tone and activity of the pharyngeal dilator muscles causing longer and more distinct apnea and hypopnea events.
Upper airway size in OSAHS patients is smaller than in normal subjects, as assessed by CT scan and resistance measurements. Patients with OSAHS also have been noted to have a more elliptical upper airway shape than normal subjects, but this may be due to increased body mass as well. The difference in airway size in OSAHS patients is due to fat deposition and facial bone structure. Obese patients with OSAHS have fat deposits lateral to the pharynx. Although this fat deposit might not be substantial, it can predispose patients to OSAHS.
Genetics might play an important role in the pathophysiology of OSAHS. The disorder is more common among family members suffering from OSAHS than in the general population. This relation seems to be independent of familial obesity tendencies. There is an increase in familial susceptibility with an increase in number of affected relatives.
Because of many of the symptoms of OSA are nonspecific, the clinician needs to have a high index of clinical suspicion to make the diagnosis of OSAHS. The differential diagnosis for OSAHS should include primary snoring, chronic hypoventilation syndrome central sleep apnea, and Cheyne-Stokes respiration. The other causes of sleepiness that need to be distinguished from OSAHS are narcolepsy, idiopathic hypersomnia, insufficient sleep, and periodic limb movement disorder.
Patients suspected to have OSAHS should undergo an overnight polysomnogram. Due to night-to-night variability in mild cases of the disorder, the diagnosis can be missed. Therefore, a negative first-night test is insufficient to rule out OSAHS in a patient in whom there is clinical reason to suspect the disease.
Many other types of sleep studies are available, with varying settings and parameters measured. A complete level I study is performed in the laboratory; partial and limited studies can be conducted in the home. However, the AASM suggests that standard polysomnography is the accepted test for diagnosing and determining the severity and treatment of OSA. The AASM task force recommends that portable monitoring is an acceptable alternative in patients at high risk for OSAHS without a coexisting medical or sleep disorder. Monitoring should be done in conjunction with a comprehensive sleep medicine evaluation. Portable monitoring can be performed in a patient who cannot be safely transported for laboratory polysomnogram, in whom initiation of treatment is urgent and a standard polysomnography is not readily available, or in whom follow-up studies are needed to evaluate response to therapy.
Adequate treatment of OSAHS results in improvement of symptoms and can alter morbidity and mortality outcomes. Current therapies in the treatment of sleep apnea are intended to widen the pharyngeal airway and make it less apt to collapse, or to pneumatically splint the airway open using CPAP. CPAP therapy is very effective in eliminating pharyngeal collapse, improving overall symptoms, and reducing cardiovascular sequelae, making it the treatment of choice for OSAHS. Although CPAP is the mainstay of therapy for OSAHS, there are other types of positive airway pressure therapies available: bi-level positive airway pressure (bi-level PAP), auto-PAP (APAP), and expiratory pressure relief devices. Bi-level PAP allows the clinician to set different pressures for inspiratory and expiratory breaths. This may be beneficial for patients who occasionally complain of feeling excessive air pressure or of having the sensation of exhaling against positive pressure. The routine use of bi-level PAP has not been shown to increase compliance, but in patients who have high CPAP requirements, bi-level PAP may be a more comfortable option.
Since the 1970's, physicians have begun to recognize many of the detrimental consequences of sleep disturbances produced by abnormal breathing patterns, i.e. SDB. Sleep apnea and other sleep-related breathing disorders constitute the greatest number of sleep disorders seen by sleep medicine, pulmonary and general practitioners in the outpatient setting. Approximately forty-two million American adults have SDB while one-in-five adults exhibit mild obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). One in fifteen adults has moderate to severe OSA. It is estimated that 75% of severe SDB cases remain undiagnosed.
SDB comprises a wide spectrum of sleep-related abnormalities. Many relate to increased upper airway resistance including snoring, sleep apnea and sleep hypopnea.
During the preceding five years, many health insurance providers have begun requiring home sleep testing as a prerequisite to a full examination in a sleep lab environment where multiple sensors and a polysomnograph machine are used to diagnose the SDB and its severity. The test results are then provided to a physician qualified to provide remedial treatment to the subject. Given the typical cost of an in-sleep-lab testing, it makes economic sense to perform a much lower cost HST as a screening tool to determine whether a subject requires the furthermore expensive testing conducted in a sleep lab.
In a full sleep study, a number of electrophysiologic signals, as well as from breathing and limb movement electrodes electroencephalogram and respiratory signals from airflow measurements from nasal pressure and nasal temperature sensors and respiratory effort from abdominal and chest belts are obtained.
Because of the relatively high cost of full sleep studies in hospitals and clinics to assess SDB, a need exists for a low cost method for home screening of subjects to determine whether such a full sleep study is required and, moreover, whether a subject is in immediate need of a CPAP device to address more severe apneas or hypopneas. It is the object of the present invention to provide such a method.
The present invention provides a method for screening persons for sleep-disordered breathing in which a screening test facility initially provides to a person to be screened a PVDF respiratory air flow sensor and an electronics module which when coupled to the sensor with the sensor located on a person's upper lip is adapted to record and store signals relating to respiratory activity and snoring. Before sending the electronics module to the person to be screened, the electronics module is first preloaded with that person's demographic information. Following a period of sleep in which the sensor and the electronics module are being worn by the test subject, the electronics module is returned to the screening test facility where the person's demographic information and the information derived from the sensor are downloaded into a host computer at the screening test facility. A program is executed on the host computer for analyzing the sensor-derived information to identify the onset, duration and type of sleep-disordered breathing events and separately logging the type of sleep-disordered breathing events encountered. The host computer then prepares a report identifying, inter alia, total apnea events, total hypopnea events, total unspecified sleep-disordered breathing events, and total snoring events during a calculated total analysis time.
The foregoing features, objects and advantages of the invention will become apparent to those skilled in the art from the following detailed description of a preferred embodiment, especially when considered in conjunction with the accompanying drawings in which:
Referring first to
The sensor 10 is shown as being connected by electrical leads 12 to an electronics module 14 shown as being worn by the man who is to undergo a home sleep screening test. The electronics module 14 is shown as being suspended from a lanyard 16 worn about the person's neck.
The signal processor 18 is described in U.S. Pat. No. 6,702,755 assigned to applicants' assignee and which is hereby incorporated by reference. As described therein, it functions to amplify and filter the raw signal from the PVDF sensor 10 to yield a first waveform corresponding to temperature variations as respiratory air is made to impinge on the sensor and a second waveform due to vibration induced by snoring.
While the A/D converter 20 and the memory 22 are depicted as separate functional blocks in
As further indicated by
In accordance with the method of the present invention, a company (test sponsor) offering home sleep screening services will have a plurality of electronic modules 14 in inventory so that tests can be administered to a large number of individuals. Thus, as an initial step when a home sleep study is ordered, the test sponsor will initialize one of the devices 14 by entering demographic information from the sponsor's computer 26 into the memory 22 of the device 14. This will typically comprise the name of the person to be tested, a file number or other ID code, the person's contact information. At the same time, a check will be made of the battery status. The device 14 and a few PVDF sensor strips, along with the use instructions, will be delivered to the person to be tested.
At bed time, the person will apply the sensor 10 per instructions and the act of plugging the lead 12 into the module 14 will coupled power from the battery 24 to the circuitry within the module 14. The electronics module will then begin recording, in a digital format, the respiration waveforms due to temperature shifts and pressure changes sensed by the PVDF sensor 10 as the person inhales and exhales. In a second channel, the waveforms due to stress fluctuations on the sensor due to snore vibrations will also be digitized and stored in the memory 22.
At the conclusion of a satisfactory period of sleep, the device 14 will be returned to the test sponsor for download of the stored data into its host computer 26 for analysis in accordance with the programmed steps described below.
Based on the AHI being greater than 30, the patient may be directed to immediately obtain and begin using an auto-adjust CPAP system. If the AHI is less than 30, but more than about 10, the patient may be directed to procure a full sleep study.
This invention has been described herein in considerable detail in order to comply with the patent statutes and to provide those skilled in the art with the information needed to apply the novel principles and to construct and use such specialized components as are required. However, it is to be understood that the invention can be carried out by specifically different equipment and devices. Also, various modifications, both as to the equipment and operating procedures, can be accomplished without departing from the scope of the invention itself.