The Second Annual Data Science Workshop entitled "Emerging Data Science Methods for Complex Biomedical and Cyber Data" will be held on Augusta University (AU) Riverfront campus, March 26-27, 2020. The workshop aims to foster collaborative research among data science, statistics and other related disciplines for the purpose of addressing the very hardest and most important data- and model-driven scientific challenges, and for developing the much-needed skills for the next generation STEM workforce. The Workshop participants will learn statistical and data science methods to handle the enormously complex biomedical and cyber science data, and help them develop analytical thinking, statistical reasoning, communication skills and creativity. Participants will be strongly encouraged to submit abstracts for poster sessions held during the entire workshop. This award will support the invited speakers, around fifteen undergraduate and graduate students to attend the event and to present research posters closely related to the theme of the workshop. <br/><br/>The topics of the workshop include deep learning, statistical machine learning, differential privacy, Bayesian data integration and cybersecurity data modeling, among others, building on AU's unique strength and focus in medical and cyber science research. The workshop will be in the form of specific research overviews and lectures provided by leading experts who have done prominent work in the respective topic areas. At the end of each of the two days, a panel discussion will be held, led by an expert panelist and all speakers of the day, for encapsulating the various topics presented on the day and for addressing questions and comments from the audience.<br/><br/>This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.