Non Applicable
Non Applicable
Non Applicable
This invention addresses what I believe is an ever growing problem as our population ages. I have noticed my wife struggling to remove and replace the snap on lid of the margarine container. This problem could be alleviated by inserting a secondary lid with gripping device that fits under the locking or snap on lid of the container. After the product is brought home from the supermarket the locking or snap on lid could be removed and set aside and the secondary lid would be used until the product was finished. The new secondary lid would be much easier to remove and replace.
This invention relates to a secondary lid, generally circular with a gripping device, used in conjunction with, but not exclusively with nesting type containers most commonly used to package foodstuffs such as margarine. The tub like containers used to hold margarine and other foodstuffs have locking or snap on lids. These lids can be difficult to remove and replace, especially as our population ages. This disadvantage—can be overcome by inserting a secondary lid which will sit underneath the locking or snap on lid of the container. The secondary lid with gripping device provides an ease of removal and replacement that is not found with the locking or snap on lids.
Is a cross section view of a nestable type container with snap on lid attached showing the secondary lid with the gripping device (not engaged), in contact with the inner wall of the container and seated on the inner shoulder of the container.
Is a plan view of the secondary lid with gripping device. It depicts the flexible tab that is joined to the lid along the tab's center and length It also depicts the position of female-male coupling points on the wings of the flexible tab, that are formed, on each side of the attachment area to the secondary lid.
Is a cross section view of the secondary lid and gripping device where the wings of the flexible tabs on each side of the attachment to the lid have been brought upward towards each other and engaged to each other forming the gripping device used to remove and replace the secondary lid.
The invention is a secondary lid, generally circular, with a gripping device, (1) used in conjunction with, but not exclusively with nesting type containers (2) most commonly used to package foodstuffs such as margarine.
On nestable containers, there is a shoulder found on the inner wall of the container just below the upper rim (3).
The secondary lid would preferably sit on the inner shoulder of the container (3) and contact the inner wall of the container (4). The inner wall will provide a proper degree of friction as to allow the lid to be easily removed and replaced and the inner shoulder of the container will provide a seating for the secondary lid. When the secondary lid with gripping device is seated within the container it acts as a closure for the container.
A flat lying, preferably, flexible tab (approximately 2 inches square and approximately 1/16 thick) is attached, along the full length of it's center, (5) to the lid. The attachment width of the tab to lid is narrow, (approximately 1/16 inch), and allows two equal wings (6) to be formed on each side of the attachment. The wings are bent upward and towards each other and engage to form the gripping device, (7) which allows a user to grasp it and remove the lid from the container. The engagement of the wings would preferably be accomplished by male-female coupling methods. The tab may be attached to the lid, also by male-female coupling or other known attachment methods. The flexible tab will be centered on the lid in such a manner that, when the gripping device is engaged, the balance required for easy removal and replacement of the lid is accomplished. The secondary lid with gripping device may be fitted at the time the product is packaged. The lid will have sufficient thickness as not to bend or distort (approximately 1/16 inch in thickness) while being removed and replaced. The lid and gripping device may be formed of plastic material.