The present disclosure relates to a communication method for enhancing physical layer security. In this invention; a novel method for generating secret keys depending on a wireless channel is proposed.
The broadcast nature of wireless transmission causes vulnerability to the communication between legitimate transmitter and receiver in the presence of a passive eavesdropper. Since there is a great development in 5G and beyond wireless networks, classical encryption techniques might not be sufficient enough to ensure security. Techniques that generate keys using the characteristics of random channels should be developed in order to overcome the problem.
According to many studies including Ren K. et al (2011), Zeng K. (2015), Zhang J. et al. (2016) and Hamamreh J. M. et al. (2018); one of the innovative concept of channel-based security methods is to generate secret keys by exploiting the characteristics of the channel between the legitimate transmitter and receiver, while preventing eavesdroppers to access the secret data content. Badawy A. et al. (2016) states that channel-based key generation techniques are predominantly based on the assumption of channel reciprocity.
In time division duplexing (TDD) communication systems, the reciprocity property enables to generate highly correlated keys for legitimate parties because of observing the same link at the both ends of the channel. Moreover, Zhang J. et al. (2016) proposes that a key generation system should be evaluated by considering the performance metrics of randomness, key disagreement rate (KOR), and key generation rate (KGR). Further; Zhang J., Marshall A. et al. (2016) accepts randomness as a crucial characteristic for a generated key sequence.
A random key will provide a secure cryptographic system in the presence of passive eavesdropper attacks. KDR indicates the ratio of the different bits between the keys generated by each legitimate party to the length of the total key. In addition, KGR defines the quantity of key bits produced in each measurement.
For increasing KGR in secret key generation, Li G. et al. (2016) suggests using OFDM technique. Exploiting the randomness of the legitimate user’s channel is a rising technology to make key cracking troublesome, as proposed in Li G. et al. (2017). According to Li G. et al. (2017) and Patwari N. et al. (2010), the reason behind the randomness of the channel can be presented as the movement of the user and object movements in the communication environment or introducing artificial components into the channel.
Artificial components such as filters are performed to increase the security in wireless communication systems. For example, in Zhang J., Marshall A. et al. (2016), a low pass filter is used to reduce the KDR and increase the SNR range of the system since cross correlation of channel measurements are impacted by noise. Further, in Khiabani Y. S. et al. (2013) a first-order digital filter is performed to map the automatic repeat request (ARQ) transmission into destination set. On the other hand, in Wu Y. et al. (2018), m-windows filtering method is used to have low key generation consistency probability of a multi-bit adaptive quantization scheme. In m-windows filtering system, a plurality of the keys are exploited to generate a key bit at the same interval and preprocessing channel eigenvalues through the m-windows helps to increase the key agreement rate. In addition, in Patwari N. et al. (2010), a finite impulse response implementation, Farrow filter, is performed as a fractional interpolation filter. Furthermore, a low pass filter is used to improve the reciprocity of the channel by reducing the noise in Zhang J. et al. (2015). In this study, low pass filter is designed to suppress the high frequency components of the estimated channel so that the correlation between legitimate transmitter’s and receiver’s channel estimation is improved. The low pass filter not only increases channel reciprocity, but also decreases KDR and improves the achievement of key generation. In addition, in Fang S. et al. (2017) and Fang S. (2018), a delay-weight-sum module is used for channel manipulation and this is implemented by a finite impulse response (FIR) filter. The delayed copies of the original transmitted signal are summed as if sending the signal through a real multipath channel. However, some of the mentioned methods have some drawbacks such as complexity and non-adaptivity which will make it easy to brute force attack.
For future networks such as large-scale heterogeneous wireless network key management and distribution are big issues. There will be demand in future networks to support new wireless technologies such as ULLRC, remote surgery and Internet of Things (IoT). But problems with these devices which are used in these applications are as follows: power-limitation, delay-sensitive and processing-restricted which make cryptography-based techniques fail for such type of technologies. Future networks need to support various kind of services and scenarios with different security requirements. The encryption-based method cannot provide scenario specific security. For these reasons, providing secure communication without depending on the conventional cryptography-based security solutions which their key needs to be shared in legitimate nodes is crucial.
In the state of the art, the patent document numbered CN104901795 discloses a physical layer secret key extraction method based on channel characteristics. However, in this document, it is not disclosed that receiver shares a reference signal to transmitter before communication for channel estimation. Further, it is also not disclosed that peak points, which corresponds to subcarriers, from the frequency selective channel between transmitter and receiver should be selected in order to create a cascaded channel.
The invention aims to provide a method for a secure communication method comprising a secret key generation technique. The novelty of our proposed method stems from enhancing physical layer security (PHY) by using channel-adaptive keys, after manipulating a channel by introducing an artificial component into the channel. An adaptively designed artificial component is cascaded with the legitimate user’s channel. In an orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) system, for example, subcarriers corresponding to a channel gain higher than a threshold value might be selected to extract the keys. Since the number of the selected subcarriers is adaptive, the length of the generated key sequences is changing adaptively as well. Thus, we can utilize the channel reciprocity property in a time division duplexing (TDD) system.
Different from previous works, this invention discloses a novel method by introducing an artificial component to ensure that receiver’s newly created channel is highly frequency selective and its number of subcarriers corresponding to a channel gain higher than a threshold value is increased. Our method inherently extracts keys after cascading the channel between a transmitter and legitimate receiver with the newly designed artificial component. The artificial component consists of the copies of the legitimate user’s channel values corresponding to the selected subcarriers. In addition, it is important to mention that since the keys are dependent on the legitimate user’s cascaded channel, their length and values are changing adaptively depending on the number of the selected subcarriers. Therefore, eavesdropper cannot decode the data even if she is stronger than the legitimate user.
The proposed method can enhance physical layer security of wireless systems and it can provide secure communication without depending on the conventional cryptography-based security solutions which their key needs to be shared in legitimate nodes. This algorithm also can solve the problems in physical layer security such as key sharing in conventional methods. Plus, the proposed method is a promising way to solve some problems, such as co-located attacks and high temporal correlation, which are critical issues in secret key generation technique as Jiao L. et al. (2019) mentioned, when increasing the randomness of user’s channel.
To sum up; the proposed algorithm can provide more reliable key by extracting bits from strong subcarriers (subcarriers corresponding to a channel gain higher than a threshold value). In addition, the proposed algorithm can provide high level secure key by providing adaptive length of key. By having adaptive length of key, it is too hard for eavesdropper to find the key and somehow impossible to decode the data. Besides, the proposed method can ensure secure communication without depending on the conventional cryptography based secure solutions which in these methods their secret key needs to be shared in legitimate nodes which this sharing is critical in terms of how to share this key securely. Lastly, the proposed method is applicable to ensure flexible security.
In the proposed communication method, the receiver (B) sends a reference signal (Sref) to transmitter (A) for channel estimation. Assuming N corresponds to total number of complex data symbols; the proposed method fundamentally comprises the steps of:
In a preferred embodiment, M number of peak-points are selected where channel gain (G) is above average channel gaina (G) of all the frequency (f) indices considered by the transmitter (A) to extract keys.
In another embodiment, if the length of last key block is less than N, key samples from the head are added as a suffix to reshape the complex key (Cb).
Yet in another embodiment, after reshaping the complex key (Cb), transmitted signal, x, is sent to the receiver (B) by applying cyclic prefix (CP) to the time-domain encrypted symbols as yb = hb ∗ x + nb; where yb is received signal at receiver (B) , hb is the cascaded channel in time-domain, and nb is the zero-mean complex additive white-Gaussian noise (AWGN) at the receiver’s (B) side.
In this example implementation, firstly the receiver (B) transmits a reference signal (Sref) to the transmitter (A) for channel estimation. Thus, as an advantage of the channel reciprocity property in TDD mode, the downlink channel is obtained from its uplink as suggested in Goldsmith A. (2005).
The proposed OFDM transceiver structure of the proposed method is depicted in
where S ∈ (ℂ1xN. These symbols, obtained by using BPSK modulation, are going to be send by the transmitter (A) to the receiver (B) in the presence the eavesdropper (E).
To encrypt data, a secret key is used. Generation of this key at the transmitter is illustrated in
of length N. These M subcarriers correspond to the points where the channel gain is above the average gain of all the frequency indices are considered by the transmitter (A) to extract the secret keys. Both to increase the number of the subcarriers corresponding to a channel gain higher than a threshold value and ensure that the channel is more selective, an artificial channel is designed by using the selected M points. The values of Ab at selected M frequency values are copied till the length of the artificial channel, Fb ∈ CNx1, equals to the length of the receiver’s (B) channel, Ab ∈ ℂNx1. A new channel for the receiver (B), Hb ∈ CNx1, is created by cascading the receiver’s (B) channel, Ab ∈ ℂNx1, with the artificial channel, Fb ∈ CNx1 as expressed:
The number of selected points corresponding to the frequency indices where the channel gain values are above the average gain of all values is shown in
As it is seen in with the symbols, S as:
where i = 1, ..., n and n is the number of key blocks. Eb is reshaped to obtain a vector of encrypted symbols of length (N×n)×1. The transmitted signal, x, of having an adaptive length is sent to the receiver (B), after applying cyclic prefix (CP) to the time-domain encrypted symbols to avoid inter symbol interference (ISI). The received signal at the receiver’s (B) side is defined as:
where hb is the receiver’s (B) cascaded channel in time-domain, x is the transmitted signal, and nb is the zero-mean complex additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) at the receiver (B). Since the length of x is adaptive, the length of the received signal, yb, is adaptive as well.
After removing cyclic prefix (CP) and then applying S/P conversion on the time-domain received signal, yb, the receiver uses FFT on the resulted signal. A zero-forcing channel equalization process is performed to reduce the effects of noise from the channel for a better decoding. Thus, the received signal at the receiver’s (B) side after channel equalization process is found by element-wise division of the received signal and his channel is expressed as:
Where Hb is the receiver’s (B) cascaded channel in frequency-domain and yb is the frequency-domain received signal after S/P conversion shown in
The eavesdropper has access to the transmitted signal, x, as well. As it has stronger skills and a more versatile receiver than the receiver (B), it follows the same steps with the receiver (B) as shown in
where he is the eavesdropper’s (E) cascaded channel in time-domain and ne is the zero-mean complex AWGN at the eavesdropper (E). The received signal at the eavesdropper’s (E) side after channel equalization process is expressed as:
where Ye is the frequency-domain received signal after S/P conversion and He is the eavesdropper’s (E) cascaded channel. The eavesdropper (E) generates the decoded data by using the key, Ke, it extracted from its channel and the decoded data is expressed as:
It is important to note that both the receiver (B) and the eavesdropper (E) follow the same steps as shown in
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Number | Date | Country | Kind |
2019/22337 | Dec 2019 | TR | national |
Filing Document | Filing Date | Country | Kind |
PCT/TR2020/051213 | 12/2/2020 | WO |