This invention relates to communication networks including methods and apparatus designed to optimize performance and quality of service, insure data integrity, maximize system uptime and network stability, and maintain privacy and security.
Improving means of communication have fueled the progress of civilization from mankind's earliest beginnings. From the use of couriers and messengers traveling by foot or horseback; through mail postal delivery by train, truck and airplane; to the advent of the telegram and telegraph, telephone, radio, television, computers, the cell phone; the Internet, email and World Wide Web; and more recently, through social media, voice-over-Internet, machine-to-machine (M2M) connectivity, the Internet of Things (IoT), and the Internet of Everything (IoE), communication has always led the way in exploiting the newest technologies of the day. With each new generation of telecommunications technology employed, the number of people connected and the rate by which information is transferred among them has also increased.
The effect of this trend is that humanity is more connected than at any time in history, with people trusting and relying on communication technology to safely and reliably deliver their private, personal, family, and financial information to only those to which they intend to contact. Knowledge and information can now be distributed in seconds to millions of people, and friends and family can contact one another half way around the world as casually as pushing a button. It is often said, “the world has become a very small place.”
While such progress is tremendously beneficial to everyone, there are also negative consequences of our heavy reliance on technology. It is not surprising that when the communication system fails to perform, e.g. during an earthquake or severe weather, people become disoriented or even panicked by their being “unplugged”, even if only temporarily. The quality of service, or QoS, of a communication system or media is then a critical measurement of a communication network's performance. Peoples' peace-of-mind, financial assets, identity, and even their very lives rely on dependable and secure communication.
Another key consideration of a communication network is its ability to insure privacy, safety, and security to the client using it. As communication technology has evolved, so too has the sophistication of criminals and “hackers” intending to inflict mischief, disrupt systems, steal money, and accidentally or maliciously harm others. Credit card fraud, stolen passwords, identity theft, and the unauthorized publicizing of confidential information, private pictures, files, emails, text messages, and private tweets (either stolen to embarrass or blackmail victims) are but a few examples of modern cyber-crime.
Notable examples of privacy violations and cybercrime at the time of this patent application are listed below to highlight the epidemic proportion of the security problem in today's open communication networks (arranged chronologically):
In what appears to be an escalating pace of cybercrime, security breaches, identity thefts, and privacy invasions, it begs the question, “how are all these cyber-attacks possible and what can be done to stop them?” At the same time that society seeks greater privacy and security, consumers also want greater connectivity, cheaper higher-quality communication, and more convenience in conducting financial transactions.
To understand the performance limitations and vulnerabilities in modern communication networks, data storage, and connected devices, it is first important to understand how today's electronic, radio, and optical communication operates, transports, and stores data including files, email, text, audio, and video images.
Circuit-Switched Telephonic Network Operation
Electronic communication involves a variety of hardware components or devices connected into networks of wires, radio, microwave, or optical fiber links. Information is passed from one device to others by sending electrical or electromagnetic energy through this network, using various methods to embed or encode informational “content” into the data stream. Theoretically, the laws of physics set the maximum data rate of such networks at the speed of light, but in most cases practical limitations in data encoding, routing and traffic control, signal-to-noise quality, and overcoming electrical, magnetic and optical noise and unwanted parasitics disturb or inhibit information flow, limiting the communication network's capability to a fraction of its ideal performance.
Historically, electronic data communication was first achieved using dedicated “hardwired” electrical connections forming a communication “circuit” between or among two or more electrically connected devices. In the case of a telegraph, a mechanical switch was used to manually make and break a direct current (DC) electrical circuit, magnetizing a solenoid which in turned moved a metallic lever, causing the listening device or “relay” to click in the same pattern that the sender depressed the switch. The sender then used an agreed upon language, i.e. Morse code, to encode information into the pulse stream. The listener would likewise need to understand Morse code, a series of long and short pulses, called dots and dashes, to interpret the message.
Later, Alexander Graham Bell developed the first telephone using the concept of an “undulating current”, now referred to as alternating current (AC), in order to carry sound through an electrical connection. The telephone network comprised two magnetic transducers connected by an electrical circuit where each magnetic transducer comprised a movable diaphragm and coil, or “voice coil”, surrounded by a fixed permanent magnet enclosure. When speaking into the transducer, changes in air pressure from the sound causes the voice coil to move back and forth within the surrounding magnetic field inducing an AC current in the coil. At the listener's end, the time-varying current flowing in the voice coil induces an identical waveform and time-varying magnetic field opposing the surrounding magnetic field causing the voice coil to move back-and-forth in the same manner as the transducer capturing the sound. The resulting movement reproduces the sound in a manner similar to the device capturing the sound. In the modern vernacular, when the transducer is converting sound into electrical current, it is operating as a microphone and when the transducer is converting electrical current into sound it is operating as a speaker. Also, because the conducted electrical signal is analogous to the audio waveform carried as an elemental pressure wave in air, i.e. sound, today such electrical signals are referred to as analog signals or analog waveforms.
Since the transducer, as described, is used both for speaking and for listening, in conversation both parties have to know when to speak and when to listen. Similar to two tin cans connected by a string, in such a system, a caller cannot talk and listen at the same time. While such one-way operation, called “half-duplex” mode, may sound archaic, it is actually still commonly used in radio communication today in walkie-talkies, and in modern telephony by the name “push-to-talk” or PTT.
Later full-duplex (i.e., two-way or send-and-receive) telephones with separate microphones and speakers became commonplace, where the parties could speak and listen at the same time. But even today care is required in operating full-duplex telephonic communication to prevent feedback, a condition where a receiver's sound is picked up by its microphone and fed back to the caller resulting in confusing echoes and sometimes uncomfortable whistling sounds—problems especially plaguing long distance telephonic communication.
Early telegraphic and telephonic systems suffered from another issue, one of privacy. In these early incarnations of communication networks, everyone connected to the network hears everything communicated on the circuit, even if they don't want to. In rural telephone networks, these shared circuits were known as “party lines”. The phone system then rapidly evolved into multi-line networks where dedicated circuits connected a telephone branch office directly to individual customers' phones. Within the branch exchange office, a system operator would manually connect callers to one another through a switchboard using jumper cables, and also had the capability of connecting one branch to others to form the first “long distance” phone call services. Large banks of relays forming telephonic “switch” networks gradually replaced human operators, which was subsequently replaced by electronic switches comprising vacuum tubes.
After Bell Laboratories developed the transistor in the late 1950s, telephone switches and branch exchanges replaced their fragile and hot vacuum tubes with cool running solid-state devices comprising transistors and ultimately integrated circuits. As the network grew, phone numbers expanded in digits from a seven-digit prefix and private number to include area codes and ultimately country codes to handle international calls. Copper cables carrying voice calls soon covered the world and crossed the oceans. Despite the magnitude of the network, the principle of operation remained constant, that calls represented a direct electrical connection or “circuit” between the callers with voice carried by analog signals and the routing of the call determined by telephone switches. Such a telephonic system eventually came to be known as a “circuit-switched telephonic network”, or colloquially as the plain old telephone system or POTS. Circuit switched telephony reached its peak adoption in the 1980s and thereafter relentlessly has been replaced by “packet-switched telephony” described in the next section.
Evolving nearly in parallel to the telephone network, regular radio communication commenced with radio broadcasting in the 1920s. The broadcast was unidirectional, emanating from radio broadcast stations on specific government-licensed frequencies, and received by any number of radio receivers tuned to that specific broadcast frequency or radio station. The broadcasted signal carried an analog signal using either amplitude modulation (AM) or later by frequency modulation (FM) methods, each on dedicated portions of the licensed radio spectrum. In the United States, the Federal Communications Commission or FCC evolved in order to manage the assignment and regulation of such licensed bands. The broadcast concept was expanded into airing television programs using radio transmission, initially comprising black and white content, then in color. Later, television signals could also be carried to people's homes either by microwave satellite dishes or through coaxial cables. Because any listener tuned to the specific broadcast frequency can receive the broadcast, the term “multicast” is now used for such unidirectional multi-listener communication.
Concurrent with advent of radio broadcasting, the first two-way communication commenced with commercial and military ocean ships, and by the time of World War II, radios had evolved into walkie-talkie handheld radio transceivers, devices combining transmitters and receivers into single unit. Like telephony, early two-way radio transmission, operated in “simplex” mode, allowing only one radio to broadcast on a single radio channel while others listened. By combining transmitters and receivers on different frequencies, simultaneous transmission and reception became possible at each end of the radio link, enabling full-duplex mode communication between two parties. To prevent overlapping transmissions from multiple parties, however, a protocol called half-duplex or push-to-talk is commonly used for channel management, letting anyone exclusively transmit on a specific channel on a first-come first serve basis. Industry standard radio types using analog modulation include amateur (ham or CB) radio, marine VHF radio, UNICOM for air traffic control, and FRS for personal walkie-talkie communication. In these two-way radio networks, radios send their data over specific frequency “channels” to a central radio tower, where the tower amplifies and repeats the signal, sending it on to the entire radio network. The number of available frequencies carrying information over the broadcast area sets the total bandwidth of the system and the number of users able to independently communicate on the radio network at one time.
In order to expand the total capacity of the radio network to handle a greater number of callers, the concept of a cellular network, one where a large area is broken into smaller pieces or radio “cells” was demonstrated in the 1970s and reached widespread adoption within a decade thereafter. The cellular concept was to limit the broadcast range of a radio tower to a smaller area, i.e. to a shorter distance, and therefore be able to reuse the same frequency bands to simultaneously handle different callers present in different cells. To do so, software was created to manage the handoff of a caller passing from one cell into an adjacent cell without “dropping” and suddenly disconnecting the call. Like POTS, two-way radio, as well as radio and television broadcasting, the initial cellular networks were analog in nature. To control call routing, the telephone number system was adopted to determine the proper wireless electrical connection. This choice also had the benefit that it seamlessly connected the new wireless cellular network to the “wire-line” plain old telephone system, providing interconnection and interoperability across the two systems.
Starting in the 1980s, telephonic and radio communication, along with radio and TV broadcasting began an inexorable migration from analog to digital communication methods and formats, driven by the need to reduce power consumption and increase battery life, to improve quality with better signal-to-noise performance, and to begin addressing the need to carry data and text with voice. Radio formats such as EDACS and TETRA emerged capable of concurrently enabling one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many communication modes. Cellular communication also quickly migrated to digital formats such as GPRS, as did TV broadcasting.
By 2010, most countries had ceased, or were in the process of ceasing, all analog TV broadcasting. Unlike broadcast television, cable TV carriers were not required to switch to the digital format, maintaining a hybrid composite of analog and digital signals till as recently as 2013. Their ultimate migration to digital was motivated not by government standards, but by commercial reasons to expand the number of available channels of their network, to be able to deliver HD and UHD content, to offer more pay-per-view (PPV, also know an as “unicast”) programming, and to enable high-speed digital connectivity services to their customers.
While it is common to equate the migration of global communication networks from analog to digital formats with the advent of the Internet and more specifically with the widespread adoption of the Internet protocol (IP), the switch to digital formats preceded the commercial acceptance of IP in telephony, enabling, if not catalyzing, the universal migration of communication to IP and “packet-switched networks” (described in the next section).
The resulting evolution of circuit-switched telephony is schematically represented by
PBX 8 controls any number of devices used in company offices, including wired desktop phones 9, speaker phone 10 for conference calls, and private wireless network base station 11 linked by wireless connections 12 to cordless or wireless roaming phones 13. Wireless roaming phones 13 represent a business-centric enhancement to a conventional cordless phone, providing the phone access to corporate WiFi connections or in the case of Japan's personal handphone system or PHS, to access a public microcellular network located outside of the company in high traffic volume corridors and in the business districts of densely populated cities such as Shinjuku Tokyo. Bandwidth, transmission range, and battery life are extremely limited in PHS products.
The PSTN also connects to circuit-switched cellular networks 17 running AMPS, CDMA and GSM analog and digital protocols. Through cellular tower 18, circuit-switched cellular networks 17 connect using standardized cellular radio frequencies 28 to mobile devices such as cell phones 19A. In the case of GPRS networks, an enhancement to GSM, the circuit-switched cellular networks 17 may also connect to tablets 19B, concurrently delivering low speed data and voice. Two-way radio networks 14 such as TETRA and EDACS connect the PSTN to handheld radios 16A and larger in-dash and desktop radios 16B via high-power radio towers 15 and RF links 28. Such two-way radio networks, commonly used by police officers, ambulances, paramedics, fire departments, and even port authorities, are also referred to as professional communication networks and services, and target governments, municipalities, and emergency responders rather than consumers. (Note: As used herein, the terms “desktop,” “tablet’ and “notebook” are used as a shorthand reference to the computers having those names.)
Unlike POTS gateway 3, cellular network 17, and PBX 8 which use traditional phone numbers to complete call routing, two-way radio network 14 uses dedicated RF radio channels (rather than phone numbers) to establish radio links between tower 15 and the mobile devices it serves. As such, professional radio communication services remain distinct and uniquely dissimilar from consumer cellular phone networks.
Moreover with the direct electrical and RF connections of circuit switched telephonic networks, especially using analog or unsecured digital protocols, it is simple matter for a hacker with a RF scanner to find active communication channels and to sniff, sample, listen, or intercept the conversations occurring at the time. Because the PSTN forms a “continuously on” link or circuit between the parties communicating, there is plenty of time for a hacker to identify the connection and to “tap it”, either legally by governments operating under a federal court ordered wiretap, or criminally by cybercriminals or governments performing illegal, prohibited, or unsanctioned surveillance. The definition of legal and illegal spying and surveillance and any obligation for compliance for cooperation by a network operator varies dramatically by country and has been a heated point of contention among global companies such as Google, Yahoo, and Apple operating across numerous international boundaries. Communication networks and the Internet are global and know no borders or boundaries, yet laws governing such electronic information are local and subject to the jurisdictional authority of the government controlling domestic and international communication and commerce at the time.
Regardless of its legality or ethics, electronic snooping and surveillance today is commonplace, ranging from the monitoring of ubiquitous security cameras located at every street corner and overhead in every roadway or subway, to the sophisticated hacking and code cracking performed by various countries' national security divisions and agencies. While all networks are vulnerable, the antiquity and poor security provisions of PSTNs render them especially easy to hack. As such, a PSTN connected to even a secure modern network represents a weak point in the overall system, creating vulnerability for security violations and cybercrimes. Nonetheless, it will still take many years, if not decades, to retire the global PSTN network and completely replace it with IP-based packet-switched communication. Such packet-based networks (described here below), while more modern than PSTNs, are still unsecure and subject to security breaks, hacks, denial of service attacks, and privacy invasions.
Packet-Switched Communication Network Operation
If two tin cans connected by a string represent a metaphor for the operation of modern day circuit-switched telephony, then the post office represents the similar metaphor for packet-switch communication networks. In such an approach, text, data, voice, and video are converted into files and streams of digital data, and this data is then subsequently parsed into quantized “packets” of data to be delivered across the network. The delivery mechanism is based on electronic addresses that uniquely identify where the data packet is going to and where it is coming from. The format and communication protocol is also designed to include information as to the nature of the data contained in the packet including content specific to the program or application for which it will be used, and the hardware facilitating the physical links and electrical or radio connections carrying the packets.
Born in the 1960s, the concept of packet switching networks was created in the paranoiac era of the post Sputnik cold war. At that time, the US Department of Defense (DoD) expressed concerns that a spaced-based nuclear missile attack could wipe out the entire communication infrastructure of the United States, disabling its ability to respond to a USSR preemptive strike, and that the vulnerability to such an attack could actually provoke one. So the DoD sponsored the creation of a redundant communication system or grid-like “network”, one where the network's ability to deliver information between military installations could not be thwarted by destroying any specific data link or even numerous links within the network. The system, known as ARPANET, became the parent of the Internet and the proverbial Eve of modern digital communications.
Despite the creation of the packet-switched network, explosive growth of the Internet didn't occur until the 1990s when the first easy-to-use web browser Mosaic, the advent of hypertext defined web pages, the rapid adoption of the World Wide Web, and the widespread use of email, collectively drove global acceptance of the Internet platform. One of its fundamental tenets, lack of central control or the need for a central mainframe, propelled the Internet to ubiquity in part because no country or government could stop it (or even were fully aware of its global implications) and also because its user base comprised consumers using their newly acquired personal computers.
Another far reaching implication of the Internet's growth was the standardization of the Internet Protocol (IP) used to route data packets through the network. By the mid 1990s, Internet users realized that the same packet-switched network that carries data could also be used to carry voice, and soon thereafter “voice over Internet protocol” or VoIP was born. While the concept theoretically enabled anyone with Internet access to communicate by voice over the Internet for free, propagation delays across the network, i.e. latency, rendered voice quality poor and often unintelligible. While delay times have improved with the adoption of high-speed Ethernet links, high-speed WiFi connectivity, and 4G data to improve connection quality in the “last-mile”, the Internet itself was created to insure accurate delivery of data packets, but not to guarantee the time required to deliver the packets, i.e. the Internet was not created to operate as a real-time network.
So the dream of using the Internet to replace expensive long distance telecommunication carriers or “telco's” has remained largely unfulfilled despite the availability of “over-the-top” (OTT) providers such as Skype, Line, KakaoTalk, Viper, and others. OTT telephony suffers from poor quality of service (QoS) resulting from uncontrolled network latency, poor sound quality, dropped calls, echo, reverberation, feedback, choppy sound, and oftentimes the inability to even initiate a call. The poor performance of OTT communication is intrinsically not a weakness of the VoIP based protocol but of the network itself, one where OTT carriers have no control over the path which data takes or the delays the communication encounters. In essence, OTT carriers cannot insure performance or QoS because OTT communication operates as an Internet hitchhiker. Ironically, the companies able to best utilize VoIP based communications today are the long distance telephone carriers with dedicated low-latency hardware-based networks, the very telco's that have the least motivation to do so.
Aside from its intrinsic network redundancy, one of the greatest strengths of packet-switched communication is its ability to carry information from any source to any destination so long that the data is arranged in packets consistent with the Internet Protocol and provided that the communicating devices are connected and linked to the Internet. Internet Protocol manages the ability of the network to deliver the payload to its destination, without any care or concern for what information is being carried or what application will use it, avoiding altogether any need for customized software interfaces and expensive proprietary hardware. In many cases, even application related payloads have established predefined formats, e.g. for reading email, for opening a web page on a browser, for viewing a picture or video, for watching a flash file or reading a PDF document, etc.
Because its versatile file format avoids any reliance on proprietary or company-specific software, the Internet can be considered an “open source” communication platform, able to communicate with the widest range of devices ever connected, ranging from computers, to cell phones, from cars to home appliances. The most recent phrase describing this universal connectivity is the “Internet of Everything” or IoE.
The cloud may be connected to the user or connected device through any variety of wire-line, WiFi or wireless links. As shown, cloud server 21A connects through a wired or fiber link 24 to wireless tower 25, to WiFi access point 26, or to wire-line distribution unit 27. These “last-mile” links in turn connect to any number of communication or connected devices. For example wireless tower 25 may connect by cellular radio 28 to smartphone 32, to tablet 33, or to connected car 31, and may be used to serve mobile users 40 including for example, pedestrians, drivers of personal vehicles, law enforcement officers, and professional drivers in the trucking and delivery industry. Wireless packet-switched capable telephonic communication comprises cellular protocols 3G including HSUPA and HSDPA, as well as 4G/LTE. LTE, or long-term-evolution, refers to the network standards to insure interoperability with a variety of cellular protocols including the ability to seamlessly hand-off phone calls from one cell to another cell even when the cells are operating with different protocols. Note: As a matter of definition, as used herein “last-mile” refers to the link between any type of client device, such as a tablet, desktop or cell phone, and a cloud server. Directionally, the term “first-mile” is sometimes also used to specify the link between the device originating the data transmission and the cloud server. In such cases the “last-mile” link is also the “first-mile” link.
For shorter distance communication, WiFi access point 26 connects by WiFi radio 29 to smartphone 32, tablet 33, notebook 35, desktop 36 or connected appliance 34 and may be used in localized wireless applications in homes, cafes, restaurants, and offices. WiFi comprises communication operating in accordance with IEEE defined standards for single-carrier frequency specifications 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11g, 802.11n, and most recently for the dual frequency band 802.11ac format. WiFi security, based on a simple static login key, is primarily used to prevent unauthorized access of the connection, but is not intended to indefinitely secure data from sniffing or hacking.
Wire-line distribution unit 27 may connect by fiber, coaxial cable, or Ethernet 30A to notebook 35, desktop 36, phone 37, television 39 or by twisted pair copper wire 30B phone lines to point of sale terminal 38 serving immobile or fixed wire-line connected markets 42 including hotels, factories, offices, service centers, banks, and homes. The wire-line connection may comprise fiber or coaxial cable distribution to the home, office, factory, or business connected locally though a modem to convert high-speed data (HSD) connection into WiFi, Ethernet, or twisted pair copper wire. In remote areas where fiber or cable is not available, digital subscriber line (DSL) connections are still used but with dramatically compromised data rates and connection reliability. Altogether, counting access through wireless, WiFi, and wire-line connections, the number of Internet connected objects is projected to reach 20 billion globally by the year 2020.
In contrast to circuit switched networks that establish and maintain a direct connection between devices, packet-switched communications uses an address to “route” the packet through the Internet to its destination. As such, in packet-switched communication networks, there is no single dedicated circuit maintaining a connection between the communicating devices, nor does data traveling through the Internet travel in a single consistent path. Each packet must find its way through the maze of interconnected computers to reach its target destination.
Thereafter notebook 60 assembles its IP data packets and commences sending them sequentially to their destination, first through WiFi radio 63A to WiFi router 62A and then subsequently across the network of routers and servers acting as intermediary routers to its destination. For example, a series of dedicated routers as shown include 65A, 65B, and 65C and computer servers operating as routers include 66A through 66E, together form a router network operating either as nodes in the Internet or as a point of presence or POP, i.e. gateways of limited connectivity capable of accessing the Internet. While some routers or servers acting as a POP connect to the Internet through only a small number of adjacent devices, server 66A, as shown, is interconnected to numerous devices, and is sometimes referred to as a “super POP”. For clarity's sake it should be noted the term POP in network vernacular should not be confused with the application name POP, or plain old post office, used in email applications.
Each router, or server acting as a router, contains in its memory files a routing table identifying the IP addresses it can address and possibly also the addresses that the routers above it can address. These routing tables are automatically downloaded and installed in every router when it is first connected to the Internet and are generally not loaded as part of routing a packet through the network. When an IP packet comes into a router, POP or super POP, the router reads enough of the IP address, generally the higher most significant digits of the address, to know where to next direct the packet on its journey to its destination. For example a packet headed to Tokyo from New York may be routed first through Chicago then through servers in San Francisco, Los Angeles, or Seattle before continuing on to Tokyo.
In the example of
Unlike in circuit-switched telephonic communication that establishes and maintains a direct connection between clients, with packet-switched data, there is no universal intelligence looking down at the Internet to decide which path is the best, optimum, or fastest path to route the packet nor is there any guarantee that two successive packets will even take the same route. As such, the packet “discovers” its way through the Internet based on the priorities of the companies operating the routers and servers the packet traverses. Each router, in essence, contains certain routing tables and routing algorithms that define its preferred routes based on the condition of the network. For example, a router's preferences may prioritize sending packets to other routers owned by the same company, balancing the traffic among connections to adjacent routers, finding the shortest delay to the next router, directing business to strategic business partners, or creating an express lane for VIP clients by skipping as many intermediate routers as possible. When a packet enters a router, there is no way to know whether the routing choices made by the specific POP were made in the best interest of the sender or of the network server operator.
So in some sense, the route a packet takes is a matter of timing and of luck. In the previous New York to Tokyo routing example, the routing and resulting QoS can vary substantially based on even a small perturbation in the path, i.e. in non-linear equations the so-called “butterfly effect”. Consider the case where the packet from New York goes through “router A” in Chicago and because of temporary high traffic in California, it is forwarded to Mexico City rather than to California. The Mexico City router then in turn forwards the IP packet to Singapore, from where it is finally sent to Tokyo. The very next packet sent is routed through Chicago “router B”, which because of low traffic at that moment directs the packet to San Francisco and then directly to Tokyo in only two hops. In such a case, the second packet may arrive in Tokyo before the first one routed through a longer more circuitous path. This example highlights the problematic issue of using the Internet for real-time communication such as live video streaming or VoIP, namely that the Internet is not designed to guarantee the time of delivery or to control network delays in performing the delivery. Latency can vary from 50 ms to over 1 second just depending on whether a packet is routed through only two servers or through fifteen.
The Internet's lack of routing control is problematic for real-time applications and is especially an issue of poor QoS for OTT carriers—carriers trying to provide Internet based telephony by catching a free ride on top of the Internet's infrastructure. Since the OTT carrier doesn't control the routing, they can't control the delay or network latency. Another issue with packet-switched communication, is that it is easy to hijack data without being detected. If a pirate intercepts a packet and identifies its source or destination IP address, they can use a variety of methods to intercept data from intervening routers and either sniff or redirect traffic through their own pirate network to spy on the conversation and even crack encrypted files.
The source and destination IP addresses and other important information used to route a packet (and also used by pirates to hack a packet) are specified as a string of digital data illustrated in
The IP packet is sent and received in sequence as a string of serial digital bits, shown in advancing time 86 from left to right and is organized in a specific manner called the Internet Protocol as established by various standards committees including the Internet Engineering Task Force or IETF among others. The standard insures that any IP packet following the prescribed protocol can communicate with and be understood by any connected device complying with the same IP standard. Insuring communication and interoperability of Internet connected devices and applications are hallmarks of the Internet, and represent a guiding principal of the Open Source Initiative or OSI, to prevent any company, government, or individual from taking control of the Internet or limiting its accessibility or its functionality.
The OSI model, an abstraction comprising seven layers of functionality, precisely prescribes the format of an IP packet and what each segment of the packet is used for. Each portion or “segment” of the IP packet corresponds to data applying to function of the particular OSI layer summarized in table 87 of
As described, the OSI seven-layer model defines the functions of each layer, and the corresponding IP packet encapsulates data relating to each layer, one inside the other in a manner analogous to the babushka or Russian nesting doll, the wooden dolls with one doll inside another inside another and so on . . . . The outer packet or Layer 1 PHY defines the entire IP frame containing information relating to all the higher levels. Within this PHY data, the Layer 2 data frame describes the data link layer and contains the Layer 3 network datagram. This datagram in turn describes the Internet layer as its payload, with Layer 4 segment data describing the transport layer. The transport layer carries upper layer data as a payload including Layer 5, 6 and 7 content. The seven-layer encapsulation is also sometimes referred to by the mnemonic “all people seem to need data processing” ordering the seven OSI layers successively from top to bottom as application, presentation, session, transport, network, data-link, and physical layers.
While the lower physical and link layers are hardware specific, the middle OSI layers encapsulated within the IP packet describing the network and transport information are completely agnostic to the hardware used to communicate and deliver the IP packet. Moreover, the upper layers encapsulated as the payload of the transport layer are specific only to the applications to which they apply and operate completely independently from how the packet was routed or delivered through the Internet. This partitioning enables each layer to essentially be supervised independently, supporting a myriad of possible combinations of technologies and users without the need for managerial approval of packet formatting or checking the viability of the packet's payload. Incomplete or improper IP packets are simply discarded. In this manner, packet-switched networks are able to route, transport and deliver diverse application related information over disparate communication mediums in a coherent fashion between and among any Internet connected devices or objects.
In conclusion, switched circuit networks require a single direct connection between two or more parties communicating (similar to the plain old telephone system of a century ago), while packet switches network communication involves a fragmenting documents, sound, video, and text into multiple packets, deliver those packets through multiple network paths (similar to the post office using best efforts to provide delivery in an accurate and timely manner), then reassembling the original content and confirming nothing was lost along the way. A comparison between circuit-switched PSTNs versus packet-switched VoIP is summarized in the following table:
It should be mentioned here that while PSTNs operate using real-time electrical circuit connections, packet-switched networks deliver content using “best effort” methods to find a way to deliver a packet and payload, not unlike the post office using different trucks and letter carriers to eventually deliver the mail, even if its late to arrive. To better understand the method by which packet-switched networks accomplish this goal, it is necessary to look deeper into the function and role of each layer in the seven-layer OSI model for networks.
OSI Layer 1—Physical (PHY) Layer
The physical layer described by OSI Layer 1 addresses operation of hardware used to facilitate communication. While it is the most basic layer, describing only electrical, radio, and optical transmission, it is also the most diverse, with each detailed description specific to a particular piece of hardware. Broadly viewed, communication hardware can be broken into two types—high-bandwidth communication used for high-traffic-volume pipes connecting servers forming the backbone of the Internet, i.e. the “cloud”, and lower bandwidth connections completing local communication between devices or connecting the “last-mile” link from the cloud to consumers, businesses, and machines.
As some examples, server 21C acting as a cloud gateway connects by fiber connection 24 to LTE base station 17 driving radio tower 18 for cellular communication 28 connecting to cell phone 32, tablet 33, or notebook 35. Server 21C also connects to public WiFi router 100 transmitting WiFi 29 to cell phone 32, tablet 33, or notebook 35.
Server 21C connects to cable modem transmission system CMTS 101 which in turn connects by coaxial cable 105 to set top box (TV STB) 102 driving TV 39 using HDMI 107 and to cable modem 103. Cable modem 103 generates two different types of outputs—voice and high speed digital (HSD). The voice output may be used with cordless phone 5 while the HSD drives desktop 36 as well as tablet 33, home appliance 34, and cell phone (not shown) via WiFi signal 29 generated by home WiFi access point 26. Cable modem 103 may in some instances produce HSD as Ethernet 104 wired to desktop 36. Alternatively TV STB 102 can receive its signals via satellite link 95 comprising satellite dishes 92A and 92B with satellite 93. Collectively TV STB 102 and the various outputs of cable modem 103 create home communication network 100.
Server 21C may also connect to professional communication devices via two-way radio 20 signals driving radios 16A and 16B from TETRA or EDACS base station 14 and radio tower 15 or through corporate PBX 8 driving desktop phones 9. Because most two-way radio and private branch exchange systems are not based on packet-switched techniques and do not use public telephone numbers for call routing, information is lost whenever data is sent between server 21C and PBX 8 or radio base station 14. The same is true of PSTN-bridge 3 connected to POTS 6, since POTS is not designed to handle a mixture of voice and data.
The role of the physical or PHY layer varies in systems depending on whether the communication is one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many. In one-to-one communication, illustrated conceptually in
Since in one-to-one communication there are only two devices, there is no need to include software to direct traffic, identify devices, or to decide which devices respond to instructions. Examples of such dedicated point-to-point communication includes serial communication buses like RS232 originally used to connect printers to desktop computers, and the simple serial control or S2C bus (U.S. Pat. No. 7,921,320) used to control the LED backlight brightness in cell phone displays.
Dedicated point-to-point communication offers several advantages. Firstly, it is easy to implement and if desired, can be performed entirely in hardware, even within a single integrated circuit, with no need for a central processing unit (CPU) core. Alternatively, the interface can be implemented in firmware, i.e. hardware specific software, requiring only minimal CPU processing power to execute a limited instruction set for managing data exchange. Secondly, without the need for traffic management, such interfaces can operate at very high data rates. Lastly, it offers various advantages in security because no other device is sharing the line or able to “listen” to its communication. In this case, the interface can be implemented to “validate” or “authenticate” the identity of any device at the time the device is plugged into its port, and to disable the port if the connection is interrupted even for an instant. Devices that are not authenticated are ignored and the port remains shut down until a valid device replaces the offending device.
The relationship between two devices in one-to-one communication can be managed in two fundamentally different ways. In “peer-to-peer” communication, each device has equal decision making authority and control of the communication exchange is generally prioritized on a first-come first-served basis. Alternatively, in a “master-slave” configuration, the master device takes control of the decision making process and the slave has to make requests and receive approval from the master device to initiate any action.
A one-to-many PHY-only interface is illustrated in
In the modern vernacular, one-to-many broadcasting is known as multicasting. Layer 1 PHY-only one-to-many broadcasting is intrinsically not a secure form of communication because the broadcaster has no idea who is listening. In World War II, broadcasting was used to send information to troops, fleets, and submarines over insecure channels using “encryption” designed to prevent a listener's ability to interpret a message by using a secret algorithm to scramble the information. If an unauthorized listener is able to “break the code”, security is severely compromised not only because the interloper can intercept confidential communiqués, but because the broadcaster doesn't know they are able to. So in Layer-1 PHY-only implementations, one-to-many communication suffers several major disadvantages, namely:
The problem of multi-device connectivity using a PHY-only implementation is further exacerbated in one-to-many and especially in many-to-many device communication because of competition for channel bandwidth and in determining prioritization of which device is authorized to transmit. To prevent data collisions, cases where multiple devices try to broadcast simultaneously, PHY-only communication must adopt a predetermined hierarchy of priority rights for each device sharing the communication channel or medium. In a central processing unit or CPU design, several methods are combined to manage communication within the CPU and between the CPU and memory. These concepts include the principle of an “address bus” used to identify what device or memory location the CPU is attempting to communicate with, a “data bus” used to carry the data separately from the address, and one or more “interrupt’ lines used to identify when some task must be performed.
In this manner a CPU can react dynamically to required tasks, allowing the CPU to communicate with and support multiple peripherals on an as needed basis, absolving the CPU of any responsibility to constantly poll or solicit status information from its connected peripherals. In operation, whenever a peripheral component needs attention, it generates an “interrupt” signal, i.e. a request for service by electrically shorting a shared connection, the interrupt line, to ground, momentarily. After generating the interrupt, the peripheral waits for the CPU to ask the device what it needs in a manner analogous to the “call attendant” light in an airplane. Since the interrupt service routine generally allows the CPU to finish what it is doing before servicing the interrupting device, such a method is not good for dealing with priority treatment of real-time events requiring immediate attention.
To augment the capability of interrupt-based communication for real-time applications, CPU architecture introduced the concept of a priority line called a “non-maskable interrupt” to force the CPU to drop whatever it's doing and immediately service a high-priority or real-time event, e.g. a message coming into a router or a call coming into a cell phone. Like VIP treatment for a small number of passengers in a first class cabin, while such methods work for a limited number of devices connected to central communication or master device, the approach does not scale to handle a large number of users nor does it support peer-distributed systems where there is no centralized control.
Expanding on the CPU's principle of a device address, OSI Layers 2, 3, and 4 likewise all utilize device “identity” as a key component in directing communication traffic among devices. For example, Layer 2, the data link layer, identifies input and output connections using media access or MAC addresses, Layer 3, the network layer, routes packets through the network using IP addresses, and Layer 4, the transport layer, employs port addresses to identify what kind of data is being transported, e.g. email, web pages, files, etc. In a CPU, the address bus, data busses, and interrupt lines comprise separate lines, also known as a “parallel” port connection. While parallel ports are effective in maximizing data rates for interconnections within a single chip or for short distance high-speed connections on a computer motherboard, the large number-of-lines are expensive and impractical for longer distance communication.
Instead, serial communication, delivering information in packets transmitted over time, forms the prevailing method for electronic communication today. The IP packet shown previously in
OSI Layer 2—Data Link Layer
To overcome the aforementioned problems in controlling information flow in PHY-only multi-device communication, the seven-layer OSI model includes the abstraction of a Layer 2 or “data link” layer. In essence the data link layer performs the duties of a traffic cop, directing the flow of data, and deciding which data on a shared data bus or shared medium is intended for a particular device. The role of the Layer 2 data link layer is exemplified in
By introducing Layer 2 related hardware or software as a data link layer interface in all three devices, i.e. data link interfaces 146A, 146B, and 146C, data sent across data bus 144 can be inspected and filtered to limit communication between the sender and the intended recipient devices. The other bus connected devices, while they still receive the same data, ignore it and take no action as a result of receiving the incoming message. Such a protocol is used by the serial peripheral interface or SPI bus, where multiple devices are connected to a common “data bus”, the bus carrying data, but only respond if their particular address appears on the address lines. In this way, the SPI bus is used to control LEDs in LCD TV backlight systems, allowing independent control of each string of LEDs in the TV display to facilitate brightness control and “local dimming” for high contrast HD and UHD video content. The same concept is also used in computer memory bus architectures to select which bank of memory is being read or written to, in PCI Express expansion slots in computers, and in the CAN bus used in automobiles.
Likewise, the concept of the data link layer is used in Bluetooth wireless communication of wireless headphones, speakers, video cameras, etc., where only paired devices, devices previously authorized or “bonded”, can communicate with one another. In the Bluetooth protocol, the bonding process, steps that establish the data link, occurs independently from and prior to any actual data communication. Once the bond is complete, the two bonded devices can, at least theoretically, communicate undisturbed by other Bluetooth conversations transpiring concurrently among other parties. In reality, Bluetooth communication bus 144 represents a shared radio frequency channel of limited bandwidth and data capacity. Defined by the Bluetooth standards committee and assigned by mutual consent of the FCC and their foreign equivalent agencies, every Bluetooth compliant device broadcasts on the same shared radio frequency band or “channel”. Each simultaneous broadcast consumes a portion of the channel's available bandwidth and data rate. Despite the overlapping transmissions, the data does not collide so long that the channel doesn't become overly populated. To minimize the risk of data collisions and to circumvent challenges of channel overpopulation and availability, Bluetooth communication is intentionally limited to very short distances and extremely low data rates.
In the bus architecture described previously, the physical connection is a common line, electrical connection, or medium connected directly to or shared among multiple devices. In a bus architecture, any device connected to the bus consumes some energy from the bus in order to communicate and degrades the bus performance, even if but by a small amount. This phenomenon, incrementally degrading bus performance with each additional device connection is known as “loading”. In the event the loading it too great, the bus no longer is able to operate within its specified performance limits, and communication will fail either by becoming too slow or by exhibiting a high error rate. The maximum number of devices that may be connected to a line or bus before it fails to meet its specified performance rating is referred to as the “fan out” of the bus or connection. To alleviate the risk of loading, the bus can be broken into numerous segments, each operating in a point-to-point manner, where the signal integrity is boosted or buffered in magnitude before sending it on to other devices. From the point of view of connectivity, the data or signal being communicated, the data link, is the same as in bus architectures, but the electrical, optical, or radio signal strength, the PHY data, is consistently maintained at a constant level independent of the number of connected devices.
One such connected network comprising point-to-point connections with boosted signals is the hub architecture shown in
Each device connects to hub 148 through its own dedicated communication line, specifically, 151A, 151B, and 151C connecting peripheral device communication stack 146A to hub communication stack 150A, device communication stack 146B to hub communication stack 150B, and device communication stack 146C to hub communication stack 150C, respectively. In turn, the communication stacks within hub 148 connect to a high-speed internal bus 149 to interconnect the hub-connected devices. Although the PHY layer data all travels through hub 148 and internal data bus 149, the Layer 2 data link layer communication 147 operates as though only communication stack 146A in device A is talking exclusively to communication stack 146B in device B, and not to device C. The PHY-layer data is however delivered to every device connected to the hub and with identical propagation delays. Also, since there is no way to know which device is broadcasting and which ones are listening, the hub device must support multidirectional communication. Hubs for Ethernet and Thunderbolt operate in such a manner. In other hubs, for example for the “universal serial bus” or USB, the hub has one input and a number of outputs, typically to two to six, using different shaped USB connectors to distinguish the two types and the default direction of data flow.
Another method to interconnect devices to provide signal boosting is the “daisy chain” architecture shown
In daisy chain operation PHY data flows from the data link layer of communication stack 152A into its PHY interface, then through a cable constituting physical bus connection 151A into the PHY interface of communication stack 152B, up into its data link layer, down into the second PHY interface of Device B, through a cable constituting physical bus connection 151B, into the PHY interface of communication stack 152C, and up into its data link layer. So while the physical signal meanders its way through all three devices shown, the data link layer connects only communication stack 152A of Device A to communication stack 152C of Device C, where Device B ignores the data that it is carrying. Examples of network communication based on daisy chain architecture include Firewire, i.e. IEEE1394, musical digital interface or MIDI, and the now obsolete token ring used by early Window-based personal computers. A positive feature of daisy-chaining devices is that there is no need for an extra device, i.e. the hub, or all the network wiring connecting to it. One negative attribute of the daisy chain architecture is that the propagation delay between devices increases with each device the data passes through, causing inconsistent performance especially in high-speed real-time applications.
In all three examples, the bus architecture, the hub architecture, and the daisy-chain architecture, PHY-layer data is sent to every network-connected device, even if it is not the intended recipient. The device itself performs packet identification and filtering, where it compares the address of the data it receives to its own address, typically pre-programmed as a fixed permanent address using nonvolatile memory, micromechanical switches, or wire jumpers in the device or in one of its ICs. When a specific device recognizes a data packet containing a destination that matches its address, it responds, otherwise it ignores the packet altogether. The device address in the packet must comply with the communication protocol being used, whether MIDI, USB, IEEE1394, Thunderbolt, etc. In the case where the packet uses Internet Protocol as its data link layer, the address is given a specific name called the “media access” or MAC address, to be described later in this disclosure.
One key attribute of the bus, hub, and daisy chain architectures shown is that the data being broadcast on the PHY layer, i.e. the electrical, RF, or optical signals are sent to every connected device. This method consumes valuable network bandwidth by unnecessarily sending packets to devices that do not need them and for which they are not intended. As Ethernet emerged as the prevailing standard for local area network or LAN connectivity, this wasted network bandwidth was identified and ultimately eliminated by the introduction of a network “switch”.
In LAN implementations like that shown in the three-device example of
The principle can scale to any number of devices, and the operation of the LAN switch 159 can be unidirectional or bidirectional and half-duplex or full duplex. In operation, to establish data link 147 exclusively between communication interfaces 146A and 146B of network connected devices 145A and 145B, LAN switch 159 establishes a physical layer connection only between the two communicating devices 145A and 145B. As such, PHY layer connection is established exclusively between the two communicating devices, namely device 145A and device 145B, but with no other network connected devices, e.g. device 145C. One benefit of using LAN switch 159 is that device 145C is not bothered to listen to the chatter of other communication occurring in the network and its communication interface 146C remains free until called upon.
A second benefit of using LAN switch 159, is that the signal coming into LAN switch 159 is boosted before being sent onward to an adjacent network connected device, so that no loading, signal degradation, or speed impact results from connecting more devices to LAN switch 159. So the fan out of LAN switch 159 is essentially unlimited, determined only by the number of connections in the LAN switch.
A schematic representation of LAN switch 159 is illustrated in
In special cases where a broadcast of data is sent to every device in the network, for example in startup where one device may be looking for another but hasn't identified its location on the LAN switch, then every device may be interconnected simultaneously with only one source broadcasting the data and the rest of the devices receiving it. Because of the built-in amplifiers, even in the broadcast mode, every signal is buffered and no speed or signal integrity degradation results.
The third and most important advantage of using LAN switch 159 is it dramatically increases the bandwidth of the overall network, allowing multiple conversations to occur simultaneously and independently between pairs of devices as illustrated in
In this manner two independent communication channels, or “conversations” can occur at full data rates in AB pairing 164 and CF pairing 165 without waiting to share a common data bus. So in the example shown the bandwidth of the network connecting four devices is doubled by using LAN switch 159 and a LAN architecture compared to using a bus, hub, or daisy chain network architecture. In a LAN switch with “n” lines and connections, the maximum number of simultaneous conversations is then “n/2,” compared to the alternative networks using serial connections that are only able to support one single conversation at a time.
It should be noted that when two devices are connected, e.g. devices 145A and 145B in AB pairing 164, the communication using a single line is only half duplex because only one device can “talk” at one time while the other listens. If full duplex communication is required, the number of lines and crosspoint connections in LAN switch 159 must be doubled, with device 145A having its output connected to the input of 145B and, in parallel, with device 145B having its output connected to the input of 145A. So a device A to device B full duplex conversation would simultaneously involve two pairings—an AB pairing where device A sends data to device B and a BA pairing where device B sends data to device A, each on different lines and through unique crosspoint connections.
While the illustration of
While numerous protocols and standards have emerged to direct traffic and transport data in packet-switched networks, several widespread standards have emerged that warrant greater explanation. Either widely adopted or evolving from existing aging standards, these communication protocols and their associated hardware, discussed here below, include:
Ethernet (IEEE802.3)—
When electrical connections are used to form a LAN in modern networking, most proprietary networks have been replaced by a globally accepted standard IEEE802.3 known as Ethernet. The Ethernet specification prescribes the data packet used by the data link Layer 2 as well as defining the electrical connections, voltages, data rates, communication speeds and even the physical connector plugs and sockets. So Ethernet is, as a standard, both a data link Layer 2 and PHY Layer 1 specification. Specification of the content of an Ethernet data packet, either as a Layer 1 Ethernet packet 188 or a Layer 2 Ethernet packet 189, is illustrated graphically as serial data in
Layer 2 Ethernet packet 189 as shown contains destination MAC address 182, source MAC address 183, an optional virtual LAN block 184, Ethertype block 185, frame check 186, and payload 187, representing the actual data being carried by the Ethernet packet. To insure speed specifications, the size of the Layer 2 Ethernet packet may, according to the Ethernet specification, range from 64B to 1,518B in order to carry a payload from 42B to 1500B. In the event the optional VLAN block 184 is included in the packet, the packet length increases by 4B with a maximum Layer 2 Ethernet length of 1,522B.
Layer 1 Ethernet packet 188 combines the entire contents of Layer 2 Ethernet packet 189 with a header comprising SFD 181 for synchronization and preamble 180 as a data frame header. The maximum length of the Layer 1 Ethernet packet 188 is then 8B longer then the Layer 2 Ethernet packet 189, ranging from a minimum size of 72B to a maximum length of 1,526B without the VLAN option or 1,530B with the VLAN block 184 included.
In operation, the purpose of preamble 180 as a Layer 1 data frame header subfield is to assist the hardware in initially identifying a device is trying to send data. Start frame header SFD 181, another Layer 1 artifact, is used for synchronizing the incoming packet data to the timing clocks to enable reading the data reliably. After these two blocks of Layer 1 Ethernet packet 188 are received, the Layer 2 Ethernet packet 189 commences with the destination MAC address 182 and source MAC address 183 describing what LAN-connected device the data is going to and where it is coming from. The LAN switch is intelligent and able to route data according to these addresses. VLAN block 184 is optional and if present facilitates filtering of the packets by partitioning them into sub-networks or virtual local area networks in accordance with the IEEE specification 802.1Q. Ethertype 185 specifies the format of the data either as the type of data or its length depending on its format. Ethertype 185 and VLAN 184 follow a format that prevents confusion as to whether optional VLAN 184 data is inserted or not.
After all of this header data is received, payload 187 contains the actual data being delivered by the Ethernet packet. This data may comply with Internet Protocol, and may contain data encapsulating Layer 3 to Layer 7 content as described in the OSI model. Alternatively, in custom designed systems, payload 187 may contain protocols proprietary to specific hardware or manufacturers. If all the required data cannot be sent in the maximum packet size of 1,500B allowed by the Ethernet standard, then the payload can be broken into pieces, or sent using an alternative protocol, for example a Jumbo frame which can carry up to 9,000B of data, six times that of a standard Ethernet packet. Frame check 186 carries simple error checking-related information for the Layer 2 Ethernet packet 189 but not Layer 1 data for preamble 180 or SFD 181. Frame check 186 utilizes a 32-bit (32b) cyclic redundancy check algorithm, able to detect unintended changes in raw data of the Layer 2 Ethernet packet 189.
The physical standard for Ethernet includes both electrical and optical fiber, with the electrical cable being the most common today. Data rates have evolved over time from 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps to more recently 1 Gbps up to 100 Gbps, called “Gigabit Ethernet. Ethernet cables utilize easily recognized RJ-45 connectors to secure connections between LAN switches and devices such as servers, desktops, notebooks, set top boxes, and modems. In some instances, Ethernet may be used to deliver power to a device, known as “power over Ethernet” or POE.
WiFi (802.11)—
In many instances, Ethernet is employed to establish a wireless network connection with mobile devices, using a short distance radio link. Over time, proprietary wireless links have been replaced by a standardized short distance communication protocol defined by the IEEE802.11 standard, commercially called WiFi. Often merging router and switch functionality with radio receivers and transmitters, WiFi routers are now commonplace in homes, offices, businesses, café s, and public venues.
The radio link shown in
After processing, data is passed from interface 202 into the communication stack 203B of radio access point 200B, with physical signals connecting through Layer 1 PHY connection 204B and Layer 2 data link information passed through connection 205B. This information is then passed on connection 204 to the radio transceiver and broadcast on any one of several “n” radio channels through radios 206A through 206N as output on radio antenna 207. When receiving radio signals, the data path is the same but in opposite direction to the aforementioned description.
Interface 202 also can also act as LAN switch to support concurrent communication on different radio channels can occur with different Ethernet-connected devices simultaneously, in which case more than one Ethernet cable 201 is plugged into the radio link device. Alternatively, multiple radio conversations can be sequentially sent over a single Ethernet connection to an upstream device, using Layer 3 and Layer 4 to manage the routing of the packets to different recipients.
One standardized device and protocol for short distance radio communication is a wireless local area network or WLAN device operating in accordance with the IEEE802.11 specification. Such devices, commercially known as WiFi, are used for wireless Internet access and for wireless distribution systems or WDS, i.e. radio connections used to replace wireline connections where cabling is inconvenient, difficult, or expensive to deploy. Aside from the master IEEE802.11 specification, subversions such as 802.11a, 802.11n, 802.11ac, etc. are used to specify carrier frequencies, channels, modulation schemes, data rates, and RF communication range. A summary of the subversions of the 802.11 standard approved by the IEEE at the time of this application is listed in the following table:
As shown, WiFi operates primarily at 2.4 GHz and 5 Ghz, with 3.7 Ghz designed for long distance WDS routing thus far adopted only by the U.S. The 60 GHz carrier is newly adopted and designed for Gigabit data rates consistent with connecting to other high bit rate networks such as Gigabit Ethernet and fiber/cable using DOCSIS 3. To support parallel operation of multiple users common in café s and public venues, 802.11n and 802.11g offer parallel 5 channel and 8 channel multiple-input multiple-output or MIMO connectivity. To achieve high bandwidth, WiFi primarily uses OFDM or orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing as a method of encoding digital data on multiple closely spaced orthogonal sub-carrier channels.
In operation, OFDM separates a single signal into subcarriers, dividing one extremely fast signal into numerous slow signals. Orthogonality in this context means adjacent sub-carrier channels do not overlap, avoiding confusion as to which channel data is intended. The numerous subcarriers are then collected at the receiver and recombined to reconstitute one high-speed transmission. Because the data rate on the subcarrier channels is lower than a single high-speed channel, signal susceptibility to distortion and interference is reduced, making the method well suited for reliable RF communication even in noisy ambient environments or over long distances. Except for the special 3.7 GHz band, WiFi is limited to short range 70 m indoors and 250 m outdoors with higher broadcast powers. WiFi lacks cellular handoff capability so its use in long distance mobile communication is problematic and relegated to the LTE technology described below.
In WiFi using OFDM modulation, transmitted data is organized into “symbols”, a type of data representation that naturally compresses many digital states into a lesser number of symbols. The symbols are then transmitted at a low “symbol rate” to provide immunity from data loss related to carrier transport issues. This approach insures a higher bit rate with a lower error rate, improved QoS, and reduced sensitivity to signal strength fluctuations, RF ghosting, and ambient noise or EMI. A symbol may be any modulation such as a frequency, tone, or specific pulse pattern correlating to each specific symbol, where a sequence of symbols in a fixed duration may be converted to a data stream at a bit rate higher than the symbol rate. The method is analogous to semaphore flags where the flag can be moved into one of sixteen fixed positions in set duration, e.g. in one second. The symbol rate, also known as the “baud” rate, is then one symbol per second, or one baud, where the term one baud is defined as, “the number of distinct symbol changes made to the transmission medium per second”. Since the flag may have 16 different values, in binary form, eight states are equivalent to 4 bits, because 24=16 states. Then a symbol rate of 1 per second or 1 baud equals a data bit rate of 4 bps, four times higher than the symbol rate. Similarly, using 16 different tones to represent the symbols, a symbol rate of 10M symbols per second can result in a digital data bit rate of 40 Mbps.
The number of symbols employed affects, however, not only the bit rate but the error rate and communication QoS as well. For example, if too many symbols are employed it may be difficult for the radio's digital signal processor or DSP to accurately discern the symbols in a noisy environment, and the data error rate will rise, requiring retransmission of the data to maintain a valid checksum in the packet's dynamic CRC check. Using fewer symbols at any given symbol rate, makes it easier to discern one from another, but in turn lowers the digital bit rate and communication bandwidth. By analogy, if the semaphore flag can only be moved into one of four positions instead of sixteen, it is easier to see in a rainstorm so the chance of a communication error, i.e. reading it wrong, is greatly diminished. But using only one of four flag positions, the baud rate is still 1 symbol per second but the bit data rate drops to only 2 bps because 22=4. So there is in an intrinsic tradeoff between bit data rate and bit error rate which WiFi can modulate by dynamically adjusting the symbol rate. A similar tradeoff is made in LTE radio communication.
In 802.11 versions a, g, and n, a new symbol can be transmitted every 4 microseconds, or at 250,000 baud for each sub-carrier channel. WiFi employs 64 sub-carrier channels so theoretically the maximum symbol rate should be 16M baud at full channel capacity. But to guard against inter-channel interference only 48 of the 64-subcarrier channels are actually available, reducing the symbol rate to 12M baud at full channel capacity. In modern radio communications, symbols are converted into bits at multiple-levels, the levels changing dynamically with the RF communication conditions using a variety of phase modulation schemes summarized in the table below:
where the relationship between symbol rate and bit rate is defined by the following equation”
(Bit Data Rate)/(Symbol Rate)=Bits per Symbol
where the bit data rate is measured in bits per second or bps and the symbol rate is measured in symbols per second or “baud”. Of the phase modulation schemes shown, “binary phase shift keying or BPSK works best over long distances and in noisy radio environments, but uses a purely binary method of one bit per symbol, as such it is limited to low data rates. In good radio conditions, the data rate exceeds the symbol rate, i.e. bits per symbol >1 and the radio's bit rate can be increased anywhere from two to six times that of the BPSK rate, depending on radio conditions, the absence of EMI, shorter distances between transceivers, and broadcast power of the radio. For example, in good conditions or for medium range radio links, “quadrature phase shift keying” or QPSK methods offers double the data rate of BPSK with 2 bits per symbol. In very good conditions limited to shorter-range operation “16-level quadrature amplitude modulation”, called 16-QAM, can be used to increase the bit rate to 4 times the symbol rate offering 48 Mbps in WiFi communications. Under excellent noise-free radio conditions, the data rate can increase to 6 bits per symbol using 64-QAM, i.e. 64-level quadrature amplitude modulation. Phase modulation schemes in communication are well known to those skilled in the art and will not be discussed further in this disclosure.
In the case of 802.11b and 802.11g, another modulation scheme employed is direct-sequence spread spectrum or DSSS where the term “spread” refers to the fact that in DSSS that carrier signals occur over the full bandwidth, i.e. spectrum, of the radio's device's transmitting frequency. In DSSS, modulating circuitry utilizes a continuous string of pseudonoise code symbols shorter than one information bit to phase-shift a sine wave pseudorandomly prior to transmission and to subtract the same noise from the receiver signal. The result of the filtering is that uncorrelated noise is removed altogether and communication can occur reliably even in the presence of radio noise and EMI, even with signal to noise ratios below unity. Because the spread spectrum utilizes the full radio band, such methods are no longer preferred over OFDM, and are not employed in the newest WiFi implementations.
Aside from stipulating PHY layer details on radio bands and modulation schemes, the 802.11 standard also defines the serial data packet format required when communicating to WiFi radios. Compared to Ethernet packet, the WiFi packet header is more complex, in part because it must specify the radio receiving and transmitting station addresses as well as one or two network addresses. The data structure of a WiFi packet is illustrated in
The Layer 1 header comprises a 10B long preamble 230 and 2B long SFD 231 as well as a 2B long PLCP 232. While PLCP is considered as containing both Layer 1 and Layer 2 data, herein it will be considered as Layer 1 data. Together, then the Layer 1 header can be considered 14B long and the remainder of the WiFi packet constitutes Layer 2 data varying in length from 34B for empty payloads to 2,346B for a maximum payload 241 length of 2,312B. At a maximum payload length of 2,312B, the WiFi packet is longer than Ethernet packets, which in standard form are limited to only 1,500B long payloads. Components of Layer 2 WiFi packet as shown include frame control 233, duration 234, radio base station MAC addresses 1 and 2 shown as blocks 235 and 236 respectfully, conditional MAC addresses 3 and 4 shown as blocks 237 and optional block 239 respectively, sequence 238, and frame check 240.
In operation the purpose of preamble 230 as a Layer 1 data frame header subfield is to assist the hardware in initially identifying a device is trying to send data. Start frame header SFD 231, another Layer 1 artifact, is used for synchronizing the incoming packet data to the timing clocks to enable reading the data reliably. After these two blocks, physical layer convergence procedure or PLCP 232 provides information relating to the length of the packet, the data rate, and error checking of the header.
Frame control 233, the first purely data link Layer 2 data defines the version type of the WiFi packet, i.e. if it contains management related info, control commands, data, or reserved features, including the “To DS/From DS” control bits used to determine if the radio operates as an access point or a wireless distribution system. Duration 234, also known as “duration & ID”, defines the network allocation vector duration or NAV duration, i.e. how long the RF medium will be busy before another station can contend for the medium, except in power savings mode, where it contains information identifying its “station ID” used to recognize its beacons when checking for activity. Following the Duration info, Address 1 and Address 2 blocks 235 and 236 define the base station addresses, essentially the MAC addresses of the radio transceiver.
Specifically Address 1 in block 235 contains the BSS receiving station address while Address 2 in block 236 contains the BSS transmitting station address. In the communication of two radios which radio's address is loaded in Address 1 and Address 2 depends on the “To DS/From DS” setting defined in block 233 defining frame control. Address 3 defined in block 237 is used to link the radio to a physical network, e.g. using Ethernet, essentially describing where the data being broadcast is coming from, or alternatively where the data being received is going to. As such, the address present in Address 3 also depends on the “To DS/From DS” setting defined in the WiFi packet. To insure interoperability with Ethernet connections, WiFi addresses are 6B long, the same of the MAC addresses used in Ethernet LANs.
To define the direction of the data and to be able to reorder packets received out of order, i.e. affected from radio phase delays, Sequence 238 block contains sequence and fragment numbers defining the packet frame. Unless the WiFi packet is identified as a WDS or wireless distribution system packet, then optional Address 239 is excluded from the WiFi packet. After the address and sequence control blocks, payload 241 contains the actual content being delivered by the WiFi packet including OSI Layer 3 through Layer 7 data. Thereafter, Frame Check 240 utilizing a 32-bit (32b) cyclic-redundancy-check algorithm is employed to detect unintended changes in raw data of the Layer 2 Ethernet packet.
As described, when a WiFi radio is used as an “access point”, e.g. providing a radio connection of a mobile device to the Internet, only three MAC addresses are needed—the transmitting radio, the receiving radio, and the Ethernet connection. The ordering of the addresses depends on the direction of the data flow as defined by the “To DS/From DS” setting. The term DS is an acronym for distribution system, the wireline network or Ethernet connection to which the radio is connected. The ordering of the addresses in a WiFi packet in the case of WiFi access point are illustrated in
Referring again to the top figure, in operation data is sent from the WiFi radio in notebook 260 using RF signal 264 transmitted from antenna 262A and received by antenna 262B of the base station system or BSS in WiFi access point 261, which in turn sends the packet to the distribution system via Ethernet 265. In this case Sequence 238 contains the “To DS/From DS” bits shown in table 263 where the “To DS” bit is set to binary 1 and the “From DS” bit is reset to binary 0. In such a case Address 1 in block 235, the radio destination MAC address, contains the address of the WiFi BSS receiver, Address 2 in block 236, the radio source MAC address, contains the notebook's transmitting radio address, and Address 3 in block 237 contains the destination MAC address of any distribution system connected device using Ethernet 265.
Referring to the lower figure, where the data flow is in the opposite direction, the radio source and destination MAC addresses are swapped, and the Internet address changes from a MAC destination address to a MAC source address. In this case Sequence 238 contains the “To DS/From DS” bits shown in table 263 where the “To DS” bit is reset to binary 0 and the “From DS” bit is set to binary 1, whereby Address 1 in block 235, the radio destination MAC address, contains the address of the notebook's receiving radio address, Address 2 in block 236, the radio source MAC address, contains the WiFi BSS transmitter address, and Address 3 in block 237 contains the source MAC address of any connected device using Ethernet 265. In operation, data packets are sent across the distribution system from a network connected device and thru Ethernet 265 into base station system BSS in WiFi access point 261 which in turn broadcasts RF signal 264 transmitted from antenna 262B to be received by antenna 262A in the WiFi radio of notebook 260.
The WiFi specification also provides for using WiFi radios for the purpose of implementing a wireless distribution system or WDS as shown in
The data direction of a packet is then easily determined by the use of the four MAC addresses, two for the distribution system network and two for the WiFi radio. Referring to the topmost graphic in
In this way, the WiFi packet mirrors the Ethernet data frame comprising Address 3 as a destination MAC address, and Address 4 as the source MAC address as though the radio link wasn't even present in the routing. As such, a WiFi implemented wireless distribution system behaves like a wireline network in routing packets through a packet-switched network. Furthermore, the function of the “To DS/From DS” control bits allow the same WiFi radio to operate as a bidirectional data link, i.e. a WDS, or bidirectionally as a network access point. 4G Telephony/Long Term Evolution (LTE)—
Just as wire-line telephony has migrated from circuit-switched telephonic networks to packet-switched communication, replacing POTS and PSTNs, first with proprietary-hardware based digital networks such as ISDN, and then later with Internet-Protocol-based networks run on privately-managed computer clouds, so too has wireless communication evolved. As illustrated in
The first step to 3G mobile telephony occurred with the introduction of “general packet radio service” or GPRS, by transitioning both wireless infrastructure and phone software to a packet-switched communication network, enhancing voice, SMS, and MMS services with push to talk or PTT, always-on Internet access, wireless application protocol or WAP, and more, as shown by block 292. Based on code-division multiple access or CDMA, GPRS also enhanced call quality, increased network capacity, and improved the system performance. For example, SMS messaging over GPRS delivered messages at least triple the rate of GSM. At 384 kbps, the performance of CDMA was 40 times faster than previous GSM solutions.
The switch to CDMA was a significant event, as it involved replacing and reinstalling the entire world's mobile communication infrastructure with new transceivers and antennas. Once deployed, WCDMA enabled a second, even more significant step in 3G-telephony with the introduction of UMTS, the “universal mobile telecommunications system”, a standard developed by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project or 3GPP encompassing a more global and inclusive approach to defining and deploying a truly universal network and standardized protocol. To enhance its capability and expand network bandwidth, UMTS adopted a new protocol, wideband code division multiple access or WCDMA radio access technology, to offer greater spectral efficiency and bandwidth to mobile network operators without requiring replacement of their 3G hardware investment. Initial networks offered 3.6 Mbps peak downlink rates.
Coincidently, the concurrent development of the white LED and efficient miniature LED drive circuitry enabled for the first time, the use of color displays in mobile devices, and gave birth to the smartphone. The smartphone was a critical catalyst for commercially driving network bandwidth, as the higher quality color displays created immediate demand for fast Internet access, movie downloads, high-resolution photography, multimedia broadcasting, and even limited real-time video streaming. To fill the demand, high-speed packet access (HSPA), also known as 3.5G, was deployed over upgraded networks boosting both upload and downlink speeds while still using WCDMA modulation techniques. The rollout occurred in phases with high-speed download packet access or HSDPA released first as 3GPP Release 5, and high-speed upload packet access or HSUPA made available soon thereafter in 3GPP Release 6. Peak data rates improved to around 14 Mbps in the downlink and approximately 5.8 Mbps in the uplink but vary dramatically geographically depending on the infrastructure
Even before HSUPA could be widely deployed, cellular operators migrated to HSPA+ as first defined and standardized in 3GPP Release 8, also known as “3GPP Long Term Evolution” or LTE. The technology represents a packet-switched only network based on “orthogonal frequency division multiple access” or OFDMA, based on the same OFDM method employed in WiFi as discussed previously. While OFDM was developed for single user point-to-point communication, OFDMA can be considered as its multiuser version because has the ability to dynamically assign a subset of its subcarriers to individual users.
Initial HSPA+ based LTE deployments started at 21 Mbps. In 2008, the International Telecommunications Union-Radio or ITUR communications sector specified a set of requirements for 4G standards, named the International Mobile Telecommunications Advanced or IMTA specification, setting minimum peak speed requirements for 4G service at 100 Mbps for high mobility communication such as from trains and cars and 1 Gbps for low mobility communication such as pedestrians and stationary users.
Since early HSPA+ based LTE systems did not meet the IMTA speed specification, such early 4G precedents were not officially recognized as 4G telephony despite the fact that they utilized OFDMA modulation and entirely packet-switched networks. Consequentially there is no consensus whether to consider HSPA+ technology as late 3G or early 4G packet-switched telephony. Even the name 3.9G has been suggested. Regardless of naming issues, 4G telephony shown in block 293 today refers to packet-switched communication based on OFDMA modulation and various implementations thereof. Despite technical and historical variations of the data protocols and the use of inhomogeneous wireless networks, in the popular vernacular the terms 4G, LTE, and 4G/LTE are used ambiguously and interchangeably.
The high data rates and relatively robust performance of 4G/LTE telephony is largely due to its modulation methods and data frame structure. As shown in
Licensed carrier frequencies, listed in the following table, vary by region where phones from one country may not work in another country, unless a multi-band or world phone designed for global roaming is used.
The above licensed frequencies are subject to change based on the communication commissions managing radio frequency licensing in the various regions.
Shown in
The Layer 2 MAC sublayer comprises MAC header 303, a single-frame of MAC SDUs 304, and time padding 305, where the term SDU is an acronym for service data units. MAC header 303 includes the necessary source and destination MAC addresses for the radio connection. Each single frame of MAC SDUs 304 in turn, contains Layer 2 “RLC PDUs” 306, an acronym for “radio link control protocol data unit” used to control radio operation. Specifically, the RLC PDUs 306 contain RLC header 307 specifying information as to radio operation and protocols and encapsulates “radio link control service data unit” information, i.e. single frame RLC SDUs 308 as its nested payload. Following the completion of RLC SDUs 308 at time 309, new radio link control data with RLC header 311 and another set of RLC SDUs commences after a short delay time 310. The result is a sequential data stream of multi-frame RLC SDUs 319 where the data for K and K+1 blocks 313 and 314 is carried exclusively by single frame RLC SDUs 308, and where K+2 block 314 is composed of both blocks 308 from the current frame and 312 from the next.
In the Layer 2 packet data conversion protocol sublayer, each SDU block contains a combination of a PDCP header and a PDCP SDU. For example K block 313 comprises PDCP header 312A and PDCP SDU 323, K+1 block 314 comprises PDCP header 321B and PDCP SDU 324, and K+2 block 315 comprises PDCP header 321C and PDCP SDU 325, collectively forming PDCP PDUs 320. The content PDCP SDUs 323, 324, 325 in turn contains the payload 330 of the 4G packet, namely data blocks 333, 334, and 335 including network, transport and application layer data. Today all the aforementioned processing required to assemble, transmit, receive, and decode 4G/LTE communication is accomplished in a single dedicated communication IC or digital signal processor (DSP).
Using the aforementioned 4G Layer 2 protocol, 4G offers numerous enhancements over predecessor networks and communication standards, including:
Applications of 4G/LTE communication include HD and UHD video streaming, cloud computing, high capacity cloud based storage and online backups, faster web access, ability to send and receive large email files, and more.
DOCSIS3/Cable & Fiber Networks—
Until recently, cable TV and fiber video distribution systems packet-switched lagged the rest of the communication industry in adopting digital broadcasting and packet-switched technology. With the rapid adoption of the third generation release of “data over cable service interface specification” or DOCSIS3, however, cable network capability dramatically improved, offering the unique ability to service a large number of clients with multiple channels of high bandwidth communication concurrently. DOCSIS3 concurrently provides high-speed digital two-way communication and Internet access, VoIP, as well supporting multiple channels of high-definition video streaming including hundreds of broadcast and premium TV channels, unicast TV for pay-per-view, and IPTV downloads.
An example of a DOCSIS3 based cable & fiber network supporting multiple independent users is illustrated in
Data packets distributed from CMTS 350 are then connected to a variety of subscribers, and devices including a cable modem merged into set top box CM/STB 357 is connected to high-definition TV 39, or a cable modem CM 358 is used to supply voice communication to phone 37 and high speed digital connectivity to desktop 38 and home WiFi transmitter 26. In a manner similar to bus and hub networks, the aggregated content carried on channels 354 are all carried on the same cable or fiber and received by all CMTS connected devices.
With DOCSIS3, cable model termination system CMTS 350 became a switched network where all the content is not necessarily distributed to every subscriber. This feature known as “bundling” allows CMTS 350 to control which channels can be received by various subscriber's connected devices. As shown, bundled channels 355 carry content for TV 39 and IPTV while bundled channels 356 carry high-speed digital content and voice. The merged cable modem and set top box CM/STB 359 is able to access both bundles 355 and 356 useful in TV 39 is a smart TV while cable model CM 360 used for desktop 36, phone 37 and home WiFi 26 is only connected to HSD/VoIP bundled channels 356 since it doesn't require video connectivity.
Like the previous examples of Ethernet, WiFi and 4G/LTE, content distribution using DOCSIS3 over cable and fiber is bidirectional capable of full duplex operation, all implemented using packet-switched technology. By employing light instead of electrical or microwave signals to carry information on its PHY layer, optical fiber, in particular offers superior bandwidth compared to other forms of communication. The OSI communication stack for DOCSIS3 in a cable distribution system is illustrated in
On data link Layer 2, data is passed from the network interface communication stack to the cable network interface communication stack through forwarding function 370, specifically into link level control LLC 369. Link level control LLC 369 comprises a hardware-independent protocol defined in accordance with IEEE specification 802.2. The packet data is then modified by link security 368 to provide limited packet security, primarily to prevent unauthorized viewing of content such as pay-per-view unicast broadcasts. The data packets are then formatted in accordance with DOCSIS3 to include cable MAC 367 addresses in a manner similar to the example shown by WiFi radio bridge of
Upon receiving a data packet, cable MAC interface 371 then interprets the cable MAC addresses, passing its payload to link security 372 for decryption and ultimately to hardware independent link layer control LLC 373 for interpretation. The input data to the CM or STB cable network communication stack is then passed through transparent bridging 374 to the CM or STB device interface communication stack, specifically to device independent link layer control LLC 375 in accordance with the specification for IEEE 802.2. The packet is then passed to either HSD & IPTV MAC block 376 or to WiFi 802.11 MAC block 377 to update the packet's MAC addresses. In the case of WiFi communication, the data packet is then passed from 802.11 MAC block 377 to WiFi PHY Layer 1 radio interface 365 for transmission on WiFi radio 26. In the case of wireline connections, the data packet is then passed from HSD & IPTV MAC block 376 to Ethernet or HDMI interface block 364 for connecting to TV 39 or desktop 36.
Similar to OFDM used in WiFi or OFDMA used in 4G/LTE communication, DOCSIS3 communication employs multiple orthogonal, i.e. non-overlapping frequencies, either in the microwave or optical spectrum of electromagnetic radiation in which in encodes and transmits its information. Rather than assigning content specifically dedicated to each channel, DOCSIS3 supports “trellis encoding”, the ability to dynamically allocate and reallocate content including video, high-speed data, and voice across all its available frequency channels. As shown in several encoding examples of
In the corresponding data packet used in DOCSIS3, shown
Short codeword 394 contains payload 395A comprising data A and error correction 396A containing FEC A. In the event of long codeword 397, the payload is divided into multiple payload blocks 395A, 395B, and 395C carrying data A, data B, and data C, respectively, with each payload containing its own error checking blocks 396A, 396B, and 396C including corresponding data FEC A, FEC B, and FEC C. After error checking, the delivered data from DOCSIS3 comprises data blocks 395A, 395B and 395C in the case of a long codeword and only data block 295A in the case of a short codeword.
In this manner DOCSIS3 flexibly delivers data over a cable network using packet-switched data protocol.
OSI Layer 3—Network (Internet) Layer
As described previously, data payloads can be delivered over a variety of PHY Layer 1 hardware configurations and data link Layer 2 interface protocols. While Layers 1 and 2 are specific to devices, Layer 3, the network layer, provides a device independent form of communication, ubiquitous and agnostic to the PHY network used for carrying the signal and data. Layer 3 communication is illustrated in
To guarantee interoperability in packet-switched networks operating across various hardware platforms, networks, and systems, the OSI model prescribes a well-defined protocol organized in seven layers as shown in
In greater detail, Layer 1 frame 430 contains all data of the physical or PHY layer comprising electrical, radio or optical signals. Embedded within the PHY layer data 430, is the media access control or data link layer information on Layer 2 comprising MAC header 431, MAC payload 432, and MAC footer 433. MAC payload 432 encapsulates the network (Internet) layer or IP packet on Layer 3 comprising Internet protocol or IP header 434 and IP payload 435. The IP payload 435 encapsulates transport layer datagram or Layer 4 data comprising transport header 436 and transport payload 437. The transport payload 437 then encapsulates all application data 438 for the application layers 5 through 7 consistent with the OSI model shown previously in
In operation, upon receiving an IP data packet shown in
To maintain interoperability, packets sent over networks use a standardized format known as Internet Protocol or IP, even in cases when the actual network is not directly connected to the Internet. Layer-3 connectivity may comprise any collection of devices connected to a common packet-switched network using IP packets, including communication over (1) hosted or private servers connected directly to the Internet, (2) private closed networks or “intranets” not connected to the Internet, or (3) closed networks connected to the Internet through “network address translators” or NATs described later in this application. In the former case, any IP address used on the Internet must be registered and licensed to a client as an exclusive and valid Internet address. In the latter two cases, the IP address has meaning only in the isolated network where their use is intended and is not registered as Internet address. Attempts to use non-registered IP addresses on the Internet will result in connection errors.
As shown in
Importantly, IPv4 preamble 440 and IPv6 preamble 444 differ in length, content, and format and must be considered separately. Moreover the IP address field of IPv6 is 16B long with the ability to uniquely specify an almost uncountable number of IP addresses, i.e. 2128. By comparison, IPv4 is only 4B in length and can specify only 232 addresses. Because of the limited number of combinations in IPv4, other information is required to identify and separate networks from clients, as specified in preamble 440. IPv6 does not require the need for providing such a distinction. Most modern networks and IP routers today are able to support both IPv4 and IPv6.
Internet Protocol IPv4—
Looking into greater detail in the data packet construction of IPv4 datagram 450,
Table 451 provides a brief summary of the information contained in the IPv4 datagram fields. As mentioned previously, the four-bit long (4b) version field sets the Internet protocol to binary 0100 for version 4. The IHL field specifies the number of 32b words in the IP header 434, the length of IPv4 packet 450 excluding payload 435, ranging in value from 20B to 62B. DSCP comprises a 6b field defining differentiated service to control the communication quality of service or QoS. ECN represents a 4b field for explicit congestion notices or ECNs describing the network's loading condition. Total length describes the total length of the IPv4 packet datagram including both IP header 434 and IP payload 435, ranging from a minimum length of 20B to a maximum length of 65,535B. The maximum packet length may be limited to smaller datagrams by the Layer 2 data link protocol for a specific PHY medium. The 2B long “identification” field uniquely identifies a group of fragments of a single IP datagram to enable reassembly of a packet with segments received out of order, used in conjunction with the 3b “flags” and 13b “flags offset” used to manage packet fragmentation. The 1B long TTL or “time to live” field limits the lifetime of datagrams in the network to prevent immortals, packets that cannot be delivered to their intended destination but never expire. The TTL field specifies the maximum number of routers that any specific packet can traverse before being discarded as undeliverable. Each time the packet traverses a router the TTL count is decremented by one count.
Field 460, the 1B long “protocol” field, describes the type of data contained in the IPv4 packet's payload 435. In some cases, this data provides specific instructions, e.g. to check the network condition or propagation delay, to be executed as a Layer 3 packet, while in other instances the payload may be identified as containing Layer 4 transport protocol used to manage packet delivery and confirmation, including ICMP, IGMP, TCP, UDP standard transport protocols or other proprietary formats. In essence, the protocol field is a Layer-4 datagram description in a Layer-3 IPv4 packet, intimately linking the OSI layer 3 to Layer 4 in the Internet Protocol. The header checksum field is used to insure the header data is correct so that the packet is not delivered to the wrong destination. It comprises a 16-bit checksum used to detect errors and data drops. Collectively, the aforementioned fields form IPv4 packet preamble 440
The following two fields, the source IP address and destination IP address, are 4B long and may be represented in a number of formats. The traditional format, referred to as the dot-decimal format, comprises four decimal numbers separated by decimal points, e.g. or in dotted hexadecimal form as 0xC0.0x00.0x02.0xEB where each byte, i.e. octet, is preceded by 0x and individually converted into hexadecimal form. The 32-bit address can also be converted into its decimal equivalent 3221226219 or into a single hexadecimal number 0xC00002EB as the concatenation of the octets from the dotted hexadecimal format. Additional detail of IPv4 address formats can be obtained by referring to or other similar references. The 4B long “option” field, active only when the IHL field is set to 6 to 15, is seldom used because of security risks it creates.
Internet Protocol IPv6—
Because of IP address exhaustion, a new set of IP addresses was instigated referred to as Internet protocol version six. Data packet construction of IPv6 datagram 453, as shown in
Table 454 provides a brief summary of the information contained in the IPv6 datagram fields. As mentioned previously, the four-bit long (4b) version field sets the Internet protocol to binary 0110 for version 6. The 1B long “traffic class” field includes a 6b subfield specifying differentiated services and 2b for ECN congestion management similar to version 4. The 20b “flow label” field minimizes fragmentation by maintaining data path to avoid reordering in real-time applications. The 2B long “payload length” specifies the length of payload 435 in bytes (octets). Field 460, the 1B long “next header”, specifies the type of content in payload 435. Like the “protocol” field in IPv4, the “next header” field in IPv6 essentially provides information regarding content of IP payload 435. In some instances this content comprises an action, e.g. to check network delays, and comprises Layer 3 data. In other cases, the content comprises Layer 4 transport protocol used to manage packet delivery and confirmation, including ICMP, IGMP, TCP, UDP standard transport protocols or other proprietary formats. Like “time-to-live” in IPv4, the 1B “hop limit” in an IPv6 packet specifies the maximum number of routers a packet may traverse before being discarded as an immortal. Each time the packet traverses a router the count is decremented by one.
The following two fields, each 16B long, specify the source IP address 445 and the destination IP address 446. As mentioned previously the purpose of the longer IP addresses is to overcome the IP exhaustion occurring in IPv4. This issue is illustrated in
As shown, Class A comprises a 1B long network field 456A and a 3B long client field 457A having IPv4 addresses ranging from through to support 128 networks and 16,777,216 (approximately 224) clients. Class A users may comprise any large IP provider, telecommunication company, or video provider. Class B addresses comprise a 2B-long network field labeled 456B and a 2B-long client field labeled 457B having IPv4 addresses ranging from thru to support 16,384 (approximately 214) networks and 65,536 (approximately 216) clients. Class B users may comprise companies with a large number of sites. Class C addresses comprise a 3B-long network field labeled 456C and a 2B-long client field labeled 457C having IPv4 addresses ranging from through to support 2,097,152 (approximately 221) networks and 256 (i.e., 28) clients. Class C users typically comprise small business entities.
During routing of a packet through the network or Internet, processing of each field in IP header 434 occurs on a need-to-know basis. For example, each router needs to know the IP version, the packet length, and the packet's checksum to check for errors. Likewise the hop time or time-to-live in also necessarily processed by the intermediate routers to cull immortals. Intermediate routers, however, don't need to interpret every field of IP header 434. Specifically, field 460, the “protocol” field in IPv4 or “next header” in IPv6 has meaning only for the sending and destination IP addresses. Intermediate routers have no need to know the content of IP payload 435 and therefore do not process the information. When a packet finally reaches its destination IP address, only then will the intended recipient device or server read the value of field 460 in IP header 434 to interpret what kind of data is encapsulated within IP payload 435. As shown in
In cases where field 460 contains Layer 3 network layer payloads as executable instructions, IP payload 435 instructs the network the task to be performed. For example, when field 460 contains the equivalent of the decimal numbers 1 or 2 shown as protocol or next header fields 461 or 462, IP payload 435 will contain corresponding instructions for the network utilities ICMP or IGMP, respectively. Should field 460 instead contain the equivalent of the decimal number 6 shown as protocol or next header field 463, IP payload 435 will contain data 475 for a payload using TCP Layer 4 transport protocol. Similarly, should field 460 instead contain the equivalent of the decimal number 6 shown as protocol or next header field 464, IP payload 435 will contain data 476 for a payload using UDP Layer 4 transport protocol. Layer 4 payloads will be discussed in the subsequent section of this disclosure. Other less common and proprietary codes also exist. If the field 460 contains a protocol or next header code that is a standardized registered code, then public networks, at least theoretically, should respond appropriately to the code and properly interpret the payload. In cases where the code is proprietary, only proprietary networks and customized router can interpret the code and take appropriate action accordingly.
In the case when field 460 contains the equivalent of the decimal number 1 shown as protocol or next header fields, the IP payload 435 carries a specific network utility 435 called ICMP or “Internet control message protocol” used by network devices, like servers, routers, access points, etc. to access network propagation delays, to indicate that a requested service is not available, or identify that a router or host cannot be reached. Its assigned protocol or next header identifier, the decimal number 1, is distinct from UDP and TCP in that ICMP is generally not used to exchange information between systems or end-user applications except in the case of performing certain network diagnostics. As shown in
The “type” 465 and “code” 466 fields together facilitate the delivery of various control messages. Elaborating, type=3 control messages means the IP destination is unreachable, where the code describes why it was unreachable, e.g. for code=0 the destination network was unreachable, code=1 the destination host was unreachable, code 3 the destination port was unreachable, and for code=9 the network is administratively prohibited, etc. When type=5, the packet can be redirected whereby code=0 means redirect datagram for the network, code=1 means redirect datagram for the host, etc. Type=8 “echo request” followed by type=0 “echo reply” together perform the important and well known “ping” function, analogous to a submarine sonar sounding to check the network's propagation delay. Other important functions include “traceroute” for code=30, “domain name request” code=37, domain name reply code=38, timestamp request code=13 and timestamp reply code=14. For delivery issues code=11 means delivery “time is exceeded”, code=12 means “bad IP header”, and code=4 or “source quench” is used in cases of congestion control. The contents of ICMP data 469 may contain messages or may be used simply to load the network with larger packets to investigate if issues specifically may be plaguing large payload delivery.
Also shown in
In IGMP, the type 470 field describes the nature of the packet as “membership query, membership report or leave group” commands, “MRT” 471 or maximum response time sets the maximum time limit to receive a report up to 100 ms, and checksum 472, a 16-bit ones-complement sum of the entire IGMP package. For broadcasting, IGMPv2 sends the IGMP packet and its payload IGMP data 474 to IGMP group address 473 in accordance to the setting of message “type” 470 where a “general query” sends a multicast to all hosts, i.e. and “leave group” likewise sends a message to all routers, i.e. In IGMPv2 “group-specific query” and “membership report” only the group being queried or reported is involved in the communiqué. In IGMPv3, a more comprehensive membership query is possible defining all the connected parties.
Aside from ICMP and IGMP other datagrams comprise proprietary protocols where the source and destination IP addresses must prearrange to communicate using a unique format, otherwise the IP payload 435 will generally comprise data following TCP or UDP transport Layer 4 protocols.
OSI Layer 4—Transport Layer
The function of the OSI transport Layer 4 is illustrated in
The two predominant transport protocols used today are TCP and UDP. In the “transmission control protocol” or TCP, a communication connection between devices is guaranteed by a processing of handshaking, confirming that an IP packet has been reliably and accurately delivered across a packet-switched network before sending the next packet. Using TCP handshaking, a “connection” can be insured even in a “connectionless” packet-switched communication system comprising a local area network, an intranet, or the public Internet. TCP insures reliable, error-checked, properly ordered delivery of a series of digital bytes with high accuracy but with no guarantee of timely delivery. TCP is used to deliver time-insensitive payloads comprising a variety of computer programs, files, text, video, and voice communication including email, file transfers, web browsers, remote terminal functions, and secure shells. For time-sensitive payloads, other protocols better suited for real-time applications such as UDP are preferred.
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)—
Operating at the OSI transport Layer 7, TCP functions at a level intermediate to the network or Internet Layer 3 and the upper application layers. In delivering IP packets TCP is able to correct for unpredictable network behavior due to network congestion, dropped packets, traffic load balancing, and out-of-order deliveries. TCP detects these and other problems, requests retransmission of lost data as needed, rearranges out-of-order data, and even mitigates moderate network congestion as possible. IP packets delivered by the TCP transport layer may be referred to as TCP/IP datagrams. During packet delivery, a timer is used to monitor the delivery time. In the event the time expires before the packet is delivered, a request to retransmit the package is made. TCP packets are encapsulated within the payloads of IP packets. Received TCP packets are buffered and reassembled for delivery to applications.
In order to identify the application or service for which a TCP packet is intended, the TCP utilizes digital identification referred to as a “port”. A port is a number used to uniquely identify a transaction over a network by specifying both the host, and the service performed. Ports are employed by TCP or by UDP to differentiate between many different IP services and applications, such as web service (HTTP), mail service (SMTP), and file transfer (FTP). Communicating devices utilize a combination of both Layer 3 IP addresses and Layer 4 ports to control the exchange of information from the physical network comprising PHY Layer 1 and data link Layer 2, with the upper OSI application Layers 5 and above.
Each TCP packet 500, shown in
Data “offset” specifies the size of TCP header 506, i.e. the length of the header from the start of TCP datagram 500 to the beginning of TCP payload 507 as specified in the number of 2B (32-bit) words ranging from 5 2B-long words to 15 2B-long words. Reserved bits are not used at this time. The flags field contains nine binary flags relating to in part to concealment, congestion, urgency, packet acknowledgement, push function, connection reset, sequencing, and no more data from sender. Window size specifies the maximum number of bytes the sender is willing to receive in one packet. Checksum comprises a 2B (16b) checksum for error checking of both the TCP header 506 and TCP payload 507. If the URG flag is set to binary one, the “urgent pointer” field indicates the last urgent data byte to be sent.
In packet communication based on TCP/IP, handshaking is a key feature in insuring data integrity. As shown in
In summary, TCP/IP packets have the following characteristics:
User Datagram Protocol (UDP)—
As an alternative to TCP, the “user datagram protocol” or UDP employs a connectionless transmission mode, one with a minimal protocol and no handshaking verification of packet delivery. Sensitive to the underlying instabilities of a network, UDP offers no delivery acknowledgements, nor any packet ordering or duplicate protection. It does, however, utilize checksums for confirming data integrity. UDP is most suitable in time-sensitive applications or for purposes where error checking and correction are either not necessary or are performed ex post facto in the application, avoiding the overhead of such processing at the network level.
The UDP 529 packet shown in
The 2B checksum 523 is used for error detection of the combined length of UDP payload 524 plus data from UDP header 520, modified algorithmically into a pseudo-header to include IP addresses and other fields borrowed from the IP header. The pseudo-header never exists explicitly in the datagram, but is created, i.e. algorithmically synthesized from the data available in IP header and the UDP header, just for the purpose of error checking. The pseudo-header format and checksum values differ for IPv4 and IPv6 based UDP packets. While the checksum feature is optional in IPv4, its use is mandatory in IPv6. When not in use, the field is loaded with a 0 digital value. After UDP header 520, the UDP payload 524 follows with a variable length ranging from 0B to 65,507B in IPv4.
In summary, both UDP and TCP/IP can be used for Layer 4 transport of an IP packet traversing a switched packet communication network. UDP packets have the following characteristics:
Use of Layer-4 Ports—
Ports play an important role in the implementation of Layer 4, the transport layer, in packet-switched network communication. Among other benefits, ports help identify the applications or services provided by a server or device, they assist in allowing multiple users to interact with the same server without intermingling individual client's communications, they provide a means to support full duplex communications using different port pairs for host-to-client and client-to-host exchanges, and they help facilitate the operation of NATs, network address translators, to increase the number of available IP addresses for users while limiting the cost and number of required connections directly to the Internet.
An example of a host-client exchange of datagrams is illustrated in
A simplified version of the IP datagram used for this web page request is illustrated at the bottom of
So while some port #s are open and assigned as needed at the election of the server, others are reserved for use in UDP packets, for TCP packets or for both. A list of common official reserved port #s is listed in
The table in
Ports are also used to facilitate “firewalls”, preventing or at least inhibiting unauthorized access to a computer, server, or device for a particular service. For example, any server located on an intranet, i.e. on a private network located behind a NAT or protected by a dedicated network security box, can be limited to specific types of service requests initiated from the Internet. For example, the firewall may be set to block port 80 requests, disabling HTTP service requests and preventing web page downloads from the Internet. Alternatively the firewall can be set to allow only port 25 service requests from the Internet, with no other ports are enabled. In such a cases, the firewall allows simple mail transfer protocol or SMTP service requests, enabling emailing from the intranet to and from the Internet, but blocks all other types of transactions. The problem with such strict firewall measures is the added security blocks many valid transactions, preventing employees and vendors in the field from accessing important information needed to perform their job.
Another use of ports is to assist in delaying the date for port exhaustion in IPv4 IP addresses. Rather than assigning everyone multiple dedicated IP addresses for each personal device, Internet service providers or ISPs such as cable providers, public WiFi operators, cell phone carriers, and other have the ability to recycle Internet IP addresses dynamically and to employ private IP addresses to communicate between their Internet gateway and their private clients. In this manner, a single Internet IP address can serve up to 65,534 users for a Class B subnet or 254 users for a Class C subnet, provided that the upstream connection bandwidth is sufficiently fast to support the traffic.
The device that performs this one-IP-address to many-IP-address bidirectional conversion and communication is referred to as a “network address translator” or NAT. Shown in
Operation of a NAT is illustrated in
In operation, notebook 35 initiates a web page request by IP packet 560A from source IP address “NB” and arbitrary port #9999 to web server 21A at destination IP address S1 and port #80. Concurrently, desktop 36 initiates an email request by IP packet 561A from source IP address “DT” and arbitrary port #10200 to email server 27 at destination IP address S2 and port #110. Upon receiving these requests, NAT 550 maps the incoming messages to an outgoing Internet connection, mapping the address translation in translation table 555. The NAT then forwards the request from notebook 35 by retaining the destination IP address S1 and port number 9999 but swapping the source information from notebook 35 to NAT 550 with a translated source IP address of “N” and a source port #20000 to create Internet IP packet 560B.
In a similar manner NAT 550 translates the request from desktop 36 to email server 27 by retaining the destination IP address S2 and port number 9999 but swapping the source information from desktop 36 to NAT 550 with a translated source IP address of “N” and a source port #20400 to create Internet IP packet 561B. In this way, web server 21A and email server 27 both think they are communicating with NAT 550 and have no idea about any request coming from notebook 35 and desktop 36. In fact the IP addresses used by devices like addresses “NB” or “DT” connected on the NAT subnet are not valid addresses on the Internet and cannot be connected directly without the intervention of NAT 550.
Once web server 21A receives requesting IP packet 560B, it replies by sending HTML code for constructing a web page, routed by IP package 560C from source IP address “S1” and port “80” to a destination IP address “N” and port #20000. By referring to translation table 555, the NAT knows that replies to port #20000 correspond the request from notebook 35, and forwards the message by swapping its destination IP address and port # to the notebook's, namely IP address “NB” and port #9999 to create response IP packet 560D.
In parallel to this transaction, upon receiving the IP packet 560B request from NAT 550, email server 27 replies sending IMAP code containing email, routed by IP package 561C from source IP address “S2” and port #110 to a destination IP address “N” and port #20400. By referring to translation table 555, the NAT knows that replies to port #20400 correspond the request from desktop 36, and forwards the message by swapping its destination IP address and port # to the desktop's, namely IP address “DT” and port #10200 to create response IP packet 561D. In this manner, multiple users can separately address multiple Internet connected devices and sites through a single IP address.
Other Layer 4 Transport Protocols—
Aside from TCP and UDP, there is a general lack of consensus as to whether other common transport protocols operate as unique and independent Layer 4 protocols, if they operate as Layer-4 supersets of TCP and UDP, or if they are simply upper layer application programs running atop of UDP and TCP.
One such protocol, “datagram congestion control protocol” or DCCP is a message-oriented transport layer protocol for managing congestion control useful for applications with timing constraints on the delivery of data such as streaming media and multiplayer online games, but lacks sequencing for out of order packets available in TCP. While it may be employed on a standalone basis, another application of DCCP is to provide congestion control features for UDP based applications. In addition to carrying data traffic, DCCP contains acknowledge traffic informing the sender when a packet has arrived and whether they were tagged by an “explicit congestion notification” or ECN.
Another attempt to manage the timely delivery of packets, specifically text, is LCM or “lightweight communication and marshaling” based on the multicast option of UDP. In contrast to UDP unicast, one advantage of UDP multicast is that multiple applications behave consistently on a single host or spread across multiple platforms. Aside from seeking to minimize network latency, other Layer 4 protocols are used for “tunneling” data to create virtual private networks or VPNs, operating on and across the Internet. One such UDP based protocol is generic routing encapsulation or GRE, point-to-point tunneling protocol or PPTP, secure socket tunneling mechanism or SSTM, secure shell or SSH, and others. Some VPN implementations meant to improve security however actually increase network latency.
Aside from the aforementioned standardized Layer 4 transport protocols of UDP and TCP, it is unclear what the adoption rate of proprietary protocols are and what tradeoffs they make in ensuring low latency at the expense of IP packet corruption, or ensuring security at the expense of increased latency.
OSI Layers 5, 6, and 7—Application Layers
While the port # identifies the type of service requested, the application must understand the nature of the data encapsulated as a Layer 4 payload. Taking action based on the contents of the delivered package is the role of the upper OSI application layers, Layers 5, 6, and 7. The interconnection of multiple devices at an application layer is illustrated graphically in the block diagram of
Aside from connection to a packet-switched network, the main rule for devices to establish communication at the application layers is the same or compatible application must exist on all the communicating devices. For example, a banking program cannot understand a video game program, a CAD program cannot interpret HD video streaming, a music player cannot perform stock market trades, and so on. While many application programs are custom or proprietary to one company or vendor, several applications and services are ubiquitous, and in some cases even governmentally mandated to operate in an open source environment. For example, when Microsoft tried to link its Outlook mail server explicitly and exclusively to Microsoft Windows, courts in the European Union ruled such actions violated anti-trust laws and forced Microsoft to release its mail application as a standalone program with well-defined connections to the operating environment in which it operates. Soon thereafter, numerous competing mail programs emerged on multiple computing platforms using Microsoft's mail protocols and features.
The distinction between application Layers 5, 6, and 7 are subtle. As a consequence many people refer to the layers collectively in the 7-layer OSI model as “application layers”, “upper layers” or even just as Layer 7. In the latter interpretation, Layer 7 is viewed as the true application, and Layers 5 and 6 are considered as layers used to service it, similar to subroutine calls in a computer program. To make matters even more confusing, an alternative five-layer description of packet-switched networks competing with the 7-layer OSI model merges all three application layers into one layer, referred to as layer 5, but closer in construction to Layer 7 in the OSI model.
Session Layer 5—
In the 7-layer OSI model, Layer 5 is called the “session layer”, coordinating dialogues between and among applications, including managing full-duplex, half-duplex, or simplex communication, as well as providing checkpointing, recovery, and graceful termination of TCP sessions. It also establishes, manages and terminates the connections for remote applications explicitly in application environments that use “remote procedure calls” or RPC. Layer 5 also deals with managing cross-application sessions when one-application requests access to another application's process, e.g., importing a chart from Excel into PowerPoint. Another Layer 5 application, “socket secure” or SOCKS, is an Internet protocol used for routing IP packets between a server and client through a proxy server and to perform “authentication” to restrict server access to only authorized users. Relying on user identity to confer or deny access and privileges, SOCKS security is therefore only as robust as the authentication processes employed.
In operation, SOCKS acts as a proxy, routing TCP connections through an arbitrary IP address and providing forwarding service for UDP packets. In cases where a client is blocked from server access by a firewall, using SOCKS the client may contact the SOCKS proxy the client's network requesting the connection the client wishes to make to contact the server. Once accepted by the server, the SOCKS proxy opens a connection through the firewall and facilitates communication between the server and the client as though the firewall is nonexistent. Operating at a lower layer than HTTP based proxies, SOCKS uses a handshake method to inform the proxy software about the connection that the client is trying to make without interpreting or rewriting packet headers. Once the connection is made, SOCKS operates transparently to the network users. A newer version of SOCKS, referred to as SOCKS4, enhanced the software so clients may specify a destination domain name rather than requiring an IP address.
Being no more robust than the authentication process used to identify an authorized user, SOCKS may be converted by hackers and criminals into a means to defeat firewall security measures. To combat this exposure, SOCKS5 was developed to offer a greater number of choices for authentication, as well as to add support for UDP forwarding using DNS lookups. SOCKS5 was also updated to support both IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses. During handshaking and session negotiation, both client and server identify by number the methods available for authentication, namely:
Presentation Layer 6—
Layer 6 manages the syntactic representation of data and objects including maintaining agreement on character coding, audio, video, and graphical formats. In essence, the presentation layer, sometimes called the syntax layer, prepares or translates files and embedded objects into a form usable by a given application and “presents” the data to the application Layer 7. For example, if a graphical object is received in a format not comprehendible by a given application, presentation layer software, whenever possible converts or transforms the format to be acceptable for a given application. Conversely, Layer 6 may convert proprietary formatted objects into standard formats and encapsulate them before passing them down to the session Layer 5. In this manner, Layer 6 establishes a syntactic context between dissimilar applications for moving data up and down the communication and protocol stack. For example, a graphic created in Adobe Illustrator or AutoCAD may be imported and embedded into a PowerPoint presentation or into a HTTP based email document.
Layer 6 is also responsible for encryption, i.e. formatting and encrypting data before sending across a network, and conversely decrypting data and reformatting it before presenting it to the application layer. For example, upon receiving a tab-delineated data file sent in an encrypted format over the Internet, Layer 6, once it has decrypted the file according to negotiated decryption keys, can reformat the data for importation into a row-column based spreadsheet, e.g. Excel, or a relational data base such as Oracle. To enhance security, encryption and decryption by Layer 6 can be restricted to authorized senders and recipients whose identity is confirmed a priori via a Layer 5 authentication procedure. The security of such communiqués is no better than the encryption used to obscure the data file and the authentication process used to confirm a user's right to access the data file.
While presentation layer software can be developed on a full custom basis for a specific device or operating system, for transportability and interoperability the code may be constructed by employing basic encoding rules of “abstract syntax notation, version 1” or ASN.1, including capabilities such as converting an EBCDIC-coded text file to an ASCII-coded file, or serializing objects and other data structures from and to XML. As a Layer 5 presentation protocol, ASN.1 maps structured data to specific encoding rules, e.g. transforming an integer into a bit string to be transmitted and likewise decodes the bit string using “XML encoding rules” also known as XER. Examples of various formats covered by Layer 6 operations include:
Application Layer 7—
In the seven-layer OSI model, Layer 7, the “application” layer facilitates the interface between a user, client, or device with a host, server, or system. Because the applications layer is closest to the user, it facilitates the interface between the user and host. In the case where the user is human and the host is an electronic device such as a cell phone or computer, this interface is facilitated through keystrokes, touch or gestures using a keyboard or touch screen or sometimes through voice. Touchscreen interfaces, originally referred to as GUIs, or graphical user interface, has largely given way to the term UI/UX meaning user-interface/user-experience, an interface design based on studying human-machine interaction. In machine-to-machine or M2M and machine-to-infrastructure or M2X, the human interface is replaced by dissimilar hardware devices speaking different machine languages.
Regardless of these differences, the application layer must allow human and machine or multiple machines to talk to one another in a recognizable form. Since the OSI model deals with the communication and protocol stack, these interfaces fall outside the scope of the OSI model but still play an important role in negotiating a conversation including identifying communication partners, determining resource availability, and synchronizing communication. When identifying communication partners, Layer 7 must determine if another party has the right software installed, is allowed to communicate, and carries the right credentials.
In some cases, it may require Level 5 to first authenticate the other party's identity before initiating any data exchange. This confirmation can be performed at the time of the information exchange request, or negotiated a priori through a process of bonding, or using AAA validation, a three step procedure meaning authentication, authorization, and administration. In communication applications such a cell phones using VoIP, the application software must also test to confirm in the network is available and sufficiently stable to place a call, i.e. to establish a sequence of IP packets sent and received with acceptably small latency to support a conversation with acceptable QoS levels. In synchronizing communication, all communication between applications requires cooperation that is managed by the application layer.
Some examples of application-layer implementations include terminal emulation, email services, network management, web browsers, file management, backup and cloud storage services, peripheral drivers comprising:
File Management Applications—
One common Level 7 application, the file transfer program or FTP, used for sending files or downloading data. The files, once downloaded, are “written” into a nonvolatile storage drive for later use. If the files includes executable code, the download and install program together with the device's operating system open and install the software into the apps directory on the computer or mobile device.
This process is illustrated in
In an active FTP session, notebook 35 then sends the destination address and destination port # for the requested file, analogous to providing wiring instructions for a bank wire transfer comprising a SWIFT code and an account number. The resulting IP packet 581 includes the notebook's IP address “NB” and its port #9999 as the source info, and the server's IP address “S1” as the destination. The destination port # of the packet is changed to port #20 to negotiate the FTP data channel separate from the command connection.
In response, file server 21A then opens the IP packet's payload to determine the file name and optionally the file path being requested, and after locating file 583, encapsulates it into a responsive IP packet 582 and sends the packet back through the data to notebook 35 by swapping the IP addresses and ports, i.e. where the destination becomes IP address “NB” at port #9999, and the source becomes IP address “S1” and port #20. Like the previous two transactions, the IP packet uses TCP as its transport mechanism.
Once notebook 35 receives the file, it is extracted from the payload of packet 582 and possibly converted using presentation Layer 6 into the data file 583 for storage or for uploading into the notebook's operating system 585. If so, the program or another program, a utility in the operating system, uploads 583 the executable code of file 583 to create application program 586.
Two issues persist with the original implementation of an active FTP file transfer. Firstly, since FTP command port #21 is an open standard, hackers frequently use it to attempt to fake their identity and download unauthorized files, or otherwise to cause denial of service attacks which jams the device from being able to operate. The other issue with an active FTP transfer is IP packet 582 sent from the file server may become blocked by a NAT or firewall, intercepting its delivery to notebook 35. A variant of this procedure, called passive FTP can circumvent the firewall issue but now most NAT routers are FTP aware and support file transfers with proper credentials or authentication.
In addition to FTP services available on port #20, or alternatively “secure file transfer protocol” also known as SSH file transfer protocol. The transfer utilizes the secure shell or SSH port #22, the same one used for secure logins and secure-port-forwarding. Alternative file transfer applications include the less adopted “file transfer access and management” or FTAM, and data compression using ZIP and other algorithms.
Web Browsers & Web Servers—
Another broad class of Layer 7 applications comprises programs that use a specialized formatting technique called “hypertext”. These applications include “web servers” that store hypertext documents; “web browsers” who read and display them; and a specialized communication transfer protocol with dedicated registered port assignments to facilitate rapid access. A key component, the web browser is a graphically oriented communication program designed to download and display hypertext documents from the Internet, intranet or other packet-switched networks. A browser's network companion, the web server, is a high-speed computer used to distribute hypertext documents to browsers requesting access to their files. Hypertext may also be used to display emails with embedded formatting not available from simple email viewers.
In operation, browsers do not establish direct connection with other browsers but instead exchange information through intermediaries comprising one or more web servers accessible by both. To publish a document, a user simply “posts” the document or image to a “web page” hosted on any server connected to the Internet or any other private or public network or cloud. The user posting the document decides who has access to the posted files and whether or not they have read-only or editing privileges. The web server hosting the documents may be owned or managed by the document's publisher, or may represent a disinterested party uninvolved in the posted content and web page design.
Hypertext-based documents utilize a specialized document format language called HTML or “hypertext markup language” to display textual, graphical and video content in manner that is dynamically adjusted to best fit the window it will be displayed in. The function of HTML is to download the material to be displayed and to dynamically format it on a page-by-page basis. Each page may contain both static and dynamically sized fields with text loaded from hard-coded software or downloaded from a file or database. Although more complicated to design and write, the advantage of using a database for HTML page content is that the database can be updated often or regularly and the web page will automatically adjust. Otherwise, every web page must be redesigned as content changes. HTML also specifies the location of objects including fixed location footers, headers, sidebars, and fields, as well as floating objects that text dynamically wraps around.
The objects themselves can represent static graphical objects or photos, animated graphics, flash videos, audio files, videos and HD movies, and more. Like text, the formatting may be hard coded or dynamically linked. Linked objects may be translated using Presentation Layer 5 functions from one format or object type into another dynamically. For example, a predefined field within a spreadsheet may be converted into a static snapshot or graphic at the time the page is drawn. Other objects may also comprise live links to other servers and webs sites and when clicked may transfer information about the web page viewer's computer, personal and contact information, or preferences and interests, with or without prior approval of the viewer. In essence, clicking a link is considered a tacit approval of the terms and conditions of the host of the linked web page. For example, clicking on a banner ad for a new car may send information to a database for people interested in buying new cars, and result in unwanted “spam” email for new car promotions being sent to the viewer's personal email. On dynamic web pages, the content of the banner advertising fields may from that time on, automatically start to display automotive advertising—all based on one single action of a viewer's clicking a link and viewing an advertisement. Internet marketing companies sell such information about users to merchants and advertisers even without knowing whether their collection of a viewer's behavior is real or unintentional.
Importantly, in hypertext-based documents, much of the text and almost all the objects used to construct a requested web page are not included in the initial HTML download of a web page but instead are loaded after the initial HTML page is. The documents and objects are not loaded using the aforementioned FTP protocol, but instead utilize a more dynamic process referred to as HTTP or “hypertext transfer protocol”. HTTP represents an application and a data format operating at the presentation Layer 6 and servicing Layer 7 applications such as web browsers.
At Layer 4, the transport layer, HTTP operates on its own reserved port # for web access, specifically port #80. Because port #80 is often authorized and unblocked by firewalls or security software, like FTP port 21, port 80 is a favorite target for hackers wishing to gain unauthorized documents or access, or to launch “denial-of-service” attacks, a malicious attack on a server to prevent it from supporting normal functions by forcing it to service meaningless FTP or HTTP requests from a hacker or adversary.
The procedure for downloading a web page via HTTP is illustrated in
After receiving the HTML code, the browser in notebook reads the HTML file and identifies one-by-one the IP calls to download content into the web page. In the example shown, the first call for graphics is to download content from the same web server 21A as the first download, so notebook 35 prepares IP packet 592 again to destination IP address “S1” and port #80. Because the notebook's port is assigned dynamically, the source of IP packet 592 changes to ad hoc port #10001 but remains from IP address “NB”. As a response web server 21A encapsulates JPEGs into the payload of IP packet 593, swapping the source and destination addresses so that the source is port #80 from IP address “S1” with a destination of port 10001 at IP address “NB”. Upon receiving IP packet 593, the browser in notebook unwraps the payload, converts the graphics format using presentation Layer 6 into a browser compatible format, then sizes and installs the pictures into the browser page, i.e. the Layer 7 application.
As illustrated, the next object download request in the HTML page is not from web server S1 but from a completely different server, specifically media server 511 having an IP address “S5”. As such the web browser in notebook 35 prepares IP packet 594 as another HTTP request to destination port #80, this time at destination IP address “S5”. While the source IP address remains “S1”, with dynamic port assignment, the source port # again changes, this time to port #10020. In response, media server 511 prepares IP packet 595 from a source having its IP address“S5” and port address 80, to the notebook's most recent IP address “NB” and port #10030. The attached payload encapsulated in IP packet 595 contains MPEGs. Once received, presentation Layer 6 prepares the files, delivers them to application Layer 7, where the browser application installs them, and continues reading the HTML code and assembling the web page until it is complete.
So using HTML, the content of a web page is not constructed from a single download like a file sent using FTP, but is built using a succession of calls to different servers each delivering specific content. This concept is illustrated graphically in
One risk of HTML web pages is the opportunity for hackers and malware to gather information about a user, specifically if a link is redirected to a pirate site phishing for personal information under the auspices of being a valid ethical business in sincere need of a user's home address, credit card number, PIN, social security number, etc.
The World Wide Web—
One extremely popular, if not universal, application of HTML is web browsing for documents available over the World Wide Web, specifically web addresses reached by typing an address into a browser starting with the letters “www”. In operation, each time a user types a web address, also known as a “uniform resource locator” or URL into a browser's address bar, e.g. “”, the browser sends out an inquiry to the router located immediately above it to determine the targeted IP address. This process, illustrated previously in
It should be noted while many documents are accessible over the World Wide Web, not all Internet documents are posted on the web. Some web pages, for example, while accessible over public networks, do not use the www prefix, primarily to discourage hackers from searching for them. Other web servers utilize private networks or intranets hidden behind a firewall, and are accessible only from behind the firewall or through access using an encrypted pipe or tunnel known as a “virtual private network” or VPN. To understand the unique property of the World Wide Web, it is important to understand its development and evolution, responsible both for its benefits and strength as well as for its deficiencies and vulnerabilities.
Historically, prior to the invention of the World Wide Web and the browser, communication over the Internet primarily relied on email and on file transfers using the FTP protocol. Then in 1989, Tim Berners-Lee demonstrated the first successful Internet communication between a client and server using “hypertext transfer protocol” or HTTP. Thereafter, at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Marc Andreesen developed the first full-featured browser named Mosaic, renowned for its pioneering intuitive interface, support of multiple Internet protocols, compatibility with Macintosh and Microsoft Windows environments, backward compatible support of earlier protocols such as FTP, NNTP, and gopher, as well as easy installation, robust stability, and good reliability. Of key significance, Mosaic was the first browser to display images and text together on one page rather than opening graphics in a separate window.
Mosaic was quickly commercialized into Netscape Navigator, and in many respects responsible for fueling the Internet revolution and the widespread use of web sites for personal and business applications. While countless browsers exist today, Firefox, a direct descendant of Mosaic and Netscape, as well as Microsoft Explorer, Apple Safari, and Google Chrome represent the most widely used browsers today. Another class of application, the web search engine, concurrently emerged to facilitate searching for documents and content on the World Wide Web. Search engines such as Google and Yahoo Search dominate the market today.
As businesses flocked to the Internet, e-commerce was born with web-based sales and purchases emerging on generic sites such as Amazon, eBay, Barnes & Noble, Best Buy, and recently Alibaba. Market fragmentation soon ensued with vendors specializing on a specific type of product or service, rather than offering a generic e-commerce web site. For example, commercial merchants based on comparative shopping for travel and transportation such as Priceline, Expedia, Orbitz, and Sabre quickly appeared along with the airlines' own dedicated e-marketplaces. For users wishing to download “content” comprising music, video, e-books, games, and software, providers such as Apple's iTunes and AppStore, Walmart, Amazon MP3, Google Play, Sony Unlimited Music, Kindle Fire, and Windows Store offer online services. Audio and video streaming services such as iTunes, Google Play, Netflix, Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime, along with iHeart radio and cable providers such as Comcast Xfinity are now becoming increasingly popular, especially with WiFi services being offered in airplanes, busses, limos and in terminals and coffee shops globally.
Despite concerns over privacy and security, children and younger generation adults today post a tremendous amount of personal information on public websites. Called “social media”, the industry started with web sites supporting convenient publication, updates, and editing of documents where individuals posted their personal opinions and experiences chronologically on web logs or “blogs”. YouTube then enabled aspiring artists with the ability to post and distribute homemade videos. Facebook expanded on this trend, offering blog features chronologically merged with photo and video postings in an interactive format where viewers of your “home page” post comments including when they “like” something they read or saw. Facebook also expanded on contact management, searching people's contact lists for friends to add into Facebook, and allowing the account owner to “friend” someone by requesting access to their home page or ignore them. By reaching into people's personal contact managers, the number of Facebook users grew exponentially, enabling people with out-of-date contact info to rediscover one another over social media. The same social media methods were then adapted for dating, matchmaking or obtaining sexual services (legal or illegal), and in the professional world for contact industry peers, e.g. using LinkedIn.
Based on the same open-source philosophy as the Internet and OSI packet-switched networks, the World Wide Web lacks any central command or control and as such remains unregulated, making it difficult for any government or regulating agency to control, limit, or censor its content. Moreover, by publishing personal information, it has become easier for criminals to “case” a target harvesting their public information in order to better guess their passwords, watch their activities, and even track their whereabouts using GPS and transaction information. In some instances, e.g. on an open source contact and referral service called Craig's List, sexual predators and murderers disguised their identity and intentions in order to recruit victims of their perverse crimes. Aside from criminals and hackers using the World Wide Web and social media to monitor their targets, recent news revelations have shown that governments too track and monitor citizens' emails, voice calls, web sites, blogs, and even daily movements, without probable cause or a warrant approving them to do so. One argument used to justify such intrusions is that information freely distributed on a public site or over a public network is “fair game” and that the need to preemptively prevent crime and terrorism before it happens, much like “future-crime” in the popular movie “Minority Report”, is in itself justification for such aggressive surveillance and spying.
As a reaction to identity theft and to such unwanted governmental intrusions, consumers are migrating to sites like Snapchat and phone services reporting enhanced security and privacy requiring confirmation or “authentication” of the other party as someone you know and trust. Such “trust zones” as they are now referred to, still however depend on security methods available for packet-switched communication networks. As evidenced from the opening section of this application, these networks, communication protocols, web sites, and data storage are not, however, secure, otherwise there would not be so many reported cases of cybercrime in the press today.
Email Applications—
One of the most common and oldest applications over packet-switched networks is electronic mail or “email”. This process is illustrated in
In response to receiving email IP packet 601, email server 600 acknowledges its reception by returning IP packet 602 containing SMTP confirmation sent to a destination IP address “NB” at port 10500 from email server 600 at source IP address “S9” using port #21 or using SSL port #46. Meanwhile, email server 600 concurrently pushes the email as an IMAP message in IP packet 605 from source IP address “S9” and IMAP port #220 to desktop 36 at destination IP address “DT” and ad hoc port #12000. Upon receiving the email message, desktop 36 confirms the IMAP message to email server 600 with IP packet 604 from source IP address “DT” at port #12000 to destination IP address “S9” and port 220. As such, email delivery involves a three-party transaction involving the sender from notebook 35, the email server 600, and the recipient at desktop 36. In the communication, the sender utilizes a SMTP protocol and the message recipient utilizes the IMAP protocol to confirm the message. The IMAP exchange updates the database on the server and on the desktop to insure their file records match. Because the email server acts as an intermediary, there is an opportunity to intercept the communiqué either by intercepting notebook to server IP packet 601 or server to desktop IP packet 605 or by hacking the file itself stored on email server 600. Alternatively, “plain old post-office” or POP3 applications can also be employed for mail delivery but without file server synchronization.
Other Layer-7 Applications—
Aside from file management, web browsers, DNS servers, and email functions, numerous other applications exist, including terminal emulation using Telnet, network management, peripheral drivers, backup utilities, security programs, along with communication and broadcast applications. For example backup applications include the TCP-based “network file system” or NFS, now in its fourth incarnation, as well as commercial backup software including custom versions for Android, iOS, Apple Time Machine, Apple iCloud, Carbonite, Barracuda, Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft One Drive, Box. In operation, cloud storage stores data on a network-connected drive in a manner similar to an email server. The data may be retrieved by the file owner, or if privileges allow, by a third party. Like email transactions, numerous opportunities exist to hack the data during transport and when stored on the server.
Communications and broadcast applications include “session initiation protocol” or SIP, a signaling protocol widely used for controlling multimedia coms sessions such as voice and VoIP, “Internet relay chat” or IRC, an application layer protocol for transferring messages in the form of text, as well as “network news transfer protocol” of NNTP, an application protocol used for transporting news articles between news servers and for posting articles. “Over-the-top” or OTT carriers such as Skype, Line, KakaoTalk, Viper, WhatsApp, and others utilize customized applications to deliver text, pictures, and voice over the Internet using VoIP.
Other applications include customized peripheral drivers for printers, scanners, cameras, etc. Network applications include “simple network management protocol” or SNMP, an Internet-standard protocol for managing devices on IP networks including routers, switches, modem arrays, and servers, “border gateway protocol” or BGP applications as standardized exterior gateways to exchange routing and reachability information between autonomous Internet systems, and “lightweight directory access protocol” or LDAP for managing directories by allowing the sharing of information about services, users, systems, networks, and applications available throughout private networks and intranets. One feature of LDAP-connected applications is that a single login provides access to multiple devices connected over a single intranet. Other network applications include CMIP, or the “common management information protocol”.
Another important network application is DHCP or “dynamic host configuration protocol”. DHCP is used for requesting IP addresses from a network server ranging from home networks and WiFi routers to corporate networks, campus networks, and regions ISPs, i.e. Internet service providers. DHCP is used for both IPv4 and IPv6.
Quality of Service
When considering the performance of a network, several factors are considered namely,
Of the above considerations, data rates are easily quantified in millions of bits per second or Mbps. Quality of Service or QoS, on the other the other hand, includes several factors including latency, sound quality, network stability, intermittent operation or frequent service interruptions, synchronization or connection failures, low signal strength, stalled applications, and functional network redundancy during emergency conditions.
For programs, files, and security related verifications, data accuracy is a critical factor. Which factors are important depends on the nature of the payload being carried across a packet-switched network. In contrast, for voice and video comprising real-time applications, factors affecting packet delivery time are key. Quality factors and how they affect various applications such as video, voice, data, and text are illustrated in a qualitative manner in the table shown in
Illustrated by IP packet waveform 610D, unstable networks exhibit low data throughput rates with numerous data stoppages of unpredictable durations. Unstable networks also include corrupted IP packages as represented by the darkly shaded packets in waveform 610D, which in TCP based transport must be resent and in UDP transport are simply discarded as corrupt or improper data. At some level of network degradation even emails become intermittent and IMAP fie synchronization fails. Because of their lightweight data format, most SMS and text messages will be delivered, albeit with some delivery delay, even with severe network congestion but attachments will fail to download. In unstable networks every application will fail and can even result in freezing a computer or cellphone's normal operation waiting for an expected file to be delivered. In such cases video freezes, sound become so choppy it becomes unintelligible, VoIP connections drop repeatedly even over a dozen times within a few minute call, and in some cases fails to connect altogether. Likewise, emails stall or freeze with computer icons spinning round and round interminably. Progress bars halt altogether. Even text messages bounce and “undeliverable”.
While many factors can contribute to network instability, including power failures on key servers and super POPs, overloaded call volumes, the transmission of huge data files or UHD movies, and during significant denial of service attacks on select servers or networks, the key factors used to track a network's QoS are its packet drop rate and packet latency. Dropped packets occur when an IP packet cannot be delivered and “times out” as an immortal, or where a router or server detects a checksum error in the IP packet's header. If the packet using UDP, the packet is lost and the Layer 7 application must be smart enough to know something was lost. If TCP is used for Layer 4 transport, the packet will be requested for retransmission, further adding loading to a potentially already overloaded network.
The other factor determining QoS, propagation delay, may be measured quantitatively in several ways, either as an IP packet's delay from node-to-node, or unidirectionally from source to destination, or alternatively as the round-trip delay from source to destination and back to the source. The effects of propagation delay on packet delivery using UDP and TCP transport protocols are contrasted in
Since all packet communication is statistical, with no two packets having the same propagation time, the best way to estimate the single direction latency of a network is by measuring the round trip time of a large number of similarly sized IP packets and dividing by two to estimate the single-direction latency. Latencies under 100 ms are outstanding, up to 200 ms are considered very good, and up to 300 ms still considered acceptable. For propagation delays of 500 ms, easily encountered by OTT applications running on the Internet, the delays become uncomfortable to users and interfere which normal conversation. In voice communication, in particular such long propagation delays sound “bad” and can result in reverberation, creating a “twangy” or metallic sounding audio, interrupting normal conversation while the other party waits to get your response to their last comment, and possibly resulting in garbled or unintelligible speech.
To be clear, the single-direction latency of a communication is different than the ping test performed by the Layer 3 ICMP utility (such as the free network test at in part because ICMP packets are generally lightweight compared to real IP packets, because the ping test does not employ the “request to resend” feature of TCP, and because there is no guarantee over a public network of the Internet, that the ping test's route will match the actual packet route. In essence, when the ping experiences a long delay, something is wrong with the network or some link between the device and the network, e.g. in the WiFi router, or the last mile, but a good ping result by itself cannot guarantee low propagation delay of a real packet.
In order to improve network security, encryption and verification methods are often employed to prevent hacking, sniffing or spying. But heavy encryption and multiple key encryption protocols constantly reconfirming the identity of a conversing parties, create additional delays and in so doing increase the effective network latency, degrading QoS at the expense of improving security.
Cybersecurity and Cyberprivacy
The other two major considerations in communications are that of cybersecurity cyberprivacy. While related, the two issues are somewhat different. “Cybersecurity including network security, computer security and secure communications, comprises methods employed to monitor, intercept, and prevent unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer or communications network, network-accessible resources, or the data contained within network connected devices. Such data may include personal information, biometric data, financial records, health records, private communications and recordings, as well as private photographic images and video recordings. Network-connected devices include cell phones, tablets, notebooks, desktops, file servers, email servers, web servers, data bases, personal data storage, cloud storage, Internet-connected appliances, connected cars, as well as publically shared devices used by an individual such as point-of-sale or POS terminals, gas pumps, ATMs, etc.
Clearly, cybercriminals and computer hackers who attempt to gain unauthorized access to secure information are committing a crime. Should illegally obtained data contain personal private information, the attack is also a violation of the victim's personal privacy. Conversely, however, privacy violations may occur without the need for cybercrime and may in fact be unstoppable. In today's network-connected world, unauthorized use of a person's private information may occur without the need of a security breach. In many cases, companies collecting data for one purpose may choose to sell their data base to other clients interested in using the data for another purpose altogether. Even when Microsoft purchased Hotmail, it was well known that the mail list was sold to advertisers interested in spamming potential clients. Whether such actions should be considered a violation of cyberprivacy remains a matter of opinion.
“Cyberprivacy” including Internet privacy, computer privacy, and private communication involves an individual's personal right or mandate to control their personal and private information and its use, including the collection, storage, displaying or sharing of information with others. Private information may involve personal identity information including height, weight, age, fingerprints, blood type, driver's license number, passport number, social-security number, or any personal information useful to identify an individual even without knowing their name. In the future, even an individual's DNA map may become a matter of legal record. Aside from personal identifying information, non-personal private information may include what brands of clothes we buy, what web sites we frequent, whether we smoke, drink, or own a gun, what kind of car we drive, what diseases we may have contracted in our life, whether our family has a history of certain diseases or ailments, and even what kind of people we are attracted to.
This private information, when combined with public records relating to personal income, taxes, property deeds, criminal records, traffic violations, and any information posted on social media sites, forms a powerful data set for interested parties. The intentional collection of large data sets capturing demographic, personal, financial, biomedical, and behavioral information and mining the data for patterns, trends and statistical correlations today is known as “big data”. The healthcare industry, including insurance companies, healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, and even malpractice lawyers, are all intensely interested in personal information stored as big data. Automotive and consumer products companies likewise want access to such databases in order to direct their market strategy and advertising budgets. In recent elections, even politicians have begun to look to big data to better understand voters' opinions and points of political controversy to avoid.
The question of cyberprivacy is not whether big data today captures personal information (it's already standard procedure), but whether the data set retains your name or sufficient personal identity information to identify you even in the absence of knowing your name. For example, originally, the U.S. government stated that the personal information gathered by the web site used for signing up to the Affordable Care Act would be destroyed once the private medical accounts were set up. Then, in a recent revelation, it was disclosed that a third-party corporation facilitating the data collection for the U.S. government had previously signed a government contract awarding it the right to retain and use the data it collected, meaning that personal private data divulged to the U.S. government is in fact not private.
As a final point, it should be mentioned that surveillance is practiced both by governments and by crime syndicates using similar technological methods. While the criminals clearly have no legal right to gather such data, the case of unauthorized government surveillance is murkier, varying dramatically from country to country. The United States NSA for example has repeatedly applied pressure on Apple, Google, Microsoft and others to provide access to their clouds and databases. Even government officials have had their conversations and communiqués wiretapped and intercepted. When asked if Skype, a division of Microsoft, monitors the content of its callers, the Skype Chief Information Officer abruptly replied “no comment.”
Methods of Cybercrime & Cybersurveillance—
Focusing on the topic of cybersecurity, numerous means exist to gain unauthorized access to device, network and computer data. As an example,
For example, an individual using a tablet 33 connected to the Internet may wish to place a call to business office phone 9, send a message to TV 36, call a friend in the country still using a circuit switched POTS network with phone 6, or download files from web storage 20, or send emails through email server 21A. While all of the applications represent normal applications of the Internet and global interconnectivity, many opportunities for surveillance, cybercrime, fraud, and identity theft exist through the entire network.
For example, for tablet 33 connecting to the network through cellular radio antenna 18 and LTE base station 17 or through short-range radio antenna 26 and public WiFi base station 100, an unauthorized intruder can monitor the radio link. Likewise LTE call 28 can be monitored or “sniffed” by an intercepting radio receiver or sniffer 632. The same sniffer 632 can be adjusted to monitor WiFi communications 29 and on the receiving end on cable 105 between cable CMTS 101 and cable modem 103.
In some instances, the LTE call can also be intercepted by a pirate faux-tower 638, establishing a diverted communication path 639 between tablet 38 and cellular tower 18. Communications sent through the packet-switched network to router 27, server 21A and server 21B, and cloud storage 20 are also subject to man in the middle attacks 630. Wiretaps 637 can intercept calls on the POTS line from PSTN gateway 3 to phone 6 and also on the corporate PBX line from PBX server 8 to office phone 9.
Through a series of security breaches, spyware 631 can install itself on tablet 33, on router 27, on PSTN-bridge 3, on cloud storage 20, on cable CMTS 101, or on desktop 36. Trojan horse 634 may install itself on tablet 33 or desktop 36 to phish for passwords. Worm 636 may also be used to attack desktop 36, especially if the computer runs Microsoft operating system with active X capability enabled. Finally, to launch denial of service attacks, virus 633 can attack any number of network-connected devices including servers numbered 21A, 21B and 21C, desktop 36, and tablet 33.
In the last link, the local connection to the device, the network connection comprises wireline 104, WiFi 29 link, and LTE/radio 28 link subject to spyware 631, radio sniffer 632, wiretap 637, and faux tower 638. The device itself, including for example tablet 33, notebook 35, desktop 36 but may also include smartphones, smart TVs, POS terminals, etc. are subject to a number of attacks including spyware 631, Trojan horse 634, virus 633, and worm 636.
Such surveillance methods and spy devices are readily available in the commercial and online marketplace.
Aside from using hacking and surveillance methods, a wide variety of commercial spyware is readily available for monitoring cell phone conversations and Internet communications. The table shown in
In fact cyber-assaults have now become so frequent, they are tracked on a daily basis. One such tracking site, shown in
IP Packet Sniffing—
Using radio-monitoring devices, a cybercriminal can gain significant information about a user, their transactions, and their accounts. As shown in
If the payload is unencrypted, textual information such as account numbers, login sequences, and passwords can be read and, if valuable, stolen and perverted for criminal purposes. If the payload contains video or pictographic information, some added work is required to determine which Layer 6 application-format the content employs, but once identified the content can be viewed, posted publically, or possibly used for blackmailing one or both of the communicating parties. Such cyber-assaults are referred to as a “man in the middle attack” because the cyber-pirate doesn't personally know either communicating party.
As described previously, since IP packet routing in the cloud is unpredictable, monitoring the cloud 671 is more difficult because cyber pirate 630 must capture and the IP packet's important information when it first encounters it, because subsequent packets may not follow the same route and the sniffed packet. Intercepting data in the last mile has a greater probability to observe a succession of related packets comprising the same conversation, because local routers normally follow a prescribed routing table, at least until packets reach a POP outside the customer's own carrier. For example, a client of Comcast will likely pass IP packets up the routing chain using an entirely Comcast-owned network till the packet moves geographically beyond Comcast's reach and customer service region.
If a succession of packets between the same two IP addresses occurs for a sufficiently long time, an entire conversation can be recreated piecemeal. For example, if SMS text messages are passed over the same network in the last mile, cyber pirate 630 can identify through the IP addresses and port #s that multiple IP packets carrying the text represent a conversation between the same two devices, i.e. cell phone 32 and notebook 35. So even if an account number and password were texted in different messages or sent incompletely spread over many packets, the consistency of the packet identifiers still makes it possible for a cyber pirate to reassemble the conversation and steal the account info. Once the account info is stolen, they can either transfer money to an offshore bank or even usurp the account authority by changing the account password and security questions, i.e. using identity theft on a temporary basis.
Even if the payload is encrypted, the rest of IP packet 670 including the IP addresses and port #s are not. After repeatedly sniffing a large number of IP packets, a cyber pirate with access to sufficient computing power can by shear brute force, systematically try every combination until they break the encryption password. Once the key is broken, the packet and all subsequent packets can be decrypted and used by cyber pirate 630. The probability of cracking a login password by “password guessing” greatly improves if the packet sniffing is combined with user and account “profiling” described below. Notice in “man in the middle attacks” the communicating devices are not normally involved because the cyber pirate does not have direct access to them.
Port Interrogation—
Another method to break into a device is to use its IP address to interrogate many Layer 4 ports and see if any requests receive a reply. As illustrated in
In the port interrogation process, cyber pirate 630 doesn't want to expose their real identity so they will use a disguised pseudo-address, listed symbolically herein as “PA” to receive messages but that is not traceable to them personally. Alternatively, cybercriminals may use a stolen computer and account, so it looks like someone else is trying to hack the targeted device, and if traced, leads investigators back to an innocent person and not to them.
User and account profiling is the process where a cyber pirate performs research using publically available information to learn about a target, their accounts, and their personal history in order to crack passwords, identify accounts, and determine assets. Once a hacker obtains the IP address of a target using sniffing or other means, the traceroute utility can be used to find the DNS server of the device's account. Then by utilizing the “Who is” function on the Internet, the name of the account owner can be discovered. In profiling, a cybercriminal then searches on the Internet to gather all available information on the account owner. Sources of information include public records such as property deeds, car registration, marriages and divorces, tax liens, parking tickets, traffic violations, criminal records, etc. In many cases, web sites from universities and professional societies also include home address, email addresses, phone numbers and an individual's birthdate. By researching social media sites such as Facebook, Linked In, Twitter, and others, a cybercriminal can amass a significant detailed information including family and friends, pets' names, previous home addresses, classmates, major events in someone's life, as well as photographic and video files, including embarrassing events, family secrets, and personal enemies.
The cyber pirate's next step is to use this profile to “guess” a user's passwords based on their profile to hack the target device and other accounts of the same individual. Once a cybercriminal cracks one device's password, the likelihood is great they can break into other accounts because people tend to reuse their passwords for ease of memorizing. At that point, it may be possible to steal a person's identity, transfer money, make them a target of police investigations, and essentially destroy someone's life while stealing all their wealth. For example, as described in the opening section of this disclosure, amassing a long list of passwords from stolen accounts, cybercriminals used the same passwords to illegally purchase millions of dollars of premium tickets to concerts and sporting events using the same passwords and login information.
When a cyber pirate impersonates someone they are not or uses illegally obtained cyber-security credentials to gain access to communication and files under the false pretense of being an authorized agent or device, the cyber-pirate is acting as an “imposter”. The imposter type of cyber-assault can occur when a cybercriminal has sufficient information or access to an individual's account to usurp a victim's account, sending messages on their behalf and misrepresenting them as the owner of the hacked account. Recently, for example, a personal friend of one of the inventors had her “Line” personal messenger account hacked. After taking over the account, the cybercriminal sent messages to her friends misrepresenting that “she had a car accident and needed money as an emergency loan”, including providing wiring instructions for where to send the money. Not knowing the account had been hacked her friends thought the request was real and rushed to her financial rescue. To avoid suspicion, the request sent to each friend was under $1,000 USD. Fortunately just before wiring money, one of her friends called her to double check the wiring info, and the fraud was uncovered. Without calling, no one would have never known the requests were from an imposter and the Line account owner would never have known the wire had been sent or even requested.
Another form of misrepresentation occurs when a device has granted security privileges and is enabled to exchange information with a server or other network-connected device, and by some means a cyber-pirate device disguises itself as the authorized server, whereby the victim's device willingly surrenders files and information to the pirate server not realizing the server is an imposter. This method was reportedly used to lure celebrities to backup private picture files with iCloud, except that the backup cloud was an imposter.
Another form of imposter occurs when someone with physical access to a person's phone or open browser performs an imposter transaction such as sending an email, answering a phone call, sending a text message from another person's account or device. The receiving party assumes because they are connected to a known device or account, that the person operating that device or account is its owner. The imposter can be a prank such as a friend posting embarrassing comments of Facebook or can be of a more personal nature where someone's spouse answers personal calls or intercepts private text messages of a private nature. The result of the unauthorized access can lead to jealousy, divorce, and vindictive legal proceedings. Leaving a device temporarily unsupervised in an office or café, e.g. to run to the toilet, presents another risk for an imposter to quickly access personal or corporate information, send unauthorized emails, transfer files, or download some form of malware into the device, as described in the following section entitled “infections”.
Imposter-based cyber-assault is also significant when a device is stolen. In such events, even though the device is logged out, the thief has plenty of time in which to break the login code. The “find my computer” feature that is supposed to locate the stolen device on the network and wipe a computer's files the first time the cyber pirate logs on to the device, no longer works because tech-savvy criminals today know to activate the device only where there is no cellular or WiFi connection. This risk is especially great in the case of cell phones where the passline security is a simple four-number personal identification number or PIN. It's only a matter of time to break a PIN since there are only 9999 possible combinations.
The key issue to secure any device is to prevent access to imposters. Preventing imposters requires a robust means to authenticate a user's identity at regular intervals and to insure they are only authorized to access the information and privileges they need. Device security is oftentimes the weakest link in the chain. Once a device's security is defeated, the need for robust network security is moot.
Packet Hijacking—
Packet hijacking comprises a cyber-assault where the normal flow of packets through the network is diverted through a hostile device. This example is shown in
If however, the integrity of router 27 has been compromised by a cyber-assault from cyber pirate 630, IP packet 670 can be rewritten into IP packet 686A, for the sake of clarity shown in abridged form where only the IP addresses and port #s are shown. To divert the IP package the destination address and port # are changed from the cell phone to that of the cyber pirate device 630, specifically to IP address “PA” and port #20000. Cyber pirate device 630 then obtains whatever information it needs from the payload of the IP packet and possibly changes the content of the IP packet's payload. The fraudulent payload may be used to commit any number of fraudulent crimes, to gather information, or to download malware into the cell phone, described subsequently herein under the topic “infections”.
The hijacked packet, IP packet 686B, is then retrofitted to appear like the original IP packet 670 with source IP address “NB” from port #9999 sent to cell phone IP address “CP” at port #20, except that the packet travels over wireline connection 685B instead of wireline connection 24. Alternatively the hijacked IP packet can be returned to compromised router 27 and then sent on to the cloud via wireline connection 24. In order to maximize the criminal benefit of packet hijacking, cyber pirate 630 needs to hide their identity in the packet hijacking, and for that reason they disguise the true routing of the IP packet so even the Layer 3 ICMP function “traceroute” would have difficulty in identifying the true path of the communication. If, however, the hijacking adds noticeable delay in packet routing, the unusual latency may prompt investigation by a network operator.
One of the most insidious categories of cyber-assault is that of “cyber-infections”, installing malware into targeted devices or the network by which to gather information, commit fraud, redirect traffic, infect other devices, impair or shut down systems, or to cause denial of service failures. Cyber infections can be spread through emails, files, web sites, system extensions, application programs, or through networks. One general class of malware, “spyware” described in the table of
Another class of cyber-infections comprising viruses, worms, and Trojan-horses is designed to overwrite critical files, or to execute meaningless functions repeatedly to prevent a device from doing its normal tasks. Basically to deny services, degrade performance, or completely kill a device. These malevolent infections are intrinsically destructive and used for vindictive purposes, to disable a competitor's business from normal operation, or simply motivated for fun by a hacker wanting to see if it's possible.
Bugging and surveillance goes beyond cybercrime. In such instances a private detective or an acquaintance is hired or coerced to installing a device or program into the target's personal devices to monitor their voice conversations, data exchanges, and location. The risk of being caught is greater because the detective must gain temporary access to the target device without the subject knowing it. For example, SIM cards are commercially available that can copy a phone's network access privileges but concurrently transmit information to a cybercriminal monitoring the target's calls and data traffic.
Other forms of surveillance involve the use of clandestine video cameras to monitor a person's every action and phone call, much as those located in casinos. Through video monitoring, a device's password or PIN can be learned simply by observing a user's keystrokes during their login process. With enough cameras in place, eventually once will record the login process. To access a camera network without raising suspicion, a cyber pirate can hack an existing camera surveillance system on buildings, in stores, or on the streets, and through access to someone's else's network monitor the behavior of unsuspecting victims. Combining video surveillance with packet sniffing provides an even more comprehensive data set for subsequently launching cyber-assaults.
Pirate Administration (Infiltration)—
One other means by which cyber pirates are able to gain information is by hacking and gaining access to system administration rights of a device, server, or network. So rather than gaining unauthorized access to one user's account, by hacking the system administrator's login, significant access and privileges become available to the cyber pirate without the knowledge of those using the system. Since the system administrator acts as a system's police, there is no one to catch their criminal activity—in essence; in a system or network with corrupted administration there is no one able to police the police.
The ubiquity and interoperability that the Internet, packet-switched networks, and the nearly universal adoption of the seven-layer open source initiative network model, has over the last twenty years enabled global communication to expand on an unparalleled scale, connecting a wide range of devices ranging from smartphone to tablets, computers, smart TVs, cars and even to home appliances and light bulbs. The global adoption of the Internet Protocol or IP as the basis for Ethernet, cellular, WiFi, and cable TV connectivity not only has unified communication, but has greatly simplified the challenge for hackers and cybercriminals attempting to invade as many devices and systems as possible. Given the plethora of software and hardware methods now available to attack today's communication networks, clearly no single security method is sufficient as a sole defense. Instead what is needed is a systematic approach to secure every device, last-link, local telco/network and cloud network to insure their protection against sophisticated cyber-assaults. The methods utilized should deliver intrinsic cybersecurity and cyberprivacy without sacrificing QoS, network latency, video or sound quality. While encryption should remain an important element of developing this next generation in secure communication and data storage, the network's security must not rely solely on encryption methodologies.
In accordance with this invention, data (which is defined broadly to include text, audio, video, graphical, and all other kinds of digital information or files) is transmitted over a Secure Dynamic Communications Network and Protocol (SDNP) network or “cloud.” The SDNP cloud includes a plurality of “nodes,” sometimes referred to as “media nodes,” that are individually hosted on servers or other types of computers or digital equipment (collectively referred to herein as “servers”) located anywhere in the world. It is possible for two or more nodes to be located on a single server. Typically, the data is transmitted between the media nodes by light carried over fiber optic cables, by radio waves in the radio or microwave spectrum, by electrical signals conducted on copper wires or coaxial cable, or by satellite communication, but the invention broadly includes any means by which digital data can be transmitted from one point to another. The SDNP network includes the SDNP cloud as well as the “last mile” links between the SDNP cloud and client devices such as cell phones, tablets, notebook and desktop computers, mobile consumer electronic devices, as well as Internet-of-Things devices and appliances, automobiles and other vehicles. Last mile communication also includes cell phone towers, cable or fiber into the home, and public WiFi routers.
While in transit between the media nodes in the SDNP cloud, the data is in the form of “packets,” discrete strings of digital bits that may be of fixed or variable length, and the data is disguised by employing the following techniques: scrambling, encryption or splitting—or their inverse processes, unscrambling, decryption and mixing. (Note: As used herein, unless the context indicates otherwise, the word “or” is used in its conjunctive (and/or) sense.)
Scrambling entails reordering the data within a data packet; for example, data segments A, B and C which appear in that order in the packet are re-ordered into the sequence C, A and B. The reverse of the scrambling operation is referred to as “unscrambling” and entails rearranging the data within a packet to the order in which it originally appeared—A, B and C in the above example. The combined operation of unscrambling and then scrambling a data packet is referred to as “re-scrambling.” In re-scrambling a packet that was previously scrambled, the packet may be scrambled in a manner that is the same as, or different from, the prior scrambling operation.
The second operation, “encryption,” is the encoding of the data in a packet into a form, called ciphertext, that can be understood only by the sender and other authorized parties, and who must perform the inverse operation—“decryption”—in order to do so. The combined operation of decrypting a ciphertext data packet and then encrypting it again, typically but not necessarily using a method that is different from the method used in encrypting it previously, is referred to herein as “re-encryption.”
The third operation, “splitting,” as the name implies, involves splitting up the packet into two or more smaller packets. The inverse operation, “mixing,” is defined as recombining the two or more split packets back into a single packet. Splitting a packet that was previously split and then mixed may be done in a manner that is the same as, or different from, the prior splitting operation. The order of operations is reversible, whereby splitting may be undone by mixing and conversely mixing of multiple inputs into one output may be undone by splitting to recover the constituent components. (Note: Since scrambling and unscrambling, encryption and decryption, and splitting and mixing are inverse processes, knowledge of the algorithm or method that was used to perform one is all that is necessary to perform the inverse. Hence, when referring to a particular scrambling, encryption, or splitting algorithm herein, it will be understood that knowledge of that algorithm allows one to perform the inverse process.)
In accordance with the invention, a data packet that passes through an SDNP cloud is scrambled or encrypted, or it is subjected to either or both of these operations in combination with splitting. In addition, “junk” (i.e., meaningless) data may be added to the packet either to make the packet more difficult to decipher or to make the packet conform to a required length. Moreover, the packet may be parsed, i.e., separated into distinct pieces. In the computing vernacular, to parse is to divide a computer language statement, computer instruction, or data file into parts that can be made useful for the computer. Parsing may also be used to obscure the purpose of an instruction or data packet, or to arrange data into data packets having specified data lengths.
Although the format of the data packets follows the Internet Protocol, within the SDNP cloud, the addresses of the media nodes are not standard Internet addresses, i.e. they cannot be identified by any Internet DNS server. Hence, although the media nodes can technically receive data packets over the Internet, the media nodes will not recognize the addresses or respond to inquiries. Moreover, even if Internet users were to contact a media node, they could not access or examine the data inside the media node because the media node can recognize them as imposters lacking the necessary identifying credentials as a SDNP media node. Specifically, unless a media node is registered as a valid SDNP node running on a qualified server in the SDNP name server or its equivalent function, data packets sent from that node to other SDNP media nodes will be ignored and discarded. In a similar manner. only clients registered on an SDNP name server may contact a SDNP media node. Like unregistered servers, data packets received from sources other than registered SDNP clients will be ignored and immediately discarded.
In a relatively simple embodiment, referred to as “single route,” the data packet traverses a single path through a series of media nodes in the SDNP cloud, and it is scrambled at the media node where it enters the cloud and unscrambled at the media node where the packet exits the cloud (these two nodes being referred to as “gateway nodes” or “gateway media nodes”). In a slightly more complex embodiment, the packet is re-scrambled at each media node using a scrambling method different from the one that was used at the prior media node. In other embodiments, the packet is also encrypted at the gateway node where it enters the cloud and decrypted at the gateway node where it exits the cloud, and in addition the packet may be re-encrypted at each media node it passes through in the cloud. Since a given node uses the same algorithm each time it scrambles or encrypts a packet, this embodiment is describes as “static” scrambling and encryption.
In a case where the packet is subjected to two or more operations, e.g., it is scrambled and encrypted, the inverse operations are preferably performed in an order opposite to the operations themselves, i.e. in reverse sequence. For example, if the packet is scrambled and then encrypted prior to leaving a media node, it is first decrypted and then unscrambled when it arrives at the following media node. The packet is recreated in its original form only while it is within a media node. While the packet is in transit between media nodes, it is scrambled, split or mixed, or encrypted.
In another embodiment, referred to as “multiroute” data transport, the packet is split at the gateway node, and the resulting multiple packets traverse the cloud in a series of “parallel” paths, with none of the paths sharing a media node with another path except at the gateway nodes. The multiple packets are then mixed to recreate the original packet, normally at the exit gateway mode. Thus, even if a hacker were able to understand the meaning of a single packet, they would have only a part of the entire message. The packet may also be scrambled and encrypted at the gateway node, either before or after it is split, and the multiple packets may be re-scrambled or re-encrypted at each media node they pass through.
In yet another embodiment, the packets do not travel over only a single path or a series of parallel paths in the SDNP cloud, but rather the packets may travel over a wide variety of paths, many of which intersect with each other. Since in this embodiment a picture of the possible paths resembles a mesh, this is referred to as “meshed transport.” As with the embodiments described above, the packets may be scrambled, encrypted and split or mixed as they pass through the individual media nodes in the SDNP cloud.
The routes of the packets through the SDNP network are determined by a signaling function, which can be performed either by segments of the media nodes themselves or preferably, in “dual-channel” or “tri-channel” embodiments, by separate signaling nodes running on dedicated signaling servers. The signaling function determines the route of each packet as it leaves the transmitting client device (e.g., a cell phone), based on the condition (e.g., propagation delays) of the network and the priority and urgency of the call, and informs each of the media nodes along the route that it will receive the packet and instructs the node where to send it. Each packet is identified by a tag, and the signaling function instructs each media node what tag to apply to each of the packets it sends. In one embodiment, the data tag is included in a SDNP header or sub-header, a data field attached to each data sub-packet used to identify the sub-packet. Each sub-packet may contain data segments from one or multiple sources stored in specific data “slots” in the packet. Multiple sub-packets may be present within one larger data packet during data transport between any two media nodes.
The routing function is aligned with the splitting and mixing functions, since once a packet is split, the respective routes of each of the sub-packets into which it is split must be determined and the node where the sub-packets are recombined (mixed) must be instructed to mix them. A packet may be split once and then mixed, as in multiroute embodiments, or it may be split and mixed multiple times as it proceeds through the SDNP network to the exit gateway node. The determination of at which node a packet will be split, into how many sub-packets it will be split, the respective routes of the sub-packets, and at what node the sub-packets will be mixed so as to recreate the original packet, are all under the control of the signaling function, whether or not it is performed by separate signaling servers. A splitting algorithm may specify which data segments in a communication are to be included in each of the sub-packets, and the order and positions of the data segments in the sub-packets. A mixing algorithm reverses this process at the node where the sub-packets are mixed so as to recreate the original packet. Of course, if so instructed by the signaling function, that node may also split the packet again in accordance with a different splitting algorithm corresponding to the time or state when the splitting process occurs.
When a media node is instructed by the signaling function to send a plurality of packets to a particular destination media node on the “next hop” through the network, whether these packets are split packets (sub-packets) or whether they pertain to different messages, the media node may combine the packets into a single larger packet especially when multiple sub-packets share a common destination media node for their next hop (analogous to a post office putting a group of letters intended for a single address into a box and sending the box to the address).
In “dynamic” embodiments of the invention, the individual media nodes in the SDNP cloud do not use the same scrambling, encryption or splitting algorithms or methods on successive packets that pass through them. For example, a given media node might scramble, encrypt or split one packet using a particular scrambling, encryption or splitting algorithm, and then scramble, encrypt or split the next packet using a different scrambling, encryption or splitting algorithm. “Dynamic” operation greatly increases the difficulties faced by would-be hackers because they have only a short period of time (e.g., 100 msec) in which to understand the meaning of a packet, and even if they are successful, the usefulness of their knowledge would be short-lived.
In dynamic embodiments each media node is associated with what is known as a “DMZ server,” which can be viewed as a part of the node that is isolated from the data transport part, and which has a database containing lists or tables (“selectors”) of possible scrambling, encryption, and splitting algorithms that the media node might apply to outgoing packets. The selector is a part of a body of information referred to as “shared secrets,” since the information is not known even to the media nodes, and since all DMZ servers have the same selectors at a given point in time.
When a media node receives a packet that has been scrambled, in dynamic embodiments it also receives a “seed” that is used to indicate to the receiving node what algorithm is to be used in unscrambling the packet. The seed is a disguised numerical value that has no meaning by itself but is based on a constantly changing state, such as the time at which the packet was scrambled by the prior media node. When the prior node scrambled the packet its associated DMZ server generated the seed based on the state. Of course, that state was also used by its associated DMZ server in selecting the algorithm to be used in scrambling the packet, which was sent to the sending media node in the form of an instruction as to how to scramble the packet. Thus the sending node received both the instruction on how to scramble the packet and the seed to be transmitted to the next media node. A seed generator operating within the DMZ server generates the seed using an algorithm based on the state at the time the process is executed. Although the seed generator and its algorithms are part of the media node's shared secrets, the generated seed is not secret because without access to the algorithms the numerical seed has no meaning.
Thus the next media note on the packet's route receives the scrambled packet and the seed that is derived from the state associated with the packet (e.g., the time at which it was scrambled). The seed may be included in the packet itself or it may be sent to the receiving node prior to the packet, either along the same route as the packet or via some other route, such as through a signaling server.
Regardless of how it receives the seed, the receiving node sends the seed to its DMZ server. Since that DMZ server has a selector or table of scrambling algorithms that are part of the shared secrets and are therefore the same as the selector in the sending node's DMZ server, it can use the seed to identify the algorithm that was used in scrambling the packet and can instruct the receiving node how to unscramble the packet. The receiving node thus recreates the packet in its unscrambled form, thereby recovering the original data. Typically, the packet will be scrambled again according to a different scrambling algorithm before it is transmitted to the next node. If so, the receiving node works with its DMZ server to obtain a scrambling algorithm and seed, and the process is repeated.
Thus, as the packet makes its way through the SDNP network, it is scrambled according to a different scrambling algorithm by each node, and a new seed is created at each node that enables the next node to unscramble the packet.
In an alternative embodiment of the invention, the actual state (e.g., time) may be transmitted between nodes (i.e., the sending node need not send a seed to the receiving node). The DMZ servers associated with both the sending and receiving media nodes contain hidden number generators (again, part of the shared secrets) that contain identical algorithms at any given point in time. The DMZ server associated with the sending node uses the state to generate a hidden number and the hidden number to determine the scrambling algorithm from a selector or table of possible scrambling algorithms. The sending node transmits the state to the receiving node. Unlike seeds, hidden numbers are never transmitted across the network but remain an exclusively private communication between the media node and its DMZ server. When the receiving media node receives the state for an incoming data packet, the hidden number generator in its associated DMZ server uses the state to generate an identical hidden number, which is then used with the selector or table to identify the algorithm to be used in unscrambling the packet. The state may be included with the packet or may be transmitted from the sending node to the receiving node prior to the packet or via some other route.
The techniques used in dynamic encryption and splitting are similar to that used in dynamic scrambling, but in dynamic encryption “keys” are used in place of seeds. The shared secrets held by the DMZ servers include selectors or tables of encryption and splitting algorithms and key generators. In the case of symmetric key encryption, the sending node transmits a key to the receiving media node which can be used by the receiving node's DMZ server to identify the algorithm used in encrypting the packet and thereby decryp the file. In the case of asymmetric key encryption, the media node requesting information, i.e. the receiving node first sends an encryption key to the node containing the data packet to be sent. The sending media node then encrypts the data in accordance with that encryption key. Only the receiving media node generating the encryption key holds the corresponding decryption key and the ability to decrypt the ciphertext created using the encryption key. Importantly, in asymmetric encryption access to the encryption key used for encryption does not provide any information as to how to decrypt the data packet.
In the case of splitting, the media node where the packet was split transmits a seed to the media node where the resulting sub-packets will be mixed, and the DMZ server associated with the mixing node uses that seed to identify the splitting algorithm and hence the algorithm to be used in mixing the sub-packets.
As indicated above, in dual- or tri-channel embodiments, the signaling function is performed by a signaling node operating on separate group of servers known as signaling servers. In such embodiments the seeds and keys may be transmitted through the signaling servers instead of from the sending media node directly to the receiving media node. Thus the sending media node may send a seed or key to a signaling server, and the signaling server may forward the seed or key to the receiving media node. As noted above, the signaling servers are responsible for designing the routes of the packet, so the signaling server knows the next media node to which each packet is directed.
To make things more difficult for would-be hackers, the list or table of possible scrambling, splitting or encryption methods in a selector may be “shuffled” periodically (e.g., hourly or daily) in such a way that the methods corresponding to particular seeds or keys are changed. Thus the encryption algorithm applied by a given media node to a packet created at time t1 on Day 1 might be different from the encryption algorithm it applies to a packet created at the same time t1 on Day 2.
Each of the DMZ servers is typically physically associated with one or more media nodes in the same “server farm.” As noted above, a media node may request instructions on what to do with a packet it has received by providing its associated DMZ server with a seed or key (based for example on the time or state that the packet was created), but the media node cannot access the shared secrets or any other data or code within the DMZ server. The DMZ server responds to such requests by using the seed or key to determine what method the media node should use in unscrambling, decrypting or mixing a packet. For example, if the packet has been scrambled and the media node wants to know how to unscramble it, the DMZ server may examine a list (or selector) of scrambling algorithms to find the particular algorithm that corresponds to the seed. The DMZ then instructs the media node to unscramble the packet in accordance with that algorithm. In short, the media transmits inquiries embodied in seeds or keys to the DMZ server, and the DMZ server responds to those inquiries with instructions.
While the media nodes are accessible through the Internet (although they do not have DNS recognized IP addresses), the DMZ servers are completely isolated from the Internet having only local network connections via wires or optical fiber to the network connected media servers.
In “single-channel” embodiments, the seeds and keys are transmitted between the sending media node and the receiving media node as a part of the data packet itself, or they may be transmitted in a separate packet before the data packet on the same route as the data packet. For example, when encrypting a packet, media node #1 may include in the packet an encryption key based on the time at which the encryption was performed. When the packet arrives at media node #2, media node #2 transmits the key to its associated DMZ server, and the DMZ server may use the key to select a decryption method in its selector and to perform the decryption. Media node #2 may then ask its DMZ server how it should encrypt the packet again, before transmitting it to media node #3. Again, the DMZ server consults the selector, informs media node #2 what method it should use in encrypting the packet, and delivers to media node #2 a key that reflects a state corresponding to the encryption method. Media node #2 performs the encryption and transmits the encrypted packet and the key (either separately or as a part of the packet) to media node #3. The key may then be used in a similar manner by media node #3 to decrypt the packet, and so on. As a result, there is no single, static decryption method that a hacker could use in deciphering the packets.
The use of time or a dynamic “state” condition in the example above as the determinant of the scrambling encryption or splitting method to be embodied in the seed or key is only illustrative. Any changing parameter, e.g., the number of nodes that the packet has passed through, can also be used as the “state” in the seed or key for selecting the particular scrambling, encryption or splitting method to be used.
In “dual-channel” embodiments, the seeds and keys can be transmitted between the media nodes via a second “command and control” channel made up of signaling servers rather than being transported directly between the media nodes. The signaling nodes may also provide the media nodes with routing information and inform the media nodes along the route of a packet how the packet is to be split or mixed with other packets, and they instruct each media node to apply an identification “tag” to each packet transmitted so that the next media node(s) will be able to recognize the packet(s). The signaling servers preferably supply a given media node with only the last and next media node of a packet traversing the network. No individual media node knows the entire route of the packet through the SDNP cloud. In some embodiments the routing function may be split up among two or more signaling servers, with one signaling server determining the route to a particular media node, a second signaling server determining the route from there to another media node, and so on to the exit gateway node. In this manner, no single signaling server knows the complete routing of a data packet either.
In “tri-channel” embodiments, a third group of servers—called “name servers”—are used to identify elements within the SDNP cloud and to store information regarding the identity of devices connected to the SDNP cloud and their corresponding IP or SDNP addresses. In addition, the name servers constantly monitor the media nodes in the SDNP cloud, maintaining, for example, a current list of active media nodes and a table of propagation delays between every combination of media nodes in the cloud. In the first step in placing the call, a client device, such as a tablet, may send an IP packet to a name server, requesting an address and other information for the destination or person to be called. Moreover, a separate dedicated name server is used to operate as a first contact whenever a device first connects, i.e. registers, on the cloud.
As an added security benefit, separate security “zones,” having different selectors, seed and key generators and other shared secrets, may be established within a single SDNP cloud. Adjacent zones are connected by bridge media nodes, which hold the shared secrets of both zones and have the ability to translate data formatted in accordance with the rules for one zone into data formatted in accordance with the rules for the other zone, and vice versa.
Similarly, for communication between different SDNP clouds, hosted for example by different service providers, a full-duplex (i.e., two-way) communication link is formed between interface bridge servers in each cloud. Each interface bridge server has access to the relevant shared secrets and other security items for each cloud.
Similar security techniques may generally be applied in the “last mile” between an SDNP cloud and a client device, such as a cell phone or a tablet. The client device is normally placed in a separate security zone from the cloud, and it must first become an authorized SDNP client, a step which involves installing in the client device a software package specific to the device's security zone, typically via a download from an SDNP administration server. The client device is linked to the SDNP cloud through a gateway media node in the cloud. The gateway media node has access to the shared secrets pertaining to both the cloud and the client's device's security zone, but the client device does not have access to the shared secrets pertaining to the SDNP cloud.
As an added level of security, the client devices may exchange seeds and keys directly with each other via the signaling servers. Thus a transmitting client device may send a seed and/or key directly to the receiving client device. In such embodiments the packet received by the receiving client device will be in the same scrambled or encrypted form as the packet leaving the sending client device. The receiving client device can therefore use the seed or key that it receives from the sending client device to unscramble or decrypt the packet. The exchange of seeds and keys directly between client devices is in addition to the SDNP network's own dynamic scrambling and encrypting, and it thus represents an added level of security called nested security.
In addition, a client device or the gateway node with which it communicates may mix packets that represent the same kind of data—e.g. voice packets, text message files, documents, pieces of software, or that represent dissimilar types of information, e.g. one voice packet and one text file, one text packet, and one video or photo image—before the packets reach the SDNP network, and the exit gateway node or destination client device may split the mixed packet to recover the original packets. This is in addition to any scrambling, encryption or splitting that occurs in the SDNP network. In such cases, the sending client device may send the receiving client device a seed instructing it how to split the packet so as to recreate the original packets that were mixed in the sending client device or gateway media node. Performing successive mixing and splitting may comprise a linear sequence of operations or alternatively utilize a nested architecture where the clients execute their own security measures and so does the SDNP cloud.
An important advantage of the disclosed invention is that there is no single point of control in the SDNP network and that no node or server in the network has a complete picture as to how a given communication is occurring or how it may be dynamically changing.
For example, signaling nodes running on signaling servers know the route (or in some cases only only part of a route) by which a communication is occurring, but they do not have access to the data content being communicated and do not know who the real callers or clients are. Moreover, the signaling nodes do not have access to the shared secrets in a media node's DMZ servers, so they do not know how the data packets in transit are encrypted, scrambled, split or mixed,
The SDNP name servers know the true phone numbers or IP addresses of the callers but do not have access to the data being communicated or the routing of the various packets and sub-packets. Like the signaling nodes, the name servers do not have access to the shared secrets in a media node's DMZ servers, so they do not know how the data packets in transit are encrypted, scrambled, split or mixed.
The SDNP media nodes actually transporting the media content have no idea who the callers communicating are nor do they know the route the various fragmented sub-packets are taking through the SDNP cloud. In fact each media node knows only what data packets to expect to arrive (identified by their tags or headers), and where to send them next, i.e. the “next hop,” but the media nodes do not know how the data is encrypted, scrambled, mixed or split, nor do they know how to select an algorithm or decrypt a file using a state, a numeric seed, or a key. The knowhow required to correctly process incoming data packets' data segments is known only by the DMZ server, using its shared secrets, algorithms not accessible over the network or by the media node itself.
Another inventive aspect of the disclosed invention is its ability to reduce network latency and minimize propagation delay to provide superior quality of service (QoS) and eliminate echo or dropped calls by controlling the size of the data packets, i.e. sending more smaller data packets in parallel through the cloud rather than relying on one high bandwidth connection. The SDNP network's dynamic routing uses its knowledge of the network's node-to-node propagation delays to dynamically select the best route for any communication at that moment. In another embodiment, for high-priority clients the network can facilitate race routing, sending duplicate messages in fragmented form across the SDNP cloud selecting only the fastest data to recover the original sound or data content.
Among the many advantages of an SDNP system according to the invention, in parallel and “meshed transport” embodiments the packets may be fragmented as they transit the SDNP cloud, preventing potential hackers from understanding a message even if they are able to decipher an individual sub-packet or group of sub-packets, and in “dynamic” embodiments the scrambling, encryption and splitting methods applied to the packets are constantly changing, denying to a potential hacker any significant benefit from successfully deciphering a packet at a given point in time. Numerous additional advantages of embodiments of the invention will be readily evident to those of skill in the art from a review of the following description.
In the drawings listed below, components that are generally similar are given like reference numerals. It is noted, however, that not every component to which a given reference number is assigned is necessarily identical to another component having the same reference number. For example, an encryption operation having a particular reference number is not necessarily identical to another encryption operation with the same reference number. Furthermore, groups of components, e.g., servers in a network that are identified collectively by a single reference number are not necessarily identical to each other.
After nearly one-and-a-half centuries of circuit-switched telephony, today's communication systems and networks have within only a decade all migrated to packet-switched communication using the Internet Protocol carried by Ethernet, WiFi, 4G/LTE, and DOCSIS3 data over cable and optical fiber. The benefits of comingling voice, text, pictures, video, and data are many, including the use of redundant paths to insure reliable IP packet delivery, i.e. the reason the Internet was created in the first place, along with an unparalleled level of system interoperability and connectivity across the globe. With any innovation, however, the magnitude of challenges new technology creates often match the benefits derived.
Disadvantages of Existing Communication Providers
As detailed throughout the background section of this disclosure, present-day communication suffers from many disadvantages. The highest performance communication systems today, comprising custom digital hardware owned by the world's major long-distance carriers such as AT&T, Verizon, NTT, Vodaphone, etc., generally offer superior voice quality but at a high cost including expensive monthly subscription fees, connection fees, long-distance fees, complex data rate plans, long-distance roaming charges, and numerous service fees. Because these networks are private, the actual data security is not publically known, and security infractions, hacks, and break-ins are generally not reported to the public. Given the number of wire taps and privacy invasions reported in the press today, private carrier communication security remains suspect, if not in their private cloud, in the very least in their last-mile connections.
“Internet service providers” or ISPs form another link in the global chain of communications. As described in the background of this invention, voice carried over the Internet using VoIP, or “voice over Internet protocol” suffers from numerous quality-of-service or QoS problems, including
Unaided UDP transport provides no guarantee of payload integrity.
Aside from QoS issues, the security of today's devices and networks is abysmal, representing a level totally unacceptable to support the future needs of global communication. As detailed in the background and shown previously in
Reiterating a key point, the fundamentally intrinsic weakness of packet-switched communication networks using Internet Protocol shown in
To defend against the diverse range of cyber-assaults as described, present day network managers, IT professionals, and application programs primarily rely on a single defense—encryption. Encryption is a means by which to convert recognizable content also known as “plaintext”, whether readable text, executable programs, viewable videos and pictures, or intelligible audio, into an alternate file type known as “ciphertext”, that appears as a string of meaningless textual characters.
The encryption process, converting an unprotected file into an encrypted file, involves using a logical or mathematical algorithm, called a cypher, to change the data into equivalent textual elements without revealing any apparent pattern of the encryption's conversion process. The encrypted file is then sent across the communication network or medium until received by the destination device. Upon receiving the file, the receiving device, using a process known as “decryption, subsequently decodes the encoded message to reveal to original content. The study of encryption and decryption, known broadly as “cryptography”, blends elements of mathematics, including number theory, set theory and algorithm design, with computer science and electrical engineering.
In simple “single key” or “symmetric key” encryption technologies, a single key word or phrase known a priori by both parties can be used to unlock the process for encrypting and decrypting a file. In World War II, for example, submarines and ocean ships communicated on open radio channels used encrypted messages. Initially, the encryptions were single-key-based. By analyzing the code pattern, Allied cryptologists were sometimes able to reveal the encryption key word or pattern and thereafter were able to read encrypted files without discovery. As encryption methods became more complex, breaking the code manually became more difficult.
Code evolved into mechanical machine-based ciphers, an early form of computing. At the time, the only way to break the code was stealing a cypher machine and using the same tools to decipher a message as those encrypting the files. The challenge was how to steal a cypher machine without the theft being detected. If it were known that a code machine had been compromised, the enemy would simply change their code and update their cypher machines already in operation. This principle is practiced still today—the most effective cyber-assault is one that goes undetected.
With the advent of computing and the Cold War, encryption became more complex but the speed of computers used to crack encryption codes also improved. At each step in the development of secure communications, the technology and knowhow for encrypting information and the ability to crack the encryption code developed nearly at pace. The major next evolutionary step in encryption came in the 1970s with the innovation of dual-key encryption, a principle still in use today. One of the best-known dual key encryption methods is the RSA public key cryptosystem, named after its developers Rivest, Shamir, and Adleman. Despite published recognition for RSA, contemporaneous developers independently conceived of the same principle. RSA employs two cryptographic keys based on two large prime numbers kept secret from the public. One algorithm is used to convert these two prime numbers into an encryption key, herein referred to as an E-key, and a different mathematical algorithm is used to convert the same two secret prime numbers into a secret decryption key, herein referred to also as a D-key. The RSA-user who selected the secret prime numbers, herein referred to as the “key publisher’, distributes or “publishes” this algorithmically generated E-key comprising typically between 1024b to 4096b in size, to anyone wishing to encrypt a file. Because this key is possibly distributed to many parties in an unencrypted form, the E-key is known as a “public key”.
Parties wishing to communicate with the key publisher then use this public E-key in conjunction with a publically available algorithm, typically offered in the form of commercial software, to encrypt any file to be sent to the particular key publisher. Upon receiving an encrypted file, the key publisher then uses their secret D-key to decrypt the file, returning it to plaintext. The unique feature of the dual-key method in general and RSA algorithm in particular is that the public E-key used to encrypt a file cannot be used for decryption. Only the secret D-key possessed by the key publisher has the capability of file decryption.
The concept of a dual-key, split-key, or multi-key exchange in file encryption and decryption is not limited specifically to RSA or any one algorithmic method, but methodologically specifies a communication method as a sequence of steps.
Using an agreed upon encryption algorithm or software package, cell phone 32 then processes plaintext file 697A using encryption algorithm 694A and encryption E-key 690 to produce an encrypted file, i.e. ciphertext 698, carried as the payload of IP packet 696 in secure communication 693 from cell phone 32 to notebook 35. Upon receiving IP packet 696, algorithm 694B decrypts the file using secret decryption key, i.e. D-key 691. Since D-key 691 is made consistent with E-key 690, in essence algorithm 694B employs knowledge of both keys to decrypt ciphertext 698 back into unencrypted plaintext 697B. While the payload of IP packet 696 is secured in the form of an encrypted file, i.e. ciphertext 698, the rest of the IP packet is still unencrypted, sniffable, and readable by any cyber pirate including the source IP address “CP” and port #20, and the destination IP address “NB” and associated port #9999. So even if the payload itself can't be opened, the communication can be monitored.
Virtual Private Networks—
Another security method, also relying on encryption, is that of a “virtual private network” or VPN. In a VPN, a tunnel or secure pipe is formed in a network using encrypted IP packets. Rather than only encrypting the payload, in a VPN the entire IP packet is encrypted and then encapsulated into another unencrypted IP packet acting as a mule or carrier transmitting the encapsulated packet from one VPN gateway to another. Originally, VPNs were used to connect disparate local area networks together over a long distance, e.g. when companies operating private networks in New York, Los Angeles, and Tokyo wished to interconnect their various LANs with the same functionality as if they shared one global private network.
The basic VPN concept is illustrated in
To establish this transfer securely using a virtual private network, VPN tunnel 705 was created and the session initiated before the actual communication was sent. In corporate applications, the VPN tunnel 705 is not carried over the Internet on an ad hoc basis, but is generally carried by a dedicated ISP or carrier owning their own fiber and hardware network. This carrier oftentimes enters into an annual or long-term contractual agreement with the company requiring VPN services to guarantee a specific amount of bandwidth for a given cost. Ideally, the high-speed dedicated link connects directly to both server 700 and server 707 with no intermediate or “last-mile” connections to disturb the VPN's performance, QoS, or security.
In operation, traditional VPNs require a two-step process—one to create or “login” to the VPN, and a second step to transfer data within the secure pipe or tunnel. The concept of tunneling is illustrated hierarchically in
In operation, outer IP packet from communication stack 720 once passed to server 707 is opened to reveal encapsulated data 726, the true message of the packet. In this way, the end-to-end communication occurs ignorant of the details used to create the VPN tunnel, except that the VPN tunnel must be formed in advance of any attempt to communicate and closed after the conversation is terminated. Failure to open the VPN tunnel first will result in the unencrypted transmission of IP packet 715 susceptible to IP packet sniffing, hijacking, infection and more. Failure to close the VPN after a conversation is complete, may provide a cybercriminal the opportunity to hide their illegal activity within someone else's VPN tunnel, and if intercepted, may result in possible criminal charges levied against an innocent person.
While VPNs are common ways for multiple private local area networks to interconnect to one another using private connections with dedicated capacity and bandwidth, the use of VPNs over public Networks and the Internet is problematic for two party communications. One issue with VPNs is the VPN connection must be established a priori, before it can be used, not on a packet-by-packet basis. For example, as shown in exemplary
Once the VPN connection is set up, then cell phone 730 in accordance with application related steps 745 places a call via any VoIP phone app. In this step, the application must establish a “call out” link over the last mile from VPN host 734 to cell phone 737. If the VoIP application is unable or unauthorized to do so, the call will fail and immediately terminate. Otherwise, the inner IP packet will establish an application Layer 5 session between calling cell phone 730 and destination cell phone 737 and confirm the IP test packets are properly decrypted and intelligible.
To place a call in accordance with step 745, the call necessarily comes from a Layer 7 application running on the phone and not from the phone's normal dialup functions, because the telephonic carrier's SIM card in the phone is not compatible with the VPN tunnel. Once the call is initiated, cell phone 730 transmits a succession of IP packets representing small pieces or “snippets” of sound in accordance with its communication application. In the example shown, these packets are sent from the application in caller's cell phone 730 through WiFi link 746A to WiFi base station 731 then through wireline connection 746B to router 732, and finally through wireline connection 746C to VPN host 733. The data is then sent securely by connection 747 to VPN host 735 through VPN tunnel 742. Once leaving the VPN tunnel, VPN host sends the data onward on wireline connection 748A to router 735, then by wireline connection 748B to cell phone system and tower 736 which in turn calls 737 as a normal phone call. The process of calling from a cell phone app to a phone not running the same app is called a “call out” feature.
The foregoing example highlights another problem with connecting to a VPN over a public network—the last-mile links from both the caller on cell phone 730 to VPN host 733 and the call out from VPN host 734 to the person being called on cell phone 737 are not part of the VPN, and therefore do not guarantee security, performance or call QoS. Specifically the caller's last mile comprising connections 746A, 746B, and 746C as well as the call out connections 748A, 748B, and 748C are all open to sniffing and subject to cyber-assaults.
Once the call is completed and the cell phone 737 hangs up, VPN 742 must be terminated according to step 749 where VPN Layer 5 coordinates closing the VPN session and cell phone 730 disconnects from VPN host 733.
Even following the prescribed steps, however, there is no guarantee that placing a call or sending documents through a VPN may not fail for any number of reasons including:
Comparing Networks—
Comparing communication offered by “over-the top” or OTT providers, shown in
In both examples, the last-mile connections offer unpredictable call QoS, exposure to packet sniffing, and the risk of cyber-assaults. Because server/routers 752 and 774 are likely managed by different ISPs in different locales, one can interpret the servers as existing different clouds, i.e. clouds 751 and 753. For example the publically open networks owned and operated by Google, Yahoo, Amazon, and Microsoft may be considered as different clouds, e.g. the “Amazon cloud” even though they are all interlinked by the Internet.
A competing network topology, the peer-to-peer network or PPN shown in
In PPN operation, every device that makes a login connection to the PPN becomes one more node in the PPN. For example if in geography 761, cell phone 730 with PPN software installed logs into the peer-to-peer network, it like all the other connected devices in the region becomes part of the network. Calls placed by any devices hops around from one device to another to reach is destination, another PPN connected device. For example, if cell phone 730 uses its PPN connection to call another PPN connected device, e.g. cell phone 768, the call follows a circuitous path through any device(s) physically located in the PPN between the two parties. As shown, the call emanating from cell phone 730 connects by WiFi 731 through WiFi base station 731 to desktop 765A, then to notebook 766A, to desktop 765B, then to desktop 765C and finally to cell phone 768 through cell phone base station and tower 767. In this manner all routing was controlled by the PPN and the Internet was not involved in managing the routing. Since both parties utilize, the PPN software used to connect to the network also acts as the application for VoIP based voice communication.
In the case where cell phone 730 attempts to call a non-PPN device cell phone 737 on the opposite side of the world, the routing may necessarily include the Internet on some links, especially to send packets across oceans or mountain ranges. The first part of the routing in geography 761, proceeds in a manner similar to the prior example, starting from cell phone 730 and routed through WiFi base station 731, desktop 765A, notebook 766A, desktops 765B and 765C. At this point, if notebook 766B is connected to the network, the call will be routed through it, otherwise the call must be routed through cell phone base station and tower 767 to cell phone 768, and then back to cell phone base station and tower 767 before sending it onwards.
If the call is transpacific, then computers and cell phones cannot carry the traffic across the ocean so the call is then necessarily routed up to the Internet to 3rd party server/router 770 in cloud 763 and onward through connection 747 to 3rd party server/router 771 in cloud 764. The call then leaves the Internet and enters the PPN in geography 762 first through desktop 772, which in turn connects to WiFi 773, to notebook 776, and to base station 736. Since WiFi 733 does not run the PPN app, the actual packet entering WiFi 773 must travel to either tablet 775 or cell phone 774 and back to WiFi 773 before being sent on to cell phone base station and tower 736 via a wireline connection. Finally, cell phone call 748C connects to cell phone 737, which is not a PPN enabled device. The connection thereby constitutes a “call out” for the PPN because it exits PPN geography 762. Using this PPN approach, like a VPN involves first registering a calling device to the PPN network according to step 760 by completing a PPN login. Thereafter, the call can be placed using the PPN app in accordance with step 769. The advantage of the PPN approach is little or no hardware is needed to carry a call over a long distance, and that since every device connected to the PPN regularly updates the PPN operator as to its status, loading and latency, the PPN operator can decide a packet's routing to best minimize delay.
The disadvantages of such an approach is that packets traverse a network comprising many unknown nodes representing a potential security threat and having an unpredictable impact on call latency and call QoS. As such, except for Skype, peer-to-peer networks operating at Layer 3 and higher are not commonly employed in packet-switched communication networks.
A comparative summary of ad hoc VPN providers, Internet OTT providers, and PPN peer networks is contrasted below.
As shown, while VPN and the Internet comprise fixed infrastructure, the nodes of a peer-to-peer network vary depending on who is logged in and what devices are connected to the PPN. The cloud bandwidth, defined in the context of this table as the networks' high-speed long-distance connections, e.g. networks crossing oceans and mountain ranges, is contractually guaranteed only in the case of VPNs, and is otherwise unpredictable. The last-mile bandwidth is local provider dependent for both Internet and VPN providers but for PPN is entirely dependent on who is logged in.
Latency, the propagation delay of successively sent IP packets is unmanageable for OTTs and VPNs because the provider does not control routing in the last mile but instead depends on local telco or network providers, while PPNs have limited ability using best efforts to direct traffic among the nodes that happen to be online at the time in a particular geography. Likewise, for network stability, PPNs have the ability to reroute traffic to keep a network up but depend entirely on who is logged in. The Internet, on the other hand, is intrinsically redundant and almost certain to guarantee delivery but not necessarily in a timely manner. Network stability for an ad hoc VPN depends on the number of nodes authorized to connect to the VPN host. If these nodes go offline, the VPN is crippled.
From a call setup point of view the Internet is always available, PPNs require the extra step of logging into the PPN prior to making a call, and VPNs can involve a complex login procedure. Moreover, most users consider OTT's use of phone numbers rather than separate login IDs used by VPNs and PPNs as a major beneficial feature in ease of use. All three networks listed suffer from variable VoIP QoS, generally lagging far behind commercial telephony carriers.
From a security point of view, all three options are bad with the last mile completely exposed to packet sniffing with readable addresses and payloads. VPNs offer encryption of the cloud connection but still expose the IP addresses of the VPN hosts. As such no network option shown is considered secure. As such, encryption is used by various applications to try to prevent hacking and cyber-assaults, either as a Layer 6 protocol or as an embedded portion of the Layer 7 application itself.
Overreliance on Encryption—
Regardless of whether used for encrypting IP packets or establishing VPNs, today's network security relies almost solely on encryption and represents one weakness in modern packet-switched based communication networks. For example, numerous studies have been performed on methods to attack RSA encryption. While limiting the prime numbers to large sizes greatly reduces the risk of breaking the decryption D-key code using brute force methods, polynomial factor methods have been successfully demonstrated to crack keys based on smaller prime number-based keys. Concerns exist that the evolution of “quantum computing” will ultimately lead to practical methods of breaking RSA-based and other encryption keys in reasonable cyber-assault times.
To combat the ever-present risk of code breaking, new algorithms and “bigger key” encryption methods such as the “advanced encryption standard” or AES cipher adopted by US NIST in 2001 have emerged. Based on the Rijndael cipher, the design principle known as a substitution-permutation network combines both character substitution and permutation using different key and block sizes. In its present incarnation, the algorithm comprises fixed block sizes of 128 bits with keys comprising varying lengths of 128 bits, 192 bits, and 256 bits, with the corresponding number of repetitions used in the input file transformation varying in rounds of 10, 12, and 14 cycles respectively. As a practical matter, AES cipher may be efficiently and rapidly executed in either software or hardware for any size of key. In cryptography vernacular, an AES based encryption using a 256b key is referred to as AES256 encryption. AES512 encryption employing a 512b key is also available.
While each new generation raises the bar in cryptography to make better encryption methods and to more quickly break them, profit-minded cybercriminals often concentrate on their targets rather than simply using computing to break an encrypted file. As described previously, using packet sniffing and port interrogation, a cyber pirate can gain valuable information about a conversation, a corporate server, or even a VPN gateway. By cyber-profiling, it may be easier to launch a cyber-assault on a company's CFO or CEO's personal computers, notebooks, and cell phones rather than attack the network itself. Sending emails to employees that automatically install malware and spyware upon opening an embedded link completely circumvent firewall security because they enter the network from “inside” where employees necessarily must connect and work.
The chance of breaking encryption also improves if data moves through a network without changing, i.e. statically. In the network of
In either case, throughout this disclosure, each data slot represented by fixed size boxes comprises a prescribed number of bits, e.g. two bytes (2B) long. The exact number of bits per slot is flexible just so long as every communication node in a network knows what the size of each data slot is. Contained within each data slot is audio, video, or textual data, identified in the drawings as a number followed by a letter. For example, as shown, the first slot of data packet 790 contains the content 1A where the number “1” indicates the specific communication #1 and the letter “A” represents the first piece of the data in communication #1. Similarly, the second slot of data packet 790 contains the content 1B where the number “1” indicates it is part of the same communication #1 and the letter “B” represents the second piece of the data in communication #1, sequentially following 1A.
If, for example, the same data packet hypothetically included content “2A” the data represents the first packet “A” in a different communication, specifically for communication #2, unrelated to communication #1. Data packets containing homogeneous communications, e.g. where all the data is for communication #1 are easier to analyze and read than those mixing different communications. Data arranged sequentially in proper order makes it easy for a cyber-attacker to interpret the nature of the data, whether it is audio, text, graphics, photos, video, executable code, etc. Moreover, in the example shown, since the packet's source and destination IP addresses remain constant, i.e. where the packets remain unchanged during transport through the network in the same form as the data entering or exiting gateway servers 21A and 21F, because the underlying data doesn't change, a hacker has more chances to intercept the data packets and a better chance to analyze and open the files or listen to the conversation. The simple transport and one-dimensional security, i.e. relying only on encryption for protection, increases the risk of a cyber-attack because the likelihood of success is higher in such overly simplified use of the Internet as a packet-switched network.
Securing Real-Time Networks and Connected Devices
In order to improve the quality of service (QoS) of telephonic, video, and data communication while addressing the plethora of security vulnerabilities plaguing today's packet-switched networks, a new and innovative systemic approach to controlling IP packet routing is required, one that manages a global network comprising disparate technologies and concurrently facilitates end-to-end security. The goals of such an inventive packet-switched network include the following criteria:
Of the above stated goals, the inventive matter contained within this disclosure relates to the first topic described in item #1, i.e. to “insure the security and QoS of a global network or long-distance carrier including dynamically managing real-time voice, video, and data traffic routing throughout a network.” This topic can be considered as achieving network or cloud security without sacrificing real-time communication performance.
Unless the context requires otherwise, the terms used in the description of the Secure Dynamic Network And Protocol have the following meanings:
Anonymous Data Packets: Data packets lacking information as to their original origin or final destination.
Decryption: A mathematical operation used to convert data packets from ciphertext into plaintext.
DMZ Server: A computer server not accessible directly from the SDNP network or the Internet used for storing selectors, seed generators, key generators and other shared secrets.
Dynamic Encryption/Decryption: Encryption and decryption relying on keys that change dynamically as a data packet traverses the SDNP network.
Dynamic Mixing: The process of mixing where the mixing algorithms (the inverse of splitting algorithms) change dynamically as a function of a seed based on a state, such as the time, state, and zone when a mixed data packet is created.
Dynamic Scrambling/Unscrambling: Scrambling and unscrambling relying on algorithms that change dynamically as a function of a state, such as the time when a data packet is created or the zone in which it is created.
Dynamic Splitting: The process of splitting where the splitting algorithms change dynamically as a function of a seed based on a state, such as the time, state, and zone when a data packet is split into multiple sub-packets.
Encryption: A mathematical operation used to convert data packets from plaintext into ciphertext.
Fragmented Data Transport: The routing of split and mixed data through the SDNP network.
Junk Data Deletions (or “De-junking”): The removal of junk data from data packets in order to restore the original data or to recover the data packet's original length.
Junk Data Insertions (or “Junking”): The intentional introduction of meaningless data into a data packet, either for purposes of obfuscating the real data content or for managing the length of a data packet.
Key: A disguised digital value that is generated by inputting a state, such as time, into a key generator which uses a secret algorithm to generate the key. A key is used to select an algorithm for encrypting the data in a packet from a selector. A key can be used to safely pass information regarding a state over public or unsecure lines.
Key Exchange Server: A computer server, often third party hosted and independent of the SDNP network operator, used to distribute public encryption keys to clients, and optionally to servers using symmetric key encryption, especially for client-administered key management, i.e. client based end-to-end encryption to prevent any possibility of network operator spying.
Last Link: The network connection between a Client's device and the first device in the network with which it communicates, typically a radio tower, a WiFi router, a cable modem, a set top box, or an Ethernet connection.
Last Mile: The network connection between a SDNP Gateway and the Client, including the Last Link.
Mixing: The combining of data from different sources and data types to produce one long data packet (or a series of smaller sub-packets) having unrecognizable content. In some cases previously split data packets are mixed to recover the original data content. The mixing operation may also include junk data insertions and deletions and parsing.
Parsing: A numerical operation whereby a data packet is broken into shorter sub-packets for storage or for transmission.
Scrambling: An operation wherein the order or sequence of data segments in a data packet is changed from its natural order into an unrecognizable form.
Splitting: An operation wherein a data packet (or a sequence of serial data packets) is split into multiple sub-packets which are routed to multiple destinations. A splitting operation may also include junk data insertions and deletions.
SoftSwitch: Software comprising executable code performing the function of a telecommunication switch and router.
SDNP: An acronym for “secure dynamic network and protocol” meaning a hyper-secure communications network made in accordance with this invention.
SDNP Administration Server: A computer server used to distribute executable code and shared secrets to SDNP servers globally or in specific zones.
SDNP Bridge Node: A SDNP node connecting one SDNP Cloud to another having dissimilar Zones and security credentials.
SDNP Client or Client Device: A network connected device, typically a cell phone, tablet, notebook, desktop, or IoT device running a SDNP application in order to connect to the SDNP Cloud, generally connecting over the network's last mile.
SDNP Cloud: A network of interconnected SDNP Servers running SoftSwitch executable code to perform SDNP Communications Node operations.
SDNP Gateway Node: A SDNP node connecting the SDNP Cloud to the SDNP Last Mile and to the Client. SDNP Gateway nodes require access to at least two Zones—that of the SDNP Cloud and of the Last Mile.
SDNP Media Node: SoftSwitch executable code that processes incoming data packets with particular identifying tags in accordance with instructions from the signaling server or another computer performing the signaling function, including encryption/decryption, scrambling/unscrambling, mixing/splitting, tagging and SDNP header and sub-header generation. An SDNP Media Node is responsible for identifying incoming data packets having specific tags and for forwarding newly generated data packets to their next destination.
SDNP Media Server: A computer server hosting a SoftSwitch performing the functions of a SDNP Media Node in dual-channel and tri-channel communications and also performing the tasks of a SDNP Signaling Node and a SDNP Name-Server Node in single-channel communications.
SDNP Name Server: A computer server hosting a SoftSwitch performing the functions of a SDNP Name-Server Node in tri-channel communications.
SDNP Name Server Node: SoftSwitch executable code that manages a dynamic list of every SDNP device connected to the SDNP cloud.
SDNP Network: The entire hyper-secure communication network extending from client-to-client including last link and last mile communication, as well as the SDNP cloud.
SDNP Node: A SDNP communication node comprising a software-based “SoftSwitch” running on a computer server or alternatively a hardware device connected to the SDNP network, functioning as an SDNP node, either as Media Node, a Signaling Node, or a Name Server Node.
SDNP Server: A computer server comprising either a SDNP Media Server, a SDNP Signaling Server, or a SDNP Name Server and hosting the applicable SoftSwitch functions to operate as an SDNP node.
SDNP Signaling Node: SoftSwitch executable code that initiates a call or communication between or among parties, determines all or portions of the multiple routes for fragmented data transport based on caller criteria and a dynamic table of node-to-node propagation delays, and instructing the SDNP media how to manage the incoming and outgoing data packets.
SDNP Signaling Server: A computer server hosting a SoftSwitch performing the functions of a SDNP Signaling Node in dual-channel and tri-channel SDNP communications, and also performing the duties of the SDNP Name-Sever Node in dual-channel communications.
Security Settings: Digital values, such as seeds and keys, that are generated by seed generators or key generators using secret algorithms in conjunction with a constantly changing input state, such as network time, and that can therefore be safety transmitted over public or insecure lines.
Seed: A disguised digital value that is generated by inputting a state, such as time, into a seed generator which uses a secret algorithm to generate the seed. A seed is used to select an algorithm for scrambling or splitting the data in a packet from a selector. A seed can be used to safely pass information regarding a state over public or unsecure lines.
Selector: A list or table of possible scrambling, encryption or splitting algorithms that are part of the shared secrets and that are used in conjunction with a seed or key to select a particular algorithm for scrambling, unscrambling, encrypting, decrypting, splitting or mixing a packet or packets.
Shared Secrets: Confidential information regarding SDNP node operation, including tables or selectors of scrambling/unscrambling, encryption/decryption, and mixing/splitting algorithms, as well as the algorithms used by seed generators, key generators, zone information, and algorithm shuffling processes stored locally on DMZ servers not accessible over the SDNP network or the Internet.
State: An input, such as location, zone, or network time that is used to dynamically generate security settings such as seeds or keys or to select algorithms for specific SDNP operations such as mixing, splitting, scrambling, and encryption.
Time: The universal network time used to synchronize communication across the SDNP network
Unscrambling: A process used to restore the data segments in a scrambled data packet to their original order or sequence. Unscrambling is the inverse function of scrambling.
Zone: A network of specific interconnected servers sharing common security credentials and shared secrets. Last mile connections comprise separate zones from those in the SDNP Cloud.
Secure Dynamic Network and Protocol (SDNP) Design
To prevent cyber-assaults and hacking of packet-switched communication while minimizing real-time packet latency, insuring stable call connectivity, and delivering the highest integrity of voice communication and video streaming, the disclosed secure dynamic network and protocol, or SDNP, is designed based upon a number of guiding principles including:
To ensure secure communication with low latency and high QoS in VoIP and real-time applications, the disclosed “secure dynamic network and protocol” or SDNP, utilizes an inventive “dynamic mesh” network comprising
As described, SDNP communication relies on multi-route and meshed communication to dynamically route data packets. Contrasting single-path packet communication used for Internet OTT and VoIP communications, in SDNP communication in accordance with this invention, the content of data packets is not carried serially by coherent packets containing information from a common source or caller, but in fragmented form, dynamically mixing and remixing content emanating from multiple sources and callers, where said data agglomerates incomplete snippets of data, content, voice, video and files of dissimilar data types with junk data fillers. The advantage of the disclosed realization of data fragmentation and transport is that even unencrypted and unscrambled data packets are nearly impossible to interpret because they represent the combination of unrelated data and data types.
By combining fragmented packet mixing and splitting with packet scrambling and dynamic encryption, these hybridized packets of dynamically encrypted, scrambled, fragmented data comprise meaningless packets of gibberish, completely unintelligible to any party or observer lacking the shared secrets, keys, numeric seeds, and time and state variables used to create, packet, and dynamically re-packet the data.
Moreover, each packet's fragmented content, and the secrets used to create it, remain valid for only a fraction of a second before the packet is reconstituted with new fragments and new security provisions such as revised seeds, keys, algorithms, and secrets. The limited duration in which a cyber-pirate has available to break and open the state-dependent SDNP data packet further enhances SDNP security, requiring tens of thousands of compute years to be processed in one tenth of a second, a challenge twelve orders of magnitudes greater than the time available to break it.
The combination of the aforementioned methods facilitates multi-dimensional security far beyond the security obtainable from static encryption. As such, the disclosed secure dynamic network and protocol is referred to herein as a “hyper-secure” network.
Data Packet Scrambling—
In accordance with the disclosed invention, secure communication over a packet-switched network relies on several elements to prevent hacking and ensure security, one of which involves SDNP packet scrambling. SDNP packet scrambling involves rearranging the data segments out of sequence, rendering the information incomprehensible and useless. As shown in
The unscrambling operation, shown in
Should the scrambling algorithm selected for implementing unscrambling operation 927 not match the original algorithm employed in packet scrambling, or should seed 929 or state or time 920 not match the time scrambling occurred, then the unscrambling operation will fail to recover the original unscrambled data packet 923, and the packet data will be lost. In data flow diagrams, it is convenient to illustrate this packet unscrambling process and sequence using a schematic or symbolic representation, as depicted herein by symbol 928.
In accordance with the disclosed invention, numerous algorithms may be used to perform the scrambling operation so long that the process is reversible, meaning repeating the steps in the opposite order as the original process returns each data segment to its original and proper location in a given data packet. Mathematically, acceptable scrambling algorithms are those that are reversible, i.e. where a function F(A) has an anti-function F−1(A) or alternatively a transform has a corresponding anti-function such that
meaning that a data file, sequence, character string, file or vector A processed by a function F will upon subsequent processing using the anti-function F−1 return the original input A undamaged in value or sequence.
Examples of such reversible functions are illustrated by the static scrambling algorithms shown in
In mod-3 mirroring, the first and third data segments of every three data segments are swapped while the middle packet of each triplet remains in its original position. Accordingly, data segments 1A and 1C are swapped while 1B remains in the center of the triplet, data segments 1D and 1F are swapped while 1E remains in the center of the triplet, and so on, to produce scrambled data packet output 936. In mod-3 mirroring, the line of symmetry is centered in the 2nd, 5th, 8th, . . . , (2+3n)th position.
In mod-4 mirroring, the first and fourth data segments and the second and third of every four data segments are swapped, and so on to produce scrambled output data packet 937 from input data packet 931. Accordingly, data segment 1A is swapped with 1D; data segment 1B is swapped with 1C; and so on. In mod-4 mirroring, the line of symmetry is centered between the second and third data segments of every quadruplet, e.g. between the 2nd and 3rd data segments, the 6th and 7th data segments, and so on, or mathematically as 2.5th, 6.5th . . . +4n)th position. In mod-m mirroring, the mth data segment of input data packet 932 is swapped with the first, i.e. the 0th data segment; the 0th data segment is swapped with the mth element; and similarly the nth element is swapped with the (m−n)th data segment to produce scrambled output data packet 938.
Another scrambling method also shown in
In a 2-frame phase shift, the first data segment 1A of input data packet 930 is shifted by two frames into the position previously occupied by data segment 1C, the 4th frame 1D is shifted into the last position of scrambled output data packet 941, the next to the last data segment 1E is shifted into the first position and the last position 1F is shifted into the second position. Similarly, in a 4-frame phase shift, the data segments of input data data packet 930 are shifted by four places with first frame 1A replacing the frame previously held by 1E, 1B replacing 1F, 1C replacing 1A, and so on, to produce scrambled output data packet 942. In the case of the maximum phase shift, the first frame replaces the last, the second frame originally held by 1B becomes the first frame of output data packet 943, the second element is shifted into the first position, the third position into the second place, and so on. Phase-shifting one frame beyond the maximum phase shift results in output data unchanged from the input. The examples shown comprise phase-shifts where the data was shifted to the right. The algorithm also works for phase shifts-to the left but with different results.
The aforementioned algorithms and similar methods as disclosed are referred herein to as static scrambling algorithms because the scrambling operation occurs at a single time, converting an input data set to a unique output. Moreover, the algorithms shown previously do not rely of the value of a data packet to determine how the scrambling shall occur. As illustrated in
In the example shown, unscrambled data packet 930 is converted parametrically in step 950 into a data table 951, containing a numeric value for each data segment. As shown data segment 1A, the 0th frame, has a numeric value of 23, data segment 1B, the 1St frame, has a numeric value of 125, and so on. A single data packet value is then extracted in step 952 for the entire data packet 930. In the example shown, sum 953 represents the linear summation of all the data segment values from table 951, parametrically totaling 1002. In step 954 this parametric value, i.e. sum 953, is compared against a condition table, i.e. in software a set of predefined if-then-else statements, to compare sum 953 against a number of non-overlapping numerical ranges in table 955 to determine which sort routine should be employed. In this example, the parametric value of 1002 falls in the range of 1000 to 1499, meaning that sort # C should be employed. Once the sort routine is selected, the parametric value is then no longer required. The unscrambled data input 930 is then scrambled by the selected method in step 956 to produce the scramble data packet output 959. In the example shown, Sort # C, summarized in table 957, comprises a set of relative moves for each data segment. The first data segment of scrambled data packet 959, the 0th frame is determined by moving the 1D data segment to the left by three moves, i.e. a 3 shift. The 1St frame comprises data segment 1B, unchanged from its original position, i.e. a move of 0 places. The 2nd frame comprises 1E, a data segment shifted left by two moves from its original position. The same is true for the 3rd frame comprising data segment 1F shifted left by two moves from its original position. The 4th frame of scrambled data packet output 959 comprises data segment 1C shifted right, i.e. +2 moves, from its original position. The 5th frame comprises data segment 1A, shifted five moves to the right, i.e. +5, from its original position.
In this manner, summarized in table 957 for sort # C, every data segment is moved uniquely to a new position to create a parametrically determined scrambled data packet 959. To unscramble the scrambled data packet, the process is reversed, using the same sort method, sort # C. In order to insure that the same algorithm is selected to perform the unscrambling operation, the parametric value 1002 of the data packet cannot be changed as a consequence of the scrambling operation. For example, using a linear summation of the parametric value of every data segment produces the same numerical value regardless of the order of the numbers.
Dynamic scrambling utilizes a system state, e.g. time, to be able to identify the conditions when a data packet was scrambled, enabling the same method to be selected to perform the unscrambling operation. In the system shown in
The benefit of using a hidden number to select a scrambling algorithm instead of just a numeric seed, is it eliminates any possibility of a cybercriminal recreating the scrambling table by analyzing the data stream, i.e. statistically correlating repeated sets of scrambled data to corresponding numeric seeds. Although the seed may be visible in the data stream and therefore subject to spying, the hidden number generator and the hidden number HN it creates is based on a shared secret. The hidden number HN is therefore not present in the data stream or subject to spying or sniffing, meaning it is not transmitted across the network but generated locally from the numeric seed. This mathematical operation of a hidden number generator thereby confers an added layer of security in thwarting hackers because the purpose of the numeric seed is disguised.
Once the algorithm is selected, the numeric seed may also be used as an input variable in the algorithm of scrambling process 963. Dual use of the numeric seed further confounds analysis because the seed does not directly choose the algorithm but works in conjunction with it to determine the final sequence of the scrambled data segments. In a similar manner, to unscramble a dynamically scrambled data packet, seed 929 (or alternatively the state or time 920) must be passed from the communication node, device or software initially performing the scrambling to any node or device wishing to unscramble it.
In accordance with the disclosed invention, the algorithm of seed generation 921, hidden number generator 960, and the list of scrambling algorithms 962 represent “shared secrets,” information stored in a DMZ server (as described below) and not known to either the sender or the recipient of a data packet. The shared secret is established in advance and is unrelated to the communication data packets being sent, possibly during installation of the code where a variety of authentication procedures are employed to insure the secret does not leak. As described below, shared secrets may be limited to “zones” so that knowledge of one set of stolen secrets still does not enable a hacker to access the entire communication network or to intercept real-time communiqués.
In addition to any shared secrets, in dynamic scrambling, where the scrambling algorithm varies during data packet transit, a seed based on a “state” is required to scramble or unscramble the data. This state on which the seed is based may comprise any physical parameter such as time, communication node number, network identity, or even GPS location, so long as there is no ambiguity as to the state used in generating the seed and so long as there is some means to inform the next node what state was used to last scramble the data packet. The algorithm used by the seed generator to produce a seed is part of the shared secrets, and hence knowledge of the seed does not allow one to determine the state on which the seed is based. The seed may be passed from one communication node to the next by embedding it within the data packet itself, by sending it through another channel or path, or some combination thereof. For example, the state used in generating a seed may comprise a counter initially comprising a random number subsequently incremented by a fixed number each time a data packet traverses a communication node, with each count representing a specific scrambling algorithm.
In one embodiment of dynamic scrambling, during the first instance of scrambling a random number is generated to select the scrambling method used. This random number is embedded in the data packet in a header or portion of the data packet reserved for command and control and not subject to scrambling. When the data packet arrives at the next node, the embedded number is read by the communication node and used by the software to select the proper algorithm to unscramble the incoming data packet. The number, i.e. the “count” is next incremented by one count or some other predetermined integer, the packet is scrambled according to the algorithm associated with this new number, and the new count is stored in the data packet output overwriting the previous number. The next communication node repeats the process.
In an alternative embodiment of the disclosed counter-based method for selecting a scrambling algorithm, a random number is generated to select the initial scrambling algorithm and this number is forwarded to every communication node used to transport the specific data packet as a “shared secret”. A count, e.g. starting with 0, is also embedded in the data packet in a header or portion of the data packet reserved for command and control and not subject to scrambling. The data packet is then forwarded to the next communication node. When the packet arrives at the next communication node, the server reads the value of the count, adds the count to the initial random number, identifies the scrambling algorithm used to last scramble the data packet and unscrambles the packet accordingly. The count is then incremented by one or any predetermined integer, and the count is again stored in the data packet's header or any portion of the data packet reserved for command and control and not subject to scrambling, overwriting the prior count. The random number serving as a shared secret is not communicated in the communication data packet. When the data packet arrives at the next communication node, the server then adds the random number shared secret added to the revised counter value extracted from the data packet. This new number uniquely identifies the scrambling algorithm employed by the last communication node to scramble the incoming packet. In this method, only a meaningless count number can be intercepted from the unscrambled portion of a data packet by a cyber-pirate has no idea what the data means.
In another alternative method, a hidden number may be employed to communicate the state of the packet and what algorithm was employed to scramble it. A hidden number combines a time-varying state or a seed, with a shared secret generally comprising a numeric algorithm, together used to produce a confidential number, i.e. a “hidden number” that is never communicated between communication nodes and is therefore not sniffable or discoverable to any man-in-the middle attack or cyber-pirate. The hidden number is then used to select the scrambling algorithm employed. Since the state or seed is meaningless without knowing the algorithm used to calculate the hidden number and because the shared-secret algorithm can be stored behind a firewall inaccessible over the network or Internet, then no amount of monitoring of network traffic will reveal a pattern. To further complicate matters, the location of the seed can also represent a shared secret. In one embodiment, a number carried by an unscrambled portion of a data packet and observable to data sniffing, e.g. 27482567822552213, comprises a long number where only a portion of the number represents the seed. If for example, the third through eighth digits represent the seed, then the real seed is not the entire number but only the bolded numbers 27482567822552213, i.e. the seed is 48256. This seed is then combined with a shared secret algorithm to generate a hidden number, and the hidden number is used to select the scrambling algorithm, varying dynamically throughout a network.
Also in accordance with the disclosed invention, yet another possible dynamic scrambling-algorithm is the process of dithering, intentionally introducing predictable noise into the data-stream in communication. One possible method of dithering involves the repeated transposition of two adjacent data segments occurring as a packet traverses the network. As illustrated in
One example of static scrambling in accordance with the disclosed secure dynamic network and protocol and applied to a data packet 930 traversing a string of communication servers 1010 to 1015 is illustrated in
The data shown traversing the network, albeit scrambled, can be referred to as “plaintext” because the actual data is present in the data packets, i.e. the packets have not been encrypted into ciphertext. By contrast, in ciphertext the character string comprising the original data, whether scrambled or not, is translated into a meaningless series of nonsense characters using an encryption key, and cannot be restored to its original plaintext form without a decryption key. The role of encryption in the disclosed SDNP based communication is discussed further in the following section on “Encryption.”
In order to change the sequence of data packets during transport through the network, packet “re-scrambling” is required, as shown in
The application of US re-scrambling in a SDNP-based packet-switched communication network in accordance with the invention is illustrated in
Each re-scrambling operation 1017 first undoes the prior scrambling by relying on the prior state of the packet entering the communication node, e.g. where data packet 1008 was scrambled with a state corresponding to time t2, and then scrambles the packet anew with a new state corresponding to time t3 to create re-scrambled data packet 1009. As described previously, the state used in determining the scrambling performed may involve a seed, a time, or a number based on any physical parameter such as time, communication node number, network identity, or even GPS location, so long that there is no ambiguity as to how the scrambling was last performed. Accordingly, unscrambling the input data packet to communication node N0,1, hosted on server 1012, relies on the state of the prior server used to scramble the data packet, i.e. the state of communication node N0,0, hosted on server 1011; unscrambling the data packet entering communication node N0,2, hosted on server 1013, relies on the state of communication node N0,1, hosted on server 1012, at the time of scrambling, unscrambling the data packet entering communication node N0,3, hosted on server 1014, relies on the state of communication node N0,2, hosted on server 1013, at the time of scrambling, and so on. The last communication node in the communication network, in this case communication node N0,f, hosted on server 1016, does not perform US re-scrambling but instead only performs unscrambling operation 928 to restore data packet 93090 to its original unscrambled sequence.
In accordance with the disclosed invention, the static and dynamic scrambling of data renders interpretation of the unscrambled data meaningless, reordering sound into unrecognizable noise, reordering text into gibberish, reordering video into video snow, and scrambling code beyond repair. By itself, scrambling provides a great degree of security. In the SDNP method disclosed herein, however, scrambling is only one element utilized to provide and insure secure communication free from hacking, cyber-assaults, cyber-piracy, and man-in-the-middle attacks.
Packet Encryption—
In accordance with the disclosed invention, secure communication over a packet-switched network relies on several elements to prevent hacking and ensure security, one of which involves SDNP encryption. As described previously, encryption from the Greek meaning “to hide, to conceal, to obscure” represents a means to convert normal information or data, commonly called “plaintext”, into “ciphertext” comprising an incomprehensible format rendering the data unreadable without secret knowledge. In modern communication, this secret knowledge generally involves sharing one or more “keys” used for encrypting and decrypting the data. The keys generally comprise pseudo-random numbers generated algorithmically. Numerous articles and texts are available today discussing the merits and weaknesses of various encryption techniques such as “Cryptonomicon” by Neal Stephenson © 1999, “The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography” by Simon Singh © 1999, “Practical Cryptography” by Niels Ferguson © 2013, and “Cryptanalysis: A Study of Ciphers and Their Solution” first published in 1939.
While the concept of encryption or ciphers is ancient and well known to those skilled in the art, the application of cryptography in the disclosed secure dynamic network and protocol is unique, facilitating both end-to-end encryption and single-hop node-to-node dynamic encryption to the network architecture itself, independent of any client's own encryption. SDNP communication is architected with the basic precept that given sufficient time, any static encrypted file or message can eventually be broken and its information stolen, no matter how sophisticated the cipher. While this supposition may in fact be incorrect, there is no need to prove or disprove the proposition because the converse, i.e. waiting till a specific encryption method fails, may result in unacceptable and irreversible consequential damage.
Instead, SDNP communication is based on the premise that all encrypted files have a limited “shelf life”, metaphorically meaning that encrypted data is good (secure) for only a finite period of time and that the confidential data must be re-encrypted dynamically at regular intervals, ideally far more frequently than the best estimates of the time required to crack its encryption with state-of-the-art computers. For example, if it is estimated by cryptologists that a large server farm of crypto-engines can break a given cipher in one year, then in SDNP communication a data packet will be re-encrypted every second or even every 100 ms, intervals many orders of magnitude shorter than the best technology's capability to crack it. As such, SDNP encryption is necessarily dynamic, i.e. time variant, and may also be spatially variant, i.e. depending on a communication node's location in a packet-switched network or geography. Thus, as used herein, the terms “re-encrypting” or “re-encryption” refer to decrypting a data packet and then encrypting it again, typically with a different encryption algorithm or method.
SDNP encryption therefore involves converting data from unencrypted plaintext into ciphertext repeatedly and frequently, rendering the information incomprehensible and useless. Even if a given packet's data encryption is miraculously broken, by employing SDNP's dynamic encryption methods, the next data packet utilizes a completely different encryption key or cipher and requires a completely new effort to crack its encryption. By limiting the total content of each uniquely encrypted data packet, the potential damage of unauthorized access is mitigated because an exposed data packet contains, by itself, a data file too small to be meaningful or useful by a cyber-pirate. Moreover, by combining dynamic encryption with the aforementioned SDNP scrambling methods, communication security is enhanced tremendously. Even in its unencrypted form, the intercepted data file contains only a small snippet of data, voice, or video scrambled into a meaningless and incomprehensible sequence of data segments.
In accordance with this invention, SDNP encryption is dynamic and state-dependent. As shown in
Encryption operation 1020 can use any algorithm, cryptographic, or cipher method available. While the algorithm may represent a static equation, in a one embodiment the encryption operation uses dynamic variables or “states” such as time 920 when encryption occurs, and an encryption generator 1021 to produce “E-key” 1022, which also may be dependent on a state such as time 920 at which the encryption was performed. For example, the date and time of encryption may be used as a numeric seed for generating an encryption key that cannot be recreated even if the encryption algorithm were discovered. Time 920 or other “states” may also be used to select a specific algorithm from an encryption algorithms list 1023, which is a list of available encryption algorithms. In data flow diagrams, it is convenient to illustrate this packet encryption operation and sequence using a schematic or symbolic representation, as depicted herein by the symbol shown for encryption operation 1026. Throughout this invention disclosure, a padlock may also symbolically represent secure and encrypted data. Padlocks with a clock face located atop the padlock specifically indicate a secure delivery mechanism, e.g., encrypted files that, if not received within a specific interval or by a specific time, self-destruct and are lost forever.
The decryption operation shown in
Should the encryption algorithm selected for implementing decryption operation 1031 not match the inverse of the original algorithm employed in packet encryption operation 1020, should state or time 920 not match the time encryption occurred, or should D-key 1030 not have a predefined numeric relationship to E-key 1022 used during encryption, then the decryption operation 1031 will fail to recover the original unencrypted data 990 and the packet data will be lost. In data flow diagrams, it is convenient to illustrate this packet decryption operation and sequence using a schematic or symbolic representation, as depicted herein by the symbol shown for decryption operation 1032.
As described previously in this disclosure, knowledge regarding the use of encryption and decryption keys in cryptography and of common encryption algorithms, such as symmetric public key encryption, RSA encryption, and AES256 encryption among others, are commonplace and well known to those skilled in the art. The application of such well known cryptographic methods in the disclosed SDNP communication system is, however, not readily susceptible to hacking or decryption because of hidden information, shared secrets, and time-dependent dynamic variables and states unique to the disclosed SDNP communication.
So even in the unlikely case where a cyber-pirate has sufficient computer power to eventually crack a robust encryption method, they lack certain information embedded into the SDNP network as non-public or shared secrets required to perform the decryption operation, and must also crack the encryption in a fraction of a second before the encryption changes. Moreover every data packet traversing the disclosed SDNP network utilizes a different encryption method with unique keys and dynamic states. The combination of missing information, dynamic states, and limited informational content contained within any given packet, renders obtaining meaningful data theft from any given data packet both challenging and unrewarding to a cyber-pirate.
In order to intercept an entire document, video stream, or voice conversation to reconstruct a coherent data sequence, a cyber-assault must successively crack and decrypt not one but thousands of successive SDNP packets. The daunting challenge of continuously hacking a succession of SDNP packets is further exacerbated by combining dynamic encryption with the previously described methods regarding data packet scrambling. As illustrated in
As shown, scrambling and encryption represent complementary techniques in achieving secure communication. Unencrypted scrambled data traversing the network, is referred to as “plaintext” because the actual data is present in the data packets, i.e. the packets have not been encrypted into ciphertext. Encrypted data packets, or ciphertext, comprise scrambled or unscrambled character strings translated into a meaningless series of nonsense characters using an encryption key, and cannot be restored to its original plaintext form without a corresponding decryption key. Depending on the algorithm employed, the encryption and decryption keys may comprise the same key or distinct keys mathematically related by a predefined mathematical relationship. As such, scrambling and encryption represent complementary techniques in achieving secure communication in accordance with the disclosed invention for SDNP communication.
The two methods, scrambling and encryption, can be considered independently even when used in combination, except that the sequence used to restore the original data packet from an encrypted scrambled data packet must occur in the inverse sequence to that used to create it. For example, if the data packet 990 was first scrambled using scrambling operation 926 and then encrypted using encryption operation 1026, then to restore the original data packet, the encrypted scrambled data packet 1024 must first be decrypted using decryption operation 1032 and then unscrambled using unscrambling operation 928. Mathematically, if a scrambling operation F scrambles a string of bits or characters into an equivalent scrambled version and an unscrambling operation F′ undoes the scrambling, whereby
and similarly if an encryption operation G encrypts a string of plaintext into equivalent ciphertext and a decryption operation G−1 undoes the encryption whereby
then in combination, the successive operation of scrambling and then encrypting followed by decrypting and then unscrambling returns the original argument A, the unscrambled plaintext data packet. Accordingly,
because the sequence occurs in inverse order, specifically decrypting [G−1] encrypted scrambled packet [G(F(A))] restores scrambled plaintext data packet F(A). Subsequent unscrambling operation F−1 of scrambled plaintext packet F(A) restore the original data packet A.
Provided linear methods are employed, the sequence is reversible. For example, if the data packet is first encrypted and then scrambled, then to restore the original data packet the scrambled ciphertext must first be unscrambled and then decrypted. Accordingly,
Changing the sequence does not work. Decrypting a data packet that was previously encrypted and then scrambled without first unscrambling it will not recover the original data packet, i.e.
Similarly unscrambling a packet that was scrambled and then encrypted will also fail to restore the original data packet, because
To summarize, if the plaintext packet is scrambled before it is encrypted, it must be decrypted before it is unscrambled; if the plaintext packet is encrypted before it is scrambled, it must be unscrambled before it is decrypted.
While it is understood that scrambling and encrypting may be performed in either sequence, in one embodiment of the SDNP methods in accordance with this invention, encryption and decryption occur more frequently during network transport than scrambling and therefore encryption should occur after scrambling and decryption should occur before unscrambling, as illustrated in
One means to enhance to enhance security in any implementation using static scrambling encryption is to insure that each data packet sent is subjected to different scrambling and/or encryption methods, including changes in state, seeds, and/or keys at time t1 when each data packet enters the communication network.
However, a more robust alternative involves dynamically changing a data packet's encryption or scrambling, or both, as the packet traverses the network in time. In order to facilitate the required data processing to realize a fully dynamic version of SDNP communication, it is necessary to combine the previously defined processes in order to “re-scramble” (i.e., unscramble and then scramble) and “re-encrypt” (i.e., unencrypt and then encrypt) each packet as it passes through each communication node in a packet-switched communication network. As used herein the term “re-packet” or “re-packeting” will sometimes be used to refer to the combination of “re-scrambling” and “re-encryption,” whether the packet is initially decrypted before it is unscrambled or unscrambled before it is decrypted. In either case, the unscrambling and decryption operations at a given node should be performed in an order that is the reverse of the scrambling and encryption operations as the packet left the prior node, i.e., if the packet was scrambled and then encrypted at the prior node, it should first be decrypted and then unscrambled at the current node. Typically, the packet will then be scrambled and then encrypted as it leaves the current node.
The “re-packet” operation at a communication node is illustrated in
The DUSE re-packet operation 1045 as described can be implemented as software, firmware or as hardware within any communication node. In general, it is preferred to utilize software to implement such operations, since the software code can be updated or improved over time. The application of DUSE re-packet operation 1045 in a dynamic network is illustrated in
Packet Mixing and Splitting
Another key element of the secure dynamic network and protocol disclosed herein is its ability to split data packets into sub-packets, to direct those sub-packets into multiple routes, and to mix and recombine the sub-packets to reconstruct a complete data packet. The process of packet splitting is illustrated in
The purpose of parse operation 1052 is to break data packet 1054 into smaller data packets, e.g. data sub-packets 1055 and 1056, for processing of each of the constituent components. Breaking data packet 1054 into smaller pieces offers unique advantages such as supporting multipath transport, i.e. transmitting the data packets over multiple and different paths, and facilitating unique encryption of constituent sub-packets using different encryption methods.
The splitting operation can use any algorithm, numerical method, or parsing method. The algorithm may represent a static equation or include dynamic variables or numerical seeds or “states” such as time 920 when the incoming data packet 1054 was first formed by a number of sub-packets, and a numerical seed 929 generated by seed generator 921, which also may be dependent on a state such as time 920 at the time of the data packet's creation. For example, if each date is converted into a unique number ascending monotonically, then every seed 929 is unique. Time 920 and seed 929 may be used to identify a specific algorithm chosen from a list of available methods, i.e. from algorithm 1050. Packet splitting, or un-mixing, comprises the inverse procedure of mixing, using the same algorithm executed in the precise reverse sequence used previously to create the specific packet. Ultimately everything that is done is undone but not necessarily all in one step. For example, a scrambled encrypted data packet might be decrypted but remain scrambled. Processed by splitting operation 1051, un-split incoming data packet 1054 is converted into multiple data packets, e.g. split fixed-length packets 1055 and 1056 using parse operation 1052 to algorithmically perform the operation. In data flow diagrams, it is convenient to illustrate this packet splitting operation 1051 including parsing 1052 and junk operation 1053 using a schematic or symbolic representation, as depicted herein by the symbol shown for splitting operation 1057.
Thus, as used herein, the term “splitting” may include parsing, which refers to the separation of a packet into two or more packets or sub-packets, and it may also include the insertion of junk packets or sub-packets into the resulting “parsed” packets or sub-packets or the deletion of junk packets or sub-packets from the resulting “parsed” packets or sub-packets.
The inverse function, packet-mixing operation 1060 shown in
In accordance with this invention, packet mixing and splitting may utilize any of a large number of possible algorithms.
An example of the application of packet mixing using concatenation in accordance with this invention is illustrated in
Similarly, an example of the application of interleaved mixing in accordance with this invention is illustrated in
Scrambled Mixing
The disclosed methods of packet communication using the splitting and mixing of data packets into various combinations of data segments can in accordance with the disclosed invention be combined with packet scrambling in numerous ways. In
In an alternative implementation in accordance with this invention, individual data packets are first scrambled then mixed as shown in
The combined use of mixing and scrambling as disclosed may be integrated into either static or dynamic SDNP communication networks. In
Encrypted Scrambled Mixing
The disclosed methods of packet communication using the splitting and mixing of data packets into various combinations of sub-packets combined with packet scrambling can, in accordance with the disclosed invention be combined with encryption.
Intermediate nodes may involve only re-encryption operation 1077, comprising the combination of decryption operation 1032 and encryption operation 1026, or may involve DUSE operation 1045 sequentially comprising the functions of decryption operation 1032, unscrambling operation 928, scrambling operation 926, and encryption operation 1026. In re-encryption operation 1077 and DUSE operation 1045 the functions of decryption operation 1032 and unscrambling operation 928 may require the seeds or key of the communication node sending the packet to them at a prior time or state. The functions of encryption operation 1026 and re-scrambling operation 926 may both employ information, seeds, and keys generated at the present time or state, i.e. at the time a communication node “refreshes” a data packet. Data packet refreshing makes it more difficult for cyber-assaults to access information in a data packet because the packet data in newly obfuscated and the time available to break the code is shortened.
One example of the use of dynamic combinational mixing, scrambling, and encryption and their inverse functions is illustrated in
The data is next passed to communication node N0,1, hosted on server 1012, which performs DUSE operation 1045, decrypting and unscrambling the incoming data based on state 991 information corresponding to time t1 then refreshing the security by scrambling and encrypting the data again based on state 992 information, corresponding to time t2. If state information 991 is being passed to final node N0,f, by embedding it in the data packet or its header, then two copies of the state information are required—one to be used by final node N0,f, comprising state 991 when mixing occurred, and a second state used by the DUSE operation changing each time the data packet hops from one node to the next, i.e. from state 991 to 992, 993, etc. Using the state of the last operation performed on an incoming data packet, DUSE operation 1045 performs re-scrambling on unencrypted data by decrypting it first, performing the re-scrambling, then encrypting the data again, i.e. the re-scrambling operation is nested within a re-encryption operation. The resulting outgoing data packet comprises ciphertext 1080B with underlying unencrypted content represented by plaintext 1080A. DUSE operation 1045 is repeated successively in servers 1013, 1014, and 1015, resulting in ciphertext 1081B with underlying unencrypted content represented by plaintext 1081A at time t5. Communication is completed by communication node N0,f, hosted on server 1016, which performs decryption unscrambling splitting (DUS) operation 1076, decrypting, unscrambling the incoming data packet based on state 995 information corresponding to time t5 used to last refresh it, then splitting the packet in accordance with state 991 when mixing first occurred. Since the intermediate nodes are unaware of the mixing condition, even a network operator with access to the intermediate nodes is unaware of the conditions used at mixing. The resulting plaintext outputs 1055 and 1056 at time tf recover the data sent across the network starting at time t0. Since the packet's content was re-scrambled and re-encrypted as the packet passes through each node N0,x where x=0, 1, 2, . . . f, the opportunity for intercepting and interpreting the data packets being communicated is extremely complex and provides little time for hacking.
A simpler method for establishing secure communication involves mixing and scrambling of the packet at the beginning of the communication but utilizes repeated steps of re-encryption. Unlike the fully dynamic encrypted scrambling and mixing example of the prior illustration,
Then at time t1, using state 991 information for generating keys, numeric seeds, or other secrets, communication node N0,0 performs mixing scrambling encryption (MSE) operation 1075. The resulting ciphertext 1082B is a scrambled data packet in ciphertext format, illegible and interpretable to any observer not in possession of the state information used to create it. The underlying data packet comprising plaintext 1082A is scrambled and even without encryption is also incomprehensible to cyber-pirates attempting to recover the source data, text, picture, or sound without the state information, keys, seeds, and secrets.
The data is next passed to communication node N0,1, hosted on server 1012, which, rather than performing the DUSE operation as in the previous example, only re-encrypts the incoming data, i.e. decrypts the data based on state 991 information corresponding to time t1 then encrypts it again based on state 992 information corresponding to the current time t2. The process, shown as re-encryption operation 1077, results in outgoing data packet comprising ciphertext 1083B with underlying scrambled plaintext 1083A identical to previous plaintext 1082A. A re-encryption operation 1077 is repeated successively in servers 1013, 1014, and 1015 resulting in new ciphertext. For example ciphertext 1084B and underlying unchanged plaintext 1084A represent the data traveling between servers 1013 and 1014. The underlying plaintext 1084A is unchanged from before it was originally scrambled by MSE operation 1075 in communication node N0,0 at time t1. The re-encryptions in communication nodes N0,1 and N0, however, have changed the ciphertext two times since it left communication node N0,0.
The shared secrets used to perform static mixing and scrambling and dynamic encryption and to reverse the process require two times or states—time t1 and corresponding state 991 used for the static mixing and scrambling in server 1011 and needed for unscrambling and splitting in the final DUS operation 1076 in server 1016, and the dynamic time and the corresponding state used by the last communication node to execute each of the re-encryption operations 1077 in servers 1012-1015, a state that varies dynamically and constantly as the data packet traverses the packet-switched communication network. In the final step, communication is completed by communication node N0,f, hosted on server 1016, which performs a DUS operation 1045, decrypting, unscrambling and splitting (un-mixing) the incoming data packet to reproduce plaintext outputs 1055 and 1056, the same data sent across the network starting at time t0.
Since the packet is encrypted in node N0,0, re-encrypted as it passes through each of nodes N0,1 . . . N0,f-1, and decrypted in node N0,f, even though the data was mixed and scrambled only once, the opportunity for intercepting and interpreting the data packets being communicated is extremely complex and provides little time for hacking. Moreover, the mixing of multiple sources of data as described previously in this application, further confounds outsider attempts at hacking and cyber-piracy because the interloper has no idea what the various pieces of data are, where they came from, or where they are headed—in essence lacking both detail and context in the nature of the data packet.
Another method to manage data packet content during transport is to “return to normal” on every single hop. In this method illustrated in
In preparation for the next network hop, the two original data packets are once again mixed and scrambled, this time using algorithms selected at the time t2 corresponding to state 992 resulting in plaintext 1080A which is subsequently encrypted to produce ciphertext 1080B ready to be sent to node N0,1. Using this method the incoming data packets are returned to the initial normal state each time they enter a node and depart in a completely new “refreshed” condition corresponding to present state. In this method each node only needs to know the state of the incoming packet and does not require knowledge of any prior states used during data transport.
Mixing & Splitting Operations
The process of mixing and splitting packets to combine and separate data of different types shown previously in
In the opposite extreme, where a network may be heavily congested, a server may be unable to accept a long packet without imposing long propagation delays resulting in high latency. For this and other reasons, the dynamic mixing and splitting of data packets in accordance with the disclosed invention provides a means to manage, combine and separate data packets of varying length, controlling both the length and number of data packet inputs as well as the number and length of data packet outputs. The use of variable length packets containing content directed to different destinations further confounds hackers, conferring an added degree of security to the network. As shown in
After mixing, long data packet 1091, or alternatively sub-packets resulting from parsing operation 1092, may either be stored locally, e.g. waiting for other data packets to arrive, or may be sent on to other nodes in the communication network. Before storage or routing each packet or sub-packet is “tagged” with a header or sub-header identifying the packet. The tag is critical to recognize an incoming packet so that it may be processed according to instructions received previously as to what to with its data, including how to mix, scramble, encrypt or split, unscramble, and decrypt the data packet's content. The use of data packet headers and sub-headers to identify and tag data packets is described in greater detail later in this application.
So in addition to confounding cyber-attackers, another role of parsing, junk, and de-junk operations is to manage the length of data packet. For example, if the resulting long data packet 1091 is too long, then in accordance with a selected algorithm, the parse operation 1087 breaks the long data packet output 1091 into shorter pieces. The length of the shorter pieces may be prescribed by the selected algorithm, e.g. cut the merged long packet at regular intervals 1092 of “n” sub-packets. The desired packet length can be decided a priori or can be based on a network condition, e.g. the maximum acceptable length may be calculated based on network delays. For instance, if the propagation delay Δtprop between two nodes exceeds a certain value, then the data packet will be parsed to make it smaller, e.g. where long data packet 1091 is broken up at regular intervals by parsing operation 1092 into “n” sub-packets.
Regardless as to how the long packet is parsed, the multiple-output mixing operation produces multiple data packet outputs, e.g. data packets 1093A, 1093B, and 1093C, as shown in
For convenience sake, the multiple-input single-output (MISO) mixing operation is symbolically represented herein by symbol 1089 while the multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) mixing operation is symbolically represented by symbol 1094, similar to the earlier, more idealized example shown in
The inverse function to multiple-input single-output or MISO mixing is single-input multiple-output or SIMO splitting. In one embodiment, shown in
In a second embodiment, shown in
So in general the function of the mixing operation is to define which slot in the in the mixed packet or long packet the incoming data is inserted, and to define which slots of the mixed packet contain junk.
The table representation of the algorithm is exemplary to illustrate that any remapping of incoming data sub-packets into a long data packet is possible. As part of mixing operation 1094, parsing operation 1087 is next performed, cutting 1092 long data packet 1091 into three equal length pieces to create outgoing sub-packets 1093D, 1093E and 1093F, labeled correspondingly as Sub-packet D, Sub-packet E, and Sub-packet F.
As shown, sub-packet 1103A labeled as Sub-packet G comprises 4 slots, where slot 1 is filled with data segment 1A from slot 1 of sub-packet D corresponding to slot 1 of long packet 1091, slot 2 is filled with data segment 1B from slot 4 of sub-packet D corresponding to slot 4 of long packet 1091, slot 3 is filled with data segment 1C from slot 1 of sub-packet E corresponding to slot 7 of long packet 1091, and slot 4 is filled with data segment 1E from slot 1 of sub-packet E corresponding to slot 13 of long packet 1091. Similarly, sub-packet 1103B labeled Sub-packet H comprises three slots, the first containing data segment 2C from the 2nd slot of Sub-packet E, the second containing data segment 2D from the 5th slot of Sub-packet E, and the third containing data segment 2F from the 5th slot of Sub-packet F. Sub-packet 1103C also comprises three slots. In slot 1, data segment 3C comes from slot 6 of Sub-packet E. In slot 2, data segment 3D comes from slot 6 of Sub-packet E. In slot 3 of Sub-packet J, data segment 3E comes from slot 3 of Sub-packet F.
As such a splitting algorithm defines (a) how many split sub-packets there will be, (b) how many slots there will be in each split sub-packet, (c) into which slot of the split sub-packets the data of the long packet will go (d) which slots will be removed because they contain junk data, and (e) if new slots containing junk data are introduced, possibly to facilitate generating a specific length sub-packet. In cases where a splitting operation that follows a mixing operation, the number of sub-packets in the split packets has to equal the number of sub-packets in the packets before they are mixed unless junk data is removed or inserted.
The roles of the disclosed mixing and splitting operations made in accordance with this invention may be adapted to implement fragmented data transport through any network with the caveat that all the nodes in the network know what sequence of operations is to be performed. In single route transport such as shown previously in
The original data packets are recovered by the inverse function, a single-in multiple-output or SIMO communication node, performing splitting. If the data packets in single-route communication have reached their final destination, they long packet data is split for the last time and the junk is removed to reconstitute the original data packet. The mixed data does not necessarily need to be the same data types. For example, one caller could be talking on the phone and sending text messages simultaneously, thereby generating or receiving two different data streams concurrently. If, however, the split data packets are intended continue routing onward in the network in an unmixed stated, junk data is included in the data packets to make data sniffing unusable.
In the transport of homogeneous data, security is achieved primarily through scrambling shown in
Parsing operation 1087 then cuts scrambled long data packet 1107 along cut lines 1092 after the 6th and the 12th slots to produce outputted sub-packets 1093G, 1093H, and 1093J. The consequence of the phase shift not only affects the position of data in the outputted sub-packets but it actually alters the packets' content. For example, when data segment 3D in slot position 12 in the unscrambled long data packet 1107 moves to position 13 after scrambling, parsing operation 1087 located in cut line 1092 after the 12th slot, naturally dislocates the data from data sub-packet 1093H to 1093J, as evidenced by a comparison of sub-packet 1093H with its new sequence of data segments J-1C-2C-3C-J-2D (where J indicates junk data) against sub-packet 1093E in
In single route data transport, data packets cannot take parallel paths, but must instead travel in serial fashion across a single path between media servers or between a client's device and the cloud gateway, i.e. data transport over the last mile. Before the data sub-packets can be sent onto the network, they must be tagged with one or more headers to identify the packet so that the target communication node can be instructed what to do with the incoming packet. Although the formatting and information contained in these headers is described in greater detail later in the disclosure, for clarity's sake a simplified realization of packet tagging is shown in
As the data packets arrive at the node, operation 1600 separates the header from the data for processing. As shown for the first incoming packet 1099A, header 1102A labeled Hdr A is separated from data packet 1099A, then fed into tag reader operation 1602 which determines whether the communication node has received any instructions bearing on packet 1099A. If it has not received any instructions relating to packet 1099A, the corresponding data is discarded. This is shown for example by sub-packet 1092, labeled sub-packet Z, which contains data from conversations 6, 7, 8, 9 unrelated to any of the instructions received by the communications node. If, however, the data packet is “expected,” i.e., its tag matches an instruction previously received by the communication node from another server, then the recognized data packets, in this case sub-packets 1090A, 1090B and 1090C, are sent to mixing operation 1089. The proper algorithm previously selected for the incoming data packets is then loaded from mixing algorithm table 1050 into mixing operation 1089. In other words, the communication node has previously been instructed that when it receives the three packets identified by Hdr A, Hdr B and Hdr C, respectively, it is to mix the three packets in accordance with a particular mixing algorithm in table 1050. As noted above, this mixing algorithm may include a scrambling operation.
In accordance with this disclosure, mixing operation 1059 then outputs data sub-packet 1093D, 1093E and 1093F in sequence, each of which are tagged with a new identifying header, i.e. Hdr D, Hdr E, and Hdr F to product data packets 1099D, 1099E, and 1099F ready for transport to the next communication node in the network. In single route communications these data packets are sent serially along the same route to their target destination. While the flow chart represents how the tags are used to identify packets for mixing, the tag identification method is identical for executing specific scrambling and encryption operations, and their inverse functions decrypting, unscrambling, and splitting.
The mixing and splitting operations can be applied to multi-route and meshed transport described next using multiple output mixing and splitting operations. The various outputs represented by outward facing arrows in SIMO splitting symbol 1101 in
Packet Routing
As illustrated throughout the application thus far, a single path carries the serial stream of data packets used in packet-switched based network communication such as the Internet. Although this path may vary over time, intercepting the data stream by packet sniffing would, at least for some time interval, provide a cyber-pirate with complete data packets of coherent serial information. Without scrambling and encryption used in the SDNP communication disclosed in accordance with this invention, any sequence of data packets once intercepted, could easily be interpreted in any man-in-middle attack enabling effective and repeated cyber-assaults.
Such single-route communication is the basis of Internet, VoIP, and OTT communication, and one reason Internet-based communication today is very insecure. While the successive packets sent may take different routes, near the source and destination communication nodes the chance that successive packets will follow the same route and transit through the same servers becomes increasingly likely because packet routing in the Internet is decided by service providers monopolizing a geography. Simply by tracing a packet's routing back toward its source, then packet sniffing near the source the chance of intercepting multiple packets of the same conversation and data stream increases dramatically because the communication is carried by only a single geographically based Internet service provider or ISP.
As illustrated graphically in
In sharp contrast to single-path packet communication used for Internet OTT and VoIP communications, in one embodiment of SDNP communication in accordance with this invention, the content of data packets is not carried serially by coherent packets containing information from a common source or caller, but in fragmented form, dynamically mixing and remixing content emanating from multiple sources and callers, wherein said data agglomerates incomplete snippets of data, content, voice, video and files of dissimilar data types with junk data fillers. The advantage of the disclosed realization of data fragmentation and transport is that even unencrypted and unscrambled data packets are nearly impossible to interpret because they represent the combination of unrelated data and data types.
As illustrated in
Instead, in SDNP communication, the information is fragmented, for example, with some portion of the data being sent across routes 1113A, 1113B, and 1113D with no data sent initially across route 1113C and 1113E and then at a later time, fragmented data split and combined differently and sent across routes 1113A, 1113C, and 1113E with no data being sent across route 1113B and 1113D. An example of multiroute transport 1112 is illustrated in
In “meshed route” transport 1114, illustrated also in
Multiroute transport may be combined in various ways with scrambling and encryption. An example of multiroute transport with no scrambling is illustrated in
A simple variant of the aforementioned multiroute transport with no scrambling is illustrated in
An improvement to static scrambling is to employ dynamic scrambling shown in
As shown, the first communication node N0,0 performs scramble and split operation 1071, the last communication node Nf,f performs mix and unscramble operation 1070, and all the intervening communication nodes perform US re-scrambling operation 1017. In each case, the unscrambling operation relies on the time or the state of the incoming packet, and the scrambling operation utilizes the time or state of the outgoing data packet. In parallel multi-route transport, splitting occurs only once in communication node N0,0 and mixing occurs only once, at the end of transport in communication node Nf,f. Methodologically, this sequence can be categorized as “scramble then split”. In the embodiment of dynamic scrambling as shown in
A simplified description of the previously detailed “linear scramble then split” method shown in
In the “nested scramble & split” example also shown in
The same concept of nested operations can be used in performing nested splitting and mixing operations as shown in
Once mixed, junked, scrambled and encrypted, the unreadable client ciphertext 1080W is next sent to the SDNP gateway server N0,0 where it is once again processed using different shared secrets with different algorithms, states, and network specific security credentials such as seed 929U and key 1030U in preparation for transport through the SDNP cloud. This inner loop facilitates cloud-server security and is completely independent from the client's security loop. As part of the gateway SSE operation 1140 for incoming data packets, the data packet may be scrambled a second time, split into different sub-packets and encrypted into ciphertext 1080U and 1080V for multiroute or meshed transport.
Eventually the multiple sub-packets arrive at the destination gateway Nf,f where they are processed by DMU operation 1141 to undo the effect of the initial gateway's splitting operation, i.e. DMU operation 1141 undoes the effects of SSE operation 1140 completing the inner security loop's function. As such, gateway Nf,f undoes all network related security measures implemented by incoming gateway N0,0 and restores the original file, in this case client ciphertext 1080W to the same condition as when as it entered the SDNP cloud.
But because this data packet was already mixed, scrambled and encrypted, the data packet comprising ciphertext 1080W exiting the SDNP gateway and being sent to the receiving client is still encrypted, un-interpretable by anyone but the receiving client's application 1335. The restored ciphertext once delivered to the client is then decrypted and unscrambled by DUS operation 1076 in accordance with the sending client's state 990 when it was created at time t0 and finally split to recover various sources of data components including video, text, voice, and data files, completing the outer security loop.
So to thwart network subversion, i.e. where a cybercriminal posing as a SDNP network operator attempts to defeat the SDNP security from “inside” the network, the outer loop security credentials, i.e. shared secrets, seeds, keys, security zones, etc. are intentionally made different than that of the inner security loop.
In another embodiment of this invention also shown in
Regardless of the sequence of mixing and scrambling employed, the processed data packets can also be subjected to static or dynamic encryption to facilitate an added degree of security. One example of this combination is shown in
One example of the use of this method in multiroute transport is illustrated in
As an option to scramble, split and encrypt, in an alternate embodiment of this invention, data packets may be split then scrambled and encrypted using the split, scramble, encrypt operation 1140B shown in
In contrast to meshed routing described below, in the multi-route transport as exemplified in
Meshed Routing
Returning again to
Using the previously described method of splitting and mixing, groups of data segments may be separated or removed from one data packet, combined with or merged into another data packet, and sent on a trajectory to a destination different from the one from whence it came. Meshed routing in accordance with this invention may utilize variable-length or fixed-length data packets. In variable-length packets, the number of data segments comprising a data packet may vary based on the amount of traffic traversing a given communication node. In fixed-length meshed transport, the number of data segments used to constitute a full data packet is fixed at some constant number or alternatively at some number of data segments adjusted in quantized integer increments.
The main difference between the use of variable- and fixed-length data packets is in the use of junk data as packet fillers. In variable length-data packets, the use of junk data is purely optional, mainly based on security considerations, or to exercise unused paths in order to monitor network propagation delays. The use of junk data in fixed-length data packets is mandatory because there is no way to insure that the proper number of data segments is available to fill the packets departing the communication node. As such, junk data is necessarily used constantly and continuously as packet filler to insure each data packet exiting the server is filled to the specified length before being sent onward across the network.
An example of static meshed data transport across communication network 1112 is illustrated in
During static transport the data packet's content, i.e. the data segments it contains, remains unchanged as it traverses the network. For example, data packet 1128A, comprising data segment 1F, traverses communication nodes in sequence from communication node N0,0 first to communication node N1,1 then on to communication nodes N2,1, N3,2, N3,3, N4,3, and N4,4, before finally being reassembled with packets 1128B, 1128C and 1128D in final communication node Nf,f to recreate data packet 1055 at time tf. In similar fashion, data packet 1128C, comprising data segments 1A and 1D, traverses communication nodes in sequence from communication node N0,0 first to communication node N3,1 then on to communication node N2,3, and communication node N1,4, before finally being reassembled with packets 1128A, 1128B and 1128D in final communication node Nf,f at time tf. During static meshed transport, multiple data packets pass through common servers without mixing or interacting. For example, data packets 1128A and 1128B both pass through communication node N2,1, data packets 1128B and 1128C both pass through communication node N2,3, and data packets 1128A and 1128D both pass through communication node N3,3 without disturbing one another, exchanging content, or swapping data segments.
Since the data paths may be of different lengths and exhibit different propagation delays, some data packets may arrive at final communication node Nf,f before others. In such instances, in accordance with this invention, the data packets must be held temporarily in communication node Nf,f until the other related data packets arrive. And while the drawing shows that the final assembly and recovery of original data packet 1055 occurs in communication node Nf,f, in practice the final packet reassembly, i.e. mixing, can occur in a device such as a desktop, notebook, cell phone, tablet, set top box, automobile, refrigerator, or other hardware device connected to the network. In other words, in regards to meshed transport, there is no distinction between a communication node and a device connected to a communication node, i.e. communication node Nf,f could be considered a desktop computer instead of being a true high-capacity server. The connection of a device to the disclosed SDNP cloud, i.e. the last-mile connection, is discussed in further detail later in this application.
The aforementioned static routing can be merged with any of the aforementioned SDNP methods as disclosed, including scrambling, encryption, or combinations thereof. For example, in
To implement dynamic meshed transport in accordance with the invention disclosed herein, packets must be processed to change their content and direction within each communication node processing a packet. This process involves merging incoming data packets into a single long data packet, or alternatively utilizing a data buffer containing the same sub-packets as if the long data packet was created, then splitting these packets into different combinations and sending those packets to different destinations. The process may employ variable- or fixed-length packets as described previously.
In order to process the incoming packets, i.e. mix them, then split them into new packets of different combinations, node Na,j must receive instructions before the data arrives telling the node how to identify the data packets to be processed and what to do with them. These instructions may comprise fixed algorithms stored locally as a shared secret, i.e. a predefined algorithm or instruction set, or the sequence can be defined explicitly in a command and control “dynamic” instruction sent to the node in advance, of the data, ideally from another server controlling routing but not on a server carrying data. If the instructions of what to do to the incoming data are embedded within the data stream itself, i.e. part of the media or content, the routing is referred to herein as “single-channel” communication. If the data packet routing is decided by another server and communicated to the media server, the data routing is referred to as “dual-channel” (or possibly tri-channel) communication. The operational details of single- and dual/tri-channel communication are described in greater detail later in the application.
Regardless of how the instructions are delivered, the media node must recognize the incoming data packets to know the instruction that pertains to a specific data packet. This identifying information or “tag” operates like a zip code or a courier package routing bar code to identify the packets of interest. The incoming data packets 1128B, 1128D, 1128F, and 1128H shown in
The fixed-length data packet equivalent of the same operation is shown in
The interconnection of servers as described in network Layer-3 protocol comprises a myriad of connections, each communication node output connected to the input of another communication node. For example, as shown in
Since the output-to-input connections are network descriptions and not simply PHY layer 1 connections or circuits, these network connections between devices can be established or dissolved on an ad hoc basis for any device having a Layer 1 PHY connection and a Layer 2 data link to the aforementioned network or cloud. Also, since the connections represent possible network communication paths and not fixed, permanent electrical circuits, the fact that the output of communication node Na,b is connected to input of communication node Na,q and the output of communication node Na,q is connected to input of communication node Na,b does not create feedback or a race condition as it would in electrical circuits.
In fact, any computer electrically connected to the network can be added or removed as a communication node dynamically and on an ad hoc basis using software. Connecting a computer onto a network involves “registering” the communication node with the name server or any server performing the name server function. As described in the background section of this application, in the Internet the name server is a network of computers identifying their electronic identity as an Internet address using IPv4 or IPv6 formats. The top-most Internet name server is the global DNS or domain name servers. Some computers do not use a real Internet address, but instead have an address assigned by a NAT or network address translator.
In a similar manner, the disclosed secure dynamic network and protocol utilizes a name server function to keep track of every device in SDNP network. Whenever a SDNP communication node is launched, or in computer vernacular, whenever a SDNP node's software is booted up, the new device dynamically registers itself onto the network's name server so that other SDNP nodes know it is online and available for communication. In tri-channel communication, the SDNP name servers are separate from the servers used for command and control, i.e. the signaling servers, and from the media servers carrying the actual communication content. In single-channel communication, one set of servers must perform both the name server task as well as control routing and carry the content. Thus, the three types of SDNP systems described herein—single-channel, dual-channel and tri-channel—are distinguished by the servers used to perform the transport, signaling and naming functions. In single-channel systems, the communication node servers perform all three functions; in dual-channel systems, the signaling and naming functions are separated from the transport function and are performed by signaling servers; and in tri-channel systems, the naming function is separated from the transport and signaling functions and is performed by the name servers. In practice, a given SDNP network need not be uniform but may be subdivided into portions that are single-channel, portions that are dual-channel, and portions that are tri-channel.
Any new SDNP communication node coming online registers itself by informing the name server of its SDNP address. This address is not an Internet address, but an address known only by the SDNP network, and cannot be accessed through the Internet, because like a NAT address, the SDNP address is meaningless to the Internet, despite following the Internet protocol. As such, communication using the disclosed secure dynamic network and protocol represents “anonymous” communication because the IP addresses are unrecognizable on the Internet, and because only the last SDNP address and next SDNP address, i.e. the packet's next destination, are present within a given packet.
An important embodiment of the SDNP network is its ability to modulate the total available bandwidth of the cloud automatically as traffic increases or declines within any given hour of the day. More SDNP communication nodes are automatically added into the network as traffic increases and dropped during slow minimizing network cost without compromising stability or performance.
This feature means the bandwidth and expanse of the SDNP network disclosed herein can also be dynamically adjusted to minimize operating costs, i.e. not paying for unused compute cycles on an unutilized node, while being able to increase capability as demand requires it. The advantages of the software-implemented or “soft-switch” embodiment of the SDNP network sharply contrasts with the fixed hardware and high cost of hardware-implemented packet-switched communication networks still pervasive today. In the soft-switch realized network, any communication node loaded with the SDNP communication software and connected to the network or Internet can be added into the SDNP as needed, as shown in the network graph of
So each link in the SDNP cloud can be viewed as an always-on physical connection of the Layer 1 PHY with corresponding a data link Layer 2, combined with a Layer 3 network connection that is established only when the SDNP launches, i.e. activates, a new communication node as needed. So the soft-switch based SDNP cloud itself is adaptive and dynamic, changing with demand. Unlike peer-to-peer networks where data is relayed through any device or computer, even of unknown bandwidth and reliability, each SDNP communication node is a prequalified device, loaded with the SDNP soft-switch software and fully authorized to join the SDNP cloud and carry data using its prescribed secure communication protocol, which comprises the informational content (such as a shared secret) plus the syntax, e.g. a specific format of header. Shared secrets describe algorithms, seed generators, scrambling methods, encryption methods, and mixing methods but do not stipulate the format of an entire SDNP data packet. Security settings, i.e. the settings being used at a particular time and for specific communications, are a type of shared secrets, but shared secrets also include the entire list of algorithms even ones not in use. Since the software is encrypted and the algorithm and shared secrets are processed dynamically, even in the event the SDNP code is hosted on a public cloud such as Amazon or Microsoft, the server operators have no means by which to monitor the content of data traffic on the SDNP communication node other than the total data volume being transported.
As a natural extension of the dynamic network, new SDNP clients such as a cell phone, tablet, or notebook, also register automatically with the SDNP name server or gateway whenever they are turned on. So not only the SDNP cloud but the number of clients available for connection adjusts automatically, accurately reflecting the number of network connected and active users at any given time.
Scrambled or Encrypted Meshed Routing
To support dynamic autonomous capability, each SDNP communication node executes a prescribed combination of data mixing and splitting, scrambling and unscrambling, encryption and decryption concurrently to simultaneously support multiple conversations, communiqués and secure sessions. In the soft-switch embodiment of the SDNP network, all functions implemented and the sequence of these operations can be entirely configured through software-based instructions as defined through shared secrets, carried by the data packet, or defined by a parallel signal channel for command and control, separate and distinct from the SDNP communication nodes used for carrying media. While a large number of permutations and combinations are possible, the examples shown herein are intended to represent the flexibility of SDNP-based communication and not to limit the application of the various SDNP functions described to a specific sequence of data processing steps. For example scrambling can precede or follow mixing or splitting, encryption can occur first, last or in between, etc.
One such operation, re-scrambled mixing and splitting operation 1155 shown in
The inverse of the unscramble and mix operation, the “split and scramble operation” 1156B for meshed outputs, illustrated in
The application of the aforementioned unscrambled mixing of meshed inputs operation 1161 followed by the split and scramble operation 1162 for meshed outputs is shown in
The same scrambled mix and split operation for meshed transport of fixed-length packets is illustrated in
An example of dynamic meshed data transport with static scrambling across communication network 1114 in accordance with this invention is illustrated in
In operation, incoming data packet 1055 is first scrambled by communication node N0,0 at time t1 by scramble and split operation 1162, creating scrambled data packet 1130, which is then split into four packets of varying length, specifically data packet 1170A comprising data segment 1F and associated a junk data segment in the first slot, packet 1170B comprising data segment 1C, data packet 1170C comprising data segments 1A and 1D in reverse order, and data packet 1170D comprising data segments 1B and 1E in ascending order. The data segments shown may be combined with other data segments from other data packets and conversations, also of variable length, where data segments from other conversations have been intentionally left out of the illustration for clarity's sake. It will be understood that time passes as the data packets traverse the network and their contents are split and remixed. For the purpose of illustration clarity, however, the times have been intentionally left out of the drawing except for some exemplary times shown at the beginning and conclusion of the communication process.
During dynamic meshed transport the data packet's content, its data segments change as it traverses the network. For example, data packet 1170A, comprising a junk data segment and a data segment 1F, traverses communication nodes in sequence from communication node N0,0 first to communication node N1,1 then on to communication node N2,1, where it is mixed with data packet 1170B comprising data segment 1C, to form data packet 1171A, containing the data segment sequence 1C, 1F, and the junk data segment, which is sent to communication node N1,2, and then on to communication node N2,3. During the same time period, data packet 1170C comprising the data segment sequence 1D, 1A is transported from communication node N0,0 to communication node N3,1, where it is forwarded unchanged as data packet 1171C to communication node N3,2. As part of the mixing and splitting operation performed by communication node N3,1, a second data packet 1171B, comprising entirely junk data with no content, is generated and sent to communication node N2,1. The reason for routing an entirely junk packet devoid of content is two-fold—first to confuse cyber-pirates by outputting more than one data packet from communication node N3,1, and second to gain updated intra-network propagation delay data from otherwise unused links or routes.
Upon entering communication node N3,2 data packet 1171C is split into two data packets, data packet 1172C comprising data segment 1D, which is sent to communication node N3,3, and data packet 1172B comprising data segment 1A and a leading data segment comprising junk data, which is sent to communication node N2,3. Upon reaching server N2,3, data packet 1172B is mixed with incoming packet 1171A and then split again into packet 1173A, comprising data segments 1F and 1A, and sent to communication node N1,4 where trailing junk data segments are added to form data packet 1174A, which is sent on to final communication node Nf,f at time t14. In a concurrent sequence, as a result of the splitting operation performed in communication node N2,3, data packet 1173B is sent onward to communication node N3,4 where a trailing junk data segment is added to data segment 1C before sending it on to final communication node Nf,f at time t16 (time not shown).
Meanwhile, data packet 1170D comprising data segments 1E and 1D is transported from communication node N0,0 to communication node N4,1 and on to communication node N4,2 where it is re-scrambled, forming data packet 1172D, comprising data segments 1B and 1E in reverse order. Upon entering communication node N3,3, data packet 1172D is mixed with data packet 1172C and then split anew, forming data packets 1173C and 1173D. Data packet 1173C, comprising data segment 1B is sent to communication node N2,4, where it is forwarded on to final server Nf,f at time t15 as data packet 1174B. Although data packets 1173C and 1174B are identical, each containing only data segment 1B, i.e. packet 1173C is in effect unchanged by communication node N2,4, this is consistent with time t15 and its corresponding state, including seeds, keys, shared secrets, algorithms, etc., in communication node N2,4. The other data packet, i.e. data packet 1173D, exiting communication node N3,3 is then routed to communication node N4,3 and on to communication node N4,4, where an intervening junk data segment is inserted between data segments 1E and 1D to create data packet 1174D at time t17 with corresponding state 1137. Data packets 1174A, 1174B, 1174C, and 1174D, each formed using different states and created at different times, specifically at times t14, t15, t16, and t17 are then unscrambled and mixed together in communication node Nf,f, using unscramble and mix operation 1161, to recreate the original unscrambled data packet 1055 at time tf. All nodes know what to do to process an incoming packet of data either because the state of the packet or another identifier corresponds to a set of shared secrets known by the node or because a separate server called a signaling server to the node a priori what to do when a particular packet arrives
As in static meshed transport, in dynamic meshed transport the data paths may be of different lengths and exhibit different propagation delays. As a result, some data packets may arrive at final communication node Nf,f before others. In such instances, in accordance with this invention, the data packets must be held temporarily in communication node Nf,f until the other related data packets arrive. And while the drawing shows that the final assembly and recovery of original data packet 1055 occurs in communication node Nf,f, in practice the final packet reassembly can occur in a device such as a desktop, notebook, cell phone, tablet, set top box, automobile, refrigerator, or other hardware device connected to the network. In other words, in regards to meshed transport, there is no distinction between a communication node and a device connected to a communication node, i.e. communication node Nf,f could be considered a desktop computer instead of being a true high-capacity server. The connection of a device to the disclosed SDNP cloud, i.e. the last-mile connection, is discussed in further detail later in this application.
As stated previously, the aforementioned dynamic routing can be combined with one or more of the aforementioned SDNP methods as disclosed, including scrambling, encryption, or combinations thereof. One such operation, encrypted mixing and splitting operation 1180 shown in
Once decrypted, the data packets become plaintext packets 1182A, 1184A and others not shown, then are mixed by communication node Na,j into long packet 1185, also comprising plain text, and subsequently split into new plaintext packets 1182B, 1184B and others not shown. Using new different encryption keys based on that specific time or state, the data packets are then encrypted to form new ciphertext packets 1181B, 1183B and others not shown, sent to other communication nodes. As shown in
The time and state information, shared secrets, numeric seeds, algorithms, and decryption keys needed to unscramble and decrypt the ciphertext inputs, specific to the time, state, and algorithms used to create each incoming packet must be passed to decryption operation 1032 prior to performing decryption and to unscrambling operation 928, either as a shared secret, keys or numeric seeds present in an unencrypted data packet sent with the specific data packet or communiqué, or keys and numeric seeds supplied through other communication channels. The keys may be symmetric or asymmetric. The topic of key exchange and numeric seed delivery is discussed later in this disclosure. All nodes know what to do to process an incoming packet of data either because the state of the packet or another identifier such as the seed corresponds to a set of shared secrets known by the node or because a separate server called a signaling server to the node a priori what to do when a particular packet arrives
Once decrypted, the plaintext packets 1195A, 1198A and others not shown, are then unscrambled using unscrambling operations 928 to create corresponding unscrambled plaintext packets 1196A, 1199A and others not shown. Using mixing operation 1089, the unscrambled plaintext packets are mixed by communication node Na,j into long packet 1220, which is subsequently split into new unscrambled plaintext packets 1196B, 1199B and others not shown in splitting operation 1106, and then scrambled anew by scrambling operations 926 using new numeric seeds corresponding to the present time or state to form scrambled plaintext packets 1195B, 1198B and others not shown. Using new, different encryption keys based on that specific time or state, the data packets are next encrypted again by encryption operations 1026 to form new ciphertext 1194B, 1197B and others not shown, and subsequently sent to other communication nodes.
As disclosed in accordance with this invention, SDNP communication can comprise any sequence of encryption, scrambling, mixing, splitting, unscrambling, and decryption. At least in theory, if the executed sequence occurs in a known sequence, described mathematically as the functions y=H{G[F(x)]} where innermost function F is performed first and outermost function H is performed last, then in order to recover the original data x the anti-function should performed in the inverse sequence where H−1 is performed first F−1 and is performed last, i.e. x=F−1{G−1[H−1(y)]}. This first-in last-out operation sequence should undo the alterations and recover the original content, but only if no data is removed from or inserted into the packets in the course of the process. If data is removed from or inserted into the packets, the scrambled or encrypted file is contaminated and cannot be repaired. For example, mixing data encrypted using different encryption methods yields data that cannot be unencrypted without first recovering the original components. One key benefit of dynamically meshed communication using SDNP transport—obscuring all content by dynamically mixing, splitting and rerouting multiple conversations, is lost if a given communication node is not free to mix or split packets as needed.
It is therefore one embodiment of SDNP communication to independently perform scrambling and encryption on the data packets exiting a communication node's individual outputs rather than to mix the data packets prior to the scrambling and encryption operations. Correspondingly, if the data packets entering a communication node are encrypted, scrambled, or both, then they should be independently unscrambled and unencrypted prior to mixing, i.e. prior to forming the long, mixed packet. As such the preferred operating sequence for incoming packets is to sequentially decrypt, unscramble and mix the incoming data on each input of a communication node, or in an alternative sequence to unscramble, decrypt, and mix the incoming data.
The former case is illustrated in
If switch 1208A is closed and 1208B is open, then the data is diverted around decryption operation 1032 but passes through unscrambling operation 928 meaning the incoming data packet will be unscrambled but not decrypted. On the other hand, if switch 1208A is open and switch 1208B is closed, the data will pass through decryption operation 1032 but be diverted around unscrambling operation 928, meaning the incoming data packets will be decrypted but not unscrambled. Since the decryption operations 1032 and the unscrambling operations 928 are generally implemented in software, there are no physical switches diverting the signal. The switches 1208A and 1208B symbolically represent the operation of the software. Specifically, if a switch parallel to an operation is open, the applicable software performs the operation, and if the switch parallel to an operation is closed, the applicable software does not perform the operation but simply passes its input to its output unchanged. In the electronics metaphor, the function is “shorted out” by a closed switch so that the signal passes through unprocessed. The combinations are summarized in the following truth table where switch 1208A in parallel with decryption operation 1032 is referred to as switch A and switch 1208B in parallel with scrambling operation 928 is referred to as switch B.
The inverse function, the split, scramble and encryption operation is shown in
If switch 1211B is closed and 1211A is open, then the data is diverted around scrambling operation 926 but processed by encryption operation 1026, meaning that the outgoing data packet will be encrypted but not scrambled. Alternatively, if switch 1211B is open and switch 1211A is closed, the data will be processed through scrambling operation 926 but be diverted around encryption operation 1026, meaning that the outgoing data packets will be scrambled but not encrypted.
As stated previously, since the scrambling operations 926 and the encryption operations 1026 are generally implemented in software, there are no physical switches diverting the signal, and the switches 1211B and 1211A symbolically represent the operation of the software. Specifically, if a switch parallel to an operation is open, the applicable software performs the operation, and if the switch parallel to an operation is closed, the applicable software does not perform the operation but simply passes its input to its output unchanged. In the electronics metaphor, the function is “shorted out” by a closed switch so that the signal passes through unprocessed. The combinations are summarized in the following truth table where switch 1211B in parallel with scrambling operation 926 is referred to as switch B and switch 1211A in parallel with encryption operation 1026 is referred to as switch A.
The combination of a multiple-input DUM 1209 and multiple-output SSE 1212 forms a highly versatile element for achieving secure communication in accordance with this invention, herein referred to as a SDNP media node 1201, shown in
The name “media node” reflects the application of this communication node's communication software, or “soft-switch” in accordance with this invention, specifically to carry, route and process content representing real-time voice, text, music, video, files, code, etc., i.e. media content. The SDNP media node is also represented symbolically for convenience as SDNP media node Ma,j, hosted on server 1215, as shown in
The above preferences are not intended to limit the possible permutations and combinations by which the disclosed SDNP media node can be used. For example, the number of input and output channels, i.e. the number of SDNP media nodes connected to any specific SDNP media node may vary from one to dozens of connections per device. Four inputs and outputs are shown for convenience.
In order to realize a communication network or SDNP cloud 1114 in accordance with this invention, as shown in
The computer servers need not necessarily run the same operating system (OS) so long as the software running in SDNP media node 1215 comprises executable code consistent with the hardware's OS. Executable code is the computer software running on a given hardware platform performing specific application functions. Executable code is created by compiling “source code”. While source code is recognizable as logically organized sequential operations, algorithms, and commands, once the source code is converted into executable code, the actual functionality of the program is difficult or impossible to recognize. The process is unidirectional—source code can generate executable code but executable code cannot be used to determine the source code from whence it came. This is important to prevent theft of the operating system so hackers can reverse engineer the actual code.
Source code is not executable because it is a language and syntax used by programmers, not machine code intended to be executed on a specific operating system. During the compile operation, the executable code generated is specific to one operating system, iOS, Android, Windows 9, Windows 10, MacOS, etc. Executable code for one operating system will not run on another. Source code can, however, be used to generate executable code. The source code of the SDNP network is therefore available only to the developers of its source code and not to the network operators running SDNP executable code.
Network connectivity, typically following standardized protocols such as Ethernet, WiFi, 4G, and DOCSIS described in the background section of this application provide a common framework to interconnect the devices in a manner completely unrelated to their manufacturer or OS. In operation, the network connection delivers and transmits data packets to and from the computer server's operating system which routes it to and from the SDNP software running atop the computer's OS. In this manner, the SDNP media node based soft-switch communication function can be realized in any device, regardless of its manufacturer, and can be made compatible with any major supported operation system including UNIX, LINUX, MacOS 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, etc.
Another principle is that the SDNP-realized cloud has no central control point, no single device deciding the routing of packages, and no common point that has full knowledge of the data packets being sent, what they are, where they are going, and how they were mixed, split, scrambled, and encrypted. Even a network operator has no full picture of the data traffic in the network. As described,
In regards to representing the functions performed by any given SDNP, the same principle of either including or bypassing a function with virtual switches—either performing the function or passing the data through unaltered, is equally applicable to the above discussion or in an alternate embodiment where the scrambling and encryption functions are swapped in order, i.e. performing unscrambling before decryption, and performing encryption before scrambling. For brevity's sake, these alternate data flows are not illustrated separately with the understanding that the sequence may be altered so long that the inverse function is performed in the opposite operational sequence. Because the data packet processing occurs in software, this sequence can be altered simply by changing the algorithm's sequence on an ad hoc or periodic basis, e.g. monthly, daily, hourly, or on a call-by-call, time, or state basis.
As discussed previously, any scrambling, encrypting and mixing sequence may be utilized so long that the original data is recovered in precisely the inverse order on precisely the same data set. Changing the content in between operations without undoing the change before unscrambling, decrypting, or remixing will result in irrevocable data loss and permanent data corruption. That said, a packet can even be scrambled more than once or encrypted more than once in a nested order so long the inverse sequence rule is followed to recover the original data. For example, the client application can encrypt a message using its own proprietary method to create ciphertext whereon upon entering the SDNP gateway, the gateway media node can encrypt the packet a second time for network transport. This method will work so long that the final gateway decrypts the network's encryption on a complete packet-by-packet basis, before the client application decryption occurs.
Aside from the case of client-based encryption, to avoid the risk of data corruption and packet loss, in one embodiment in accordance with this invention, the following guidelines are beneficial in implementing SDNP based communication:
While the above methods represent possible methods in accordance with this invention, they are not intended to limit the possible combination or sequence of SDNP functions. For example, encrypted packages can be subsequently scrambled so long the same data packet is unscrambled before decryption.
In one implementation, scrambling is only performed within a client's SDNP application and not by the media nodes in the SDNP cloud. In such cases, secure intra-node communication is purely a sequence of encryptions and decryptions like that shown in
In operation, data coming into media node Ma,j from another media node (not shown) is first directed to a decryption operation 1225B at one of the inputs of media node Ma,h and into mixing operation 1089, where, if they arrive at the same time, the packets are combined with data packets coming from media node Ma,f independently that have been processed by another decryption operation 1225B. Once mixed, the data packets are split into new and different combinations with different destinations based on a splitting algorithm executed by splitting operation 1106. The individual outputs are then independently encrypted by separate encryption operations 1225A, and then directed to media nodes Ma,f and Ma,j and on to other media nodes in the network.
During this routing, the long packet momentarily existing between mixing operation 1089 and splitting operation 1106 may in fact contain data packets from the same conversation, one data packet traveling from media node Ma,f to media node Ma,j through media node Ma,h, the other data packet traveling from media node Ma,j through media node Ma,h to media node Ma,f at the same time but in the other direction. Because of precise routing control available in the SDNP network in accordance with this invention, described in greater detail later in this disclosure, a long data packet can, at any given time, contain any combination of related and unrelated content, even data or sound snippets from the same full duplex conversation going in opposite directions. If the data does not arrive at the same time, then the data packets pass serially through the media node in opposite directions without ever sharing the same long packet. In either case, there is no interaction or performance degradation in a SDNP media node carrying multiple conversations in full duplex mode.
While at first this unique form of network communication may appear confusing, representing the data transport in a manner shown in
Last-Mile Communication
The data link between a client and the SDNP cloud is described herein as the last mile communication. The term “last mile” includes the “first mile”, the connection between a caller and the cloud, because all communication is invariably two-way involving a sent message and a reply, or possibly a full duplex conversation. As such, the term “last mile,” as used herein, shall mean any connection between a client and the SDNP cloud regardless as to whether the client initiated the call or was the person being called, i.e. the recipient. An example of a last-mile connection is illustrated in
An example where a secure SDNP gateway node connects to an unsecure last mile is shown in
In operation, open data packets sent from cell phone 32 to SDNP gateway media node Ma,h, are neither decrypted nor unscrambled because these functions are disabled, i.e. shorted out and as such are not shown. Instead incoming data packets are passed directly into mixer operation 1089 mixing them with other packets then splitting them out into multiple outputs for meshed transport using splitting operation 1106. Each of these outputs is then secured using scrambling operation 926 and encryption operation 1026 before transport. One output shown as an example is routed to media node Ma,f, in server 1220F. The message may in turn be processed media node Ma,f for intra-cloud communication as described previously and sent onward to another media node, e.g. media node Ma,j in computer server 1220J.
Data flow from the cloud to cell phone 32 from media node Ma,f, in server 1220F and from other media nodes are processed in inverse sequence, starting with decryption operations 1032, and unscrambled using unscrambling operations 928, and then mixed with other incoming packets into a temporary long packet by mixing operation 1089. The long packet is then split into pieces by splitting operation 1106 directing some packets onward in the network and separating the packets to be sent to cell phone 32. These packets may be sent together or parsed and sent successively in separate data packets back to LTE base station 17 and onward to cell phone 32.
The data packets traversing the network may be repeatedly re-encrypted and re-scrambled, as described previously. Alternatively, in one embodiment, the data packets remain scrambled without re-scrambling throughout the cloud but can be repeatedly re-encrypted at each media node. In such a scramble-once unscramble-once system, the scrambling occurs in the gateway node where the packets enter the cloud and the unscrambling occurs in the gateway node where the packets leave the cloud, i.e. in the gateway media nodes connected to the first and last miles. While, as noted above, a media node connected to the first or last mile may be called a gateway node, in actuality it comprises the same SDNP media node software and functionality as any other media node in the cloud, but functions differently in order to contact a client.
Another option to implement scramble-once unscramble-once SDNP communication is to implement the scrambling in the client's device using software. As shown in
The incoming data packet is then is routed to pass-through operation 1216H and subsequently mixed with other incoming data packets using mixing operation 1089, then split by splitting operation 1106, with the data packets from cell phone 32 directed to media node Ma,f through encryption operation 1225A. In this manner the data traversing the cloud is encrypted by the gateway but scrambled by the client's SDNP application. Conversely, encrypted and scrambled data traffic from the SDNP cloud is routed through media node Ma,f, passed through decryption operation 1225B, mixed by mixing operation 1089, and split into new packets by splitting operation 1106, extracting the data packets with cell phone 32 as their destination, and sending the data packets to cell phone 32 unmodified by pass-through operation 1216H. In this manner, the entire communication is scrambled from end-to-end but only encrypted within the SDNP cloud.
A modification to the above method still provides scrambling both in the last mile and in the cloud, but the last-mile scrambling is different than the scrambling used in the cloud. As shown in
The incoming data packet is then is routed to unscrambling operation 1226A and subsequently mixed with other incoming data packets using mixing operation 1089, then split by splitting operation 1106, with the data packets from cell phone 32 directed to media node Ma,f through scrambling and encryption operation 1226C. In this manner, the data traversing the cloud is encrypted and scrambled by the gateway node but in a manner different than the scrambling used by the client's SDNP application for last-mile security. Conversely, encrypted and scrambled data traffic from the SDNP cloud is routed through media node Ma,f, through decryption and unscrambling operation 1226D, then mixed by mixing operation 1089, and split into new packets by splitting operation 1106, extracting the data packets with cell phone 32 as their destination, and sending the data packets to cell phone 32 through scrambling operation 1226B. The data packets entering cell phone 32 are unscrambled by an SDNP-enabled application. In this manner, communication in the cloud is both encrypted and scrambled within the media nodes while the last mile is scrambled by the gateway node and the phone application in a manner distinct from the cloud scrambling. One important aspect of scrambling and un-scrambling data packets within the phone is the method used to pass state information, numeric keys, or shared secrets between the cloud and the client. This subject is discussed later in this disclosure.
Fragmented Data Transport
In accordance with this invention, a network of computer servers running software to perform SDNP media node functions facilitates secure global communication to a wide variety of devices based on data fragmentation in packet-switched communication. As illustrated in
A simplified illustration of data packet transport is illustrated in
In the example shown, data of every packet is scrambled so the sequence of data segments may be in random order or may by chance be in ascending order. Data segments of one communiqué or conversation may also be interspersed with unrelated data segments. In fact it is highly unlikely that a data packet once entering the SDNP cloud would not be mixed with other unrelated data segments. In fact in any given data packet transiting between two SDNP media node, the mixing of unrelated data segments and scrambling of the order of these packets is a normal condition. With a large number or conversation and data packets traversing the cloud simultaneously, the chance of all of the data remaining in the same data packet is statistically remote. In the absence of sufficient data, the mixing operation within the media nodes introduces junk data. The inclusion of various data segments of unrelated data as shown illustrates the principle of mixing of communiqués and conversations in data packets during SDNP transport, but does not accurately represent the true quantity and frequency of unrelated data or junk data segments and filler present in the data packets.
As shown in
As shown in
As shown in
As shown in
As shown in
As shown, data packets transiting through the SDNP cloud carry multiple concurrent conversations to different destinations, dynamically changing in content from one SDNP media node to the next. There is no adverse impact, data loss, or bleeding from one conversation with another through the mixing or splitting of unrelated data segments. For example, as illustrated in
Moreover, since no data packet contains a complete word, sound, or conversation, the data fragmentation and meshed routing employed by the SDNP media nodes in accordance with this invention renders the data packet's content incomprehensible and invulnerable to man-in the middle attacks. As shown in
SDNP data transport can also be represented in tabular form. For example, table 1279, shown in
As shown in
To represent a data packet that is temporarily held in a media node,
Similarly, between time t3 and time t4, data packet 1263F comprising data segments 2D and 2E, the same as its predecessor data packet 1262H, is shown to move from media node Ma,d to media node Ma,d, again meaning the packet is stationary and held temporarily in memory. At time t4 incoming data packet 1263D is mixed in media node Ma,s with data packet 1263E, which has been held in memory there since time t3 resulting in new merged data packet 1264A, comprising concatenated data segments 2B, 2C and 2F. This new data packet 1264A remains held in media node Ma,s awaiting more incoming data. Meanwhile at time t4 in media node Ma,d, data packets 1263F and 1263G are mixed and routed to media node Ma,s as data packet 1264B, comprising data segments 2A, 2D and 2E. At time tf, incoming data packet 1264B is mixed with stationary data packet 1264A waiting in media node Ma,s since time t4, creating original data packet 1056 sent to automobile 1255.
As described, in the methods shown in accordance with this invention, data may transit through the SDNP cloud or be held stationary in a specific media node awaiting the arrival of incoming data before proceeding.
Transport Command & Control
In order for a media node to know how to process incoming data packets, it must somehow obtain information regarding the algorithms, numeric seeds, and keys to be used in scrambling, unscrambling, encrypting, decrypting, mixing, splitting, inserting and deleting junk, and parsing data packets. This important information can be passed in variety of means or some combination thereof, including
For example, as shown in
Although the data packets may be encrypted, for the sake of illustration, the data packets are shown in their unencrypted form. The same state information is also employed by numeric seed generator 1303 to produce corresponding numeric seeds 1304A and 1304B to determine the algorithms used at times t1 and t2 to create the data packets. The numeric seeds can be generated in two ways. In one case the seeds are generated using software located in the DMZ servers attached to media nodes where scrambling, mixing and encryption of the communicated data packets occurred. In such cases the seeds must be delivered to communication node Ma,d prior to the data packet's arrival.
In the other case, the time of the incoming packet's creation is delivered to communication node Ma,d either as part of the incoming data packet's header or in a separate packet delivered in advance of the data. The time is then fed into numeric seed generator 1303 located within the DMZ server attached to communication node Ma,d. Regardless of where they are generated locally or at the source and then delivered, the generated numeric seeds are fed into selector 1307, comprising tables of scrambling algorithms 1308A, mixing algorithms 1308B, and encryption algorithms 1308C. Aside from the seed or state information associated with the data packets, i.e. contained within the packet's header or delivered prior to the data packet, the algorithms used to create the incoming data packets are not carried by or contained within the packet itself but instead are present locally either within the media node Ma,d or in a secure server to which the media node Ma,d has access. These algorithms, stored locally as shared secrets for a specific region 1302A, in this case zone Z1, are shared with every media node in the same zone. By knowing the time and state when a data packet was created, the media node Ma,d is able to determine how each of the packets 1262B, 1262C and 1262H was created and how to undo the process to recover the plaintext data of each of the packets 1262B, 1262C and 1262H, e.g. how to decrypt an encrypted packet, unscramble a scrambled packet, etc. The use of shared secrets, as well as how they are distributed, is described later in the application.
The decryption keys 1306A and 1306B work together with the selected encryption algorithm 1309C to decrypt ciphertext into plaintext. Specifically, the encryption algorithm 1309C represents a sequence of mathematical steps that may be used to convert a data packet from ciphertext into plaintext. The decryption keys 1306A and 1306B then select a specific combination of those steps that is to be used in decrypting the packet, each one corresponding to the state or time when the incoming data packets were last encrypted. If both incoming packets were encrypted at the same time, only a single decryption key is needed. While the reference above is to “encryption” algorithm 1309C, it will be understood that an encryption algorithm defines its inverse—a decryption algorithm. With the exception of certain types of encryption using “asymmetric” keys, most of the algorithms are symmetric, meaning that the inverse of the algorithm used to encrypt or scramble a data packet can be used to decrypt or unscramble the data packet and restore its original content. In the specific example shown in
In contrast to the previous illustration showing control of incoming data packets, the control of outgoing data packets, shown in
The same state information 1301C is fed into E3 key generator 1305C to produce E-key 1306C needed for encrypting outgoing data packets and into seed generator 1303 to produce the seed 1304C that is used to select the encryption algorithm 1309C from the table 1308C. The E3 key works together with the selected encryption algorithm 1308C to encrypt plaintext into ciphertext. Specifically, the encryption algorithm represents a sequence of mathematical steps that may be used to convert a data packet from plaintext into one of millions, billions, or trillions of possible ciphertext results. The encryption key then selects a specific combination of those steps that is to be used in encrypting the packet.
In symmetric key cryptography, such as the Advanced Encryption Standard or AES, described in, the key used to encrypt the file is the same key used to decrypt it. In such an instance, it is beneficial to generate the key locally as a shared secret contained within each media node, e.g. using E3 key generator 1305C. If a symmetric key must be supplied to a media node over a network, it is beneficial to deliver the key over a different communication channel than the media, i.e. the data packets and content, uses. Multi-channel communication is discussed later in this application.
Other means to improve secure delivery of a symmetric key is to supply it to the media nodes at a time unrelated to the communiqué itself, e.g. one week earlier, to encrypt the key with another layer of encryption, or to split the key into two pieces delivered at two different times. Another method employs using a key splitting algorithm in the E3 key generator 1305C where part of the key remains locally in every media node as a shared secret, i.e. never present on the network, and the other portion is delivered openly. Security is enhanced because a cyber-pirate has no way to determine how many bits the real key is because they can only see a portion of the key. Not knowing the length of the key renders guessing the right key virtually impossible because the key length and each of the key's elements must be guessed.
In the case of an asymmetric or public key algorithm, E3 key generator 1305C concurrently generates a pair of keys—one for encryption, the other for decryption based on the state 1301C or upon time t3. The decryption key is retained in the media node as a shared secret while the encryption key is safely and openly forwarded to the media node preparing to send a data packet to it. One complication of using symmetric keys in real time networks is that the encryption key needs to be generated and forwarded to all the media nodes prior to launching the data packet containing content on the media channel, otherwise the data packet may arrive before the key to decrypt it and the data go stale, i.e. become too late to use. Descriptions of the use and management of asymmetric and public encryption keys is available in numerous texts and online publications such as While public key encryption is known technology, the disclosed application comprises a unique integration of cryptography into a real time network and communication system.
Algorithms, numeric seeds, and encryption keys are all generated for the current subnet zone 1307A, in this case zone Z1. Based on this zone and the current time t3, encryption key 1306C, along with selected splitting algorithm 1309B, selected scrambling algorithm 1309A and selected encryption algorithm 1309C, is supplied to media node Ma, hosted on computer server 1220D to produce two outputs—output data packet 1263C comprising unrelated data segments sent onward at time t3 and output data packet 1263B comprising data segments 1B, 1C and 1F to be held until time t4 before routing to the next media node may continue. Instructions on whether to hold a data packet or data segment temporarily or send it on to the next media node immediately can be delivered to the media node in several ways. In one case the incoming data packet can embed instructions to hold it and till what time or for what precondition. Alternatively a signaling server, i.e. another communications channel, can give instructions to the media node what to do. The use of signaling servers in multi-channel secure communication is described later in this disclosure.
As shown in
To prevent systematic tracking, the list of algorithms and their corresponding memory addresses is reshuffled regularly, e.g. daily or hourly, so that the same address does not invoke the same algorithm even if it accidentally repeats. As shown in
Zones and Bridges
In order to communicate globally while preventing a hacker or cyber-pirate from gaining access to the entirety of the SDNP cloud and network, in another embodiment of this invention, the SDNP communication network is subdivided into “zones.” Herein, a zone represents a sub-division of the network, i.e. a “subnet” where each zone has its own unique command, control, and security settings including distinct and separate algorithms and algorithm tables that define mixing and splitting, scrambling and unscrambling, and encryption and decryption used in the zone as well as separate encryption keys and distinct numeric seeds. Naturally, communication servers running the SDNP software within the same zone share the same zone settings, operating in a manner completely agnostic to what zone it is in.
Each subnet can comprise different server clouds running the SDNP software hosted by different ISPs or hosting companies, e.g. Microsoft, Amazon, Yahoo, or may comprise private hosted clouds or network address translators (NATs), such as rented private clouds comprising dark fiber dedicated bandwidth. It is also beneficial to treat carriers providing last-mile service such as Comcast northern California, local PSTN, or local cell phone connections as separate zones. The key benefit of employing zones is, in the worst-case scenario where a genius cyber-pirate temporally defeats the SDNP security provisions, to limit the geographic scope of their assault to a smaller subnet, preventing access of end-to-end communications. In essence, zones contain the damage potential of a cyber assault.
An example of the use of zones is illustrated in
The translation function performed in a bridge media node such as bridge media node Mb,d is illustrated in
The fully integrated SDNP bridge media node Mb,d illustrated in
The solution to this problem is to employ the two full-duplex bridge interface media nodes, one in each cloud as shown in
Conversely, in zone Z2 to zone Z1 communication, incoming data packets from zone Z2 and subnet 1318C to media node Mb,u are converted into single-channel zone Z1 data including scrambling and encryption. This function requires media node Mb,d to have access to both zone Z1 and zone Z2, numeric seeds, encryption keys, algorithm tables, and other security items. All packets are processed in computer server 1220U located within subnet 1318C, not in the zone Z1 destination cloud. The secure data is then transferred from bridge interface media node Mb,u in subnet 1318C to bridge interface media node Mb,d in subnet 1318A using secure bridge communication link 1316C. Upon arrival in bridge interface media node Mb,d the data packet is processed in accordance with zone Z1 information and sent onwards into subnet 1318A. Although secure bridge communication links 1316A and 1316C are depicted as separate lines, the lines represent distinct communication channels at the network layer 3 and are not intended to correspond to separate wires, cables, or data link at a hardware or PHY layer 1 description. Alternatively, a receiving bridge node can translate the data from the Z1 sending zone to the Z2 receiving zone, so long as the receiving bridge node hold shared secrets for both Z1 and Z2 zones.
SDNP Gateway Operation
The previous section describes a “bridge” as any media node or pair of media nodes communicating between separate subnets, networks, or clouds. In a similar manner, a SDNP “gateway media node” disclosed herein provides a communication link between the SDNP cloud and a client's device, e.g. a cell phone, automobile, tablet, notebook, or IoT device. Gateway media node operation is illustrated in
Alternatively, the last mile may comprise a wired link to LTE base station 17, with a radio link 28 from antenna 18 to tablet 33. Because of its uncertain routing and access, it is beneficial not to share security settings or secrets used in the SDNP cloud with devices used in last-mile routing to a client. As such, last-mile link 1318D does not have access to zone Z1 information, but instead uses a separate zone U2 to manage security settings. In order to link the cloud 1114 and the last-mile, gateway media node Mb,f necessarily has access to both zone Z1 and zone U2 security settings, facilitating communication between cloud interface 1320 and client interface 1321. To provide secure last-mile communication, the client, in the example shown tablet 33, must also be running SDNP client software application 1322.
SDNP gateway node Mb,f comprises cloud interface 1320, facilitating communication among the media nodes within cloud 1114, and client interface 1321 facilitating communication across the last mile. As shown in
The second need for single-channel mixing, the single-route mixing operation is also used to inject junk data into the sub-packets in varying ways to confound analysis in a manner previously described in regards to
As shown in
The communication related functions performed by client 1322 for outgoing data packets comprise inserting junk data in single-route splitting operation 1026, packet scrambling 926, and finally encryption operation 1106 to prepare the data packet for last mile communication to the gateway. Within client 1322 software, single-route mixing 1089 algorithmically removes junk data from the incoming data stream while the role single-route splitting 1026 is to insert junk data into the data packets.
Operation of secure SDNP gateway node Mb,f is further detailed in
In the example shown, scrambling operation 926 utilizes an algorithm whereby the actual data segments are scrambled but every other data segment comprises a junk data segment. Next, encryption operation 1026 is also performed in client interface 1321, also using zone U2 security settings, to produce outgoing ciphertext 1328. The data fields may be individually encrypted separately from the junk data (as shown), or in an alternative embodiment, the entire data packet 1329 may be encrypted to form one long ciphertext. The encrypted data packet is finally forwarded, i.e. “exported”, through a single communication channel to the client.
Concurrently, data received via the last-mile single-channel routing from the client comprising scrambled ciphertext 1327 is decrypted by decryption operation 1032, using zone U2 security settings including algorithms, decryption keys, etc., to produce scrambled plaintext data packet 1326, comprising a combination of scrambled data segments of data interspersed with junk data segments. In one embodiment of this invention, the junk packets of this incoming data packet 1326 are not positioned in the same slots as outgoing scrambled plaintext data packet 1329. For example, in the example of outbound data, every other packet comprises junk data, while in in the incoming data packet every 3rd and 4th slot, and integer multiples thereof, contain junk data.
The scrambled plaintext data packet 1326 is next processed using zone U2 security settings by packet unscrambling operation 928 and then by mixing operation 1089 to restore the original data order and to remove the junk packets, i.e. to de junk 1053 the data, resulting in unencrypted unscrambled data packet 1325. This data packet is then passed from client interface 1321 to cloud interface 1320, to perform cloud specific splitting, scrambling and encryption using SSE operation 1213, before forwarding the resulting fragmented data in different data packets for meshed routing to media node Mb,h and others.
As further illustrated in
The processing of data packets in the SDNP client interface is further detailed in
Using the methods disclosed herein, secure communication between two or more clients, statically or dynamically routed across a meshed network may employ any combination of mixing, splitting, encryption and scrambling algorithms managed in separate zones with separate keys, distinct numeric seeds, and dissimilar security-related secrets. As illustrated in
As shown, communication using encryption operation 1339, symbolized by a padlock, provides security throughout the network and over the last mile links. To secure the last mile, encryption is necessarily performed within the client devices. Optionally, packets may be re-encrypted or double encrypted by the gateway media nodes, or in another embodiment, decrypted and re-encrypted by every media node in the meshed transport network. One embodiment of the invention disclosed herein is to facilitate multi-level security. For example, in
As shown in
Another embodiment of this invention, shown in
Another embodiment of the invention, shown in
A possible weakness of this implementation is that the same scrambling methods and numeric seeds used by the client are also used to secure the SDNP cloud. As a result, the security settings for zones U2, Z1 and U1 are necessarily shared, risking the entire network and routing to discovery through last-mile cyber-assaults. One method available to counteract exposed cloud security settings is illustrated in
A further improvement on multi-level security is illustrated in
In communication from client node C2,1 to client node C1,1, i.e. from tablet 33 to cell phone 32, a SDNP application running on client node C2,1 scrambles the outgoing data packet using scrambling operation 926 with zone U2 security settings followed by encryption. The single-channel data packet traversing last-mile connection 1318D is first decrypted and then unscrambled by unscrambling operation 928 performed by gateway media node Mb,f, using zone U2 security settings. Using zone Z1 security settings, gateway media node Mb,f then splits, scrambles and encrypts the data for meshed transport over network 1318A, using zone Z1 security settings. In gateway media node Mb,d, the data packet is decrypted, unscrambled with unscrambling operation 928, and then mixed into a data packet for single-channel communication, using zone Z1 security settings. Gateway media node Mb,d then scrambles and encrypts the single-channel data packet again, using zone U1 security settings, and then forwards the data on to client C1,1. An SDNP-enabled application running on cell-phone 32 decrypts and then unscrambles using unscrambling operation 928 the final packet delivered to its destination using zone U1 security settings.
Similarly in the opposite direction, i.e. in communication from client node C1,1 to client node C2,1, i.e. from cell phone 32 to tablet 33, a SDNP application running on client node C1,1 scrambles the outgoing data packet using scrambling operation 926 with zone U1 security settings, followed by encryption. The single-channel data packet traversing last-mile connection 1318E is first decrypted and then unscrambled by unscrambling operation 928, performed by gateway media node Mb,d, using zone U1 security settings. Using zone Z1 security settings, gateway media node Mb,d then splits, scrambles and encrypts the data for meshed transport over network 1318A, using zone Z1 security settings. In gateway media node Mb,f the data packet is decrypted, unscrambled with unscrambling operation 928, and then mixed into a data packet for single-channel communication using zone Z1 security settings. Gateway media node Mb,f then scrambles and encrypts the single-channel data packet, using zone U2 security settings, and forwards the data to client node C2,1. An SDNP-enabled application running in tablet 33 decrypts and then unscrambles the data using unscrambling operation 928 and zone U2 security settings. The data packet is then delivered to the client, in this case tablet 33.
As stated previously, all communications links shown carry encrypted data regardless of scrambling and mixing, as depicted by pad lock icon 1339. The detailed encryption and decryption steps are not shown for the purpose of clarity. In one embodiment, the data packets are decrypted and encrypted (i.e., re-encrypted) each time data traverses a new media node. In the very least, in every media node performing re-scrambling, incoming data packets are decrypted before unscrambling then scrambled and encrypted. A summary of the available multilayer security achievable with meshed transport, encryption, and scrambling—all employing zone-specific security settings—is shown in the following table.
As shown in the above table, adding dynamic changes to the encryption and scrambling during transport over time confers an added level of security by limiting the time in which a cyber-criminal has to sniff the packet and “break the code” to read a data packet. Dynamic changes can occur on a daily, hourly, or scheduled period or on a packet-by-packet basis, changes roughly every 100 msec. From the above table, it is also clear that the last mile is less secure than transport through the cloud.
One means of augmenting the last-mile security is to dynamically insert junk data segments into the data stream, and even to send packets consisting entirely of junk, as decoys, wasting the computing resources of cyber-criminals by decoding worthless data. This improvement is represented as by the change from 3-D to 3.5-D, signifying that inserting junk data is not as good a security enhancement as that achieved through encryption, scrambling, and multi-route transport, but it is still an improvement, especially if the junk insertions vary over time, and differ in incoming and outgoing packets. Another important aspect to improve SDNP security in accordance with this invention is to employ “misdirection”, i.e. to obscure the real source and destination during packet routing, a topic discussed later in this disclosure.
Delivery of Secrets, Keys, and Seeds
SDNP-based secure communication relies on exchanging information between communicating parties that outside parties are not privy to or aware of or whose meaning or purpose they are unable to comprehend. Aside from the actual content of the data being transmitted, this information may include shared secrets, algorithms, encryption and decryption keys, and numeric seeds. A “shared secret,” as used herein, is information that only certain communicating parties know or share, e.g., a list of mixing, scrambling, and/or encryption algorithms, an encryption and/or decryption key, and/or a seed generator, number generator, or another method to select specific ones over time. For example, the selector 1307, shown in
Working in conjunction with shared secrets, numeric seeds, which may be based on a time and/or state, are then used to select specific algorithms, invoke various options, or execute programs. By itself, any specific numeric seed has no meaning, but when combined with a shared secret, a numeric seed can be used to communicate a dynamic message or condition across a network without revealing its meaning or function if intercepted.
Similarly, to execute encrypted communication, encryption requires a specific algorithm agreed upon by the communicating parties, i.e. a shared secret, and the exchange of one or two keys used for encryption and decryption. In symmetric key methods, the encryption and decryption keys are identical. Symmetric key exchanges are resilient to attacks provided the key is long, e.g. 34 bits or 36 bits, and that the time available to break the cipher is short, e.g. one second or less. For any given encryption algorithm, the ratio of the number of bits used in a symmetric encryption key divided by the time in which the key is valid is a measure of the robustness of the encryption. As such, symmetric keys can be used in a dynamic network, provided that they are large and that the time available to break the encryption is short. As an alternative, encryption algorithms may be employed wherein the encryption and decryption keys are distinct, or “asymmetric” with one key for encryption and another for decryption. In open communication channels, asymmetric keys are advantageous because only the encryption key is communicated and the encryption key gives no information about the decryption key. Working in concert, the combination of symmetric and asymmetric encryption keys, numeric seeds, and shared secrets—all varying over time dynamically, provides superior multi-dimensional security to SDNP communication. Numerous general references on cryptography are available, e.g. “Computer Security and Cryptography” by Alan G. Konheim (Wiley, 2007). Adapting encryption to real time communication is, however, is not straightforward and not anticipated in the available literature. In many cases, adding encryption to data communication increases latency and propagation delay, degrading the network's QoS.
Shared secrets can be exchanged between client nodes and media nodes prior to an actual communiqué, message, call, or data exchange.
The term DMZ, normally an acronym for demilitarized zone, in this case means a computer server not directly accessible through the Internet. DMZ servers can control one or numerous network-connected servers functioning as media nodes, but no media server 1118 can access any DMZ server—DMZ servers 1353A, 1353B and any others (not shown). All software and shared secrets distribution occurs in secure communications valid for only a short duration as depicted by time clocked padlock 1354. If the software delivery is late, an SDNP administrator must reauthorize the download of the secure software package 1352A for zone Z1 after personally confirming the account holder's identity and credentials.
To elaborate, the description of DMZ server as a “computer server not connected directly to the Internet” means that no direct electronic link exists between the Internet and the servers. While Z1 file 1352A may in fact be delivered to the server or server farm over the Internet, file installation into the DMZ requires the intervention account administrator of the server or server farm working in cooperation with the account holder. Before installing files into the DMZ, the account administrator confirms the identity of the account holder and the validity of the installation.
After confirming the installation, the administrator then loads the file containing Z1 secrets into the DMZ server using a local area network (LAN) linking the administrator's computer directly to the DMZ server. The LAN is, therefore, not directly connected to the Internet, but requires authorized transfer through the administrator's computer after a rigorous authentication process. The installation of the shared secrets is unidirectional, the files being downloaded into the DMZ servers with no read access from the Internet. Uploading the DMZ content to the Internet is similarly prohibited, thereby preventing online access or hacking.
The shared secret installation process is analogous to a bank account that is not enabled for online banking, but where only with the client's approval can a bank officer manually perform an electronic wire transfer. By denying Internet access, intercepting shared secrets would require a physical entry and on-location attack at the server farm, one where the LAN fiber must be identified, spliced, and intercepted precisely at the time of the transfer. Even then, the file being installed is encrypted and available for only a short duration.
The same concept can be extended to multi-zone software deployment, shown in
It is important to highlight that while SDNP administration server 1355 supplies shared secrets to DMZ servers 1353A, 1353B and 1353C, SDNP administration server 1355 has no knowledge as to what happens to the shared secrets after delivery, nor does it perform any command or control influence over the shared secrets once delivered. For example, if a list of algorithms is shuffled, i.e. reordered, so that the address for a specific algorithm changes, SDNP administration server 1355 has no knowledge as to how the shuffling occurs. Likewise, SDNP administration server 1355 is not a recipient of numeric seed or key exchanges between communicating parties and therefore does not represent a point of control. In fact, as disclosed, no server in the entire SDNP network has all the information regarding a package, its routing, its security settings, or its content. Thus, the SDNP network is uniquely a completely distributed system for secure global communication.
Delivery of shared secrets to a DMZ server, as shown in
The same DMZ server 1353A can manage more than one media server, e.g. media server array 1360, or alternatively multiple DMZ servers can carry the same security settings and shared secrets. The media nodes may all be operating to carry media, content, and data cooperatively using timesharing, and load balancing. If the communication loading on media server array 1360 drops, media node M3 can be taken offline, indicated symbolically by open switches 1365A and 1365B, leaving media node M2 still operating, as indicated by closed switches 1364A and 1364B. The switches do not indicate that the input and the outputs of the particular server are physically disconnected but just that the server is no longer running the media node application, thereby saving power and eliminating hosting use fees for unneeded servers. As illustrated, one DMZ server 1353A can control the operation of more than one media server by downloading instructions, commands, and secrets from DMZ server 1353A to any server in server array 1360, but the converse is not true. Any attempt to gain information, to write, query, or inspect the contents of DMZ server 1353A from a media server is blocked by firewall 1366, meaning that the content of the DMZ server 1353A cannot be inspected or discovered through the Internet via a media node.
An example of secure communication in accordance with this invention based on shared secrets is illustrated in
Upon receiving secure payload packet 1342, receiving media node MR decrypts packet 1342, using decryption key 1030 contained within shared secrets 1350A supplied by DMZ server 1353B, and then, using state information 920 specific to the data packet 1342, recovers data 1341. In an alternative embodiment, numeric seed 929 may also be sent a priori, i.e. before the communication of payload packet 1342, from sending media node MS to receiving media node MR as a numeric seed 929 with a temporary life. If it is not used within a certain period of time or if payload packet 1342 is delayed, the seed's life expires and it self-destructs, rendering media node MR unable to open payload packet 1342.
Another example of secure communication in accordance with this invention, based on shared secrets combined with a seed and a key encapsulated within the packet being delivered, is illustrated in
Upon receiving secure payload packet 1342, receiving media node MR decrypts packet 1342, using decryption key 1030, which has a temporary life and was supplied a priori, i.e. before the communication of payload 1342, in a separate communication between sending media node Ms and receiving media node MR. This earlier data packet may be secured by shared secrets such as another decryption, a dynamic algorithm, a numeric seed, or a combination thereof. If decryption key 1030 is not used within a certain period of time, or if data packet 1342 is delayed, the decryption key 1030 expires and self-destructs, rendering media node MR unable to open payload packet 1342. While decryption key 1030 can alternatively be included in payload packet 1342, this technique is not preferred.
One way to avoid delivering all of the security-related information with the content is to split and separate the channel used to deliver command and control signals from the media communication channel used to deliver content. In accordance with this invention, such a “dual-channel” communication system, shown in
In operation, packets are delivered to signaling node S1 describing the routing and security settings for media packets expected as incoming packets to server array 1360. These special purpose packets are referred to herein as “command and control packets.” During communication, the command and control packets are sent to media servers 1361, 1362, and 1363 instructing media nodes M1, M2, and M3, respectively how to process incoming and outgoing data packets. These instructions are combined with information residing within DMZ server 1353A. As previously described, the same DMZ server 1353A can manage more than one media server, e.g. media server array 1360. The media nodes may all be operating to carry media, content, and data cooperatively, using timesharing, and load balancing. If the communication loading on media server array 1360 drops, media node M3 can be taken offline, indicated symbolically by open switches 1365A and 1365B, leaving media nodes M1 and M2 still operating, as indicated by closed switches 1364A and 1364B. The switches do not indicate that the input and the outputs of the particular server are physically disconnected, but rather that the server is no longer running the media node application, thereby saving power and eliminating hosting use fees for unneeded servers.
As illustrated, one DMZ server 1353A, working in conjunction with signaling server 1365 can control the operation of more than one media server by downloading instructions, commands, and secrets from DMZ server 1353A to any server in server array 1360, but the converse is not true. Any attempt to gain information, to write, query, or inspect the contents of DMZ server 1353A from signaling server 1365 or from media servers 1361, 1362, and 1362 is blocked by firewall 1366, meaning that the content of the DMZ server 1353A cannot be inspected or discovered through the Internet via a media node.
Thus, in a dual-channel communications system the command and control of a communications network uses a different communications channel, i.e. unique routing, separate from the content of the messages. A network of signaling servers carry all of the command and control information for the network while the media servers carry the actual content of the message. Command and control packets may include seeds, keys, routing instructions, priority settings, etc. while media includes voice, text, video, emails, etc.
One benefit of dual-channel communication is the data packets contain no information as to their origins or ultimate destinations. The signaling server informs each media server what to do with each incoming data packet on a “need to know” basis, i.e. how to identify an incoming packet by the address of the node that sent it, or alternatively by a SDNP “zip code,” what to do with it, and where to send it. In this way a packet never contains more routing information than that pertaining to its last hop and its next hop in the cloud. Similarly, the signaling servers carry command and control information but have no access to the content of a data packet or any communication occurring on the media channel. This partitioning of control without content, and content without routing confers a superior level of security to dual-channel SDNP-based networks.
An example of dual-channel secure communication in accordance with this invention is illustrated in
In this manner, aside from the data 1341 being communicated, the only security-related data included within payload packet 1342 is state 920, describing the time that payload packet 1342 was created. Once payload packet 1342 arrives at receiving media node MR, it is decrypted by decryption key 1030. After being decrypted, seed 929, combined with state information 920 and shared secrets 1350A supplied by DMZ server 1353B, is used to unscramble, mix and split payload packet 1342 and other incoming data packets in accordance with the previously disclosed methods. Although the data packet may carry information of the time it was last modified—state information especially useful for generating decryption keys locally, the concurrent use of a seed transmitted over the command and control channel enables identifying splitting and unscrambling operations performed previously on the incoming data packet but at a time not necessarily performed in the immediately previous node.
In an alternate embodiment shown in
In order to facilitate the end-to-end security described previously, executable code, shared secrets, and keys also have to be installed in a client, typically downloaded as an application. To prevent revealing security settings used on the SDNP network, these downloads are defined in a separate zone known only by the client and the cloud gateway node with which it communicates. As shown in
For any zone U1 external client node C1,1 to communicate with the zone Z1 SDNP cloud 1114, gateway nodes such as media node Ma,d, must receive information regarding both the zone Z1 and the zone U1 security settings, as contained within the zone U1, Z1 download package 1352E. Using time-limited, secure download methods indicated by padlock 1354, both the zone Z1 and the zone U1 secrets are downloaded via link 1350C into DMZ server 1353C, and executable code 1351 is downloaded via link 1351 and installed into SDNP media node Ma,d as well as into any other zone Z1 media nodes required to perform gateway connections between cloud 1114 and external clients, i.e. connections supporting last-mile connectivity. Once both media node Ma,d in zone Z1 and client node C1,1 in zone U1 are both loaded with the content of download packages 1352E and 1352D respectively, then secure communication 1306 can ensue, including encryption operation 1339.
Since communication from a secure cloud in zone Z1 hosted on media servers 1118 to client node C1,1 hosted on an external device such as cell phone 32 in zone U1 may likely occur over a single communication channel, some means is needed to convert the dual-channel communication employed within the cloud 1114 to single-channel communication needed over the last mile. An example of the role of the SDNP gateway node in implementing dual-channel to single-channel conversion is illustrated in
Payload packet 1342 is encrypted using encryption operation 1339. To decrypt payload packet 1342, decryption key 1030 must be used, where the decryption key 1030 comprises one of several shared zone U1 secrets 1350D, downloaded previously into secure app and data vault 1359 along with other zone U1 secrets such as seed generator 921, number generator 960 and algorithms 1340. Alternatively, as shown in
In order to prevent pattern recognition of algorithms used repeatedly by a client, the address or code used to select an algorithm from a list of algorithms installed on a client is, in accordance with this invention, changed at a regular schedule, for example, weekly, daily, hourly, etc. This feature, referred to as “shuffling” occurs in a manner analogous to shuffling the order of cards in a deck and similar to the shuffling performed within the network. Shuffling reorders the numbers used to identify any given algorithm in a table of algorithms, regardless whether such algorithm table comprises a method for scrambling, mixing, or encryption. As shown in
An improved method to pass security settings from the cloud to client node C1,1 is to employ dual-channel communication, as shown in
In operation, numeric seed 929, passed via the media channel from media node MR to client node C1,1, is used to select a decryption algorithm from algorithm table 1340 and unlocking the security on decryption key 1030 shown by padlock 1339C. Once unlocked, decryption key 1030 is used to unlock the encryption performed on payload packet 1342 by encryption operation 1339B. Numeric seed 929, in conjunction with zone U1 secrets 1350D, is then used to recover data 1341 for use by client node C1,1.
If an asymmetric key exchange is employed, as shown in
After obtaining the encryption key 1370A, node C1,1 on client device 1335 encrypts the payload packet 1342 using the selected encryption algorithm and encryption key 1371B. Since media node MR has access to the decryption key 1030 from DMZ server 1353A, it is able to unlock payload packet 1342 and read the file. Conversely, zone U1 secrets 1350D contain a decryption key 1030 corresponding to an encryption key (not shown) passed from client node C1,1 to key exchange server 1369. When media node MR prepares a data packet for client node C1,1, it downloads the zone U1 encryption key 1370A and then encrypts the payload packet 1342 for delivery to client node C1,1. Since cell phone 32 has access to the zone U1 secrets, including zone U1 decryption key 1030, it is able to decrypt and read payload packet 1342.
In the aforementioned specified methods and other combinations thereof, secure communication including the delivery of software, shared secrets, algorithms, number generators, numeric seeds, and asymmetric or symmetric encryption keys can be realized in accordance with this invention.
SDNP Packet Transport
Another inventive aspect of secure communication in accordance with this invention is the inability for a cyber attacker to determine where a data packet or a command and control packet came from and to where it is destined, i.e. the true source and the final destination are disguised, revealing only the source and destination of a single hop. Moreover, within a single SDNP cloud the SDNP addresses employed are not actual IP addresses valid on the Internet but only local addresses having meaning with the SDNP cloud, in a manner analogous to a NAT address. In contrast to data transport in a NAT network, during the routing of data across the SDNP network, the SDNP addresses in the data packet header are rewritten after each node-to-node hop. Moreover, the media node does not know the routing of a data packet other than the last media node where it came from and the next media node where it will go. The protocols differ based on the previously disclosed single-channel and dual-channel communication examples, but the routing concepts are common.
Single-Channel Transport
One example of single-channel communication is shown in
These last-mile addresses represent real IP addresses. Once entering the zone Z1 cloud, the source IP address in SDNP packet 1374F changes to a pseudo-IP address SDNP Addr MF, an NAT type address that has no meaning in the Internet. Assuming for simplicity's sake that network routing involves a single hop, then the destination address is also a pseudo-IP address, in this case SDNP Addr MD. Over the last mile in zone U1, the addresses shown in SDNP packet 1374G revert to real IP addresses, with a source address of IP Addr MD and a destination IP Addr CP. In real-time packet transport, all of the SDNP media packets use UDP, not TCP. As described previously, the payload varies by zone—in last-mile zone U2, the payload of SDNP media packet 1374B comprises a U2 SDNP packet, in meshed network and SDNP cloud zone Z1 the payload of SDNP media packet 1374F comprises a Z1 SDNP packet, and in last-mile zone U1 the payload of SDNP media packet 1374G comprises a U1 SDNP packet. So unlike in Internet communication, a SDNP media packet is an evolving payload, changing in address, format and content and it traverses the communication network.
The client's SDNP-enabled application 1335 can be an SDNP-enabled secure application like a personal private messenger or secure email running on a cell phone, tablet or notebook. Alternatively, the client may comprise secure hardware devices running embedded SDNP software. SDNP-embedded devices may include an automotive telematics terminal; a POS terminal for credit card transactions; a dedicated SDNP-enabled IoT client, or a SDNP router. A SDNP router disclosed herein is a general purpose hardware peripheral used to connect any device not running the SDNP software to the secure SDNP cloud, e.g. any notebook, tablet, e-reader, cell phone, game, gadget with Ethernet, WiFi or Bluetooth connectivity.
After client application 1335 contacts one of the default SDNP servers, it is next redirected to a SDNP gateway node. The gateway node may be selected by its physical proximity between the client's location and the server, by the lowest network traffic, or as the path with the shortest propagation delay and minimum latency. In step 1380B, the default SDNP server 1220S redirects the client's connection to the best choice SDNP gateway media server 1220F, hosting SDNP gateway media node Ma,f. Gateway media node Ma,f, then authenticates both parties' certificate 1357, confirms the user, establishes whether the call is free or a premium feature and, as applicable, confirms an account's payment status, and thereafter commences a SDNP session.
In step 1380C, the client application 1335 sends an initial SDNP packet 1374A requesting address and routing information for the call destination, i.e. the person or device to be called, using route query 1371, directed to gateway media server 1220F. Since the SDNP packet 1374A, which includes route query 1371, represents a command and control packet rather than real-time communication (i.e., data packet), it is delivered using TCP rather than UDP. The route query 1371 may specify that the contact information be provided to client application 1335 in any number of formats, including the phone number, SDNP address, IP address, URL, or a SDNP specific code, e.g. a SDNP zip code of the destination device, in this case cell phone 32. Route query 1371 is therefore a request for information about the party being called, i.e. for any necessary information to place the call, comprising for example either the SDNP zip code, their IP address, or their SDNP address.
In step 1380D of
To summarize, each node identifies each packet it receives by its tag. Once the node has identified the packet, it performs whatever decryption, unscrambling, mixing, scrambling, encryption and splitting operations on the packet that the signaling server has instructed it to perform, in the order specified. The algorithms or other methods used in these operations may be based on a state, e.g., the time when the packet was created, or a seed generated in accordance with an algorithm that is determined by a state. In performing each operation, the node may use the state or seed to select a particular algorithm or method from a table in its memory. Again as instructed by signaling server, the node gives each packet a tag and then routes the packet on to the next node in its journey across the SDNP network. It is understood, of course, that where the incoming packets have been mixed and/or split, the packets transmitted by a node will not normally be the same as the packets it receives, as some data segments may have been transferred to other packets, and data segments from other packets may have been added. Thus, once a packet has been split, each resulting packet gets its own tag and travels on its own route completely ignorant of how its “siblings” will make it to the same ultimate destination. The node is ignorant of the route of each packet except for the next hop.
In single-channel SDNP systems, the gateway and other media nodes have to perform triple duty, emulating the jobs of the name server and the signaling server. In fact, single-channel, dual-channel and tri-channel systems differ in that the three functions—packet transmission, signaling and “name”—are performed in the same servers in a single-channel system, in two types of servers in a dual-channel system, and the three types of servers in a tri-channel system. The functions themselves are identical in all three types of systems.
In a distributed system, the servers that perform the signaling function know the ultimate destination of the packets, but no single server knows the entire route of the packets. For example, the initial signaling server may know a portion of the route, but when the packets reach a certain media node the signaling function is handed off to another signaling server, which takes over the determination of the route from that point on.
To take a rough analogy, if a packet is to be sent from a cell phone in New York City to a laptop in San Francisco, the first signaling server (or the first server performing the signaling function) might route the packet from the cell phone to a local server in New York (the entry gateway node) and from there to servers in Philadelphia, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Chicago, a second signaling server might route the packet from the Chicago server to servers in Kansas City and Denver, and a third signaling server might route the packet from the Denver server to servers in Salt Lake City, Reno and San Francisco (the exit gateway node) and finally to the laptop, with each signaling server determining the portion of the route that it is responsible for based on the propagation delays and other current traffic conditions in the SDNP network. The first signaling server would instruct the second signaling server to expect the packet in the Chicago server, and the second signaling server would instruct the third signaling server to expect the packet in the Denver server, but no single signaling server (or no server performing the signaling function) would know the full route of the packet.
Of course, as indicated above, the packet may be mixed and split along its route. For example, instead of simply routing the packet from the Philadelphia server to the Cleveland server, the signaling server could instruct the Philadelphia server to split the packet into three packets and route them to servers in Cincinnati, Detroit and Cleveland, respectively. The signaling server would then also instruct the Philadelphia server to give each of the three packets a designated tag and it would inform the servers in Cincinnati, Detroit and Cleveland of the tags so that they could recognize the packets
Step 1380G of
Payload 1373A of SDNP data packet 1374C is scrambled and encrypted, using SDNP zone Z1 security settings, and the SDNP header contained in the SDNP data packet 1374C encapsulating the data within payload 1373A is also formatted specifically in accordance with the secure dynamic network protocol for zone Z1. The secure dynamic network protocol for any zone is the set of shared secrets specifically applicable for communication traversing that specific zone, in this case a zone Z1 seed calculated using a zone Z1 seed algorithm, a zone Z1 encryption algorithm and so on. For security purposes, zone Z1 security settings are not communicated to zone U2, and vice versa.
Step 1380H illustrates SDNP data packet 1374D being routed from media node Ma,j, hosted by media server 1220J, to SDNP media node Ma,s, hosted by media server 1220S The cloud hop of SDNP packet 1374D also occurs using SDNP addresses “SDNP Addr MJ” and “SDNP Addr MS,” not recognizable on the Internet. Payload 1373B of SDNP data packet 1374D is scrambled and encrypted, using SDNP zone Z1 security settings, and the SDNP header contained in the SDNP data packet 1374D encapsulating the data within payload 1373B is also formatted specifically in accordance with the secure dynamic network protocol for zone Z1.
This process of sending a packet between nodes in the SDNP cloud may occur once or may be repeated multiple times, each repetition involving re-packeting and re-routing operation 1373.
The final cloud-hop of SDNP packet 1374E, shown in step 1380J of
In step 1380K, data packet 1374G is routed out of the secure cloud from gateway media node Ma,d, hosted by media server 1220D, to client node C1,1, hosted by application 1335 on cell phone 32. This last-mile routing of IP packet 1374G occurs using IP addresses “IP Addr MD” and “IP Addr CP,” recognizable on the Internet, except that payload 1374 within IP packet 1374G is scrambled and encrypted using SDNP zone U1 security settings, and the SDNP header contained in the SDNP data packet 1374G encapsulating the data within payload 1374 is also formatted specifically in accordance with the secure dynamic network protocol for zone U1. Upon delivering the data contents of payload 1374 to application 1335 in cell phone 32, speaker 1388B converts the digital code into sound 1384A using an audio CODEC (not shown).
In step 1380L, shown in
As shown in step 1380M, upon receiving the IP packet 1374H, gateway media node Ma,d, hosted by server 1220D, converts the addressing to SDNP routing and sends SDNP data packet 1374J and its payload 1376A to media node Ma,j, hosted by computer server 1220U, using zone Z1 security settings. This SDNP node-to-node communication may comprise a single node-to-node hop or involve transport through a number of media nodes, with each hop involving re-packeting and re-routing operation 1373.
In step 1380N of
The entire ad hoc communication sequence to initiate the call and to route voice from the caller, i.e. tablet 33, to the person called, i.e. cell phone 32, is summarized in
The gateway media node Ma,f then converts the routing to SDNP-specific routing addresses and uses SDNP packets 1374C, 1374D, and 1374E to move the communication through the SDNP cloud 1114 from “SDNP Addr MF” to “SDNP Addr MJ” to “SDNP Addr MS” to “SDNP Addr MD” respectively, all using zone Z1 security settings. This sequence is functionally equivalent to SDNP data packet 1374F directing the communication packet from “SDNP Addr MF” directly to SDNP Addr MD″. Because there is no routing supervisor in ad hoc communication to oversee packet delivery, the command and control of packet routing within the SDNP cloud 1114 can be accomplished in one of two ways. In one embodiment, the source and destination addresses of each of SDNP data packets 1374C, 1374D, and 1374E explicitly and rigorously define the hop-by-hop path of the packet through the SDNP network, the path being chosen in single-channel communication by the gateway media node in advance for the best overall propagation delay during transport. In an alternative embodiment, a single “gateway-to-gateway” packet, e.g. SDNP data packet 1374F, is used to define the SDNP nodal gateways into and out of the SDNP cloud, but not to specify the precise routing. In this embodiment, each time a packet arrives in a SDNP media node, the media node prescribes its next hop much in the same way as routing over the Internet occurs, except that the SDNP media node will automatically select the shortest propagation delay path, whereas the Internet does not.
Finally, when packet 1374E reaches the gateway media node Ma,d at “SDNP Addr MD,” the gateway media node Ma,d creates IP data packet 1374G, converting the incoming data packet into IP addresses “IP Addr MD” and “IP Addr CP” and changes the security settings to those of zone U1.
Another summary of this routing is shown in
In a similar manner,
In a similar manner, the data segments 9G et seq. in data string 1387 are formed into additional SDNP packets.
SDNP packet 1395, containing multiple data fields separated by multiple headers, may then be encrypted in one of several ways. In full-packet encryption, all of the data in SDNP packet 1395 is encrypted, except for the data in SDNP preamble 1399A, i.e. all the content of first header 1399B, first data field 1399C, second data header 1399D and second data field 1399E are all encrypted to form SDNP packet 1396 comprising unencrypted SDNP preamble 1399A and ciphertext 1393A. Alternatively, in message encryption, SDNP packet 1397 comprises two separately encrypted ciphertext strings—ciphertext string 1393B, comprising the encryption of data header 1399B and data field 1399C, and ciphertext string 1393C, comprising the encryption of data header 1399D and data field 1399E. In another embodiment of this invention, referred to as data-only encryption, only data-fields 1399C and 1399E are encrypted into ciphertext strings 1393D and 1393E, but data headers 1399B and 1399D are left undisturbed. The resulting SDNP packet 1398 comprises plaintext for SDNP preamble 1399A, first data header 1399B, and second data header 1399D and ciphertext strings 1393D and 1393E, representing independently encrypted versions of data fields 1399C and 1399E respectively
In single-channel communication, to relay required routing and priority information to the next media node, SDNP payload 1400, shown in
Data field header 1402 follows a fixed format for each one of the X data fields. Data field header 1402 includes an address type for the destination and the destination address of the specific data field, i.e. the destination of this specific hop in the cloud. The destination address of every data field in a given packet is always the same because the packet remains intact until it arrives at the next media node. When a packet is split into multiple packets, however, the field destination addresses in each of the split packets is different from the field destination addresses in each of the other split packets if the packets are going to different media nodes.
In multi-route and meshed transport, the field destination address is used for splitting and mixing the various fields used in dynamic routing.
The address type of the next hop can change as the packet traverses the network. For example it may comprise an IP address between the client and the gateway, and an SDNP address or a SDNP zip once it enters the SDNP cloud. The destination may comprise an SDNP specific routing code, i.e. SDNP address, SDNP Zip, or an IPv4 or IPv6 address, a NAT address, a POTS phone number, etc.).
The packet field labeled “Field Zone” describes the zone where a specific field was created, i.e. whether a past encryption or scrambling was performed with U1, Z1, U2, etc. zone settings. In some instances, unscrambling or decrypting a data packet requires additional information, e.g. a key, seed, time or state, in which case the packet field labeled “Field Other” may be used to carry the field-specific information. The packet field labeled “Data Type”, if used, facilitates context-specific routing, distinguishing data, pre-recorded video, text and computer files not requiring real time communication from data packets containing time sensitive information such as voice and live video, i.e. to distinguish real-time routing from non-real-time data. Data types include voice, text, real-time video, data, software, etc.
The packet fields labeled “Urgency” and “Delivery” are used together to determine best how to route the data in a specific data field. Urgency includes snail, normal, priority, and urgent categories. Delivery includes various QoS markers for normal, redundant, special, and VIP categories. In one embodiment of this invention, the binary size of the various data fields as shown in table 1403 is chosen to minimize the required communication bandwidth. For example, data packets as shown may range from 0 to 200B whereby eight packets of 200B per data field means that a SDNP packet can carry 1,600B of data.
Dual-Channel Communication
In one embodiment of dual-channel SDNP data transport, shown in
In parallel, to the media and content transport, client C2,1, communicating with signaling node Ss, hosted by signaling server 1365, sends numeric seed 929 and decryption key 1030 to client C1,1 through signaling server Sd, seed 929 and decryption key 1030 being based on the time or state when client C2,1 sent them. By exchanging security settings such as keys and seeds (also known as security credentials) directly between the clients over signaling route 1405, and not through zone Z1, end-to-end security is realized beneficially eliminating any risk of a network operator in zone Z1 gaining access to security settings and compromising the security of Zone U1 or Zone U2. This embodiment represents yet another dimension of security in SDNP network communication. Seed 929, for example, may be used to scramble and unscramble the data packets in the client's applications. Similarly, as shown, decryption key 1030 allows only client C1,1 to open the encrypted message. Since key 1030 and numeric seed 929 never pass through zone Z1, a network operator cannot compromise the network's security. When the data packets enter the gateway node Ma,f from client C2,1, the incoming data packets are already encrypted and scrambled. The packets received by client C1,1 from gateway node Ma,d are in the same scrambled and/or encrypted form as those leaving client C2,1 and destined for gateway node Ma,f. The network's dynamic scrambling and encryption present in every node (but not explicitly shown in
Thus, as shown in
In another embodiment of dual-channel SDNP data transport, shown in
Tri-Channel Communication
Greater security and enhanced network performance can be achieved by separating the responsibility of tracking the nodes in the network from the actual data transport. In this approach, a redundant network of servers, referred to as “name servers,” constantly monitors the network and its media nodes, freeing the signaling servers to do the job of routing and security data exchange, and enabling the media servers to concentrate on executing routing instructions received from the signaling nodes. This yields what is referred to herein as a “tri-channel” system and is illustrated in
To maintain an updated network description, each time a device logs on to the network, the data regarding its status and its IP address, its SDNP address, or in some cases both, is transferred to name server 1408, as shown in
While name server node NS maintains an exhaustive description of the network, signaling node S, hosted by signaling server 1365, shown in
Given that the aforementioned information regarding the network, its node addresses, and its propagation delays is readily available in the name servers and the signaling servers, high QoS communication can best be achieved using tri-channel communication as depicted in
Because of the importance of the name server in maintaining an up-to-date network node list 1410, shown in
Communication using tri-channel SDNP packet routing in accordance with this invention is illustrated in
In the first step 1430B in actually placing the call, the tablet 33 sends IP packet 1450A to the name server node NS, requesting routing and contact information for the destination or person to be called. The contact information request, i.e. route query 1431, may come in the form of an IP address, SDNP address, phone number, URL, or other communication identifier. In step 1480C, name server node NS, hosted by name server 1408, supplies the client's SDNP application 1335 with the intended recipient's address. The reply is delivered by IP packet 1450B, using the TCP transport layer. In an alternate embodiment, the client requests the routing information from a signaling server and the signaling server requests the information from the name server.
In step 1430D, shown in
Then, in step 1430F, the signaling node S sends to application 1335 in tablet 33 the gateway media node address, the zone U2 decryption keys 1030, the seeds 929 and other security settings needed for securing the first packet to be sent across the first mile.
Once tablet 33 obtains the zone U2 security settings in step 1430F, it initiates a call with SDNP packet 1450D, as shown in
Step 1430H, also shown in
In step 1430J, shown in
When the incoming SDNP packet 1450F is received by application 1335 in cell phone 32, it can only see from the address the last media node Ma,d where the data packet left the SDNP cloud. Unless the SDNP payload carries information regarding the caller, or unless the signaling node S supplies this information, there is no way for the person called or receiving the data to trace its origins or its source. This feature, “anonymous” communication and untraceable data delivery is a unique aspect of SDNP communication and an intrinsic artifact of the single-hop dynamic routing in accordance with this invention. The SDNP network delivers information about the caller or source only if the caller so desires it, otherwise there is no information available—anonymity is the default condition for SDNP packet delivery. In fact, the sending client's SDNP application has to intentionally send a message informing a person being called or messaged that the information came from the specific caller. Since the signaling server knows the caller and the packet's routing it can determine a route for a reply data packet without ever revealing the caller's identity.
Alternatively the signaling server could reveal an alias identity or avatar, or limit access of the caller's identity to only a few close friends or authorized contacts. Anonymity is especially valuable in applications like gaming, where there is no reason for a player to share their true identity—especially with an unknown opponent. Another condition requiring anonymous communication is in machine-to-machine or M2M, IoT or Internet-of-Things, vehicle-to-vehicle or V2V, or vehicle-to-infrastructure or V2X communication where a client doesn't want machines, gadgets and devices to be giving out contact and personal information to potentially hostile devices, agents, or cyber-pirate devices. For the extremely paranoid user, voice can also be disguised electronically so that even vocal communication can be achieved anonymously.
As shown in step 1430K of
Regardless of the reply method employed, in step 1430L of
In step 1430M the reply packet exits the secure SDNP cloud without ever executing any node-to-node hop within the SDNP cloud. In this case, gateway media node Ma,f hosted by media server 1220F, converts the contents of the SDNP packet 1450H from a zone Z1 specific payload 1435 into a zone U2 payload 1436 and, using IP addresses “IP Addr MF” and “IP Addr TB,” directs IP packet 1450J to client node C2,1, hosted by tablet 33. This last-mile routing of IP packet 1450J occurs using IP addresses “IP Addr MF” and “IP Addr TB” recognizable on the Internet, but payload 1436 is scrambled and encrypted using SDNP zone U2 security settings, and the SDNP header contained in the payload 1436 is formatted specifically in accordance with the secure dynamic network protocol for zone U2. Once received by cell phone 33, SDNP enabled application 1335 then extracts the payload data and after decryption and unscrambling converts the digital code using an audio CODEC (not shown) into sound 1384B produced by speaker 1388A. In the sequence shown in steps 1430K-1430M, only one gateway media node is involved in the communication, and thus the “first mile” is immediately followed by the “last mile.”
A summary of the call sequence using tri-channel communication in accordance with this invention is illustrated in
The reply sequence is shown in
In such a case it is advantageous to insert a dummy node in the data transport path to facilitate misdirection, as shown in
Payload “Fields”
Payload processing of an incoming data packet entering the SDNP client through a gateway media node is illustrated in
In alternative embodiment, also shown in
Using the nested fields data structure, packing several fields of data with their own headers into one packet's payload, is much like placing multiple boxes inside a bigger box. The process of SDNP re-packing the data, i.e. opening a box, taking out the smaller boxes and putting them into new big boxes, involves many choices in routing of data segments. To avoid packet loss, it is preferable that data segments of the same origin are not comingled into the same fields as with data segments from other data, conversations and communiqués, but remain uniquely separate as identified by header and arranged by sender. For example, in
Splitting operation 1057 also creates a second payload 1471, containing data segments for three fields, i.e. field 9 containing data segments 9B, 9A, 9F and 9E, field 8 containing only data segment 8F, and field 6 containing data segment 6F.
As shown, all of the fields in payloads 1471 and 1472 also contain one or more junk data segments. Unless re-scrambling is executed, the scrambled payload 1471 is then encrypted using encryption operation 1026 at the present state and for the current zone to produce payload 1473, ready to be assembled into a SDNP packet or an IP packet. Similarly, payload 1472 is encrypted using encryption operation 1026 at the present state and for the current zone to produce payload 1474, ready to be assembled into a SDNP packet or an IP packet. Payload 1473 is routed to a different media node than payload 1474. In this illustration, the IP or SDNP addresses and the rest of the data packet are excluded from the illustration for the sake of clarity.
The dynamic nature of re-packeting is illustrated in
In some instances, shown previously herein, it may be necessary to temporarily store some data segments or fields while awaiting others to arrive. This storage operation can occur within any given node in SDNP network, including interior media nodes or gateway media nodes. Alternatively, the storage can occur within a client's application hosted on a cell phone, tablet, notebook, etc. Such an example is shown in
In another embodiment of this invention, final reassembly and caching of fields occurs within application 1335 on cell phone 32, i.e. within the client's application—not in the SDNP cloud. As illustrated in
A summary flow chart summarizing client reconstruction of a SDNP packet is illustrated on
Command & Control
As a final element of SDNP communication in accordance with this invention, the command and control of media nodes by the signaling nodes is a key component in insuring high QoS and low-latency delivery of real-time packets without sacrificing security or audio fidelity. One example of a basic decision tree used to determine routing and priority treatment of clients, conversations, and data packets is shown in
If the most important factor is the file is guaranteed delivery, then guaranteed packet delivery may be employed, i.e. sending multiple redundant copies of the packets and minimizing the number of node-to-node hops to minimize the risk of packet loss even if real-time performance is sacrificed. Special delivery may include customer-specific authentication procedures. Otherwise, normal SDNP routing will be employed. In
Combining the routing options (step 1501) and the urgency selection (step 1502) allows the signaling node S to best select the routing for each packet, frame or data segment (step 1503). If the selected route passes through multiple zones, it will involve various security settings (step 1504) for each zone. This data comprising seeds, decryption keys 1030 and other security-related information is then combined with the node-by-node routing, splitting and mixing for meshed transport, used to generate preambles for every data packet including IP packets for the first and last mile, comprising SDNP zone U2 preamble 1505A, SDNP zone U1 preamble 1505C, and multiple SDNP zone Z1 preambles for meshed transport in the SDNP, collectively represented by preamble 1505B. Preambles 1505A, 1505B, 1505C and others are then combined with IP addresses and SDNP addresses to create the various IP (Internet Protocol) and SDNP packets. These routing instructions include IP packet 1506A sent to tablet 33 detailing the routing for a call or communiqué from client node C2,1 to the SDNP gateway media node, multiple SDNP packets 1506B sent to media servers 1118 and used for routing the call or communiqué among the media nodes Mi,j in the SDNP cloud, and IP packet 1506C, sent to cell phone 32, detailing the routing for a call or communiqué from the SDNP gateway node to client node C1,1, representing cell phone 32. In this manner, the media nodes only need to direct the incoming payloads according to the instructions they receive from the signaling servers, a mechanism completely opposite to that of the routing procedure used in Internet-based OTT communication.
For example, as stated previously, Internet routers are hosted by many different ISPs and telephone companies who do not necessarily have the best interests of a client in mind in routing their packets with the lowest propagation delay or shortest latency. In fact, unlike SDNP communications in accordance with this invention, Internet routers cannot even distinguish data packets carrying real-time audio or video from junk mail. In real-time communication, latency is critical. Delays of a few hundred milliseconds noticeably affect QoS, and delays over 500 milliseconds become unbearable for holding a coherent voice conversation. For this and numerous other reasons, the real-time performance of the SDNP network described herein constantly monitors propagation delays and chooses the best route for each real-time data packet at the time its transport ensues.
As illustrated in
Another important function of command and control is in directing packet reconstruction. This function is key to mixing, splitting and rerouting SDNP packets in the cloud.
This data is then fed into SDNP zip sorter 1310 to sort the frames into groups of frames, each group having a common destination on its next hop in the SDNP cloud, all in accordance with routing information in the SDNP packet 1506B supplied previously by the signaling node S for each frame or SDNP packet in response to the call information specified in command and control packet 1495A. SSE operation 1213 then splits the frames into the groups having common destinations, using current state 920 information, updated seeds 929, and new decryption keys 1030. One such payload, payload 1511B, containing data for frames 1, 9, and 23, is destined for media node Ma,j, whereas the previous payload 1511A comprised data for frames 1, 6 and 9. So, as instructed by signaling node S, media node Ma,q removed the frame 6 data and replaced it with the frame 23 data to make payload 1511B, which it assembled into outgoing SDNP packet 1487B and sent onward to media node Ma,j.
Using the 7-layer OSI model, the SDNP connection shown in
In SDNP communication Presentation Layer 6 executes network hop-by-hop encryption and scrambling, unrelated to the client's own encryption.
In Application Layer 7, SDNP communication is again unique because any SDNP-enabled application must be able to mix and restore fragmented data, and to know what to do if part of a fragmented payload does not arrive, again contextual transport.
All of the above security and performance of the disclosed SDNP network are achieved without the use of client encryption and private key management. If a client's application is also encrypted, e.g. a private company's security, then the VPN-like tunneling is combined with the data fragmentation to make a new type of secure communication—fragmented tunneled data, a hybrid of Presentation Layer 6 and Application Layer 7, shown in
One unique aspect of SDNP communication in accordance with this invention is the example of “race routing” shown in
The foregoing disclosure illustrates the numerous advantages in performance, latency, quality, security, and privacy achieved by SDNP communication in accordance with this invention. Table
In the disclosed SDNP network, even in the event that a cyber attacker breaks the encryption, the data in any one packet is garbled, incomplete, mixed with other messages, and scrambled out of order—basically the content of any SDNP packet is useless except to the person for which it was intended. Moreover, even if the network's encryption were broken, a challenge that can take years to complete, even with quantum computing, one-tenth of a second later the dynamic encryption of every packet traversing the entire SDNP cloud changes. This means that a would-be hacker must start all over every 100 ms. With such dynamic methods, a five-minute conversation, even if it were completely available in a single data string, would take hundreds of years to decode. Beyond this, with the addition of data fragmentation, dynamic scrambling, and dynamic mixing and rerouting, any benefits to be gained by breaking the encryption would be totally illusory.
The combination of the multiple levels of security realized by the secure dynamic network and protocol described herein, including dynamic scrambling, fragmented data transport, anonymous data packets, and dynamic encryption far exceeds the security offered by simple static encryption. In SDNP communication as disclosed herein, data packets from a single conversation, dialog, or other communication do not travel across a single route but are split into incomprehensible snippets of meaningless data fragments, scrambled out of sequence and sent over multiple paths that change continuously in content, by mix, and by the data's underlying security credentials. The resulting communication method represents the first “hyper-secure” communication system.
This application is a continuation of application Ser. No. 14/803,869, filed Jul. 20, 2015, which claims the priority of Provisional Application No. 62/107,650, filed Jan. 26, 2015, each of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.
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