The present invention relates to a system and a method whereby a group of nodes in a wireless network exchange messages so as to securely agree upon a group key.
As wireless networks become an increasingly indispensable part of our personal and professional lives, securing these communication systems becomes increasingly important. The wireless communications used in wireless networks present potential security vulnerability. Specifically, an eavesdropper can overhear transmissions that are intended for another node in the network. In wireless networks, cryptography can be used to ensure that only authorized nodes are able to read the data contained in received transmissions. That is to say, cryptography can be used to ensure the confidentiality of sensitive data, even when malicious eavesdroppers are present in the network.
Cryptography is the art and science of keeping data secure. In a wireless network, an encryption method operating at a data source can transform a data sequence into a secret using an encryption key. In the parlance of cryptography, the original data sequence is the plaintext and the secret is the ciphertext. Upon reception of the ciphertext, a decryption process operating at an authorized destination node transforms the ciphertext back into the original data sequence using a decryption key. The security of an encryption process is typically measured by the amount of computational resources that an eavesdropper must expend to obtain the plaintext from the ciphertext if that eavesdropper does not possess the decryption key. For example, an encryption process is said to be 80-bit secure if an eavesdropper requires at least 280 computing operations to recover the plaintext. Examples of cryptographic techniques include one-time pads, symmetric key algorithms, public key algorithms, and key derivation functions.
A one-time pad is a common, random string of bits that is shared by the source and authorized destination of a data sequence. For example, the one-time pad might be the 32-bit sequence:
When the source wishes to transmit a 32-bit data sequence d to the intended destination,
it computes the exclusive or (XOR) of each bit of the data sequence d and each bit of the one-time pad p to produce the ciphertext c:
c=p⊕d={0,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,0,1,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1} .
Since XORing with the same binary value twice restores the original value, the destination recovers the data sequence by computing:
p⊕c=p⊕p⊕d=d Equation (1)
If an eavesdropper obtains the first bit of the ciphertext but does not know the first bit of the one-time pad, then it cannot distinguish whether the first bit of the data sequence was a 1 or a 0 because both 0⊕0=0 and 1⊕1=0. In this case, the best an eavesdropper can do is to randomly guess whether than bit is a 0 or a 1. More generally, the best an eavesdropper can do is guess the value of each of the 32 bits in the data sequence. This scheme is therefore 32-bit secure.
One-time pads are a type of symmetric key algorithm. The term “symmetric” is used to indicate that the same key is used for encryption and for decryption. The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a sophisticated symmetric key algorithm that is used in many commercial and military wireless networks. The encryption and decryption processes in symmetric key algorithms are typically very computationally efficient.
Public key algorithms are designed so that the encryption key and decryption key are different, but mathematically linked. In a public key algorithm, a node will typically generate a random string of bits and derive an encryptiondecryption key pair from that random string. The encryption key is made publically available to the other nodes while the decryption key remains private. The cryptographic strength of a public key algorithm lies in the computational difficulty of determining a private key from the corresponding public key. The RSA Algorithm—which is named after its inventors Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman—is a widely used public key algorithm. The encryption and decryption processes in public key algorithms are generally much more computationally complex than those in symmetric key algorithms.
In many applications, it is desirable to be able to generate multiple temporary keys from an underlying persistent key. In such applications, the temporary keys are called “session keys” while the persistent keys are called “master keys”. A master key, for example, may be generated based on deterministic random bit generators (DRBG), also known as a pseudorandom number generator. In another example, the master key may be generated using a non-deterministic random bit generator. A key derivation function (KDF) is the mathematical tool used to generate a session key from a master key and some other input (e.g., a unique identifier for the session). In an embodiment, a KDF φ( ) may produce an output key sj,i that is a function of the input key kj and the session identifier i:
j,i←φ(kj,i) Equation (2)
The cryptographic strength of a KDF lies in the computational difficulty of determining a master key from the corresponding session key. A common KDF that is typically used is the hash-based message authentication code (HMAC).
Relying solely on symmetric key algorithms is often undesirable in a wireless network. For example, consider a military use case where every soldier in a squadron is given a radio that is pre-loaded with a common symmetric key prior to a mission. If, during the course of the mission, one of those radios falls into enemy hands, then all future intra-squad communications could be compromised. Owing to the relative complexity of public key encryption and decryption, however, relying solely on public key algorithms is also often undesirable. Many wireless networks therefore employ the following combination of public and symmetric key algorithms for secure communications between pairs of nodes:
In many wireless networking scenarios it is insufficient to provide only for secure unicast communications. For example, the data traffic in military wireless networks is generally encrypted and is often multicast in nature—i.e., it is transmitted from one source to many destinations simultaneously. The procedure outlined above for secure unicast communications can be generalized to secure multicast communications as follows:
Observe that the number of messages required to initiate the secure multicast session grows linearly with the number of destinations T. For large multicast groups, this procedure will therefore be inefficient. Suppose instead that the destination nodes already shared a common random bit string—i.e., a group key. If this were the case, then the secure multicast session could be initiated as follows:
Comparing the multicast procedures described above, it is clear that provided a group key can be established among T nodes with a number of transmissions that grows sublinearly with T, then the latter procedure will be more efficient than the former in terms of number of transmissions required to establish the session key for a secure multicast session.
In view of the foregoing background, a method and system for generating a common secret among a subset of nodes in a wireless network is proposed. In an embodiment, a set of master keys may be distributed among the wireless nodes such that any pair of nodes share at least one master key. In order to establish a cryptographic key among a given subset of the nodes (the “group”), an ordered subset {kλ0,kλ1, . . . ,kλS} of the master key set may be identified satisfying two conditions:
An object of the present invention is to enable a group of nodes which are not already in possession of a common cryptographic key to establish a common cryptographic key via transmissions over a possibly insecure wireless channel.
Another object of the present invention is to establish a cryptographic key among a group of nodes via a sequence of S wireless transmissions where S is less than the number of members of the group.
Yet another object of the present invention is to prevent an adversary who obtains a group key for one communications session to use that group key to compromise the group keys for past or future communications sessions.
Other objects and advantages of the present invention will be set forth in the description that follows as would understood by one of ordinary skill in the art.
It is instructive to consider a specific example as a means of establishing the terminology that will be used herein.
Suppose that in the network illustrated in
5,u←φ(k5,u) Equation (3)
11,u←φ(k11,u) Equation (4)
m1,u=s5,u⊕s11,u Equation (5)
5,u Equation (6)
It is instructive to consider a second example where two transmissions are required to generated a group key among 5 nodes in this same network. Suppose that in the network illustrated in
6,v←φ(k6,v) Equation (7)
1,v←φ(k1,v) Equation (8)
4,v←φ(k4,v) Equation (9)
m1,v=s6,v⊕s1,v Equation (10)
6,v Equation (11)
m2,v=s6,v⊕s4,v Equation (12)
6,v Equation (13)
In this example, a group key has been generated among 5 nodes via two multicast transmissions. By using the session keys s1,v and s4,v as one-time pads for the transmission of session key s6,v, the group key s6,v is secure from any eavesdropper that possesses neither master key k1 nor master key k4.
In order to describe the embodiments used to develop the examples in paragraphs [0020] and [0021], some terminology will be introduced. Without loss of generality, the nodes in a network and the master keys are indexed by natural numbers. The master key repository Kp at node np is defined as the indices of the master keys possessed by that node. In the example illustrated in
K1={1,2,4,11,15}, K2={2,3,5,12,16}, K3={3,4,6,13,17}, K4={4,5,7,14,18}, K5={5,6,8,15,19}, K6={1,6,7,9,16,20} K7={2,7,8,10,17,21}, K8={3,8,9,11,18}, K9={4,9,10,12,19}, K10={5,10,11,13,20}, K11={6,11,12,14,21}.
In some embodiments, is assumed that every node in the network is aware of the master key repositories at every other node in the network. In the example illustrated in
The node incidence set Nq associated with the master key k1 is the indices of the nodes that possess that master key. By definition, the node incidence set Nq contains the element p if the master key repository Kp contains the element q. In the example illustrated in
N1={1,6}, N2={1,2,7}, N3={2,3,8}, N4={1,3,4,9}, N5={2,4,5,10}, N6={3,5,6,11}, N7={4,6,7}, N8={5,7,8}, N9={6,8,9}, N10={7,9,10}, N11={1,8,10,11}, N12={2,9,11}, N13={3,10}, N14={4,11}, N15={1,5}, N16={2,6}, N17={3,7}, N18={4,8}, N19={5,9}, N20={6,10}, N21={7,11}.
Finally, the occupancy set Or,x associated with master key kr for a session x to be established between a group of T nodes ng1,ng2, . . . ,ngT is the intersection of the node incidence set Nr and the indices of the nodes in the group {g1,g2, . . . ,gT} . As will be made clear below, only occupancy sets with a size of at least two are germane in some embodiments. In the example discussed in paragraph [0020], the occupancy sets containing at least two elements are:
O3,u={2,8}, O5,u={2,4,10}, O11,u={8,10,11}, O12,u={2,11}, O14,u={4,11}, O18,u={4,8}.
In the example discussed in paragraph [0021], the occupancy sets containing at least two elements are:
O1,v={1,6}, O4,v={1,9}, O6,v={5,6,11}, O9,v={6,9}, O11,v={1,11}, O12,v={9,11}, O15,v={1,5}, O19,v={5,9}.
In some embodiments, a set of master keys may first be generated and distributed amongst the nodes in a wireless network such that two conditions are met:
In other embodiments, there may exist a node in the group that does not share at least one of the master keys in common with any other node in the group. This node may conduct a secure unicast session with at least one other node in the group in order to jointly establish knowledge of a master key, thereby satisfying the first condition specified in paragraph [0025]. In an example, the secure unicast session may be a Diffie-Hellman key exchange. This node may now participate in establishing a cryptographic key for a secure communications session in the network.
Every member of the group ng1,ng2, . . . ,ngT may apply a common procedure to identify a common ordered subset of the master key set {kλ0,kα1, . . . ,kαS} satisfying two conditions:
Every member of the group ng1,ng2, . . . ,ngT may identify a common ordered subset of the master key set {kλ0,kλ1, . . . ,kλS} that satisfies these conditions. All nodes possessing master key kλ0 may apply a common key derivation function to that master key to obtain a session key:
λ0,y←φ(kλ0,y) Equation (14)
The session key sλ0,y is the group key.
The group key may be distributed to the remaining group members by repeating the following steps for each value of i=1, . . . ,S:
λi,y←φ(kλi,y) Equation (15)
mi,y=sλ0,y⊕sλi,y Equation (16)
λ0,y Equation (17)
The group key is first XORed with a session key prior to each transmission. In this manner, the session keys act as one-time pads for the secure communication of the group key. Any eavesdropper not possessing the session key sλi will therefore not be able to recover the group key from message mi,y. More generally, any eavesdropper not possessing at least one of the master keys in the common ordered subset {kλ0,kλ1, . . . ,kλS} cannot use the messages m1,y,m2,y, . . . ,mS,y to recover the group key.
In the example described in paragraph [0020], nodes n2, n4, n8, n10, and n11 wished to establish a group key for a session with unique identifier u. The occupancy sets for this example are:
O3,u={2,8}, O5,u={2,4,10}, O11,u={8,10,11}, O12,u={2,11}, O14,u={4,11}, O18,u={4,8}.
The procedure described above may be applied to identify the ordered subset as follows:
The procedure described in paragraph [0029] may be applied to the ordered subset {k5,k11} to yield the messaging described in paragraph [0020].
Similarly, in the example described in paragraph [0021], nodes n1, n5, n6, n9, and n11 wished to establish a group key for a session with unique identifier v. The occupancy sets for this example are:
O1,v={1,6}, O4,v={1,9}, O6,v={5,6,11}, O9,v={6,9}, O11,v={1,11}, O12,v={9,11}, O15,v={1,5}, O19,v={5,9}.
The procedure described above may be applied to identify the ordered subset as follows:
The procedure described in paragraph [0029] is then applied to the ordered subset {k6,k1,k4} to yield the messaging described in paragraph [0021].
As described above, a group of nodes may establish a group key, which may be used to derive a public key and a private key for use in a public key cryptosystem. In an embodiment, this group of nodes may distribute the public key to another set of nodes, which thereby possess the public key, but not the private key. These other nodes may encrypt messages using the public key, but only the initial group of nodes can decrypt messages with the private key.
In order to demonstrate the benefits of some embodiments, two numerical experiments were performed in a network of 91 nodes. In the first experiment, the master keys were generated and distributed as follows:
This master key distribution is referred to as the “Pairwise+Random” distribution.
In the second experiment, 91 master keys were generated and distributed according to a deterministic distribution based on Singer difference sets to yield the following:
j={((i+1)%91)+1, ((i+2)%91)+1,((i+4)%91)+1,((i+10)%91)+1, ((i+28)%91)+1,((i+50)%91)+1,((i+57)%91)+1, ((i+62)%91)+1,((i+78)%91)+1,((i+82)%91)+1}, Equation (18)
where the notation a % b denotes the remainder when a is divided by b. This master key distribution is referred to as the “Deterministic” distribution. It can be verified that with this distribution each pair of nodes share exactly one master key in common.
In both experiments, the average number of transmissions required to generate a group key using the preferred embodiment of the invention was measured via a Monte Carlo simulation as a function of the group size.
While the “Deterministic” and “Random+Pairwise” distributions yield similar performance in terms of the number of transmissions required to generate a group key, depending on the application, one distribution may be preferred over the other. If memory resources are precious, then the “Deterministic” distribution is preferable since each node possesses fewer keys and can compute node incidence sets on the fly. If node compromise is a concern, then the “Random+Pairwise” distribution is preferable since no re-keying is required when a node is compromised. Specifically, suppose an adversary gains access to a node. The remaining nodes must then discard any master keys possessed by that compromised node. If the “Random+Pairwise” key distribution is used, then the key distribution that remains after the compromised keys are removed still satisfies the requirements defined in paragraph [0026]. However, if the “Deterministic” distribution is used, then many pairs of nodes will no longer share a common key after the compromised keys are removed from the network.
Embodiments described herein are not limited to a specific method for determining the ordered subset of the master keys used for group key agreement. While in the embodiments in paragraphs [0025]-[0032], a specific procedure was used to obtain this ordered subset, as would be obvious to one of ordinary skill in the art, this greedy procedure is by no means unique.
In another embodiment, the ordered subset of the master keys used for group key agreement may be determined by solving a Set Cover problem as a first step. For example, in the example described in paragraph [0021], the occupancy sets O4,v, and O6,v form a cover of the indices of the nodes in the group:
6,v={1,9}∪{5,6,11}={1,5,6,9,11} Equation (19)
In order to obtain an ordered subset from this set cover solution that satisfies the conditions described in paragraph [0027], an occupancy set containing an element in O4,v and O6,v may be be identified. For example, O15,v={1,5}. The resulting ordered subset is then {k4,k15,k6}.
In yet another embodiment, there may be costs associated with each occupancy sets and the ordered subset of the master keys used for group key agreement may be determined in a manner that optimizes the total cost of group key agreement, rather than the total number of transmissions. In particular, the procedure described in paragraph [0027] can be updated to optimize the cost of the next occupancy set rather than to maximize the number of newly covered group members.
In an embodiment, the cost associated with each occupancy set can be the number of hops between any pair of transceivers in the occupancy set, and the procedure in paragraph
may be updated to minimize the number of hops of the next occupancy set.
It should be appreciated that some embodiments may be implemented by hardware, software, firmware, middleware, microcode, hardware description languages, or any combination thereof. When implemented in software, firmware, middleware, or microcode, the program code or code segments to perform the necessary tasks may be stored in a computer-readable medium such as a storage medium. Processors may be adapted to perform the necessary tasks. The term “computer-readable medium” includes, but is not limited to, portable or fixed storage devices, optical storage devices, wireless channels, sim cards, other smart cards, and various other non-transitory mediums capable of storing, containing, or carrying instructions or data.
While the present invention has been described in terms of specific embodiments, it should be apparent to those skilled in the art that the scope of the present invention is not limited to the embodiments described herein. For example, features of one or more embodiments of the invention may be combined with one or more features of other embodiments without departing from the scope of the invention. The specification and drawings are, accordingly, to be regarded in an illustrative rather than a restrictive sense. Thus, the scope of the present invention should be determined not with reference to the above description, but should be determined with reference to the appended claims along with their full scope of equivalents.