A system transmits electric signals, electric energy or media over short distances between units movable relative to each other. The system has at least one first unit disposed along the trajectory of the movement and at least one second unit disposed for movement relative to the first unit. A diagnosis unit is associated with at least one of the units to detect the condition of at least one of said movable units and signals that detected condition to a central control unit.

The present invention relates to systems for transmitting electric signals, electric power, liquids, gases and other media over short distances between units mobile relative to each other. Depending on the type of the movement, these are encompassed by various terms such as contact lines, slip rings or generally rotary transmission systems.


So-called contact lines are used to transmit electric signals or electric power with a preferably linear or slightly curved trajectory. In the event of rotary movements, these elements are referred to as slip rings For non-contacting transmission between mated parts or units mobile relative to each other, various systems are known, for example the system described in the European Patent Application 98 907 894.4-2206 and comprising a conductor-like structure composed of discrete dummy elements. Moreover, so-called rotary transmitters are known for liquids and gases, particularly in the event of transmission between mated parts or units rotating relative to each other. As a rule, such transmission systems are highly important for the function of the overall system. They are often even classified as critical components. If, for example, the signalling function would fail between the rotor and the stator in a computer tomograph the emitter performance of the X-ray tube could no longer be controlled. As a consequence, the patient could be exposed to an excessive radiation dose. In the case of a crane installation mobile along a linear path, the failure of the emergency stop means could lead to catastrophic consequences. It is therefore definitely necessary in all of these applications to monitor the transmission path. This is frequently achieved by monitoring the data communication between the transmitter and the receiver, with a great number of different components being often integrated into this data path in its entirety. The overall system of the transmission path is hence monitored. This concept, however, entails the disadvantage that individual failed or faulty components cannot be located. This disadvantage is substantially more serious when the fault modes of isolated transmission components are considered. When mechanical sliding contact arrays, especially slip rings, are used for signal transmission various fault constellations may occur. When, in the simplest case, the sliding path is soiled, for instance, this may result in sporadic failure events. Such faults can often still be absorbed by a system fault correction function. As soon as the first sporadic transmission faults occur it is possible in such a case to clean the system again and to repair it. When, however, the carbon or graphite brushes are worn to a maximum extent, very massive faults occur in transmission suddenly because in such a case the brushes lift off the sliding path and can no longer establish a contact. Here, a pre-signalling period from the first failure up to total breakdown is comparatively short. The effects are substantially more serious in non-contacting transmission paths. When, for example, the transmitter output power decreases continuously, due to electronic components ageing, it is possible that one day the signal amplitude will drop below the input response threshold of the receiver and that data transmission is no longer possible. This may result in an abrupt system breakdown without pre-signalling interval. In the case of liquid transmitters, the leakage of slight quantities of liquid is sufficient to result in serious damage to neighbouring electronic components or other parts.

In the description presented here a distinction is not made between stationary and mobile because such a distinction is only a question of the definition of the reference system.


The invention is therefore based on the problem of designing a system that is capable of diagnosing its own condition in a simple and low-cost manner.

The problem is solved with the provisions defined in claim 1. Expedient improvements are the subject matters of the dependent claims.

In accordance with the invention, a diagnosis unit is associated with the mobile units, which is capable of determining critical parameters of the transmission unit and of communicating them further to a central analyser unit. What is essential for the proper functioning of the diagnosis system is the aspect that it determines parameters relevant for the quality in transmission directly at the site of the transmission system. For example, it is possible to perform one global measuring of the noise for assessing a complete transmission system consisting of one or several transmitter units, feed lines or connecting elements, respectively. When the noise increases beyond a threshold value it is possible merely to establish that this threshold is exceeded but the origin of the noise cannot be localise. However, a diagnosis unit associated directly with the transmitter unit is suitable to solve specifically this problem. Similar facts apply to liquid transmission systems or other media transmission systems, for example, where a drop in pressure is to be diagnosed.

According to a particularly expedient embodiment of the invention, a diagnosis unit is associated with at least one of the components of the electric transmission system in the event that an electric transmission system is provided. As a result, the electric transmission system can be diagnosed directly at the site of the transmission means.

Another expedient embodiment of the invention consists in the provision that in the event of a sliding contact array a diagnosis unit is associated with the unit including the mobile sliding contacts. This unit of the mobile sliding contact, which is frequently referred to as support of the contact springs, as carbon brush mount or even as brush block, supports the contact springs, the graphite or carbon contact elements or other contact materials. By contrast to the other contact component, i.e. the sliding path, the stronger wear mostly occurs here. For this reason, a diagnosis unit should preferably be associated here.

In another expedient embodiment of the invention, a diagnosis unit is preferably associated with the receiver in the case of an active transmission means. In the event of active systems, which employ electronic components for signal transmission, the receiver is the most critical component because in such a case the lowest signal levels occur with interference that can mostly not be neglected. Specifically in such a case, a diagnosis unit capable of still evaluating the signal-to-noise ratio at option is particularly important. An optional diagnosis unit is capable of diagnosing the signal levels in the transmitter.

According to a further advantageous embodiment of the invention, several diagnosis units are interconnected by a common bus system. With this provision, a particularly simple architecture of the installation is possible particularly in rather large-size systems. Apart therefrom, a simple extension of existing systems is possible by the plain addition of further transmitter units with diagnosis units. Examples of preferred bus systems appearing to be particularly appropriate are CAN systems, Profibus, Interbus or other field bus systems.

In another expedient embodiment of the invention, transmitter units are provided between the mobile units for transmitting the signals of the bus system so that an analyser unit is required only on one side of the transmission system. This means that in the event of a mechanical slip ring, for example, that slip ring paths are provided for the transmission of the bus signals between the mobile units. Likewise, the signals may also be transmitted, for example, via a multiplex system in addition to other information that is to be transmitted anyhow. When the transmitter unit includes a high-speed bus system this system may also be used to transmit the signals of the bus system between the mobile units in a time-based multiplexing method.

According to a further expedient embodiment of the invention, at least one diagnosis unit comprises at least a microprocessor or a micro controller. The micro controller serves the purpose of evaluating the sensor signals or to signal measured values or signalling information to other units, respectively.

In another advantageous embodiment of the invention, optionally a display means is provided on the diagnosis unit, which displays the condition of the transmission means preferably in an optical or acoustical manner, respectively. In a preferred case, the status of the transmission system can be established directly on the diagnosis unit. Hence, an additional display unit or an additional diagnosis system, respectively, is required. For instance, signalling can be performed here by audible alarms, by a signalling tone or a succession of sounds, or even in the output of plain language, and optionally also by optical alarm means such as lamps or light-emitting diodes or even by the output of a text.

According to a further expedient embodiment, at least one diagnosis unit comprises a display means for optionally displaying critical operating parameters, in particular, such as the period of operation, the period of operation still remaining, the maintenance interval or, in the case of transmission with slip contacts, the extent of wear or the contact material still left. Hence, the appropriate user or the servicing engineer has immediate access to the relevant parameters of the transmission system. Optionally, further additional information may be provided as to the maintenance intervals or components to be exchanged.

Another embodiment of the invention provides for monitoring preferably critical electric parameters such as the signal amplitude, the signal-to-noise ratio, the signal shape or even an eye pattern in the case of contacting electrical transmission. Specifically the measurement or monitoring of these electric parameters permits the assessment of the fundamental functional integrity of the transmission system. For example, the magnitude of the contact noise furnishes a summary value denoting the quality of the transmission system. This is certainly an informative parameter for ensuring that electric signals are to be transmitted to the transmission system, as the contact noise takes a substantial influence on the quality in transmission.

A further embodiment of the invention provides for monitoring preferably critical mechanical parameters such as the signal amplitude, the signal-to-noise ratio, the signal development or even eye patterns.

According to another embodiment of the invention, critical mechanical parameters such as the condition of the contacts or the length of the carbon brushes and physical parameters are monitored in the case of a contacting electrical transmission. A number of physical parameters take a substantial influence on the quality in transmission particularly in the components directly involved in the signal transmission. A particularly good example of this is the length of the carbon contacts in a mechanical slip ring. With a long carbon length, the carbon pressing spring is strongly compressed so that a high pressing force is achieved as well, which results in comparatively low contact noise. As wear progresses the pressing force is reduced, with contact noise exhibiting a continuous slight increase. When the carbon is now ground far beyond its wear limit the transmission is stopped from a certain point onwards. In such a case, the inventive diagnosis system is hence envisaged for monitoring the length of the carbon and to signal an imminent requirement to exchange the carbon in due time, before transmission fails. The monitoring of the mechanical parameters completes the previously described monitoring of the electric parameters. For example, it is possible to detect on the basis of the measurement of the contact noise that the transmission system no longer satisfies the requirements. The measurement of the physical parameters such as the length of the carbon elements also permits the detection of the cause of such a behaviour when, for instance, the carbon element is already ground off excessively.

According to another embodiment of the invention, optionally relevant mechanical or physical parameters are detected. Examples of such parameters may be true running or concentricity, axial eccentricity or also the distance or the track guidance of the mobile units. Specifically such mechanical or physical parameters take a serious influence on the function, in both contacting and non-contacting data transmission installations and particularly in media transmission installations. For example, in contacting slip rings exhibiting a high number of revolutions, variations in height or level in an order of 0.1 mm may cause such a strong contact noise that these elements can hardly be used for signal transmission. According to the present invention, the diagnosis unit is hence equipped with sensors and appropriate analyser circuits or algorithms, which permit the detection of such variations. with sensors and appropriate analyser circuits or algorithms, respectively, which permit the detection of such variations. For example, a change in level or position can be expediently detected with an inductive approach sensor.

Another embodiment provides for a diagnosis unit that is so designed that it monitors the communication between external signal sources or sinks communicating with each other by means of the transmission unit and the associated transmission unit. Thus, not only the transmitter unit as such is monitored but additionally the communication path from or to an external signal source or signal sink, respectively, and optionally this source as such, is integrated into the monitoring function. Such a monitoring function may be implemented, for example, by the provision that the signals received in the transmitter unit are already checked. Such signal check may encompass, for instance, the signal amplitude, the line impedance, the spectral composition, eye patterns or other electric parameters, respectively. This permits an even more detailed analysis of failure or potential failure sources.

According to a further expedient embodiment of the invention, at least one diagnosis unit comprises an analyser unit that is capable of performing specific statistic analyses or trend analyses, respectively. The measured values are often not informative along. For example, the contact noise of a mechanical slip ring unit may strongly vary. In such a case, a statistical analysis may be made to gain a substantially better insight into the behaviour of the transmission system. For example, a value reflecting the probability of occurrence of contact resistance values could be referred to as a yardstick for the assessment of the quality of the transmission system. Another important means for analysis is the trend analysis. This approach permits the estimation of the future development of the properties and characteristics of a transmission system and of whether or when measures must be taken or maintenance must be carried out.


The invention will be described in the following by exemplary embodiments, without any restriction of the general inventive idea and with reference to the drawings which are referred to in all other respects as far as the disclosure of all inventive particulars is concerned that are not explained in more details in the text.

FIG. 1 shows an exemplary embodiment of an inventive system for the case of a mechanical slip ring system.

A mechanical slip ring transmitter consists of a rotor (1) and a carbon or graphite brush mount (3) with associated carbon or graphite elements for sampling the signals. A diagnosis unit (4) is associated with the graphite or carbon brush mount or the brush block, respectively, which detects the condition of the carbon elements and communicates it to a central control unit (5). Moreover, the diagnosis unit is provided with a visual display device (6) as well as a device for audible signalling of the carbon element condition.

  • 1.-16. (canceled)
  • 17. A mechanical slip ring system, comprising: a mechanical slip ring transmitter including: a rotor; anda brush mount including brushes, wherein the brushes are in contact with the rotor; anda diagnosis unit associated with at least one of the rotor and the brush mount for monitoring at least one of the electrical parameters of signal amplitude, signal-to-noise ratio, signal shape, or eye pattern.
  • 18. The mechanical slip ring system according to claim 17, further comprising a central control unit coupled to the diagnosis unit.
  • 19. The mechanical slip ring system according to claim 17, further comprising a common bus system and wherein the diagnosis unit is coupled to the common bus system.
  • 20. The mechanical slip ring system according to claim 17, wherein the diagnosis unit includes a visual display and/or an audible signaling device.
  • 21. A mechanical slip ring system, comprising: a mechanical slip ring transmitter including: a rotor; anda brush mount including brushes, wherein the brushes are in contact with the rotor; andexternal signal sources or sinks communicating with each other by means of said mechanical slip ring transmitter;wherein a diagnosis unit is associated with at least one of the rotor and the brush mount for monitoring the communication of said external signal sources or sinks.
  • 22. The mechanical slip ring system according to claim 21, further comprising a central control unit coupled to the diagnosis unit.
  • 23. The mechanical slip ring system according to claim 21, further comprising a common bus system and wherein the diagnosis unit is coupled to the common bus system.
  • 24. The mechanical slip ring system according to claim 21, wherein the diagnosis unit includes a visual display and/or an audible signaling device.
  • 25. A mechanical slip ring system, comprising: a mechanical slip ring transmitter including: a rotor; anda brush mount including brushes, wherein the brushes are in contact with the rotor; anda diagnosis unit associated with at least one of the rotor and the brush mount for monitoring at least one of the electrical parameters of signal amplitude, signal-to-noise ratio, signal shape, or eye pattern, the diagnosis unit further comprises an analyzer unit that is capable of performing specific statistical analyses or trend analyses of the monitored data.
  • 26. The mechanical slip ring system according to claim 25, further comprising a central control unit coupled to the diagnosis unit.
  • 27. The mechanical slip ring system according to claim 25, further comprising a common bus system and wherein the diagnosis unit is coupled to the common bus system.
  • 28. The mechanical slip ring system according to claim 25, wherein the diagnosis unit includes a visual display and/or an audible signaling device.
  • 29. A rotary electric transmission system, comprising: an electric transmission unit including: a first component; anda second component;wherein external signal sources or sinks are communicating with each other by means of said electric transmission unit;an electric signal or an electric power is transmitted between the first component and the second component and wherein the first component is movable relative to the second component; anda diagnosis unit associated with at least one of the rotor and the brush mount for monitoring the communication of said external signal sources or sinks.
  • 30. A rotary electric transmission system, comprising: an electric transmission unit including: a first component; anda second component;wherein an electric signal or an electric power is transmitted between the first component and the second component and wherein the first component is movable relative to the second component; anda diagnosis unit associated with at least one of the first component and the second component of the electric transmission unit, wherein the diagnosis unit determines a quality of the electric signal or the electric power transmitted between the first component and the second component of the electric transmission unit;wherein the diagnosis unit further comprises an analyzer unit that is capable of performing specific statistical analyses or trend analyses of the monitored data.
Priority Claims (1)
Number Date Country Kind
100 31 005.2 Jun 2000 DE national
Continuations (1)
Number Date Country
Parent 10312525 Jun 2003 US
Child 13219428 US